AMAC in the Media

AMAC Opposes Passage of the Irresponsible HR 6800 Pelosi Omnibus Monstrous Spending Spree and Big Government Control Legislation

Posted on Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens

On behalf of  the over 2.1 million members of the Association of Mature American Citizens (“AMAC”), we strongly urge that the House of Representatives not pass H.R. 6800, entitled the ‘‘Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act’’ or the ‘‘HEROES Act.’’ 

This almost 1,800-page legislation unveiled by the House Democratic leadership on May 12 reportedly intends spend another $3 trillion for an extraordinary long wish list of which many provisions simply do not address the real issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. The enormity of this legislation, coupled with the House majority leadership intention to ram it through its chamber without genuine consideration and discussion is simply irresponsible and makes a sham of the deliberative process and considered debate intended by the Constitution for the Congress.  Neither this bill nor anything like it should ever become law.  

It is certainly proper for the Congress to respond promptly in time of national crisis, such as this pandemic.  It is wrong, however, for the Congress to exploit the crisis and attendant fear to set the stage for increasing federal power and control over  Americans and for irresponsible spending that will ultimately require increased taxation of the American people and impede economic and job growth.   

Here are but a few illustrative components of the many untoward character, content, and provisions in this bill. For example, it: 

  • Spends with abandon in an effort to increase the American people’s dependence on the federal aid, rather than reignite the economy and enable them to return to their jobs; 
  • Ignores or tries to circumvent the Constitution right of the States to run elections  by attempting to federalize and take control of how states must run elections, including early voting, no ID requirement for in-person voting, same-day registration, and enables post-election mail-in ballots without restrictions on post-election partisan ballot harvesting to change election outcomes; 
  • Provides direct stimulus payments to illegal aliens by simply not requiring social security number verification by an applicant; 
  • Plays for political gain by rewarding states for their years of fiscal mismanagement, and impose that debt burden on the all US taxpayers; 
  • Bails out failing multi-employer pension plans without including any real reforms; 
  • Radically expands the CARES Act paid leave employer mandates by extending the mandates for an extra year, applying them to all employers, including small businesses, allowing more categories of leave to be compensated, and subjecting small businesses to lawsuits for alleged violations; and   
  • Shamelessly throws billions at totally unrelated “wish list” projects like funding new annual studies on diversity and inclusion within the cannabis industry. 

The Members of the House should reject this bill and refocus on doing what is really needed.    

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4 years ago

Recovery is going to take a long, slow time and plenty of effort by. All. ?PELOSI AND DEMS WORTHLESS OVERSPENDING IS NOT THE ANSWER? perhaps, this is a futile attempt to get the Public to think they are doing something to support America, esp since this is big Election Year Or perhaps. They want to bankrupt us all in order to keep blaming Potus for their poor insight and on going poor performance record?



4 years ago

we need to put everyone back to work. We are dangerously close to losing our country to socialism, which will make us third world,unable to do for ourselves, let alone other countries. that is what democrats are working toward. What happened to the idea of teaching history in schools? Nothing is free, but people who have no knowledge of history and especially the history of countries–all countries–who tried socialism and are stuck with it are willing to vote in anyone who promises they get their livelihood without working for it!

4 years ago

Get the pork out of this bill and just help the american people. They are the ones that will have to eventually pay back the money with their taxes. We don’t want to bailout the irresponsible states who have over spent.

Lee McQuillen
Lee McQuillen
4 years ago

Same as Obamacare – Pass the bill and then you can see what’s in it. Make it so long that no one really knows what’s in it. I wrote both my senators and the President and told them no more stimulus – the American people can handle this without the government interfering. And I told the Dem senator, in addition, to get out of our way. We’ll fix it ourselves. Americans can handle anything they need to without the government getting in the way.

Jackie Hoefler
Jackie Hoefler
4 years ago

The so-called stimulus bills will not stimulate the economy because the stay-at-home workers are not producing anything of value. At best call them rescue pkgs. One bill was enough and is being scammed by fraudulent employers and workers who will not go back to work now that they are being called back. This latest House bill is out of the question–just liberal left ideas gone amuck. Those bills are spending money the government does not have, and therefore will devalue the dollar. Future generations will bear the brunt of this. Free up the people who are not sick, and let them get back to gainful work. Keeping our country locked down will destroy it, which is what China wanted all along. We are being destroyed from within by the “globalists” who want no borders, and a world-wide government, and favor China’s dominance.

4 years ago

This is insanity. Drop this in the trash can when it hits the Senate. No way are we going to give away all this money to the states. This is not worth the paper it is written on. We’ve spent enough already on the scam.

Kim M
Kim M
4 years ago

She’s crazy like a fox. Figure out her true motives and vote this down in the senate. She has motives… the upcoming elections are what she’s hoping for….

Robert Wood
Robert Wood
4 years ago

The democrats want our constitution torn up and replaced by their own socialist agenda. I am a democrat and I call them traitors.

Timothy B Mowery
Timothy B Mowery
4 years ago

Stop the insanity

4 years ago

Tear this one up and throw it in the trash on TV!

4 years ago

Pelosi and the vast majority of democrats want to destroy America. Money for freeloaders and who cares about law abiding citizens.

Richard Kunz
Richard Kunz
4 years ago

Speaker Pelosi believes Congress is nonessential! Collecting salaries

Richard Kunz
Richard Kunz
4 years ago

Congress is nonessential accordingly to Speaker Pelosi

Harry J Welsh
Harry J Welsh
4 years ago

If all congressmen were not present how can they vote in the first place? I am retired now but when I worked if I did not show up I did not get paid, it’s as simple as that. Elected officials are grossly overpaid and do not know who they work for anymore. The bill itself is a disgrace and I think congress’s real goal is to bankrupt the country so we will be willing to accept their socialist command ideas. Trump may not be perfect but he is far better than any of these spineless professionals. Their profession should require them to carry mattresses on their backs.

4 years ago

Never get pass the senate
Americans want to get back to work. Unleash the American economy and get out of the way !

Andrew Crouch
Andrew Crouch
4 years ago

The bill’s failure would make good our chances of retaining our the democracy that Pelosi wants to convert to a dictatorship, for awhile anyway.

Monte Gibson
Monte Gibson
4 years ago

This should not get by the senate

4 years ago

I am totally opposed to most of what is going on today. We need to act like Americans!

4 years ago

I THINK WE GOT ENOUGH! We are in to deep now. It will take a life time to pay off now if we ever do

Ronald Mowrey
Ronald Mowrey
4 years ago

Complete corruption. There is no intention on the part of the democrats to actually work with the republicans on a responsible comprehensive plan. Democrats hate Trump so much they would rather destroy the country to make him look bad. They put so much pork in this bill that bails out mismanaged democratic controlled cities that we all would be paying for. Let them reap the rewards of their stupidity. Pelosi should take a hike and jump off a cliff and maybe the other dumbocrats will follow her.

4 years ago

Term limits could stop these Pelosi type long term cash grabs.

Thomas Rico
Thomas Rico
4 years ago

Absolutely ridiculous!!!

4 years ago

What else can we expect from the liberal progressive left? I am getting extremely tired of all the talk. I am an action person and come November we can all do our part by voting. I was so proud and happy to be able to vote in person for the primary in the state we moved to from the beautiful state of WA (physically not politically) where we HAD to vote by mail. I will be 80 in June this year and have attended Universities and worked in places (here and overseas) and at times that most people would be so afraid to even visit or go to. I am finally fed up with those who only talk and do nothing. It is so easy to hide behind our comments on these sort of venues. It is another thing to take a list of the House members, the Senators and governors and spend time to call and leave messages. If we all did this and we could change one heart then we will have taken action. I have decided to call out some of these people who have tried so hard to oppress those Americans in their states (governors). I will always be against those people who did not prepare for any contingency in their lives (personally or professionally). My husband immigrated to this country (legally) and became a citizen after being born in Berlin in 1938 and ending up behind the iron curtain until the age of 18. He is now having flashbacks and dreams about the end of WW 2 and being so limited in movement by the GREAT LEADER (I have to laugh) Joseph Stalin. So in closing I ask you to take to heart what I have said here but more of what I have not said and call these people (give the ones who agree with you an “atta boy” and for the others explain (nicely) why you cannot stand any more of the real stupidity in this country. And please vote with your true heart this November. We have this last one chance to vote all the “Useful Idiots” out at ALL levels. I am watching anyone who is working to beat these governors, senators and house members who only have the quest for power in mind and want this country to be a communist run type of country. Believe me having worked in the soviet union and the middle east and not being the “dummy” that these people think I am I can speak out and will continue to do so as long as there is breath in my body. Thank you for reading this from an old lady, Carol

David A Stevenson
David A Stevenson
4 years ago

And to think that at 78 I thought I’d miss the next “American” Revolution; well its looking like that just may not happen. As noted below, “these scumbag’s just are not getting the message. Between the Congressional leadership, the .01% scum found in the Bureau and DOJ; not to now mention a Federal Justice, I until this week had respect for abusing his office. Well it isn’t going to take much should the next national election place these conniving, contriving SOB’s in power……….should that happen and all sense of right and wrong leave our socialists brethren; well then its game on.

Ollie Octopus
Ollie Octopus
4 years ago

Dr. Won Hung Lo Beaksnoot
Board Certified Infectious Disease
Specialist, Expert Meat Cutter
and Auto Mechanic


Q: Doctor, what is your opinion on how the government is fighting the Corona Virus?
A: Can tell you stupid and no study facts. Government enabling, no fighting.

Q: Why do you say that?
A: What a dumb question. Study facts. Government say person 107 years old, have heart transplant, have diabetes, and on oxygen die of Corona if tested positive after heart attack. Death certificate read Corona Virus.

Q: But, Doctor, how about all the C. V. deaths? If we can save just one person. isn’t all of this worth it?
A: Dumb question. For every save one , government causing 400 small business people to lose life savings. My cousin, Hung Wy High, own Chinese restaurant. He lose business, no business-no money. Lose house, car, and employees go welfare. They lose house, car, homeless.

Q: Is it advantageous to wear a mask when out in public?
A: Are you stupid? Only if you ugly or about hold up liquor store.

Q: Well, how come the news media and politicians encourage these practices?
A: News media lie crazy. Politicians want more power. Pass new laws to get power.

Q: Do you believe there is a vaccine for the coronavirus?
A: You aren’t thinking. There no vaccine against common cold, and coronaviruses are cold viruses. Try eating fried snake gizzards. They good as vaccine. Coronavirus attack lungs. Take out lung.

Q: Doctor, is there anything more dangerous than Smith-Corona Virus?
A: There one thing.

Q: Well, what is it?
A: An out of control rising national debt! It destroy children, grand-children, country.

Burton Pauly
Burton Pauly
4 years ago

Pelosi’s bill is irresponsible, asinine, loaded with suppurational BS. If the senate passes this bill they are ignorant. Please use your common sense Congress.

Sal Ruiz
Sal Ruiz
4 years ago

The Dems are good at preying on the hardships of the citizens of this country by throwing tax payer dollars at them and making it seem as though they have our interest in mind when all they’re doing is making people dependent on federal aid and federal control. That’s all we need is another liberal California or Liberal New York running the country!!

Dennis Hibbard
Dennis Hibbard
4 years ago

It makes no sence to borrow money when we are deep in debt. Quit giving money away to other countries and take care of America. I bet the pusher man is busy I know several addics that blew the money on drugs.

4 years ago

It passed in the house. Please Mr. President VETO this monstrosity !

Sgt Pops
Sgt Pops
4 years ago

Pelosi must think she’s totally unrestricted and can rewrite the entire Constitution. This old Sarge is getting really tired of her attitude.

4 years ago

These scum actually passed this bill on Friday. They know it will never go anywhere but now can put the blame on the Republicans and Trump, saying they don’t care about us. Please people, whatever you do, vote in November and put these libs out to pasture. They can then rest at home and live off their pension paid by us.

4 years ago

These scum actually passed this bill on Friday. They know it will never go anywhere but now can put the blame on the Republicans and Trump, saying they don’t care about us. Please people, whatever you do, vote in November and put these libs out to pasture. They can then rest at home and live off their pension paid by us.

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