AMAC in the Media

AMAC Action Statement on the Democrats’ Federal Takeover of Elections Bill

Posted on Friday, June 18, 2021
AMAC Action

electionsSenate Majority Leader Schumer (D-NY) is using an arcane Senate procedure to bring S. 1 to the Senate floor the week of June 21 but has reintroduced it as S. 2093.  It simply carries forward all the horribles of S.1, but just under another number. S. 2093, like its siblings S.1 and H.R. 1. It is an unabashed and insidious effort to gain one-party – Democrat – national control of all elections and squash the Constitutional primacy of the states for the conduct of elections, under the false guise of election reform, but in fact, intending to do the opposite and enabling election fraud.  Among other egregious provisions, S. 2093:

    • Negates state voter ID requirements.
    • Virtually eliminates any restrictions on vote-by-mail.
    • Requires states to offer online registration.
    • Requires states to allow same day registration and voting.
    • Requires “automatic’ voter registration by the state of those who would otherwise be eligible to register to vote.
    • Effectively permits “voter harvesting (trafficking)” – picking up and delivering bundles of votes by making it a crime to interfere with those “assisting others to vote.”

Moreover, it enables partisan control of the Federal Elections Commission by reducing the Commission from 6 to 5 members, thereby effectively facilitating one party oversight of federal elections and campaign finance laws.

Further, to add insult to injury, it provides that for every dollar contributed to a federal candidate, five more dollars from the US Treasury would go that candidate – forcing Americans tax dollars to support all candidates for re-election, such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should she run again or the infamous members of “The Squad, like AOC.

Finally, S.2093, like H.R. 1 and S. 1 assaults our First Amendment right to freedom of political speech.  In its effort to go after donors to conservative organizations, it would subject citizens who contribute to nonprofit organizations to political harassment and intimidation by making their personal information available in a searchable government database. It would also force groups to publicly identify their supporters on the face of the ads themselves. It is in no way a “voting rights” bill and should be defeated.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

I don’t believe this will ever reach SCOTUS… In a rare moment of agreement with Mitch McConnell as I personally find the man reprehensible, he is correct in stating, i.e. H.R.1 & S.1 will never pass. The filibuster will make it DOA… That said however, watch Pelosi & Schumer closely, for those two have the devil in them as they have shown continuously just how devious they truly are & all in the name of holding onto power no matter the costs…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

Isn’t this unconstitutional?

3 years ago

Stop this

3 years ago

“Senate Majority Leader Schumer (D-NY) is using an arcane Senate procedure to bring S. 1 to the Senate floor the week of June 21 but has reintroduced it as S. 2093.” 

I agree this is an evil & destructive bill, no doubt about it. I’m curious what arcane Senate procedure is being used to bring S. 1 to the floor & also, what is the significance of changing the bill to S. 2093?

Don’t give up hope in the SCOTUS just yet. After all, they actually had a 9 to 0 decision in favor of Catholic Charities to choose married couples, male & female, to be foster parents, according to their faith.

We are told to pray for our leaders, period. Not just when they are the ones we like or of the same political mindset as we are. We can defeat this by praying against its evil ambitions in the Name of Jesus Christ.

3 years ago

Anyone who votes for this will be violating their oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States, since this is clearly unconstitutional; and they all know it. I sincerely hope that, in the event they should actually pass this, the Supreme Court will be prepared to vote it down.

3 years ago

I guess it’s time to see if we have elected the right representative to put a stop to the democrats.Time to take the gloves off.

3 years ago

The Democrats are doing everything they can to gain one party dictatorship over the country– another end run.

3 years ago

The Democrats are doing everything they can to gain one party dictatorship over the country– another end run.

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