
Elections , Newsline

Hoary Harris’ Mush-Gush Show

Posted on Tuesday, September 3, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Hoary does not mean what you think. It means trite, worn out, eye-rollingly tiresome. Mush-gush aims to capture the outpouring of self-serving gobbledygook last week made by Harris as “news.” Her so-called “press conference” was shocking, really. 

To call CNN’s spoon feeding of Gerber questions to Harris and Walz, with “did you mean this, or did you mean that” pre-answers, and watching incoherent words emerge, was just embarrassing.

Nothing like a press conference, more a poorly rehearsed SNL skit, this performance – aimed at making Harris look serious beside a nodding sidekick, Tim Walz, was almost comical.

As the out-of-touch Harris strung words together in hard-to-decipher, run-on sentences, Waltz looked like a parent on back-to-school night, legs crunched under a desk too small, hands folded, his own deflections about drunk driving at 96 mph and then claiming to be deaf, or pretending to be a combat vet, claiming a rank he never achieved, and then ducking deployment – pathetic.

Simply put: The display was all anyone should need to decide their vote. It was a “please depart the stage” bad joke. These two are a fraud, immature, self-righteous, juggling untruths, assuming CNN will cover. To CNN’s discredit, they tried and failed.

Like nervous adolescents in a high school play, or kids caught lying, these two just dug themselves in deeper with denials, missing how unbelieving their audience is. They seem to think “say it enough times…” works. People are tired of that.

Harris, who demonized “fracking” to get energy costs down, was suddenly all for it. Having lambasted Republicans for serious border policies, supporting Customs, Border Patrol, and DEA, trying to build a sovereignty-protecting wall to stop illegals and drugs, she was now for a wall.

Harris, having pushed inflation to nine percent, interest to a 22-year high with overspending, overregulation, and “green new everything,” crushing Americans, now will fix it. Having set the fiscal forest on fire, she will put the mess out. Guilt notwithstanding, how? More spending, taxes, and regulations – aimed at fixing  what she and her sad, deposed boss destroyed.

Harris, having thrashed Israel, is now for them. Having denied them weapons and munitions for self-defense, and thrown in with the anti-semitic mobs, she says she never meant it.

Harris, having pushed socialist medicine, federal energy control, unrestricted corporate censorship, federal information policing, bankrupting gun manufacturers, and outlawing plastic straws, now loves “freedom” – with a sidekick who set up “hotlines” to help neighbors “inform” on maskless neighbors. You cannot make this up, pure Soviet, pretending it never happened.

Harris, who was a terrible California AG, hid behind the title. Federal courts lectured her for violating constitutional rights of prisoners and innocents, practiced law-fare, and she shrugs.

Harris is “proud” of the deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan, giving the country to terrorists, plying them with hundreds of millions plus billions in weapons. On her watch, we lost more Americans in one day than in the whole prior year, and left 100,000 brave allies there to die.

Harris then got the wink from CNN, a pass on accountability for appeasing Iran with billions, helping trigger wars in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, covering for a senile, incompetent, corrupt Biden, and being part of a team that pocketed millions from China and Ukraine.

Throughout the interview, Harris spouted words that would have earned an F on a term paper, incompressible, vague, evasive, flatly untrue, even leaving the questioner stumped at times.

So, was it a “good day” for Harris-Walz? Well, as most media gave them a pass, left the drivel unreported, perhaps so. But the noxious, tight-lipped, we-are-just-smarter look tell the story.

Democrats relieved not to be watching Joe mutter and mumble will have watched with confirmation bias, pouring content into emptiness. Those with high tolerance for mush-gush may have imagined they heard something.

But the rest of America saw cocky nothingness, a dangerously empty ticket, media again covering for the indefensible, two pasts littered with leftist actions people still suffer under.

On display was a pair of shameful, audacious deceivers, trying to play cute and cudgel demoralized Americans into submission, using fear, modeling what disinformation looks like.

Other than that…these two looked great, a presidential nominee who never stood in a primary for president, and a vice presidential nominee who stiff-arms truth, nods at hoary Harris’ mush-gush. Welcome to the Harris-Walz Show. Shocking, really.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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1 month ago

Are We the People GUARANTEED that the Democrats WON’T STEAL THE PRESIDENTCY AGAIN? . . . Why don’t I feel comfortable that this won’t happen again?

1 month ago

RBC, not quite sure how to comment. The H-W interview was definitely comical but not up to SNL standards (MSM/CNN standards). The real question is how many people watched this dismal showing and realized how ridiculous it was. The standard turnabout of how this duo will change for the BETTER (LOL) will certainly dupe some of the people, who will continue to support their agenda blindly. Of course, this is the MASTER PLAN of the Left – continue the deception, misdirection and lies.

1 month ago

I am no longer able to agree to disagree with good neighbors/friends who live near me who now have Harris signs up along our main road. I thought these people were educated, well spoken and used common sense. Now, I simply cannot wrap my brain around their support for Harris, unless I simply call it Never Trumpism. I am shocked that they are willing to sacrifice America due to their TDS. So sad but I no longer trust these people.

M Fuller
M Fuller
1 month ago

This do called interview was Despicable. I’m so tired of MSNBC and CNN being so biased. They treat Republicans with such disrespect that it’s nauseating. Then bitterly swoon over Democrats especially Nit wit Harris that couldn’t answer a hardball question if they were to give her one. I kept waiting for Dana Bash to lean over and give Harris a big kiss.

1 month ago

Can’t say I disagree with Mr. Charles’ account of the constant, patronizing, non-messaging from this “candidate”. Having had Obama, and and then Biden, in office during the past 2 of 3 terms, I would prefer to hear the voice of actual leadership.
Those “Democrats” hate Trump for proving them wrong on the economy, and also for putting working Americans first. Trump recognizes the needs and the contributions of hard-working Americans, and he does not sacrifice their needs to those from whom the “Democrats” “buy” their votes. Despicable.

1 month ago

Watch Harris get covid so she can miss the debate or do it by phone with a network camara set up

1 month ago

This is all in a day’s work for our “Democrat” candidates, who still hold out on telling us that they actually DON’T want “Democracy”…

1 month ago

no debate, dems can’t answer questions “what are her policies?”

1 month ago

This election should be a slam dunk. The fact that it is not is very scary for our country. Never forget 81M voted for them last election. It’s obvious it doesn’t matter who they run, it is the progressive far left agenda they are choosing. Just like Biden is NOT running the country, neither will she.

1 month ago

I have a very gut feeling that the Democrats will do everything in their power to steal this 2024 election. They have done it in 2020 so, they are empower to do it again this election. Who are counting the votes? Democrats of course. The fact that the poll workers are majority Democrats and these Democrats are so dishonest that they will not blink an eye to manipulate the results. Case in point, I’ve read an article that only 50 Republicans and the bulk of it were 2,300 Democrats were hired as poll workers in a particular State (I forgot the name of the State). Imagine in all the rest of the States, there surely a disparity of the no. of poll workers. Democrats don’t care and they are open in their actions to steal in this election because they have not been held accountable on the last election. We need to form our own country and divide the U.S. into conservative on one side and liberals on the other side.

1 month ago

“Pouring content onto emptiness “. Thats a great summation of the idiocy of dem voters in general. They’re going to try a reprise of 2008.

1 month ago

The real problem is that uneducated, ill-informed voters cannot separate wheat from chaff. The rest of us will suffer for it and hope we can outnumber them.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

I’ve not watched, who could, but can imagine the beyond pathetic spectacle

Richard A
Richard A
1 month ago

Just another PUPPET for the cause of the Nazi/DEM Party!

1 month ago

Doesn’t matter what we want.The Democrats took total ownership of CA by importing millions of poor immigrants.Combine that with older conservatives dying off.That is the plan for the whole country and I don’t think it can be stopped.Many red states aren’t as populated as CA was,so the Dems should have an easier time taking ownership.So,take care of your own situtation,since the trend isn’t your friend.

1 month ago

Just like when they asked Watz about his time in the service he just changed the subject to his being a teacher, He is such a clown, can’t see him as a vp.

1 month ago

No discussion, Mr. Charles nailed the whole enchilada—great prose.

1 month ago


Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 month ago

Tweedle Dum is alive and well. Kyle L.

1 month ago

Democrats are so deluded they will probably use their voting privilege to write-in Joe Biden for President.

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