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Kamala’s Campaign of Paradoxes

Posted on Tuesday, September 3, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan

From the very moment Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the presidential race and tapped Kamala Harris to take his place, the Harris campaign has been submerged in a spectacle of fawning adoration and groveling praise from the corporate media and political ruling class. This phenomenon has insulated Harris from a close inspection of her record and policy platform—framing her campaign in the eyes of the public as a lovefest based on, in the words of some journalists, “vibes.”

But underneath the bombast, slavish media fanfare, and even Harris’s own record of extremism lies a foundation of contradictions, mistruths, and deceits that—when faced with even an iota of scrutiny—are too overwhelming to ignore. In short, Kamala’s campaign is a campaign of paradoxes—and while the media continues to look the other way, voters are entitled to hear the truth.

The most glaring example of Kamala’s flagrant dishonesty has been her repeated claim that she is running to preserve democracy.

“As president, I will never waver in defense of America’s security and ideals, because in the enduring struggle between democracy and tyranny, I know where I stand and I know where the United States belongs,” she said during her nomination acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention (DNC).

In a similar vein, Kamala has repeatedly insisted that her campaign is powered by the “people”—a jarring claim given that she did not receive a single vote, and her nomination unceremoniously disenfranchised 14 million Democrat primary voters who cast their ballots for Joe Biden earlier this year.

Moreover, Kamala has refused to show voters the respect they deserve. Since she emerged as the presumptive Democrat nominee more than a month ago, she has sat for exactly one interview (with friendly CNN) and has not held a press conference. Her campaign website has yet to even outline her basic policy views.

Another hallmark of Kamala’s campaign thus far has been her go-to tagline—which was repeated countless times at the DNC in Chicago—that “we are not going back.”

“But America, we are not going back. We are not going back. We are not going back,” she exclaimed to thunderous applause at the United Center. Similarly, in her first public remarks after she was elevated as her party’s presumptive nominee in July, Harris stated that “Donald Trump wants to take our country backward to a time before many of our fellow Americans had full freedoms and rights.” By contrast, she claimed, her campaign believes “in a brighter future that makes room for all Americans.”

There are several great ironies in this claim—perhaps chief among them is that American voters are, by every indication, clamoring to go back to the Trump years of economic prosperity, peace abroad, and safety and security at home.

Also ironic in Harris’s comment is the fact that she has spent virtually zero time on the campaign trail speaking about her record as vice president and as the most liberal member of the United States Senate. Instead, she herself has “gone back” to cherry-pick positive anecdotes from her time as a prosecutor, District Attorney, and California’s Attorney General—opting to frame herself as a political newcomer who bears no responsibility for her own laundry list of failures.

If Kamala were serious about her campaign’s call to “not go back,” of course, she would not hesitate to outline in detail her plans for a hypothetical Harris-Walz administration. As such, in the end, her “backwards” mantra is nothing more than a gaslighting campaign meant to whitewash her own record as vice president and obscure her views on important policy matters.

Using her tenure as a prosecutor and California’s Attorney General as a backdrop, Kamala has also ridiculously suggested that she is the candidate of law and order—and has sought to make the rule of law one of the key pillars of her campaign. But the facts paint a decidedly different picture.

Throughout her political career, Kamala has called for defunding the police, flirted with dismantling Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), compared ICE agents to members of the KKK, bailed violent looters and rioters out of jail during the riots of summer 2020, and openly supported abolishing cash bail. According to the Biden-Harris administration’s own crime data, Harris has presided over a 43 percent increase in violent crime—including a 58 percent increase in rape, an 89 percent increase in aggravated assault, and a 56 percent increase in robbery.

Yet another instance of Kamala’s bizarre projection and deceit is her campaign’s assertion that Republicans are “weird”—even though her movement prides itself on policing pronouns, castrating children, and valorizing drag queens.

Meanwhile, Tim Walz, the man responsible for bringing the “weird” attack line into the mainstream, has distributed tampons to boys as young as eight years old in Minnesota public schools, signed a law making it possible for pedophiles to claim human rights protection, and supports the right of the state to take custody of minors to give them “sex change” surgeries without parental consent. How’s that for “weird”?

But the Harris campaign’s long list of paradoxes does not end there.

At the Democrat Convention, party operatives notably sought to appropriate traditional American aesthetics that have long been associated with the GOP, including country music, camouflage hats, a sea of American flags, and “USA” signs, ostensibly designed to fool unassuming voters into believing that Democrats are now the party of patriotism.

But to anyone who watched even parts of the convention, it quickly became evident that Harris’s hijacking of conservative optics was nothing more than a cynical farce. After all, the same convention that sought to present itself as a safe haven for “freedom” and a bastion of American values also openly advocated for granting citizenship to illegal aliens, rolling back Second Amendment rights, imposing price controls on groceries, and killing infants in the womb up until the moment of birth.

Ultimately, no matter how hard Kamala Harris and her campaign try to normalize their party’s absurdity, vilify commonsense American values, and flagrantly lie to voters about their own well-established positions while campaigning solely on “vibes,” come November, voters are unlikely to fall for the charade.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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1 month ago

Lying Kookoo Kamala GUARANTEED would DESTROY CAPITALISM in America if she is allowed to STEAL THE PRESIDENTCY!!! And STEAL the PRESIDENTCY is EXACTLY what she and the Democratic Party Leadership PLAN to do! . . . And I don’t feel that the Republican Party has GUARANTEED that it WON’T HAPPEN AGAIN!

1 month ago

Harris is a robot for the deep-state.

Carrie FunkAW
Carrie FunkAW
1 month ago

It is vitally important that we Americans speak out against losing our freedoms. Kamala Harris needs to be scrutinized about her extreme background. Look at her disturbing lack of leadership. Note that she claims that our Southern border is “secure”. She has backed allowing millions of unvetted migrants to enter our country. Who are they? How many of them are criminals and terrorists? She has supported giving them benefits which the homeless and our vets do not get. Look at Walz and how he let Minneapolis burn. I saw the utter devastation near where my daughter lives. They will destroy our country and enrich themselves while the rest of us suffer and lose. VOTE REPUBLICAN !!

1 month ago

The red diaper anchor baby offers nothing to the prosper of this country. She has NO ties to the history or foundation of this country nor does she intend to. Hard to believe that the democratic Party has allowed her to run for POTUS with essentially no primary or votes, seeming how they are always spouting Democracy!

Richard Hennessy,
Richard Hennessy,
1 month ago

When a candidate lacks any real values, politics are substituted and the political advantage can shift rapidly. Thus there is no firm position on anything substantial.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

This article describes her as if she is her own woman and it is misleading She is only a willing tool of the radical left and says and does as she is told. Her brain absorbed the radical ideology when young and is the only one she has. She is one of more than many .Does not matter if the name is Kamala, Jane or Mary Like the saying says, you reap what you’ve sawn .I pray for a miracle.

Stephen Leonard
Stephen Leonard
1 month ago

The tragedy, potentially lethal for “our democracy,” is that most of the public is completely unaware of any of this. The media conspiracy to promote and protect Kamala, or Biden, or any Democrat in order to destroy President Trump, is so complete, so pervasive, so impenetrable, that vast segments of the public have no clue what the truth is. We can rant about it here, and Fox News, the NY Post, and conservative websites can publish scathing exposé after scathing exposé proving that Kamala Harris is not just abysmally unqualified to be president, she is antithetical to everything that this country stands for. But if the electorate never sees or hears it, she can still win. I have yet to see an effective way to fight back against this smothering, pervasive campaign of lies.

1 month ago

The democrat party has the media on its side. Has the judges on its side. Those controls will result in her being elected as president. No doubt about it. Many voters are so enamored with her as a person, that alone is reason enough for these people to vote for her. He who controls the press controls the masses. This article is an honest description of what is happening in America. The dem convention was nothing more than a cult adoring their God. There was no substance, no unity, no plan for all Americans or America. Only dictating and brainwashing and manipulation of the masses to go home and destroy America from within. A Harris/Walz win in november is a disaster for America and its citizens and a win for the invaders who will realize the American dream. I can say again vote TRUMP/VANCE here, only I am preaching to the choir. We need to go out and en masse tell the truth. The past 4 years we have heard nothing but lies. Everything the dems turn into hoaxes because they control the narrative by controlling the media. Minnesota has a law to turn in your neighbors and family if they don’t obey the mandates. The whole country is that way. Patriotism is a sin, religion is a sin, pro life is a sin, being a rep is a sin, no that is a crime. You are dubbed a domestic terrorist. Being a parent you are a domestic terrorist. But do the average voter know this? Of course not. The MSM never shows the millions coming across the border illegally. The looting of stores, the car jacking, the police not showing up when this is going on. Most people stay away from the inner cities. People don’t venture out after dark. Cost of living is so high people are starving, a plan of the dems to depopulate the world. The reps want to give the power back to the people. America land of opportunity. Legal immigrants realized the American dream. Not by getting a hand out from the government. No by hard work and determination. Legal immigrants years ago could not get welfare payments, healthcare or free education. The first 5 years you were on your own. You had to pay when you applied for citizenship. No amnesty. We were vetted and checked for good health. Had to pay for the visa to come here. Every 10 years you had to renew your green card if you hadn’t applied for citizenship. That also cost money. Now the dems fly them in for free and give them an allowance, a place to stay. Educate them, free healthcare and citizenship. What do they do? They rob and steal, rape and kill and take over our housing at gunpoint. And the Biden/Harris administration says nothing. These are some of the points you might tell your dem friends and family members. I know it won’t be easy. Sloppy and kameltoe have brainwashed the American people that anyone who has another opinion is to be hated, not tolerated. They keep on screaming at you. I see it every day on tv. They try to shut us up by talking over you and yelling. May God have mercy on America and its people.

Robert Adams
Robert Adams
1 month ago

K. Harris is anti-American, socialist who slept her way to where she is. She has no clue of how to adminstrer any organization or this country. She is a total failure.

Susan Webster
Susan Webster
1 month ago

One can only hope you are right about the last line — it seems like so many people are blissfully unaware.

Dave O'Neil
Dave O'Neil
1 month ago

Same Story, Different Day. A Different Writer.
How about some suggestions on How To Win.

1 month ago

She is a FAR LEFT non-campaigner who will destroy the America I grew up in, served my country in the Army, and back stab all my contemporaries who planned their retirement under rules established before we could retire and now they are changing the rules.

Richard A
Richard A
1 month ago

Here in Southern New Jersey. Harris ads TELL US ALL the bad things Trump is going to do IF he gets elected, but Harris NEVER TELLS US “what she/Democratic party is going to do!
I approve this message!

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
1 month ago

I am still unable to get past, biden’s approval rating in June 2024 was around 34%, kamala’s approval rating at the same time was about 25%. Dump joe, insert kamala … and her approval rating is through the roof? She is almost as popular as hillary was, and maybe still is. How does that happen? Did she don her super woman costume and cape, and save the world, while no one was looking? To be a democrat, and vow to vote democrat in the upcoming election, should qualify you for a long term stay in a mental asylum ….

John Lemley
John Lemley
1 month ago

Tragically, voters all over in my area are falling for the charade. I pray that it is not so in your area, or this America is over.

Bob Hellam
Bob Hellam
1 month ago

Is it “paradoxes,” or is it mistakes and lies and despotic actions to cover up?

Richard A
Richard A
1 month ago

Harris is the female version of Jeffery Epstein.
Harris put Drug dealers/users in jail while being a drug user.
Epstein shared his lavish life to other pedophiles.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 month ago

Been one since day 1 as VP

1 month ago

Usually, I can simply agree to disagree with my neighbors here in our little rural paradise in Southern OR. But, in the past 3 weeks, three Harris signs were prominently posted in neighbors yards. No surprise, since one had a Biden sign last election. I am now having a really hard time respecting these people any longer. One of them said recently that “he thought Biden was doing a good job.” That was AFTER the debate debacle and just before Biden stepped down. I actually had a modicum of respect for several of these people who are educated, well spoken and seem to be good people. How do you respect someone that is supporting Harris, who just spent years doing nothing and lying about Biden? I just can’t get by this and I suppose can’t call them “friends” any longer. Struggling with this. I’m not a Trump fan but no way on EARTH could I EVER support Harris.

1 month ago

Kamala’s platform: 1. Ignore everything I ever said, 2. Ignore everything I ever did, 3. Feel the vibe!… and oh, yeah 4. Kill more babies.

1 month ago

I certainly hope voters don’t fall for her charade, but I’m not confident of that. Given the number of her adoring fans, I believe there are many, many uneducated, ill-informed voters out there. The RNC had better have this election under control.

1 month ago

Another case of “The Emporer’s New Clothes.” Hopefully DJT can expose her naked promises during the debate (if it’s still on, I took a vacation from politics over the weekend).

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

By “paradoxes” you mean BOLD-FACED LYING? Kamala’s campaign is about as truthful as Walz’s “paradoxes” about his military service.

1 month ago

She does not represent her or the democratics true nature and there fore the inability to be truthful and straight with the American people. The deviant population, paid, lying, false, and useless are her audience, The rest of us?
a) Vote Trump and Vance
b) Vote Republicans
c) Remove this sick bunch from all roles, prosecute if laws broken, and stop be stupid.
Word on the street, is it not?

1 month ago

She says positon has never changed.. Listen and read between the lines.

1 month ago

The saddest part of this whole Kamala Harris campaign is that she presents herself as a US Constitution protector by her democracy speeches. Her actions reveal that she is not telling what her true intentions are…that is to be the first female dictator who relishes authorative power to destroy our country. She often says when she is President she will correct the economy and injustices which Biden and she caused. Her denial of responsibility is one of the “red flags” that reveals her dishonesty.
I haven’t figured out if she is really that uninformed or play acting “as mentally deficient”. I am tired of being “SNOOKERED” by insincere politicians!
At least with an imperfect Trump and Vance they have a sincere love for their country and will try to fix our problems.
Only our Creator and Sovereign God can truly fix us. Pray, pray, and Pray for His intervention!

1 month ago

Seems to me that one point of this article is that Harris is just plain clumsy at lying… which is what I have noticed while observing her.
Another aspect of this article is the suggestion that Harris attracts people who would tend to feel socially ostracized… so she can “accept” them and their votes. This has long-been a “Democrat” trait, but she seems to take it to a new level.
No doubt, anyone who’s so non-adjusted as to require coddling by a figure as seemingly misguided as Harris, has got to be desperate to feel human… and that’s what Harris does for them, with her considerable misguidance for badly miscast votes.

1 month ago

Americans will not fall for that charade? AGAIN? I would not bet against it. Cynical ain’t I? CHRIS

1 month ago

It would kill me if she wins, but with California and New York and all the “Democrat, No Matter What” voters she has a big chance to get in. Also, to look at that ugly face and brutal smile, would bother me even more

Bill Emerson
Bill Emerson
1 month ago

Thank you, AMAC and Aaron Flanigan, for keep the facts before us. I fear far to many Americans rely on what they are told and what “influencers” and celebrities tell them without doing any reading or fact-checking of their own. thank you for condensing the facts and presenting them in one place.

David Delia
David Delia
1 month ago

I don’t know if I can handle another 4 years of incompetence and corruption. The open southern border is going to hurt every American in this country. Venezuelan gangs are going door to door in Colorado causing havoc and the police don’t want to get involved, can’t blame them. Good work Joe and Kamala. The big middle finger to all Americans and they still get voted in “pathetic” To bad those with common sense have to suffer for their ignorance and self destruction of our country.

Cheryl Dillman
Cheryl Dillman
1 month ago


1 month ago

Thank AMAC Censor Bureau for the DENIAL of FREE SPEECH.

1 month ago

Good morning to the Censor bureau.

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kamala harris
ohio state flag
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