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Ways to Tame Kitchen Chaos

Posted on Wednesday, August 14, 2024
by AMAC, D.J. Wilson

Does this sound familiar? It’s early morning. A child spills a glass of milk directly onto the mail pile sitting on the countertop. While you try to mop up the mess, the toast is burning and the eggs in the frying pan are getting overcooked –plus you can’t find the spatula to stir them. In addition to the kitchen chaos, you’re annoyed with yourself for forgetting to buy coffee on the last shopping trip.

BTDT (Been there, done that!)

UGH We’ve likely all experienced these television sitcom moments where life catches you completely off guard. Take a deep breath – there are solutions to tame kitchen chaos!

Enjoy these clever ways to tame kitchen chaos:

  • Don’t forget to restock the coffee – Take inventory and keep running lists of things you need to do and buy. Check them off once they are purchased or accomplished. Some people claim they typically forget to bring their list to the store. This can be solved by keeping lists on your iPhone using the reminders app or the notes app. Visit Two ways to take notes on your iPhone (Attach our article here.) If you prefer handwritten lists, keep them together in one visible place, such as hung on the refrigerator door. That way you’re less likely to forget them. Also, take updated photos of your written list with your cell phone as extra backup.
  • Be able to locate the spatula – Organize your kitchen through sensible placement of frequently used items. Put favorite large utensils in an attractive utensil holder so that you can quickly see what you need, grab it, and use it. For drawers, donate doubles and utensils you don’t use, want, or need. For example, if you don’t typically use 5 ice cream scoops at a time, but you own 5, keep your two favorites and get rid of the rest. Put like items together whenever possible, such as placing all cheese knives in the same drawer. Also keep most used items toward the front of drawers and least used toward the back. Contain small items whenever possible so you won’t have to dig around inside the drawers for them.
  • Don’t burn the toast – Multitasking is challenging for most people, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Whenever possible, delegate tasks to others. When this is not possible, slow down and do tasks one at a time. For example, cook the eggs first and take them off the heat when nearly done to allow them to finish cooking in the pan. Then, make the toast. Also, do things ahead. For example, if you know the milk is heavy and the kids or grands are coming down for breakfast, go ahead and pour it for them instead. Using lidded insulated thermal cups can keep beverages cold while you wait for them to come downstairs for breakfast.
  • Don’t let the mail get in the way – Whenever possible, follow this simple rule. Put everything in its proper place. That way your countertops will remain clear of important mail or other items in case of spills or kitchen conundrums. Everything you own, including mail, should have a safe space to go. Not only will you safeguard your items, but you’ll know right where to look for them when you need them. Toss or donate clutter to make space for your significant items. Remember, less clutter makes cleaning a breeze!

Take advantage of ways to claim kitchen chaos!

Silly or unfortunate things happen to all of us – and even the best of us can spill milk, burn the toast, overcook the eggs, and forget to buy the coffee! Staying organized in the kitchen can prevent such occurrences – or at least minimize them! Keep lists to help you remember things, place things away and in sensible places, delegate tasks or slow down, and remove clutter whenever possible. Each of these helpful tips, especially when combined, can tame kitchen chaos and ultimately turn your day around! The rewards of organizing are big, we promise! If you like this article dedicated to home organization, check out our other articles here!

A Skillet with potato's and eggs and meat Moms Meals
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