
Elections , Newsline

Tim Walz, ‘Folksy’ Socialist

Posted on Friday, August 9, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Have you heard about Tim Walz’s folksiness?

Surely you’ve noticed the “folksy demeanor” and “folksy manner” and “folksy appeal” and “folksy mannerisms” of this “folksy former soldier”? If you somehow missed it, the “folksy governor of Minnesota” exudes a “folksy … informal vibe” and “folksy relatability.” But don’t forget his “folksy rebukes” and “folksy plain-spoken and sharp-tongued approach,” either.

All these quotes are taken from major media outlets.

Kamala Harris’ vice presidential pick is a dedicated cultural and economic leftist who happens to inhabit the body of an average middle-aged bowling team drinking buddy. And because he doesn’t live in D.C. or NYC, the political media has settled on a nonthreatening description. Who doesn’t like folksy?

Virtually every major media piece on Walz is identical in its glowing tone and content, stressing his down-home everyman appeal while deemphasizing his insane record. Then again, as Walz says, “one person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”

When Trump announced JD Vance as his veep pick, the stories painted a picture of a dour weirdo who was “radicalized” into an “ideological ally” and “zealous follower of the former president.” Walz, on the other hand, had merely “evolved” into his “progressive” positions, as one does.

The word “folksy” typically has two definitions. One denotes having the characteristics of “traditional culture and customs, especially in a contrived or artificial way.” The other is to act in an “informal and unpretentious” manner. It’s certainly fair to say that Walz is a more relaxed and unpretentious authoritarian than his tautology-spouting running partner.

In this case, though, folksiness has a third euphemistic meaning: “not the Jewish guy.”

Has anyone offered a single convincing reason — other than the obvious — for why Harris picked Walz for the national ticket over Josh Shapiro, the popular governor of a must-win state with more working-class voters than Minnesota? It is highly unlikely that anyone wins 2024 without Pennsylvania.

Democrats are gambling that the Jewish vote is secure enough to withstand the rampant antisemitism that’s taken hold on the progressive Left. It’s not a terrible bet, sadly. In Walz, Harris believes she can placate the activist base and growing pro-Hamas wing of the party while media covers her running mate as a folksy moderate.

It’s no accident that Squad members like Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar were first out of the gate celebrating the Walz pick. Bernie Sanders loves it. Hamas apologists like The Washington Post’s Karen Attiah were tweeting like giddy teenagers, “TEAM WALZ!!!!!!!!!! ITS OUR TIME!!”

What about moderates and independents? It seems counterintuitive for Harris, who has accumulated a grand total of zero primary votes, to tap one of the most brazenly left-wing governors in the country as she attempts to walk back a raft of unpopular positions that were staked only a few years ago.

Like Harris, the folksy Minnesota governor has proposed socializing health insurance and eliminating fossil fuels. Like Harris, Walz wants to effectively decriminalize illegal immigration by signing laws to pay for the health care and tuition of illegals, and allow them to have driver’s licenses. Like Harris, Walz has taken a maximalist position on abortion, signing a bill codifying the procedure as a “fundamental right” into the ninth month, on demand, with no questions asked. Walz also signed a bill that lets children with gender dysphoria be mutilated by doctors.

Aside from all of that, Minnesota has seen a string of scandals and fiscal mismanagement under Walz.

Walz, who set up a snitch line to report COVID rule violators, watched as minority neighborhoods in Minnesota were being burned during the Black Lives Matter riots. When asked to call in the National Guard, Walz responded, “I will not patronize you as a white man without living [your] lived experiences.”

He speaks just like the average American!

Perhaps none of that will matter because vice presidents rarely matter. Some writers have speculated that Harris believed Shapiro, a more moderate political figure, would outshine her. Walz, it is true, has never made anyone look bad.

But it’s also clear that the Left is hoping voters will ignore the real Tim Walz and fall for the contrived harmless folksy fella of their imagination.

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books — the most recent, “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.” His work has appeared in National Review, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Reason, New York Post and numerous other publications. Follow him on Twitter @davidharsanyi.


The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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2 months ago

Walz is just another Demo patsy that the ruling powers need to mislead the voter. If anyone has not learned their lesson during this administration shenanigans — then shame on them. FREEDOM WILL CONTINUE TO DISAPPEAR UNDER THE DEMOs REGIME.

2 months ago

I expect the MSM will be trying a number of descriptions over the next few months to try and paint both Harris and Walz as anything than what they really are. Which is your standard issue socialist / communist trying to masquerade as “well-meaning moderates, who might be a tiny bit liberal leaning to some people”. That is until they are safely seated in the White House to finish the final phase of the Marxist agenda.

It’s quite clear at this point that the media is geared up to support a repeat of the 2020 Democrat strategy of keeping both Democrats away from anything that might even seem like a real, unbiased journalist interview, where actually real tough questions and proposed policies might be on the table for discussion. This is the equivalent of Biden running from the basement 2.0. It’s just that the basement, the controlled safe space, is now being setup as a series of carefully staged and choreographed events designed to create an image to the American public of huge public support. Lots of union workers and Democrat party operatives being bussed in to fill up the seats this time around, as both candidates read exclusively off of scripts on a teleprompter. That way there are no gaffs like Kamala cackling or incoherent word salad or Walz claiming he has been in actual combat or was a head coach, when he never was.

The whole idea behind this MSM / DNC strategy is to allow the MSM to carefully craft a false persona for both Walz and Harris that keeps the vast majority of Americans, who only watch the MSM believe whatever the MSM tells them, that these two people are just “moderates” rather than the hard-core socialists they actually are.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
2 months ago

Folksy socialist? An oxymoron right up there with democratic socialist. There is NOTHING folksy or democratic about socialist.

2 months ago


Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
2 months ago

I won’t fall for it.

2 months ago

The man is a phony disaster, pretending to be a ranked military guy (who deserted his group once he knew they were headed to Iraq). He is so full of contradictions now but look at his basic policies and decide if we really want this guy influencing national policies. Absolutely not! The Trump campaign must get the word out loudly and clearly because the MSM will not do its job, of course, and we must mot allow the pair in the WH to govern anyone.

2 months ago

he’s a folksy liar

Richard Hennessy
Richard Hennessy
2 months ago

Does Walz really want us to take him seriously as a candidate for VP? He’s like the over-the-top idiot at the party. He already has 3 strikes against himself as a governor of Minnesota. That’s as bad as a California politician.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

Treachery oozes from him .There is nothing folksy or sincere. Cold calculating opportunist.

2 months ago

There is nothing folksy about Tampon Tim. He comes across as a low class big mouth boor. He shook hands with his wife and hugged the Second Gentleman like a bear jumping on his prey. He fits right in with the Obiden, Kameltoe ticket. There is no class in either of them. Both sold their soul to the highest bidder. The propaganda machine can say what they want. Who believes them when all of them use the same words. I call it a conspiracy of the highest order. Are we going to let them have the last say? Let’s vote these Walzing Mathildas out.

Neil Gipson
Neil Gipson
2 months ago

A folking socialist POS!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
2 months ago

Walz fits in with Minnesotastan; that’s why Ilhan Omar immediately praised Kackler’s choice of Walz for VP. These people are psychologically damaged and should be nowhere near the levers of power.

2 months ago

We don’t need any kind of folksy VP, especially not a folksy socialist!!! We don’t need anything that the Democrats seem to want!!!

Old Sik
Old Sik
2 months ago

Yeah, that socialism is neighborly game he has going on. Now, everybody go on out and get real close to your neighbor so that you can snitch on them.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

NOT Buying his country style homeboy Game

2 months ago

Even being part Jewish, there is no way on Gods green earth that I would ever vote for a Demoncrat again in my lifetime. This is not the old democratic party.

2 months ago

At this point if your not voting Trump you are for the complete destruction of the USA.

Paul W
Paul W
2 months ago

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t consider someone that believes in handing out tampons to 4th grade boys to be “folksy”. In fact, the more I learn about this anti-America, cowardly alt-leftist anti-liberty radical, the word “folksy” is the farthest thing from my mind. I do have an adjective in mind, but I won’t post it here.

2 months ago

FOLKSIE! perhaps in the castro district of sf.

2 months ago

The laughing Clown and Tampon Tim are a perfect pair – neither one has any idea what America is about

2 months ago

Harris and Walz have found themselves stuck on the endless “Joy” tour so they can avoid questions and interviews. Harris is given unlimited access to Air Force 2 by taxpayers while Trump must pay for every cent needed to operate his jet. She has unlimited free resources. Meanwhile, Trump must run against Joe and Harris at the same time. All she has to do is be a candidate. Joe sits in the oval deciding how to shut down the Supreme Court and handing Trump more woke bs hand grenades. A third dim candidate will be picked if Harris starts to slip. We may even see a 4th.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
2 months ago

Socialist? Sorry, no. This guy is every bit a Communist just like Lenin, Stalin, and Mao.

kameltoe harris
kameltoe harris
2 months ago


2 months ago

The question is whether or not Kakkala can sell this “Joy” tour for another 90 days.
“Joy” while millions of more illegals per month are taken in by the US taxpayer and the stock market goes to hell and unemployment rises. Thats “Joy” ?

2 months ago

Are we really going to have an Election in November? Jest sayin…

2 months ago

There is something very creepy about Walz. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but my sixth-sense is on fire!

2 months ago

Ha! It may be Honeymoon time for them now, but as we all know Honeymoons do not last forever. This Harris/Walz Ticket is a joke. How stupid do they think we all are? Why does Walz squirm alot, can’t he stand still? Has anyone else noticed this? Hmmm, I am curious how buddy buddy Harris

2 months ago

He’s about as “folksy” as Elmer Fudd.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

What a “coincidence” the media once again uses the same adjectives to describe a Democrat candidate. Why it’s almost like some kind of collusion with the DNC going on!

Dr.Sam Adams
Dr.Sam Adams
2 months ago

Waltz is as “Folksy” as a cobra!

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
2 months ago

What in the world was this walz on.The guy that was with”cackleberry kammy”was one of the weirdest most squirrely democrats that I have seen and that is something to say when you watch democrats.I thought that he was on route to pee his pants,NOT impressive at all,neither one.

2 months ago


2 months ago

Hmm…there is nothing folksy about this guy. Just another liar, coward, and phony.

2 months ago

You need to read up on this commie. He is intent on full term abortion, gender training is elementary schools, open borders, illegals given healthcare and drivers licenses. He has been lying about his military records as “Galore” theft. They say 99% of the division he abandoned hates him. Then again, as Walz says, “one person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.” He cannot be part of the Federal Government. VOTE him and the wicked witch of the west AWAY.

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