
Elections , Newsline

How Not To Pick a Jew For Vice President

Posted on Wednesday, August 7, 2024
by Outside Contributor

This week, Kamala Harris chose her vice presidential running mate.

She could have picked the wildly popular, semi-moderate swing state governor from Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro. Shapiro has a 62% approval rating in the state, which is ranked by Nate Silver as the most important election bellwether. Shapiro is charismatic, and smart and bridges the gap between radical Democratic social policy and heterodox moderate views on education and Israel.

Instead, she chose the radical leftist candidate from the non-swing state of Minnesota who presided over the burning down of Minneapolis during the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020.

Interesting choice.

Shapiro seemed to be the obvious pick.

But there was one overriding problem with Josh Shapiro in the age of the Squad: Josh Shapiro is a Jew.

And there will be no Jewish vice president for Kamala Harris.

All of which tells you a lot about Kamala Harris, as both a candidate and as a person.

As a candidate, she’s a coward. She is in a commanding position within her own party — a party desperate to prevent a loss to the dreaded scourge of Donald Trump. The base is once again enthused about her, despite her dreadful electoral history, mainly because they no longer have to pretend enthusiasm for the moldering corpse of President Joe Biden. Her own approval ratings have ticked up from the mid-30s to the low-50s. Whereas only 58% of Black voters said they would definitely vote in July — when Biden was the nominee — now some 74% say they will vote. Instead of trailing Trump by several points, Harris now leads him by a slim margin nationally and is within the margin of error in all of the swing states.

Yet Harris is terrified of the pro-Hamas contingent within her own party: the people who are chanting in solidarity with Hezbollah on campus, who declaim their enthusiasm for the cause of a Palestinian population that by polling data, supports terrorism and murder by an 8-2 margin. Harris is frightened of a messy Democratic National Convention, in which Hamas flags fly while American flags are burned. She wanted to paper over her party’s dyspepsia on Israel — and she couldn’t have a Jew on the ticket. Because the rift in the Democratic Party isn’t truly about Israel: Tim Walz, her actual VP pick, has positions on Israel nearly identical to those of Shapiro. It’s about one thing and one thing only: Josh Shapiro is a Jew. And a significant segment of her base doesn’t like Jews.

That’s true gutlessness.

And then there’s Harris as a person.

Harris wants to portray herself as a moderate. She wants to jettison her prior political positions for the sake of winning, hoping that the media will continue to allow her to escape all scrutiny. Yet when it came down to it, she chose the Marxist from Minnesota — a man who has said that “one person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness” — over the moderate from Pennsylvania. She hasn’t been captured by the radicals in her party. She is a radical. She always was. Her entire record says so. She herself has said so. The Walz pick was comfortable for her because she is more comfortable with Walz’s extremism than with Shapiro’s pseudo-moderation.

So, what should Harris’ pick tell us, in the end? That she’s a radical, and that she’s a coward. That she will always when given the opportunity, side with the most extreme in her party — and that she is afraid enough of them that she’s willing to engage in the most cynical bigotry in order to curry their favor. That’s the kind of person who certainly should not be president of the United States.

Ben Shapiro‘s new collection, “Facts and Furious: The Facts About America and Why They Make Leftists Furious,” is available now. Shapiro is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author.


The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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John R
John R
2 months ago

Jewish people keep getting thrown under the bus in plain sight and hardly anybody says a thing. What’s worse is Jews have been ethnically cleansed from everywhere in the Middle East except Israel, but there’s always an excuse. I’m not even Jewish but I will be fully supporting the most pro Israel and pro Jewish candidates up and down the ticket. Hamas extremists want products with any ties to Israel boycotted. I will be going out of my way to buy as many of those products as I can and I hope you will too.

2 months ago

Obama, et al, have their two puppets all lined up.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
2 months ago

Ilhan Omar instantly praised her pick of Walz; that should tell one what one needs to know! If Ilhan acted in her outhouse home country like she does here, they would throw her off a building! What do the “Queers for Palestine” think would happen if they went to “Palestine” (a nonexistent country)?

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
2 months ago

AntiSemitism has been a part of the party of racism (demonicrat) since WWII when they sympathized Hitler. It is so Ironic that they keep calling Trump, “Hitler,” when they, to this day have been at the root of antiSemitism. And why, oh why do American Jews tend to join the demonicrat party? Seems a rather dark influence is at work

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

She was not the one choosing

2 months ago

Absolutely agree. Also super hypocritical as the Democrats boycotted the joint session of congress address given by Netanyahu, then expecting them to choose a leader of Jewish descent to be second in command of the USA. Democrats have thrown Israel under the bus, at a time Israel needs our staunchest support. They did so during our 9/11 despite their real near dangers. Yet, we can’t during their 9/11 because they ( Democrats) don’t want to loose the Arab descent votes in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

2 months ago

No current democrat should be running for president. They are Communists not democrat. They are determined to ruin this country for holding the power for eternity. The party is more important than the country. Obiden stepped down for the good of the party and then he added, and the nation. This was a coup the elite in the dem party did by taking Obiden down after installing him in the first place. And they had the nerve to push Kameltoe in his place. Not one citizen had a say. They decided. And here we are. Tyranny has taken over America. Are we going to allow this to go forward?

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
2 months ago

In the United States which population is larger, pro Hamas/Iran or the Jewish population. Hopefully the Jewish population is paying attention.

2 months ago

Judging by the speech and actions of Netanyahu as compared to ANY democrat, I would be proud to vote for a patriotic Jewish candidate with conservative leanings. That means no Hollywood or uptown New Yorkers need apply. Despite his personal character weaknesses (which we all have to one degree or another), Mr. Netanyahu would be a great proponent of both pluralistic, democratic rule and strong defender of our country. Unfortunately, he is busy with his own mess.
As far as the Shapiro situation is concerned, I am and, when the time comes. will die as a dedicated traditional conservative but in comparison to Gov Shapiro, Waltz is a hot steamy pile of near communistic BS.

Stephen V.
Stephen V.
2 months ago

Dear Outside Contributor,
Please stop referring to them as the Democratic Party.
They’re the Democrat Party.
Theres nothing democratic about them.

2 months ago

Kamala certainly is a coward. I don’t see how she wins with Walz.

2 months ago

Shapiro would be nuts to jump on a sinking dingy. It would damage any future opportunities

2 months ago

A majority of the cabinet and both Chiefs of Staff are Jewish, and probably advised her.

2 months ago

These so called polls that give her a lead are fabricated by the Marxist media to enable another STEAL of this November’s election.

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 months ago

I don’t think she picked her running mate any more than Reagan picked G.H.W. Bush as his in 1980. The Deep State establishment runs things in both parties.

2 months ago

She’s picking up steam. Don’t take a Trump win for granted, these people have unthinking, blind sheep for followers, and lots of them

2 months ago

Please refer to Shapiro as “Jewish”. Otherwise, good article.

heil biden
heil biden
2 months ago


anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

She is intimidated by thugs here , is pandering to the lowest of the low ,how will she deal with thugs on the international scene?

2 months ago

Should be interesting. Having a Jewish VP candidate running for office and if the unthinkable happens and this team takes the WH, the Islamic world WOULD NOT NEGOTIATE AT ALL. The Islamic world would put up a false front and then stab the issue in the back. They WOULD HIGHLY BELIEVE that Israel is behind any king of negotiations and therefore, NO TRUST. The Islamic agenda is total RELIGIOUS and WORLD CONTROL by any means.

2 months ago

Yes, despite the fact that Harris is married to a Jew, albeit one who seems to deny his “Jewishness” and whose daughter is part of the pro Haas protestors. What a disgusting group of people these are. Contemptible, weak, dishonest, hypocritical, phony, arrogant & smug–exactly the type you’d want to run OUR country, right?

2 months ago

This was inevitable because the importation of fast breeding islamics meant that the instant they closed in on jewish numbers the demon party would abandon jews. Josh Shapiro might be smart, funny and charismatic but hes a member of a party that will throw him to the wolves in exchange for muslim votes. Breaking out of the cultic conditioning the dems ladle out is difficult, but i hope american jews wake up soon before the islamic vote guarantees their ghettoization .

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
2 months ago

It just goes to show what Harris is all about and the Dem party Walz is a very scary guy I do not trust him but one thing is for sure he has a deep hate for President Trump that is his only major talking point. He has not opened his mouth once how he plans to make this country better well neither has Harris, starting with the border neither one has opened there mouth about the border they will do nothing but let more in on the dummy watch along with Obama who is in control of this country time for him to GO.

Gunther G
Gunther G
2 months ago

The only reason I joined AMAC from AARP is that your company proclaimed it wasn’t woke and radically left. However I smell something very nefarious in this article–namely that Harris is way ahead of Harris.What polls are you reading. You are gaslighting us readers. You sound like just another mainstream media source, and arm of the Democratic National Committee.

2 months ago

She is married to a Jew..

2 months ago

She didn’t chose Walz, Obama did through his butt buddy eric holder the lying traitor! Obama is setting harris up for a fall, because he doesn’t want her in the presidency( nor do we), but as long as she plays along like Biden did, she will be “ installed” temporarily. Get out the vote for TRUMP, stop the Obama agenda! We have to fight to save our country, or it will be lost forever! GO MAGA!!!!!!!!

2 months ago

BIG PHONEY any way you look at her.

2 months ago

Anybody that has studied history should know by now that the President makes no decisions, they are simply puppets on a stage promoting their master’s agenda. The big business CEO’s, billionaire families and bank owners are the one calling the shots. Still, Trump is the best candidate for Americans that value their constitutional freedoms.

Joyce Buckley
Joyce Buckley
2 months ago

We’re cooked!

2 months ago

I did not realize you were a racist organization. have nothing against the Jews. I am basically a nonracist person. While I am not for the presumed Democrat/Communist candidate, I am not sure how to vote.
While I like Donald Trump, I guess I hope he isn’t racist. When I went to Viet Nam in 1966, I went to fight communism so that any American regardless of race, religion, or ancestry. I have few close friends but I I have no knowledge of their ancestry. I don’t care. As long as they are honest and trustworthy that is all that matters to me. Racism is not on my hit parade. Thank you.

dale dotreave
dale dotreave
2 months ago

AIPAC funding

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 months ago

Why do people hate Jews? I have never understood this racism. What have they ever done to be hated this much?

2 months ago

She may be married to a Jewish man, but is he a practicing Jew? Highly unlikely! More like a Jew in name only, a traitor to his religion and his people!

2 months ago

The Squad, Kamala’s commanding Politburo, would never permit a Jew as a running mate. That goes against their open anti semitic ideology. She will always be a puppet, even more than Biden.

2 months ago

Good point! Good observation!

Patrick Switzer
Patrick Switzer
2 months ago

I would support someone who recognizes our second amendment rights

Elizabeth Snyder
Elizabeth Snyder
2 months ago

What a bunch of lies in this article!! Especially about this loser being ahead of Trump in the poles!! Makes me want to quit reading anything by AMAC!!

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