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Why Watch Presidential Debates?

Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2024
by AMAC, D.J. Wilson

The first 2024 United States presidential debate is slated for Thursday, June 27, starting at 9 PM Eastern time. Home audiences will tune in to see the sitting president, Democrat Joe Biden, and former president, Republican Donald J. Trump, face off. A studio audience will be absent, likely creating less interruptions. Per debate rules established, there will also be no interruptions from staff or candidates. Nor will use of notes be permitted, according to a release from debate host CNN. And, when not speaking, microphones will be muted. These rules are said to encourage “a civilized discussion.”

Due to their presence in politics and the news, each candidate is generally well-known to the public. Voters are also largely aware of the frontrunners’ personalities and performance records, so many voters are already leaning to one side. Despite a format intended to prevent interruptions, expect that there will likely be some name-calling and hair-raising dialogue at this CNN hosted debate. Here are a few main reasons why voters should tune in!

It’s historic

The Biden-Trump presidential debate is an historic one, featuring the two oldest major-party candidates to run for U.S. president. Biden is sitting president whereas former president Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. It’s likely that one of these two men will serve as our next president. For undecided voters, there is a plethora of reasons why presidential debates matter. These political discussions project the vision of each leader and the direction in which they want to take the country. For voters who have already made up their minds, there’s no harm in watching. The debates can either seal your decision or shed a different light on who can best lead the nation.

Let’s touch upon a few more reasons to watch the debate:

  • Voters can bypass mainstream media bias. These days, it’s hard to trust mainstream media to deliver the truth. They are supposed to be unbiased, however it’s no secret that they are largely anti-Trump. The former president supports capitalism and the growth of privately owned businesses. Due to prevailing anti-Trump sentiment among mainstream and liberal media, they attack Trump’s beliefs to push their own political agenda. For example, they paint an inaccurate and dark picture of capitalism as an economic system built on greed and inequality – when in truth free enterprise creates opportunities for success. Debates provide opportunities for voters to bypass mainstream media bias and hear directly from the candidates.
  • Viewers can zero-in on each candidate’s beliefs. Biden is a self-described Catholic. Yet, he fails to “act Catholic” by refusing to protect and defend the lives of the unborn. In fact, he does the opposite by promoting public policies that allow for abortions – not strictly to save the life of the mother – but also as forms of birth control. This is at odds with the beliefs of the Catholic church which teaches that human life is precious and must be protected from the moment of conception. Biden endorses federal abortion rights. In comparison, Trump wants abortion legislation left to the states. Still, questions remain about what the candidates truly believe. To hear them set the record straight, one must watch the debate!
  • Viewers can judge the intelligence levels of the candidates. Intelligence greatly affects job performance; thus, candidates must be at the top of their game. Viewers want to know if the frontrunners are smart enough to act as president. Debates give insight into each candidate’s knowledge of current events and public affairs. Do they understand what’s happening in the world? Are they familiar with other governments and foreign leaders? Do the candidates stand ready to address problems with the economy, health care, border, and America’s global standing? Debates provide answers to these all-important questions.
  • Viewers can decide whether age is a factor. Our 40th U.S. President, Ronald Reagan, once quipped at a debate with Democratic opponent Walter Mondale, “I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience.” Of course, that got laughs. Simply put, mental acuity and sharpness are needed to be president. In this election, neither candidate is considered “young,” with Biden age 81, and Trump at 78. Age itself isn’t the problem; it’s what the candidates can deliver regardless of how old they are. Biden has been televised acting dazed and confused. The debate will show if he possesses the physical and mental energy required to continue to function in the political world. Trump will also be similarly evaluated.
  • Viewers can judge the emotional intelligence of the candidates. Both Biden and Trump have slung insults at one another. Biden has referred to Trump as “that loser” and his campaign calls Trump “Broke Don.”  Trump has called Biden “Sleepy Joe” and “Crooked Joe Biden.” Name-calling is a common political tactic used to gain advantage over an opponent. And it is also used to defend oneself from criticism. Insults in politics are not new. Theodore Roosevelt once said of William McKinley, “McKinley had no more backbone than a chocolate eclair.” Political insults are not necessarily indicative of low emotional intelligence. So, what should be considered? Per LinkedIn, EQ (emotional quotient) and EI (emotional intelligence) have five main dimensions. They include self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. Candidates must be well-rounded and be strong in each field. Debates can help voters conclude whether candidates meet the EQ and EI qualifications needed to be president based on those five crucial factors.
  • Viewers can learn details on policies and priorities. Candidates have platforms, defined as formal sets of principle goals which are supported by the political candidate, and usually the party. During debates, candidates discuss much of their vision for the nation and what they hope to achieve in office, largely based on these platforms. For example, Donald Trump says he will address border issues, seeking to prevent illegal crossings, human trafficking, and drug smuggling. Whereas Biden says he favors an orderly immigration system that welcomes immigrants. During the debates, folks can learn more about issues that affect Americans and their way of life.
  • Viewers can gauge the integrity of the candidates. Americans seek strong and decisive leadership. They want candidates who are honest and transparent. However, voters are increasingly discouraged by politics, fearing candidates will make empty promises for political gain. Watching the debate enlightens viewers. Home audiences can evaluate the personal qualities and character of each candidate. They can hear responses, watch body language, and fact-check statements to see how accurate and honest each candidate is about his own record as well as other statistics offered.
  • Viewers can see how well the candidates communicate. A debate allows spectators to see how fast candidates can think on their feet and how well they can respond to questions. Mumbling incoherently or stumbling over answers might indicate cognitive issues which begs the question, “Can a candidate with poor communication skills manage the government effectively?” Those who represent the country must be able to clearly communicate with the American public who they serve, as well as with other leaders.

It’s worthwhile

Despite the probability of some drama, debates are worth watching as they provide insight into the candidates’ beliefs, values, smarts, qualifications, and abilities. While voters may already favor a candidate ahead of this debate, it’s good to tune in, keep an open mind, and really listen to what the candidates have to say. When voters reflect on qualifications of presidents, minds often drift to those which are constitutional; being a natural-born citizen, at least 35 years of age, and a resident of the United States for at least fourteen years. However, it takes a lot more to be president. While likability is a factor in elections, the presidency requires effort, commitment, smarts, strength, along with superior communication, leadership, and management skills. So, grab your seat and get ready for the historic showdown on June 27 to find out who is best suited for the job.

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3 months ago

Everything about this debate is rigged against Trump. I’m not watching for fear of throwing a shoe at my TV as the clown show progresses. I’ll catch the post-debate coverage on NEWSMAX2 or RAV, but my TV still may find its way in the path of a flying object.

3 months ago

With the deck stacked against him, Donald Trump will have to exhibit even more emotional intelligence and all the other qualities cited in this article to get his points across. I would much rather watch a Trump Rally but will spend 90 minutes to see how both Presidents perform. Good luck to the Country if CNN tries to pass itself off as Fair and Balanced.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
3 months ago

Tragically, many people who are Biden supporters know almost nothing about Biden’s failures in policy. They are too lazy to tune into any information which points out how horrible Biden is as a weak, feckless, demented, and corrupt chief executive. Many of the Biden supporters have given into blind hate and rage against President Trump. For this reason alone, patriots should all pray and hope that Biden’s performance at the debate will be so dismal that even some of the Trump haters will reconsider their blind allegiance to the Marxist Democrat Party.

3 months ago

I have watched multiple debates even with biased moderators. The only thing the moderator is supposed to do is control when each speaker talks—each person has a time limit—so I am not very upset about the turning off the mic because certain debaters tend to not shut up after they time limit which limits the amount of questions answered—the debate is about each speaker presenting their answer to the question and their way of dealing with it. Name calling is not part of the debate process but this debate I have a strong feeling that it will be most finger pointing and non -informative about anything other than that these 2 people are opponents trying to make the other look bad—like boxing with words instead of presenting their answers to the audience—should be quite interesting to listen to and watch how the moderator tries to control it and cover up for their chosen side.Us TV viewers will know when they adjust what we see

3 months ago

I’ll be very interested to see what happens to CNN if the public sees them trying to rig the debate with their gotcha questions only toward Trump. It was also announced that they plan to have a 2-minute delay in the broadcast which might give them time to edit or otherwise censor answers they do not like. These vermin have real problems with letting truth get out. Remember Jake Tapper “confirmed” on CNN that they had proof the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation and that Trump was colluding with Russia, all later proven to be absolute lies.

3 months ago

Got rid of TV, so will have to read about it in AMAC or Newsmax. Couldn’t stand listening to ANYTHING that comes out of Biden’s mouth. If Trump can just calm down and be presidential, he’ll win the debate and gain some voters. Maybe Joe will have a stroke?

3 months ago

This debate means nothing. I am voting for Trump to save America. It amazes me that someone would be persuaded to vote for Biden after the last 3 years. He will only lie about things and blame others at the debate. This country has fallen apart in the last 3 years. It’s scary to think what it would be if he cheats again and wins. Those 12 million illegals who will be allowed to vote for him (of course illegally) will be their next plan on cheating since they don’t have the virus this time. They will do anything to stay in power. Pray Trump and the Republicans 2024 save America.

John Shipway
John Shipway
3 months ago

We will get none of the above “benefits” from watching this debate. With the “esteemed” talking head communazi Jacob Tapper as “moderator”, we will get series after series of the moderator demanding that Trump defend various deeds he has never had anything to do with outside the invented propaganda Tapper himself helps spread.
And of course we will see the two men, both with hefty amounts of moss on their north side, but one with its canopy all but gone, twaddle on and on about which supports more the baby killers in Israel. One has to realize these men aren’t running to be President of the United States but rather the President of essentially the international Zionist cartel….you know, the ones that bought Congress with the exception of Thomas Massie perhaps.
Watch if you want. I will learn something instead by talking with my dog.

3 months ago

Brought to you by your CNN sales rep rep

3 months ago

The one thing I expected Biden to say in the debate last night was “You kids get off my lawn!” I was so disappointed. But I just kept thinking Trump should put Biden on his lap and start calling him Walter.Jeff Dunham would have been so proud of Biden’s performance. As much as Biden lied during the debate, it was the “fact Checking” afterwards that had the most lies.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

You said it: “why?” All Biden is going to do is repeat 7-days worth of rehearsed lies. I’ll get the short version from podcasts I subscribe to. Fick Buden. Trump 2024.

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
3 months ago

I won’t watch it, but I will trust Epoch News to tell me the truth about it. I will not listen to the ignorant, and crooked media . Like Joe, I would feel like throwing my shoe at the TV, which wouldn’t be the first time I have been that angry.

3 months ago

Biden is going to be a disaster…unless of course, the demonrats put in a body double like they have before. The REAL Biden is a dementia ridden idiot and if he’s really in the debate tonight, it will be hilarious. He will walk off stage to go kiss a baby, mumble about how good a job he is doing and tell the rest of us to go to Hell.

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