
Elections , Newsline

AMAC Action Urges Swift Passage of Bill to Stop Illegals From Voting

Posted on Thursday, May 9, 2024
by AMAC Action
noncitizen voting; vote button on american flag

Washington, D.C. – AMAC Action commends House Speaker Mike Johnson, Rep. Chip Roy, and Senator Mike Lee for introducing H.R. 8281 and S. 4292, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, a common-sense bill establishing vital safeguards to secure our elections from the threat of non-citizens voting amid President Joe Biden’s historic border catastrophe.

This bill would take vital steps to ensure that illegal aliens cannot cast ballots in this November’s election. Along with other important provisions, the SAVE Act requires states to remove non-citizens from voter rolls and empowers citizens to take legal action against election officials who violate their sworn duty to protect the integrity of the ballot box.

“Passage of this bill comes following a national campaign from tens of thousands of AMAC advocates urging Congress to pass legislation to prevent illegal aliens from voting in our elections, and we applaud the House for taking action,” said Andy Mangione, Senior Vice President of AMAC Action.

In total, more than 35,700 AMAC Action advocates sent letters to Congress demanding legislative change.

AMAC Action urges Speaker Johnson and House Republican leadership to put this bill to the floor for a vote as soon as possible. The House should swiftly pass this legislation and send it on to the Senate.

Unfortunately, Senate Democrats and President Biden have so far blocked all progress on securing our elections from wrongful activity and widespread voting by illegal aliens. Now is a chance to set aside partisan differences and come together to protect the integrity of American democracy.

For media inquiries please contact Alyssa Lopresti: [email protected], 631-337-0106

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2 months ago

This makes so much sense that I’m guessing the Democrats will make sure it doesn’t pass, then blame its failure on the Republicans. Where else in the entire world would this be allowed to happen?

Jan Satterfield
Jan Satterfield
2 months ago

This is nothing good for us until it’s signed and in the law books. Then you have to get all states to actually abide by the law.The communist states will do nothing along with some AMERICAN states that will do nothing. It requires work and effort and the communist side of govt employees will fight the AMERICAN govt employees every step of the way. The democrats want all people voting even those dead and not in this country yet.THATS a fight and then they choose votes to count and ones they leave uncounted . We knew it in 2020 that paper ballots and same day Election Day voting is only way to go forward. Yet here we are 4 years later.

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
2 months ago

America has lost it’s mind. Only an idiot would ever let illegals vote.

2 months ago

Johnson compromised in approving the recent foreign aid for Ukraine, but fat chance of getting any help from the D’rats on this. Dam shame !

2 months ago

Do you really think that the senate Democrats are going to pass anything that would benefit the American people?

2 months ago

It MUST be passed into Law. No Deals.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

Illegals voting? I can’t believe this us even up for discussion. Figures: can’t win it, steal it, right, Democamrades?

2 months ago

We shall see if this very good idea makes it through our House

Dean C Howerton
Dean C Howerton
2 months ago


2 months ago

Pass the bill! Common sense!

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 months ago

Law already exists that Illegal Aliens cannot Vote. They are NOT Legal Citizens of the United States.

2 months ago

We know they will cheat again; pray we can overcome massive election fraud and save our once great nation from becoming another socialist regime. Trump and the republicans most win.

2 months ago

Please explain to me why this is necessary. Legally you have to meet a number of requirements to vote. Citizenship is number one. Follow the laws already in place.

GT Patriot
GT Patriot
2 months ago

We all know that IF..F…F this bill passes the house it will be defeated in the Senate.Why waste the effort other than to show Nov voters which congresspersons want the illegal ambush to continue.

2 months ago

We need to make sure this election is too big to rig and once Trump is sworn in we take this country back.

2 months ago

Illegal have no right to vote in elections . They have already broken the law by coming into this country. Joe B. Made a statement that is why we are allowing migrants in to vote dem.

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
2 months ago

The author of this article is Alyssa Lopreti. I award her the Naive Medal of the month.
Alyssa, apparently doesn’t understand the two reasons that the Democrats really want to include illegal aliens in the upcoming general elections. The illegal aliens must know that the Democrat candidate is the one who is most likely to fast track American citizenship for all of them, even the criminals and pedophiles. They also undoubtedly understand that the Democrats, and many Republicans actually like the idea of having more and more cheap labor for the big corporations and the construction industries.
The Democrats in the Senate will sit on this bill if it is passed in the House of Representatives. They will say that any who oppose open borders, are xenophobes, bigots and racists. I have a feeling that many Republican Representatives will vote for this bill because they know that it will not be passed in the Senate. That would give them the cover of at least being supportive of secure borders.
Who is really to blame for all of this open border nonsense? The majority of the voters who vote for the Democrat candidates. Most of them are taxsuckers and the mentally defective liberals who support the idea of socialist programs, the more, the better.
Politics is when three, or more people vote for ways to proceed in a common goal. The Second Amendment was inscribed into the Bill of Rights for a means to resist, if the civil act of voting for the people’s representatives fails to ensure liberty. There was no other reason that the Founding Fathers provided the Second Amendment.

John Shipway
John Shipway
2 months ago

The sell out coward Johnson can be arm twisted into tossing this bill onto the floor for a vote…….but seriously, does anyone think it will pass with EVERY Demotard and the thankfully dying off ole RINOs opposing it?
Not a chance. I’ve said it before and I will say it again, this nation is GONE.

2 months ago

Democrats arn’t going to pass anything that would benefit the American people?

2 months ago

PLEASE get this bill passed !!!!

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
2 months ago

Illegals have been voting in our elections for decades, in ever-increasing numbers. I have read numerous reports that hundreds of thousands of the Biden-sanctioned invaders have already been registered to vote. And then our tax dollars are used to ship them all around the country, especially to states where voting is likely to be close so they can swing the vote.

The Democrat Party has not had majority popular or voter support in this country since the 1960s. So, you ask, how do they keep winning elections? Very simple: fraud and cheating. The Democrats have been engaging in voter registration and election fraud since the 1850s. Yes, you read that right: since the 1850s. It’s in the history books. The Democrats know they cannot legitimately win a national-level election, so they cheat.

2 months ago


2 months ago

Dot, I agree with you. However, have you considered that the WH is run by idiots, not to mention the ” sanctuary states”.

2 months ago

Only American citizens should be allowed to vote in American elections

Robert Cordrey
Robert Cordrey
2 months ago

Law already on books from 1996. If this does anything at State or Local level, it may add value.

Laura Folk
Laura Folk
2 months ago

Consider joining Tactical Civics. They have a plan…not just complaining from the couch just posting on SM! They are taking action…it requires a bit of work, some reading and Zoom meetings. Here is a link to the short video. The Goal
The goal of TACTICAL CIVICS™ is to restore a repenting remnant of We The People to implement Constitution Enforcement utilizing the two law enforcement tools stipulated in the Constitution.
IF YOU KEEP DOING NOTHING, YOU ARE THE ENEMY’S BEST WEAPON.Forty-four volunteers invested more than 60,000 hours to build and refine America’s only plan of action: TACTICAL CIVICS™, the full-spectrum solution.
Also, there are some Rumble videos to watch as well, on Street Fighter with Scott McKay

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 months ago

If only a american citizen can vote,why do we need another law or two. ???? Kyle L.

R Reag
R Reag
2 months ago

It’s the economy, stupid.

James DeBona
James DeBona
2 months ago

It will never pass the senate and certainly not Bidens desk! Having said that, it still needs to pass the house and be sent on to the senate for their certain rejection, if only to further expose the Democrats for who and what they are! Doing absolutely nothing is not an option!

Rob Cordrey
Rob Cordrey
2 months ago

Why don’t we put the same ever in to resurrecting the bi-partisan Senate Bill related to Immigration controls that was tabled before even getting a vote in either chamber ????

2 months ago

Passing this legislation may very well save the Republic.

2 months ago

It will never pass. The only way Biden “wins” again is the same way he “won” the last time. All of the ballots from illegal aliens (and dead people). The dim controlled senate and Biden will never let this pass. If it did he will not get re-elected. Which he will after all the (even more) illegals’ ballots are counted again, overnight.

Ggerald Gitler
Ggerald Gitler
2 months ago

This legislation needs desperately to pass to keep American American!

2 months ago

“…Senate Democrats and President Biden have so far blocked all progress on securing our elections…”
And they will continue to do so. If the bill manages to get by the Senate, which there is little to no chance, it is 100% guaranteed Xao Bai-Din will veto it. I wish it would become law before November, but it just isn’t going to happen.

President Joe Biden and NATO leaders pose for a family photo, Wednesday, July 10, 2024, at the NATO Summit at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)
Former President Donald Trump (L); U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon (C); Special counsel Jack Smith.
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