Suddenly, America is awash in anti-Israeli “student protests,” threats on Jewish students, building and land takeovers, violent encounters between masked agitators and police, colleges canceling classes and commencements, and property destroyed. Why? Eight unasked questions.
First, is this free speech? No. Basic concepts must be understood. While the First Amendment guarantees free speech, tonic for government overreach, it does not allow civil or uncivil disturbance, even if principled.
Civil disobedience, even done peaceably, is not constitutionally protected free speech. It creates consequences, including potential jail time. It must be in a society based on laws.
Notably, creating “substantial disruption” at a school justifies faster discipline and more arrests. Since Tinker v. Des Moines (1969), the Supreme Court has followed the 5th Circuit’s Burnside v. Byars (1966), forbidding “materially or substantially” interfering with a school’s “operation.”
Nor does a school need to wait until chaos breaks out, if there is a “reasonable forecast of disturbance.” Just read the 6th Circuit’s Melton v. Young (1972) case.
In 2021, the test was affirmed by the Supreme Court, in the context of off-campus social media postings not inciting violence. Read Mahanoy Area School District.
But to be clear, what we are seeing, as dozens of campuses are “substantially disrupted,” physically overtaken, and civil and uncivil unrest promoted, is patently illegal.
Second, why are the arrested protesters older? Why are protesters not acting like students, instead pushing a fast process of mass disruption, bursting through gates, creating encampments?
Many “student protesters” are not students. If you look at arrest records, many are professional disrupters, agitators, activists, and promotors of chaos. Many have criminal records for sowing social unrest. Their actions are – in a word – illegal.
Third, why Israel, why now? If outrage over human rights is somehow the business of American students – from Gaza to Xinjiang (China), Odesa (Ukraine) to Pyongyang (North Korea), Caracas (Venezuela) to Naypyidaw (Burma), Havana (Cuba) to Khartoum (Sudan) – why is there suddenly a nationwide upheaval over Israel, nothing about … China?
After all, China detains, kills, imprisons, and tortures millions annually. No protests? Russia has killed at least 60,000 Ukrainians. No protests? North Korea holds 26 million in a prison camp, forced labor, abuse of women, and torture. No protests?
Why is the nation suddenly afire with anti-Israeli, increasingly anti-Jewish, protests – drifting evermore toward political violence, reactions slow, targeting clear? Likely by design.
Fourth, why violent? For years, anti-South Africa protests ebbed and flowed, shantytowns gracing college campuses – including mine, at Dartmouth. The issue was apartheid, exactly the claim g made by Gazans, but violence was not part of that equation. Why now?
South African divestment was the call, but no mass violence here, so why violent now? Could it be that violence in America, starting on campuses, is after all the real goal?
Fifth, why synchronize? Unlike in any other protest, Vietnam, South Africa, climate hysteria, this anti-Israel network has sprung up overnight, nationwide, is systematic, identical on each campus, and synchronized. Why?
The answer, reflecting a modern trend toward rapid-fire, professional rioters shipped around the country – in numbers close to illegal alien shipments – is coordinated intent, to create chaos.
In sum, these are not organic, morality-based, end-of-discussion riots, not the product of thoughtful dialogue about Gaza or innocent Palestinians. They are darker – preplanned chaos.
Sixth, who is behind this? Think for a moment … about how many green tents, sheets of plywood, high-powered flashlights, “riot consultants,” and big dollars are bankrolling all this. Someone is. Not likely students, who are after all waiting for loan forgiveness checks.
No, this is bankrolled by dark money, a manufactured “movement” tied to non-profits promoting socialism, illegal immigration, radical transformation, and Marxist ideas. A search of stories across all media shows many groups involved are patently anti-American and hardly conversational.
Seventh, why on campuses – specifically, why anti-Israel on campuses? The answer is students are malleable, and once discontent is sown, they are easily moved to rash acts.
Consider anti-American Saul Alinsky, a radical seemingly admired by Obama, Sanger, Ayers, Soros, and Hillary Clinton. Biden would even probably cite him if he could remember who he is.
Alinsky: “The despair is there; now it is up to us to go in and rub raw the sores of discontent, galvanize them for radical social change.” To this, he added, as if his antisemitism needed highlighting: “Our world has always had two kinds of changers, the social changers and the money changers.” Concentrated chaos, starting on campuses and working outward, is the goal.
Eighth, are universities complicit? Yes, they are. The faculty of most, especially elite ones, are left-leaning. This trend has accelerated, with more than 80 percent identifying with the left, suggesting complicity. They are also increasingly influenced by China.
So what is to be done? Those involved should be promptly arrested, and prosecuted, links to foreign countries and domestic radical groups unearthed, and legal action against all swiftly taken. Full stop.
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.
Reno had a small televised civil disturbance during the 2020 Floyd Riots where city hall had windows broken and items stolen until RPD in riot gear showed up. At one point on the local tv coverage, I noticed a woman walking among the rioters wearing an orange vest with reflective white writing on the back “ACLU LEGAL DEFENSE TEAM”. If this were a “pop-up event” as claimed by local media, why was she suddenly there? Someone also had the bright idea to deliver a pallet of bricks… My point being: these things are planned and funded events by organizers; sabotage from within.
RBC, this situation is spelled out clearly in the Word of God as the time of the end approaches for this current world period. It will continue to get worse but a final revival is coming for that last chance to repent.
THANK YOU!!!! finally someone has connected the Dots to the Source(s)!!! Who did Libs convince Dem Voters to vote in as Pres. in 2008, and what was his ‘career job’ he formerly had??? He identified himself as a ‘Community Organizer’, and has put himself ‘in charge’ as the ‘Community Organizer in Chief’ over the United States, as the first pres. who never left DC and is still ‘running things’ for the Dem Party – him and all his buddies. And here we are seeing the result of what that looks like.
Jews are not the problem to coexist with Everyone knows that The problem is the loud mouthed demanding in your face screamers who will not tolerate anyone with different views Violence treats disruption and lot of noise is their modus operandi They are incapable of civil debate or conduct Emotion, impulse, no capacity to reason and not one person willing to face them to say enough There are so many experts on everything but not one psychiatrist to address this mob madness Are they exempt from law and order?There is nothing civil in their conduct The reaction of the media is beyond shameful and gutless
Soros, Barack Hussein Obama…who’s been “quietly’ running the “Biden” White house. In one of his campaign speeches he opined: “There comes a time in a “mans” live when he’s made enough money.” Now the very wealthy owner of 3 luxurious mansions, private jet, numerous “visits” to little Joe; lest we forget Bush Sr.s presidential acceptance speech: “We must usher in the New World Order.” And don’t forget the big money, Bildeburg’s, Rothschilds, and other “elite of the elites” never seen in public…Sadly for them they’re convinced they rule the earth and the heavens…what a frightening and painful awakening for them in the future.
Oh lest we forget: Hussein Obama claiming in a “speech”; “I’m going to fundamentally change America.” and the sheep applauded. I read his first two books, with a bucket close by. Meglo-maniac barely describes it.
Oh, I have asked at least 6 of these questions…
All of what should be done has not been done and the trend is not improving.
Many of these slovenly protestors are not students but found to be professsional radicals and paid by Soros and the democrat slum lords.This includes other so-called “peaceful” groups such as the agitators of Jews for Peace group which has been funding anti-israel riots. Interesting to note they have nothing to say about Soros being Jewish, Charles Schumer being Jewish, and Zuckerbery being Jewish among others.
Prolonged wars solve nothing. Examples: Russia-Ukraine ( 3 years), US-Afganistan ( 21 years). These accomplished nothing. War today must end quickly. The Israeli- Hamas ( not Palestine as there is no Palestine) war is at 6 months. Its near the cusp of accomplishing nothing. Unless Israel takes over Rafah in the next 30 days, this war will mean nothing either. Negotiation will not solve this conflict. Only guns and death, unfortunately.
My observation is most of the leaders with bullhorns are women. Don’t they realize if they were in Palestine, they wouldn’t have the right to do this?
I have thought that all the protests at the colleges was driven by one person. George Soros and his Antifa followers.
All good questions, RBC. Thanks for the legal precedents. I can’t remember all this stuff, not my field. As for the instant spread of this planned discontent, I blame social media technology, which allows for rapid communication. But in some places at least, there is also rapid response from state and local governments. We can hope it will die down as quickly.
Time for our government to care about this country and find out who is backing these people and shut them down start sending people to prison and send these places that support riots ACLU and others are trouble makers they are behind alot of what is happening in this country.
Thank you
Phil 1:3
These are “HATE” crimes and should be treated as such. Free speech does not allow hate.