A new bill in Congress would stop illegal aliens from squatting in U.S. homes.
“We’re trying to get out in front of it to protect American homeowners,” Rep. Dan Meuser, R-Pa., says.
Leonel Moreno, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, recently went viral on social media after a video post explaining how to take advantage of squatting laws in the U.S.
Under U.S. law, Moreno told his followers that “if a house is not inhabited, we can seize it.”
In response to the video, and growing reports over illegal aliens squatting in homes in New York and his state of Pennsylvania, Meuser introduced the Safeguarding Homes from Illegal Entry, Living, and Dwelling Act, or the SHIELD Act.
The bill makes trespassing “a deportable crime,” Meuser says.
“So if an illegal were to claim squatter rights and enter an individual’s home illegally without any rental paperwork or legitimate lease” then, Meuser says “they can be arrested and deported and prohibited from ever entering the United States again.”
Meuser joins “The Daily Signal Podcast” to discuss the growing need for the SHIELD Act, and what, if anything, he anticipates President Joe Biden will do to address growing concern over the crisis at the southern border.
Virginia Allen is a senior news producer and podcast host for The Daily Signal and is the co-host of The Daily Signal Podcast and Problematic Women.
Reposted with permission from The Daily Signal- By Virginia Allen
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.
More reason to deport illegals and finish the wall.
I’m sorry but it’s a sad state of affairs when you need a law to keep illegals or anyone else from taking over your home and living in it.
I never thought the day would come, but I’m starting to see the logic in some…make that a lot of peoples comments I’ve heard lately about what needs to be done to get this country back on the right track.
I believe most of you know what I’m talking about, you’ve probably heard it too. It’s sad what’s happened to this country in such a short amount of time.
We don’t need new laws we need to enforce our existing laws the fact that they are here illegally proved that they will not abide by any laws. They are illegal throw them out. Why do Democrats make American citizens second rate. I don’t how long it takes or how much it cost track down every one of them and throw them out. They getting a welfare they get no money they get no medical care get out! Show me another country in the world that deals with illegal immigrants like we do we are freaking idiots! All we are as encouraging more
I hope it’s not too late coming . And every American citizen who believes in America should vote for it
Being here illegally should always be a deportable crime, with no chance of legally or otherwise coming here again. Too bad deportations are prevented by those who want illegals to swell their party’s presence in Congress
It’s not just illegal aliens who need to be prevented from squatting. It’s any squatter who needs who be held accountable.
Leftist lunatics are quickly destroying our country.
I’m glad I have fewer years ahead of me than I have behind me.
Then cities need new Para Police force to evict from homes & Legal aid
They left out one small thing; They are here illegally and CAN/SHOULD BE DEPORTED ANYWAY, IMMEDIATELY! This is nothing short of the “boil-the-frog” method of getting Americans used to millions of foreign nationals residing in the United States and swamping our welfare and healthcare systems. Has anyone noticed the massive and historic pharmaceutical shortages we are experiencing right now??? Lifesaving drugs are now in critically short supply!!! Is that a coincidence? WAKE UP AMERICA!!!
The Democrats will fight this tooth and nail. These illegals are their tool to power. This will have to end up being a state by state issue if they hope to pass it. I certainly hope Texas passes a law like this sooner than later. It is a well written bill though.
Time is coming when occupied homes will be seized
Protection of your dwelling when vacant — nice thought. Will the Left/Socialists support such a bill/law? Wait and see if unlawfulness continues.
Unbelievable that this would even require a law, no wonder America is self-destructing.
Maybe I missed something. Why isn’t the bill against any person who is a squatting in a home, not just someone here illegally.
ANOTHER opportunity for AMAC to mobilize the membership with a CALL TO ACTION sending messages from all of us to all of our federal & state representatives – yes we can do it individually and many will but…why not AMAC????
I’m amazed at the number of things that we don’t have laws for!! But I know that we have immigration laws but we have an administration that doesn’t enforce those particular laws so we now have a bunch illegals who are here with no sponsors, no job, no relatives!!! These people aren’t coming here to work for a better life, they want everything given to them!!! We can’t afford this nonsense!!! Deport ALL illegals immediately!! That might change my mind about who I’m voting for – no, it doesn’t since this administration is responsible for 10 million plus extra individuals in our country so…..this administration caused the immigration crisis, they have no intention of enforcing the laws!!!
Why is this even an issue? If someone unwanted is in your home and refuses to leave, its called burglary, housebreaking, tresspassing,… take your pick! Prosecute them! Simple.
They shouldn’t get rights to vote,specially those who just cross illegally the border !!!!!
One of those laws that is so obvious it bogles the mind we even need to pass a new one to fix the problem. However, I am concerned that this law is focused on illeagal aliens only and would not apply to those here legally or citizens?
The obvious question for me is why do we not stop illegals from entering our country much less let them squat on citizens property?
What will stop, or dissuade an individual from obtaining fake paperwork stating they are renting, leasing a home and the police from these people presenting fraudulent documents?
Just get all illegal out of our country
What i find hard to believe is that we need a law for this. Squatting, in these cases, is tantamount to home invasion and the police should be responding accordingly.
I love it, but would it be for ALL other states as well? I don’t see Joe Biden sign it…I doubt it. He’s the inviter of the invitees that are crossing our borders. I pray this bill passes! I pray Almighty God intervenes and allows it to pass.
What an idea. U. S. Citizens are second class next to ILLEGAL ALEINS. That seems like it will be the first thing that ILLEGAL ALIENS won’t get away with. They aren’t held accountable for anything else. They have more privileges than the average patriot.
Send them all to D.C.
These low lifes coming here and stealing those abandoned homes.
Stop squatters.????????????????????️
I don’t think this should just pertains only to illegal aliens! There should be rights to keep all squatters from taking over a vacant house, cabins etc!! No one should have rights over property owners!!! And illegal aliens should never have rights over citizens!!
Mossberg 500 works faster…
Our so called President has committed Treason! He took an oath to protect our Nation and its borders. He has done nothing except to destroy our liberties and morals. Time for a big time change!
This sqatter stuff is ridiculous. I’m an American citizen, born and raised, but if I tried to do what these illegals are doing I would be rotting in jail somewhere. As far as Joe Joe, until someone squats on his property it isn’t a problem. Maybe send a bus load of illegals to his yard.
The was already a “SHIELD ACT” but has nothing to do with squatters or illegal immigrants for that matter. I couldn’t find anything on a national level, but many states have enacted such protections.
What would happen if you were armed and entered your vacation home and there’s someone is in the house and you feared for your Life by this unknown person or persons in your home and you shot them dead ? Give me a jury of 12 and I guarantee you’d-get a NOT Guilty Verdict !
What do we even need a bill for this?? Unbelievable!!
Way to go!
A couple of Good Old Boys with baseball bats would get them out !
I pray that bill gets written, and PASSED.There is not one congress man or woman who should even think about voting no. It’s ridiculous what this nation is turning into!
The fact that we need a law to keep this from happening is unbelievable to me!
Joe the Sly-Den’s America. Anywhere filth, degradarion, dishonesty, racism, scams, theft, chaos, crime, and perversion is found one can know that Sly-Den heads it up.
Why didn’t the Native Americans think of this 400 years ago? What goes around, comes around.
Why can’t someone give the squatters directions to Crazy Joe’s house in Vermont since he lives in the White House. That would be great- a beach house with a Corvette in the garage. There is some good top secret reading in the garage also.
Wonder if Biden can keep them from squatting in the White House.
Should be illegal for ANY squatters to take possession of any property, not just illegal immigrants. Also, if I own a second/vacation home, I can’t live in it full-time, so why should any squatters be allowed to take it over?
Well NY
Well, it has been an hour+, will the comment be approved???