WASHINGTON DC, April 5 — If you are planning a lengthy holiday getaway don’t leave your home unattended: beware the squatters. In some towns in the U.S. if homeowners take a lengthy vacation and squatters move into their home in the interim the intruders may wind up calling it their own “home sweet home.” And “yes,” it’s legal.
The issue of squatter rights is not something new; squatters have been around since the first European settlers arrived in America. What is new is the emergence of squatters in growing numbers as a result of the Biden administration’s open borders policy. Texas Senator John Cornyn tells us that “since President Biden took office, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has logged more than 5.4 million illegal border crossings, plus at least 1.5 million ‘gotaways’ – that is, border crossers who were detected by CBP technology, but who were never apprehended.” In that same period of time, squatting has become a nationwide issue that is on the rise, thanks to folks like illegal migrant Leonel Moreno who hails from Venezuela and who is encouraging fellow illegals to move into unoccupied homes.
Moreno has an audience in excess of half a million followers and is urging them to move into unoccupied homes, telling them that “if a house is not inhabited, seize it.” A recent Newsmax feature National Police Association spokeswoman Betsy Brantner Smith noted that “thanks to social media, [she] worries that the squatting trend will become more formalized. This is extremely concerning because as migrants become aware that this isn’t just a big city issue, they will go to suburbs and rural areas and find part-time occupied properties.” She said it wouldn’t be a surprise if people visiting their hunting cabins, lake homes, or motor homes this spring and summer encounter squatters who took up residence during the winter months.”
There don’t seem to be existing laws that provide homeowners blanket protections. But it is not too little, too late to enact new laws to protect property owners. In fact, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently signed a bill that protects property rights and provides penalties for squatters. “We are putting an end to the squatters’ scam in Florida. While other states are siding with the squatters, we are protecting property owners and punishing criminals looking to game the system. If you’re the victim of squatting, you can simply fill out a form, give it to your local sheriff and the sheriff is instructed to go and remove the people who are inhabiting your dwelling illegally. And that will happen very quickly.”
DeSantis’ Attorney General Ashley Moody noted that “Biden has allowed millions of illegal immigrants to flood across the border. After video evidence of their plan to take over homes emerged, we’re ensuring Floridians are protected from this egregious and brazen scheme. I’m grateful to Governor DeSantis for signing this important legislation into law, and to Representative Kevin Steele for carrying this bill through Session.”
When a reporter asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to comment on the Florida law, she seemed to dismiss it. She called it “hypothetical” and said, “this is a local issue.”
John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.
Good for Florida!!! Now, the rest of the common sense states need to follow suit. As usual, the WH continues to ignore the calamity they have created during this woeful administration.
Since Biden is squatting in the White House, I think I’ll saunter over to his house and squat in his 1967 427cc Chevy Corvette and call it “home”. I’m not greedy. Seriously, everytime I read stories like this, my mind teeters on disbelief that about 36% of America call themselves “Democrats”. The only question I have for them is: ARE YOU STUPID?
Well from now on when we go on vacation we will be storing our guns at our neighbours house. We may have to shoot our way into our own home. The world has gone insane, where are the adults?
Of course the White House encourages squatters what better way to get rid of the White race. It is all part of the plan. Migrants can kill, rape and steal as much as they want, they can have guns, they get free housing, food, healthcare and green cards and allowed to vote and tell the govt where and what they can do. Total radio silence from the white house. How many whites have been killed, how many police officers have been killed by the migrants and not a peep from ole Joe. Oh only this, more legals kill people than the migrants and therefore, is their reasoning, it is allowed and tolerable. What? Laken Riley would still be alive hadn’t ole Joe allowed the open borders. Officer Jonathan Diller would still be alive hadn’t ole Joe allowed the open borders. The genie is out of the lamp and spreading death and destruction everywhere. For this genie is an evil genie, propped up by drugs and manipulated by deep state to their plan, the destruction and depopulation of the USA.
As seen below, see what happens if Politicians have squatters taking over their property. New Law in less than a day!!!! ????????????????
The squatter’s rights were applied to unsettled land owned by no one. It was a way for those with no economic means to purchase land to settle, work and improve property and stay there for an extended time (years) before they became the legal owner. It was never intended for property legally owned by someone and vacant for a few months to be taken over by illegal immigrants already guilty of breaking the law. To apply this law otherwise is to twist it like a pretzel in order to destroy homeownership.
Every state in the Union should push through a bill like Fla.
My wife and I saw this first hand living in Pinal County, AZ as early as 2022. That is one reason we no longer call AZ home.
I did some research on the subject now that we are in Ohio. There is not enough space here to outline all the laws and terms BUT there is SOME limited protection for home owners. Understand the difference between trespassers and squatters and how to handle each. Something as simple as a “No Trespassing Private Property” sign may make all the difference.
Do you own research and make sure what you find is for your community, city, township, state and development. Do not assume because you live in a gated community that the squatters won’t find your home, especially if you are a seasonal “snowbird” to Fl or TX
This an afterthought, what would a Federal, state or local government do if these “Squatters”, found their way into an “emergency bunker” (all around the States), filled with food supplies and long term necessities, whose “property rights” are more important — the government or home/property owner? Maybe, that is why the President spends so much time at home because he is afraid of “Squatter Invasion”? Just a thought.
In the real estate business for more than 50 years, squatters are an unwelcome intrusion on private property rights and private ownership. Each state has laws against this insulting, ignorant behavior. The laws vary, depending upon whether your state is red or blue. But you have to be aware of the squatter. If you don’t occupy a property for some time, make sure someone is checking for intruders. Have an action plan ready to get them the hell out. Speak to a good real estate attorney about procedures. But get them out.
What in the hell gives squatters rights to someone else’s property in the first place!? What is the difference in trespassing and squatting? Bulls**t from the get-go. Time to get rid of it wherever it exists.
How hard would it be for those lazy worthless bums in Congress to pass a law making it a felony to try to steal a citizens house? Absolutely disgusting that they can’t even do that much for the citizens of this nation.
My husband and I used to live in Florida and the best thing is they have the best sheriff- Grady Judd of Polk Coynty. He and his staff are the best no nonsense law enforcement of any state! DeSantis makes a much better governor than he would have as president at this time. What really concerns us now is that with all the illegals coming in, there is the concern coming from President Trump that our Medicare/Social Security will be going to the care of the illegals
Joe Biden and his Administration of idiots are slowly, but surely destroying America one day at a time.
At my age I don’t care. A .45 Long Colt settles it.
Very serious as it can take months to get them removed and in the mean time selling your furniture
The article says yes it’s legal. Tell me how in the heck it is legal?!
The Biden Squatter Takeover of 2024! This is beyond unbelievable. Biden encourages illegal entro U.S. An illegal Venezuelan encourages other illegals using social media how to get housing free! If you’re an American citizen and homeless the police throw you out. All involved are enemies of the State. The White House press secretary is a fully complicit accomplice to Biden’s stupidity by lying and saying it is not a big deal and a matter for Florida to handle. Illegals need to be met at the border put in a bus and immediately removed. Texas has it a hundred times worse than many of us. Many criminals crossing the borders are not Mexican in origin. According to friends living in the Texas sewer, illegals coming now literally make their ways into the neighborhoods, sleeping on lawns, sidewalks and streets! They are looting and stealing and think nothing of it. They want anything, they take it. There is trash and graffiti, feces and other filth left behind. Legal citizens are being terrorized.
RINO John Cornyn should talk… he and other RINO Senators voted FOR Joebama’s massive spending bill that kept our borders open, and only provided border funding for processing illegal aliens into our country.
Afterthought: Do not hang this on the Federal Government. This is a local, state role, not federal. Be aware of that. It does not matter what that PINO and his sycophants/handlers say or do. It’s your job as the property owner to rid yourself of the bastards. Kick your governor and his attorney general out of office if you can’t get anything done.
Could you get arrested for setting traps in YOUR OWN HOME that will disable potential trespassing squatters if they break in??? Especially if your home was completely locked up and secure beforehand?! Just a thought!
How many are squatting in the many bedrooms and bathrooms multiple houses sitting empty that belong to the elites How many are invited there
How I wish DeSantis was the governor here in Commiefornia. We need some SANE LAWS not the ones Newsom gives us. We need a new Governor who cares about the people.
As an American I have private property rights, don’t ?? It’s my property until I sell, lease or give away (except for the government of course, always have to pay property taxes).
“Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country and the DNC can do to empower illegal immigrants to take what is yours and everything you will ever work hard for…”
I’m afraid if I find somone in MY HOUSE paid for by me they would get hurt.
This will stop right now if you start moving into Democrat politicians homes. Squatters right is a Democrat thing because they encourage taking things that don’t belong to them.
The “LEGAL HOMEOWNERS” need to shoot these “ILLEGAL BIDEN SQUATTERS” and get their homes back!!!!
personally had this happen at a rental property we own in Missouri! A guy moved into the basement which was nothing more than concrete floors and block wall with the furnace and hot water heater down there. First we were concerned about liability and when we called the police, someone with the department contacted us (maybe a social worker?) and informed us that if that person had as much as a toothbrush with them we Could Not make them leave!! I was so flabbergasted that I held back what I really wanted to say to that person.
So, just how do you protect a hunting lodge or seasonal camp? The concept of squatters claiming abandoned property is run amuck! The requirement to establish abandonment should be a legal hill the would-be squatter must climb. The current mode is to note that no one is home so just move on in.
How did we get laws permitting this property theft?
Also I was informed Starting in May Veteran Retired seniors the working poor and low income ppls will no longer get help on their cell phones internet and land lines……oh but illegals getting free cell phones why isn’t congress doing something about this say do we even have a congress ?
In the state of Ohio, there are specific requirements that a squatter must meet in order to make an adverse possession claim. The squatter must live on the property for a continuous 21 years and pay the property taxes during that time. Their possession must also be actual, open, notorious, exclusive and hostile to the actual property owner.
If a squatter successfully meets the legal requirements for adverse possession, they can file a quiet title lawsuit to gain legal ownership of the property. However, the property owner can fight against the claim in court, so the squatter is not guaranteed to win.
Squatters are the leftists useful idiot’s because by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy about it.
Squatters do not have any rights as to real property fhat belongs to others!
Bull manure.Dont be in my home when I get back if I don’t know you.
“Squatter rights” may be “legal” but it is not ethical. Clearly, the conditions that existed then do not exist now. I agree that a .45 long colt will settle the dispute quickly.
I had a similar problem with homeless getting into my trash cans. A simple yet effective solution to the problem, since I live in california the state of fix nothing, I purchased skunk scent for a local hunting supply and simply added it to my garbage can. Yes, is does smell, well, only if you open the container, but availed itself as an effective deterrent. Perhaps a similar methodology could be applied to the squatters scenario to help expedite these individuals moving back to where they belong, out.
Pretty sure that if the lowly squatters start taking over the Biden family home and others such as they there would definitely be a new and aggressive law against the filth in a US second. Fact is the known and longtime racist Joe Biden wants them housed in ANY American’s home. NY has a ‘castle defense’ against trespassers and allows the use of deadly force againt society’s squatting lowlifes. Numerous other states have the same castle doctrine though research must be engaged to find out to what extent a state’s legitimate homeowner can defend their property, family, and themselves.
What the heck is wrong with the people of this country?!?!? If somebody crosses the border illegally, have a baby, the BABY is a U.S. CITIZEN!!! WHY!??!!? If people come across a house where the OWNERS are on vacation, they can break in, & take over claiming they are “TENANTS”!!!! They have nothing that says they are “tenants” nothing to show they pay rent yet the OWNERS who have a DEED & PROOF OF PAYMENTS ON THE HOUSE & PROOF THEY PAY TAXES are FORCED to go to court, spend thousands & thousands of dollars, and a coupld of years to get the squatters out and then spend thousands of dollars to clean up the mess the squatters make!! They even have been known to take appliances with them when they FINALLY MOVE OUT!!! THAT IS SOOOO WRONG and it has been going on for years!!! WHY CAN’T THE POLITICIANS DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS ASSININE PROBLEM!??!!?!? Thank you, Governor DeSantis of Florida, for using his brain and getting a law passed to help people keep what they WORKED for!! Squatters have NO RIGHTS TO YOUR PROPERTY!!!!!!
Excellent idea 
Good for you Florida! Don’t know if there are any other common sense states around, too many “bleeding hearts” around and I don’t mean the flower. Let those that want the squatters, give ’em their homes.
Taking a longer view, after the antifa/blm riots all over the country, it’s clear the left iss using those riots (and all the other immoral and illegal calamities they instigate) as a test bed for their illegal alien invasion that’s here now. Their squatters (aka. “visitors, guests,” etc.), and now armed gangs made up of illegal aliens, running amok, the left’s intent to kick off (a hot) civil war in which they can further their intent to disarm Americans with their “common sense gun laws.” This is further clarified by the fact that places like Chicago are making it legal for illegal aliens to carry firearms while they disarming their own citizens to carry. Put all the pieces of the Biden/Obama administration together and tell me how this ugly synopsis is off the mark. 1984, folks.
Squat on the squatters — bring family friends etc with you
Yes, the first Europeans used ‘squatters rights’ to take land (and property) from the native Americans, then used small pox to cement the act. After COVID 19 failed to wipe us out, the invaders will manufacture something to help them take away our ‘American way of life’ from us. I happened before, and it can happen again, so, WATCH OUT.
I cant believe this is happening in US Where is Congress Why are democrats thruout America allowing Biden to do this to them and fellow Americans When are they gonna close the border throw out these bad ppls how can democrats in senate not see how bad it is how much danger it is for even them to allow these ppls to invade take over US can’t they see down the road these illegal thugs will eventually affect them and their families how far will senate democrats follow biden Aren’t democrates american anymore guess not well eventually these evil thugs these squatters murders terriorist etc will affect us all stores will and are closing our children aren’t safe in schools American children are being pushed out so illegals can take over our schools our neighborhoods and now our homes I’m shocked that nobody in govts are doing anything about this Biden has allowed China and other terriorists and our enemies to invade US
Have heavy steel grates screwed to the outside of doors and windows, especially if they are inside. If there are two stories, leave one window free and suggest you supply a ladder if they leave in the next half hour. First, though, disconnect the phone line. It is yours, and they have no right to do it. If they call the cops with a cell phone, make someone prove you can’t bolt them in. If they are not in the house you claim to be the squatter. No one has tried shooting them as trespassers.
I agree! So does Colorado!
I grew up here when it wasn’t a bastion of liberalism.
There are other areas besides the Denver Metro!