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Biden’s Ideology is the Problem, Not His Age

Posted on Thursday, March 14, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan


biden's policy; waving out of a car

Polls show that Americans increasingly regard Joe Biden as a failed president. But while Biden’s shortcomings are often attributed to his age, the truth is that Joe Biden’s problem isn’t that he failed at implementing his party’s agenda, but rather that he succeeded at implementing his party’s agenda. The issue isn’t incompetence—it’s that he faithfully pursued the Democrats’ policies priorities which predictably led to disaster.

Democrats can replace Biden or not. Any Democrat who pursues the party’s radical agenda will lead America down the same ruinous path.

The seeds of Biden’s failure are found not in his own dementia, but in the derangement of his entire party since the 2016 election: the Green New Deal, “Abolish ICE,” the Russia Hoax hysteria, the “anti-racism” and DEI movements, and the kneejerk opposition to Trump’s successful foreign policy.

The Biden administration has merely brought these anti-Trump manias to fruition in federal policy, with catastrophic results.

The three primary crises of the Biden White House—the struggling economy, the southern border invasion, and the crumbling of America’s strength on the world stage—have all stemmed not from presidential mismanagement, but from the left’s obsessive desire to undo every Trump policy and replace it with something close to the polar opposite, no matter the cost.

On the economic front, Biden’s tenure has been defined by historically high inflation, which has now reached a cumulative rate of nearly 20 percent. This inflation, which is an albatross around Biden’s neck, is the direct result of his adoption of the far-left priorities of his party in Congress, as embodied through a series of massive spending bills packed with DEI initiatives and hundreds of billions of dollars for environmental craziness straight out of the Green New Deal.

Elected Democrat officials also vehemently opposed Trump’s approval of the Keystone XL pipeline construction and regulatory policies that led to American energy independence. That opposition later became the basis of a series of Biden executive orders canceling the Keystone project and implementing a host of other anti-oil and gas initiatives that sent energy prices soaring, further fueling inflation.

The same pattern holds true for the disaster Biden has unleashed on the border. Under President Trump, Democrats became militantly open-border. They universally called for mass amnesty. Democrat senators demanded that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) be abolished entirely.

Biden’s immigration policies are simply the natural extension of this insanity, faithfully implemented by the Biden administration. Biden reversed nearly every policy that secured the southern border during the Trump years immediately upon taking office—including stopping border wall construction, reducing deportations, and ending “Remain in Mexico” (a policy which ended the practice of “catch and release” into the United States and instead forced illegal aliens to wait for their court hearings in Mexico).

Biden also mandated a functional shutdown of ICE, going so far as to implement what the administration calls “protected areas” in which ICE is not permitted to enter. During his first 100 days in office, Biden issued 94 executive orders overturning the immigration policies of the Trump administration and advancing the party’s open borders agenda.

The results of these actions speak for themselves: since Biden took office, nearly nine million illegal aliens have been encountered by U.S. border officials—and that figure only accounts for those who were caught. Hundreds of individuals on the FBI’s terrorist watch list have likely entered the country completely undetected, and the country could be severely at risk.

Biden has also been a disaster on the foreign policy front. Thanks in large part to his abandonment of Trump’s foreign policy, war is now raging not only in Ukraine, but also in the Middle East—imperiling American safety and security and ushering the world into a state of global chaos.

The most glaring example of this disastrous record is Biden’s catastrophic withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan in 2021, leading to the death of 13 U.S. servicemembers. Biden was so determined to stick it to Trump that he led the country into its greatest military embarrassment since the fall of Saigon in 1975. Biden wanted the talking point that he had done what Trump had not. And in the end, that’s exactly what happened: he ignored reality and charged ahead with a withdrawal despite warnings of disaster from his military advisors.

Once again on foreign policy, Biden has taken his cues from far-left Democrats. During the Trump years, Democrats in Congress were openly antagonistic toward Israel and supported an emboldening of the Iranian regime. Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, for example, openly encouraged Biden to “reverse” Trump’s Middle Eastern peace deals, and strongly criticized Trump’s withdrawal from the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal. Biden came in and reversed virtually every Middle East policy he could—and now the region is in flames.

It is important for American voters to understand that the primary problem isn’t Biden. The fundamental problem is the party. These outcomes would have been the same even with a younger, less feebleminded president who pursued the same failed agenda.

Republicans should certainly campaign on Biden’s obvious signs of mental and physical decline. But the stronger—and ultimately more effective—line of attack for conservatives this election season will be hammering the fact that Biden’s disastrous and failing presidency is a result of his willingly and faithfully implementing a long list of far-left demands presented to him by progressive activists who now wield control over the entire Democrat Party.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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7 months ago

I did not understand why the Democrat Party wants to destroy this country. Obviously they do. And then I recalled many years back the American Communist Party announced there’s no longer a need for them because the Democrat Party had adopted every plank in their platform. That explains everything. The Democrats are using the system to destroy it. We need to get the Democrat Party banned as a domestic terrorist organization before they complete their goal of total Destruction of this great country

7 months ago

Right you are Mr. Flanigan. The mentally impaired puppet president is the perfect tool for the demoncrats to enforce their evil policies. He gets to live out his life long dream of being, the big guy, the president and the leftists get their long list of America destroying policies implemented.

M. Forte
M. Forte
7 months ago

Biden was sitting in the senate for 40 years and never made a wise choice of bills. A hidden socialist sitting there in the open. At least Bernie Sanders admits it! Biden has become a Benedict Arnold of the modern times. Systematically destroying America freedom not to mention deaths of Americans from drugs, criminals, foreign gangs, terrorists and enemies of China. He’s corrupt. Bought and paid for by China. His whole family on the take except his dog. All this for the power of the vote to stay in power. Also mentally imbalance with the left working his head like a hand puppet. All this and they he’s not impeached! God help us.

Stephen Leonard
Stephen Leonard
7 months ago

Joe Biden doesn’t really have an ideology. His entire life has been spent in pursuit of personal enrichment and aggrandizement, and he has pretended to espouse whatever ideology seems to contribute to that pursuit in the moment. So he was a proud segregationist when he thought John Stennis or Robert Byrd would help him, then he was a civil rights worker and brave visitor to Nelson Mandela when he wanted black votes. He condemned illegal alien border crossing when that seemed popular, then all but eliminated border protection as president. He believes in nothing beyond personal money and power. At the moment, he’s all-in for Obama’s hate, transform and destroy America campaign, because that’s where he thinks the Dem votes are.
There has never been a worse human being in Amerian politics, at any level. We will be lucky to salvage anything of what used to be America the Beautiful from the steaming, stinking wreckage of Biden’s presidency.

7 months ago

Biden’s ideology is that of a sociopath, an exceedingly elevated self-worth, excessive greed and not an iota of conscience. He is that kid in school who waved his hand at every question, lied to be the center of attention, slippery as an eel, taking on life as “they will all see me,small-town Joe rule the world”. It never occurred to him nor did he ever care that his behavior was and always has been a conscience of unbridled greed. That’s the name of the game for sociopaths. Every citizen should ask themselves why in heavens name did Obama chose the most famous crooked politician for his vice president. He and the Democratic party had a plan all along. Just look at us now and think of those kids who had to be the center of attention. Every time old Joe starts a sentence with “folks” I cringe.

Bob L.
Bob L.
7 months ago

“Sleepy’s problems are more than just his age. His general health (which they have lied about) as well as his mental state go along with his (handler’s) ideology all add up to his not being fit to hold the office.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

Joe Biden has always been a lying country club, back-slapping, rich white racist elitist; you can add “senile” to the list. There’s a reason he always failed in Presidential runs before. He’s a boob and always has been one!

7 months ago

Biden is a very evil old man, who knows he doesn’t have long left on earth, he wants to destroy the very government that paid him for 50 years and made him very wealthy. He has lied his way through life and continues to lie. Biden and his crime family think they are better than the rest of us, and shows us daily. He has no respect for our laws or the supreme court. Joe Biden is every bit as dirty as Hitler.

Robert Jay Donnelly
Robert Jay Donnelly
7 months ago

While all the points made a very valid one point has been missed that will definitely impact the next election and, if not addressed, could definitely lead to Conservative losses. ABORTION is an issue the Republican Party must address. A party platform must be created for this divisive issue if for no other reason than to prevent Democrats from controlling the discussion of this issue. Finally, Biden at this point is not running the show, his handlers are.

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
7 months ago

JUST WATCHED: “The Deep State is Real” on youtube. Watch it and you will be completely convinced, that Brandon is just a puppet …and the Deep State is the puppeteer!

7 months ago

What has happened that the Democrat party has dropped being the party that was for the working class. Was all of that a sham? Just as the Russian Revolution that going Communist was to get rid of the Czar so the private citizen would have a better life. How well did that work?
Do the current Democrats go through some sort of indoctrination that they no longer uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights?

anna hubert
anna hubert
7 months ago

His age is no problem His lack of integrity and character is He was put into office by corrupted corruptors They mean to stay in power even if it means murder

7 months ago

O’Biden (O’Bumbler’s 3rd term) in his almost 5 decades in D.C. has NEVER BEEN RIGHT in Foreign or Domestic Policy!! While conniving and grifting for the “Biden Crime Family”, he has secured numerous positions, sweetheart deals and “loans” that don’t get paid back. He cozzied-up to Dixiecrats in the ’70s and NOW he’s a champion for the blacks! He has molested women (Tara Reid), and can’t keep his hands off little girls, but he champions “Women’s Rights”, as long as they KILL BABIES. He ran for President 3 times, and this time COVID put him in. Soros/Obama pull the puppet strings with all thel Obama retreads in O’Biden’s Administration..Now he wants to run Israel’s war on Hamas because it might cost him votes ! Dementia Joe has NO Scruples, Never Has.

7 months ago

Biden was just a puppet installed in the White House to facilitate obama’s third term. I think that no previous president has hated the United States more than barack obama! I sincerely hope President Trump wins the election lest we be burdened with obama’s fourth term. I look forward to Trump becoming POTUS #47, and the obama’s leaving DC and retiring to their mansion in Hawaii for good! A pipe dream? I hope not.

James 414
James 414
7 months ago

go after Hussein Barry also. The Terrorist Mooslum halfbreed that started a lot of this sh88t

7 months ago

Ideology, fueled by idiocy… supplemented by incredible ineptitude.

7 months ago

Ole Joe was installed as president to undo everything that was good under Trump. He could have signed an agreement with Putin, the Minsk accord, but instead he sent Boris Johnson to tell Zelensky no, don’t sign. Anything and everything he did was to negate the 4 wonderful, peaceful and prosperous years of the Trump presidency. H and O couldn’t stand that the reps won. And they still can’t. Undoing Trumps programs was easy only ole Joe had nothing in its place. Result, America is becoming a communist dictatorship. He eliminated his enemies by indicting them. There are so many court cases against reps it would make your head spin. All Maga people have been put on an FBI watch list. Ole Joe rules through the courts. Democracy has been banned from America. They keep screaming the reps have taken it away. But what they accuse Trump off they are doing it in big numbers. His dementia is just what his handlers want. That is why they call his age the problem. It is not his age it is his dementia. Screaming at the country for an hour and a half and most of the time he mumbled his words is a sign of a desperate man trying to cling to power. Anyone ever told him to slow down his speech and pronounce every word. What am I saying the SOTU would have been 3 hrs long. Hitler and Castro used to scream such long speeches. But I digress. Ole Joe was installed because the elite in Davos at the WEF meeting had decided he was the new president of America. They want a global new world and ole Joe agreed by letting in millions and millions of migrants without being vetted to take over America in the next 4 years. That is why ole Joe has to stay to finish what the elites wanted. A perfect new world with China as the super power. And they are almost there. The dollar will crash to reach that goal. Maybe just before the election.

Steven Coughiin
Steven Coughiin
7 months ago

This article is long overdue. While his age is certainly a big consideration, it is Biden’s failed policies which should be the focus of Trump’s campaign.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
7 months ago

It all boils down to money and traitorism. Peddo-Joe is in Xi Jinping’s pocket as well as having his hand in the Ukraine conspiracy. Billions to a war that can’t be won AND which fuels the possibility of a World War. The demonicrat party is evil and Biden is the gem in the crown of whoever it is that is controlling him. Jinping? Soros? It goes far beyond the oBama who is but another gem in the same crown.

7 months ago

Dan Bongino said Biden is a delusional, sociopathic narcissist and I do believe it.

7 months ago

Most conservatives think that Democrat policies have been wrong, although it wasn’t such a glaring difference 60 years ago. They’ve been creeping farther left since then, and Biden is the perfect shill.

Scott R L
Scott R L
7 months ago

Biden was never very smart (to say the least). His age is irrelevant; the problem is the dementia that has been glaringly obvious for years.
My joke from the 2020 election:
I have a liberal friend in Chicago who’s worried about Biden’s mental health, so she’s only going to vote for him five or six times.

7 months ago

President Biden’s “Ideology”??
When speaking of a man with the mind of a child, I would sooner focus on his lack of personal maturity, which I’ve often seen in his behaviors at least as far back as the 90’s.
He’s as spoiled as his son, he has no humility, and he’s had countless episodes of the most uninformed judgement and unworthy public posturing of any public figure since Bill and Hillary Clinton.
As far as President Biden is concerned, for me, the word “Incorrigible” rings much louder than “Ideology”.

7 months ago

The Communists know exactly what they are doing in their efforts to destroy our Republic and society. They just needed to get Trump out of the way and get Brandon in office so they could accelerate their efforts.

7 months ago

Biden is THE problem, PERIOD!!!

7 months ago

Ideology fueled by idiocy!

Frances O'Toole
Frances O'Toole
7 months ago

Your article is right on point!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
6 months ago

What is funny and it is when it comes to Biden no matter what condition this country is in the Dems think he and that VP of his can do no wrong wait till things in this country go under. Then lets see the smiles on those that voted for him again and when taxes go sky high and prices in the stores go up and everything goes up I want to see how many Dems are smiling then. You may not like Trump but things were better under him.

M. Forte
M. Forte
6 months ago

Who would ever believe that a person who sat as a senator for 40 years, a vice president for 8 could be in hiding as a corrupt bought and paid for he so Un-American and a socialist. He’s a hand puppet to the left with no back bone with foreign policy. He has put this country at risk like no other president. A total disgrace.

Jerry B Meadows
Jerry B Meadows
7 months ago

This article is the most on target that I have read anywhere to date.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
7 months ago

It’s not as much ideology as it is leftist implants into a fake entity.Our country is very close to”BURNT TOAST”and it’s not the AMERICAN PATRIOTS,it’s the soros minded marxist leftists.Wake up AMERICANS and take our country back.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
7 months ago

Hitler seemed so energetic and forceful in his speeches because his “doctor” gave him meth injections. Meth injections are also one of the reasons why an orator will get volatile and angry.

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