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Illegal Immigration, Burns, and Steinbeck

Posted on Wednesday, February 14, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Portrait of Robert Burns

Without aiming to slight, the poet Robert Burns wrote about guilt, fear, and links between “mice and men,” a theme picked up by Steinbeck in his book by that name. In “To a Mouse,” Burns bemoans the mouse’s lost house, fallen to his plow, and how good intentions often go awry. Time to think about that.

At the end, Burns writes: “But little Mouse, you are not alone, in proving foresight may be vain: The best-laid schemes of mice and men go often awry, and leave us nothing but grief and pain, for promised joy!

Years ago, we would visit a Maine camp, always finding “signs” of winter visitors, and clean up. We never worried too much about the inconvenience. We shrugged.

But one year, chipmunks, mice, and squirrels settled in, breached the basement, and took up residence, no sense of leaving, messy homesteaders. We shooed them out.

On arrival, most realized this was not cool, and hightailed it. We cleaned, and caught those slow to relocate. Their home, where they belonged, was outside of our home.

That year, looking around, we found the invasion not so harmless. Having shrugged before, this year they ate food of all kinds and gnawed at things – like candles, potholders, cutting boards – not even food.

They chewed through electric wires, putting the house itself at risk, stored acorns and created nests in the generator, and hid cups’ worth of birdseed in beds and sheets.

In short, our historic tolerance of these cute little invaders encouraged them to see our home as theirs and gave them false ownership, entitlement, and impunity. We looked away, and they came in.

Now you will say, “Ah, I see where he is going, he is about the comparison of the invading mice and the onslaught of illegal aliens homesteading where unlawful.”

You are right, of course, that is the point – good intentions often go awry. While some invite the illegal alien invasion, crass calculators, seeing millions of future votes, they use the empathy of others – sanctuary idea – to cover for their aims, casting these illegals as “having to be taken care of.”

Cutting to the chase, there is no truth to that. If that were true – that America must disavow our citizens, laws, borders, and sovereignty for empathy, and open America to the world, there would be no America.

America – the interior, who we are as an idea and people – would become a lawless, ungovernable mess, overrun and violent, like places from which these line jumpers and lawbreakers come, ugly.

That we cannot allow. That is why we need to reassert our sovereignty, and who gets into the country. We need to recall, by law, what entitles the request for asylum.

Asylum is not granted – nor the right to wait inside the country for adjudication or never show up – based on hardship, longing for a “better life,” or any other reason.

Asylum is granted only, and hearing is possible only, for a person presenting a credible indication they are targeted for social, political, religious, or personal reasons. It is not a catchall, way to get into housing, schools, hospitals, or America.

We have lost the historic understanding of asylum, the idea that it is a one-by-one evaluation, only applied to someone escaping directly their country of persecution, not applying from a third country – like Mexico – for America’s “streets of gold.”

The whole idea of applying for asylum involves remaining outside the country, not being granted instant, untraceable entry, shipped to Maine or New York, a free ride.

That has no place if we believe in our laws. It is inconsistent with how the border, sovereignty, citizenship, and asylum are protected. Free entry is an abuse of asylum.

To be clear:  Invasions permitted anywhere in the animal or human kingdom grow. Crimes not punished proliferate. Laws not enforced vanish. Security disappears.

As a nation, we must revalue freedom, security, and law, respect “One Nation Under God,” and not become a flowthrough teabag or magnet for the world’s crime.

Does this mean, that to keep order, stability, security, and election integrity, we must be heartless? Abandon mercy for those “with a well-founded fear of persecution?” Reduce legal immigration because illegal is wrong? No, of course not.

We simply need to enforce our laws and keep what belongs inside here, and outside there. Burns, Steinbeck, and we as a People believe in kindness, but part of kindness is accountability, honesty, rules, laws, setting expectations, and preserving the beacon as a beacon – or the beacon goes out. Time to think about that.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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7 months ago

RBC, nice article. Now if only the Left would stop subverting the laws of the land, then maybe the situation would get better. Unfortunately, this is not part of the agenda of the Left.

7 months ago

Let us all face the fact that our economy will not withstand the financial burden on our schools, healthcare, social and similar services, and that due to crime and homelessness.
We are in deep trouble. Prepare accordingly.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
7 months ago

Looked at the title of this article , became curious what the connection could be — so this is very good Robert , the relations between ideals presented by Robert Burns , John Steinbeck and the illegal immigration situation. You make some good points for sure. The principles involved in maintaining the soveignity of this Nation — need. to be understood and respected.In the interest of everything that encourages good character, good citizenship , respect for law and the will of God , respect for life and liberty. History indicates the importance of people having a sense of purpose that is noble, something to strive for, something to defend , something that leads to other goals that all connect – for the purpose of making for a better world. In the spirit of the ideals of Faith, Family and Freedom — and the sense of responsibility to maintain those ideals.

7 months ago

No illegal aliens should ever be allowed into our country, America. I might also add that we taxpayers should not be held liable to pay for foreign kids to learn our language, English when they go to our schools,

anna hubert
anna hubert
7 months ago

I always assumed English was an official language of the country Lately everything I’ve received from medical services is doubled because of Spanish translation and notes in other alphabets so the invader feels comfortable So much for the national identity and sovereignty There is only one way to stop this and the pointless endless blather is not it

7 months ago

crass calculators, seeing millions of future votes, they use the empathy of others”
“We simply need to enforce our laws and keep what belongs inside here, and outside there”
“preserving the beacon as a beacon – or the beacon goes out.” Robert B. Charles
Thank you Mr.Robert B. Charles. Thank you sir!

7 months ago

Always enjoy reading your articles, Mr. Charles! Really enjoyed today’s, too. Good point. Why do only a few people understand that we do not show “kindness” to illegal invaders. We turn them back at the border. We do not open our country, our cities, schools, or home to invaders. The current leadership, who is forcing this, needs to be removed. Thankfully, many USA citizens are (finally) arising to fight back against this. Thank God for Governor Abbott of Texas!

7 months ago

If only we could get liberals to see these truths. Unfortunately liberals make up such a large percentage of our society, it’s hard to imagine any long-term change. From the educational systems too the news media the cards are stacked against any form of commonsense sense. This is probably the last generation of America The Great. What God the and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ started, we have turned over to Satan and his minions. Not the cute little yellow guys, but the demonic principalities of hell. Only deep repentance in Jesus name will restore this nation. I fear that it is too late, but God the Father can do anything. Some through the fires of tribulations and some through the floods, some through great sorrow, but all through the blood of Jesus the Christ.

7 months ago

As always right on target, Mr. Charles.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
7 months ago

good intentions always go awry.

Why? because the people who are providing the good intentions never thing about the other side to their virtuous efforts. For many years churches helped illegal aliens. the church woudl pressure parishioners to donate even if that donation hurt their own families. the church woudl apply for governemtn grants even though the taxes are taken from citizens that can not afford them at gun point. yet the whole time the churches took every opportunity to proclaim their virtue.
Grandma can loss her home to taxes but the church proclaims its virtue for helping the illegal aliens. Why?
We kick old disabled veterans out of apartments and nursing homes to make room for illegal aliens. Why?
We give out speeding tickets to working people trying to get to work and use the money to support illegal aliens who have committed bigger crimes. Why?
Perhaps we need to think a little more about the down side to helping others. IF you are going to spend billions on illegal aliens and other countries wars maybe we need a complete stop to forced taxation and confiscation due to taxes.

7 months ago

Agreed with Robert Charles that illegal immigration will destroy our country. It can’t continue. Those in the Oval office and Congress permitting this current invasion are working arm and arm with the UN to destroy America. The UN and its sister agencies hate our country…the only thing they want is our financial support. Those who are providing billions to foreign entities…are traitors! They need the maximum penalty for what they are doing and have done.

7 months ago

Mr. Charles, I really enjoyed your article. Well written and a presentation of facts in a story ,found it good reading. Thank you.
The illegal invasion of the marxist democrat party and pretend republicans will have decades of negative affects on America.
The turbulent assimilation of multiple cultures , with no knowledge or understanding of OUR culture, laws and justice system, will prove difficult and burdensome on existing Citizens.
Immigrants who come through our system are welcomed and present no such dilemma.
Our laws are in place to facilitate a smoother transition.
Our so called representatives have FAILED to uphold their oaths of office but especially their responsibility to the Legal Citizens and taxpayers who employ them.
I hope and pray that voters hold them accountable and REMOVE ANY/ALL who have failed America!

7 months ago

Those of us outside the sanctuary cities and states never could understand why those decisions were made or allowed. Even Bernie Sanders stated that his socialist plan cannot work with uncontrolled invasion. It is just wrong, but congress, senate, supreme court have let the administration promote facilitating invasion.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

1 million. 4 million. 8.8 million. Just meaningless numbers… how about a comparison? The population of Nevada is about 3.1 million people. That means Jie Biden has allowed the population of three States of Nevada to enter this country in his less than four years of office. 8.8 million and counting…

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
7 months ago

A voice of reason in the storm of sanctuary. The media seems to convince well meaning citizens that all who invade are seeking asylum. The major sanctuary cities already experience gang crime from invaders. Entire groups of invaders reject anything less than hotel rooms and free services. Many of us established citizens stem from immigrants who came to become part of the dream. Those immigrants were required to prove financial self support and to attend classes in order to assimilate in order to gain citizenship. The current plan is to stuff the states will dependents on their way to help one party stuff ballot boxes. In order to support these illegal masses the legal citizens see infrastructure and services directed towards the illegal invaders. There is no plan for self support or assimilation.

james Carlyle
james Carlyle
7 months ago

Great examples of sustainable moral and ethical standards.

7 months ago

I wish you had another way to share this article.I want to share on truthsocial.

John Riley
John Riley
7 months ago

The failure to enforce established laws can only lead to the denigration to the purpose for the laws. We are a nation of laws. Impeach and prosecute any of our elected officials who fail to enforce or ignore our laws.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
7 months ago

This,in reallity is an invasion,an invasion of santa claus/democrat voters,and absolutely a betrayal of the real citizens of AMERICA.If left unchecked we as a free country are in the same predicament as the corrupt biden groupies/

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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