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Bombshell Report Reveals Stunning Extent of FBI’s Anti-Catholic Operations

Posted on Friday, December 8, 2023
by Aaron Flanigan

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan

catholic- American flag

A new report just released by the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government has offered shocking new insights into the full extent of the FBI’s efforts to use government power and resources to target, intimidate, and harass Catholics, pro-life activists, and other members of the religious community.

The December 4 report found, among other disturbing revelations, that the FBI “abused its counterterrorism tools to target Catholic Americans as potential domestic terrorists” when agency operatives in Richmond, Virginia, circulated a memo designating so-called “radical-traditionalist Catholic[s]” as potential “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists.”

“The Committee and Select Subcommittee discovered that the FBI relied on at least one undercover agent to develop its assessment and the FBI even proposed developing sources among the Catholic clergy and church leadership,” the House report states. “Not only did the FBI propose to develop sources, but it already interviewed a priest and choir director affiliated with a Catholic church in Richmond, Virginia, for the memorandum.”

In other words, instead of infiltrating criminal gangs or drug cartels, the FBI was targeting Catholics purely on account of their strong faith.

The report continues: “Most concerning of all, without the disclosure of the brave whistleblower [who disclosed details of the FBI interviews], the Richmond memorandum would still be operative in FBI systems, violating the religious liberties of millions of Catholic Americans.”

According to the report, the FBI also “singled out Americans who are pro-life, pro-family, and support the biological basis for sex and gender distinction as potential domestic terrorists”—another stunning indication that the federal government is openly targeting Americans on the basis of their political views and religious belief.

Contrary to FBI Director Chris Wray’s statement that the Richmond memo was a one-off occurrence, the House report also found that the Richmond field office relied on intel from FBI offices in Los Angeles, Milwaukee, and Portland in making its assessment—a strong indication that other local FBI offices have undertaken similar anti-Catholic operations.

Given these revelations—and given that the FBI backtracked from the contents of the Richmond memo only after it leaked and became the subject of widespread backlash in the conservative media—who is to say what other investigations or protocols the Bureau is secretly deploying against religious groups or other law-abiding Americans?

The House report further concludes that the Bureau made “errors” at “every step of the drafting, review, approval, and removal process of the memorandum”—signaling that the FBI was not only targeting Catholics in a way that abused the agency’s procedures, but was also doing so haphazardly.

Moreover, the anti-Catholic memo “relied on a single investigation in the Richmond Field Office’s area of responsibility”—and despite the FBI’s use of the term “radical-traditionalist Catholic” as the basis for its memo, Bureau employees reportedly “could not define the meaning of a [radical-traditionalist Catholic] when preparing, editing, or reviewing the memorandum.”

In other words, the FBI’s Richmond office issued a full-scale anti-Catholic memo based on a single investigation in which they could not even define the term at the center of the case.

In some cases, the FBI’s targeting of Christians has gone beyond merely spying on local churches. In another sign of unprecedented hostility last year, more than a dozen armed FBI agents raided the home of Mark Houck, a Catholic pro-life activist and father of seven, who was charged with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act for praying the rosary outside of a Planned Parenthood clinic.

Though FBI and Biden administration officials have repeatedly attempted to reassure the American people about these incidents, those who defend the unborn or practice the Catholic faith rightly remain skeptical.

After all, the Biden DOJ has provided the American people with little reason to give them the benefit of the doubt. In just the past few months, the DOJ has deployed FBI agents to target patriotic parents, raided the home of Biden’s top political rival, and last year refused to lift a finger to stop the onslaught of violent attacks against crisis pregnancy centers and Catholic parishes in the wake of the June 2022 Dobbs decision.

Is it any wonder then that Christians and conservatives have lost confidence in the Biden DOJ’s ability to enforce the law impartially, without fear or favor? And is it truly that far-fetched to believe the DOJ is deliberately targeting Americans of faith? “You wouldn’t be here if the Trump administration was in the White House,” Mark Houck recalled saying to the multitude of agents who stormed his home last fall.

This realization continues to grow among Americans of every faith. Unless the Biden team brings its political and faith-based persecutions to end, they could soon face a massive reckoning at the ballot box.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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9 months ago

I’m sure the GOP led House will drag FBI Director Wray before them once again to discuss this matter. Another dog and pony show where the FBI Director will feign ignorance of any abuse of political power. That is how these matters involving the FBI have been playing out for years now.

The sad fact is the FBI will continue to do exactly as the current administration directs it to do until a new Trump led administration comes in. Then hopefully Wray and everyone else on the 7th floor of the FBI headquarters will be summarily fired and replaced with people that actually support the rule of law and the Constitution as opposed to the Democrat Party and its socialist style agenda. Until then, nothing will change.

9 months ago

Have they checked on that Catholic who lives in the white house?

9 months ago

The fbi should be disbanded asap and the doj, cia too.

heil biden
heil biden
9 months ago


Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
9 months ago

If this had happened during the Trump administration to Pro-choice people and anyone else who towed the democratic party line, democrats and progressives would have impeached Trump AGAIN and demanded the resignations and firings of anyone in the FBI or DOJ who was involved.

Pat R
Pat R
9 months ago

There needs to be a “reckoning” not only at the ballot box but also the FBI, CIA and NSA and all the heads of every agency under the Biden administration.
And if Congress doesn’t do the ‘reckoning’, then perhaps those voting against such a move Must face their own reckoning at the ballot box.

NIcholas Elder
NIcholas Elder
9 months ago

The media and democraps are branding Trump as a dictator, I wonder if they have noticed the actions of the currant dictator that occupies the White House!

9 months ago

Truly the FBI organization has become an enemy of America.

9 months ago

Like the article said, the Fed doesn’t bother with gangs drug cartels, the ones making our country unsafe. It’s just so maddening.

David Coe
David Coe
9 months ago

Ok, now we know the truth about what the FBI did and most likely will continue to do. My question is WHO in the FBI or our Government is going to be held accountable? As a Roman Catholic, this concerns me, it should concern everyone, if they do it to Catholics, they certainly will do it to any faith group.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
9 months ago

The FBI is noiw our Gestopo., Your papers please. Kyle L.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
9 months ago

WHY WONT CATHOLICS unite to stop this FBI ABUSE?
(minus Vatican aid)

9 months ago

Dictator in the White House, weaponizing of the FBI and DOJ. We are not safe, those who do not go along with ole Joe and the gang. The herd of sheep that followed him blindly have been awakened and the rest of the flock will be fully awakened by November 2024. They can scream all they want but their plan to destroy Anerica is coming to an end. All the lies, manipulation, brainwashing, bribes executed by ole Joe and his regime is over. The truth is winning out.

9 months ago

What? Wray is unaware? Just give me another Covid Shot. The next one in line will be YOU.
I need a cartoon when Wray testifies before congress with his nose growing after each statement. Where are the great cartoonist?

9 months ago

The words “shocking” and “bombshell” are too overused, but this truly fits the words. I, as well as most conservatives, have been aware of this for some time, but this confirmation is needed. Im not sure anything will be done about it during this administration, but the next one has a gigantic job cleaning up the mess Biden has made of our beloved country.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
9 months ago

Important article Mr. Flanigan ,should be appreciated by law abiding citizens who being law abiding citizens should be able to see to it that their opinions are taken seriously by the government – if the the government is of the people ,by the people and for the people. A writer with the organization The Catholic Association wrote an interesting article in Newsweek May 3, 2023 – Ashley McGuire – the title of her article is ” the FBI’ s Catholicism Memo is No Laughing Matter .” Ashley McGuire presents a conservative opinion of the issue and I thought it worthwhile to mention it. Law abiding citizens here in the United States of America should not have fear of any branch of government. Courage , Not Fear is the right way to go about living a responsible life. Well done with this article you wrote Aaron. With respect.

Denise Murray
Denise Murray
9 months ago

“Velcome Comrades” to the “Federal Bureau of Intimidation”. Interesting that the FBI first showed its “thug” agenda at the Rosebud Reservation back in the 70’s. They also showed it in Waco, Texas along with the ATF…another jack booted “enterprise”… Considering the “election” period blazing down the road to our destruction…any more “news” on the article a few years back about arming the 85,000 new “IRS” agents … ? Not to mention the growing war on our Second Amendment, freedom of speech, deliberate weakening of the now painfully laughable “criminal justice system”… oh, and our non-existent border….

9 months ago

Time for the anti American fbi to be severely reduced in size and authority.
Targeting Presidents,Catholics, taxpayers and Parents, this organization is obviously tainted and controlled by the marxist democrat party and traitors who are bought and paid for to exhibit partisan preferences.
NOT what the FBI is supposed to be focused on.
The REAL threats and criminals,ie; obama ,clinton,biden and their minions should be watched and jailed!

9 months ago

the idiot faux catholic who lives in the white house is the one who needs investigated. he’s so corrupt and everybody knows it except the fbi doj and the msm.

9 months ago

It just amazes me that there are people in this country that think Biden is doing a good job as president. I always thought Jimmy Carter was the worst president than Obuma but Biden knocks them both out of first place but the other two are tied for second, I just pray voters wake up by the 2024 election.

9 months ago

All of these “revelations” come at us, one after another, and what happens? Nothing. It is like bystanders taking videos of crimes happening and no one bothers calling the police. Chris Wray lies, bid deal. Comey lied and what happened to him? Nada. After this gig, Wray will be on CNN or MSNBC with his own show or ply his skills at a leftist think tank. The FBI has charged Hunter Biden with tax crimes after sitting on the investigation for years. I guess they got embarrassed and had to make a show of doing something. Anyone want to bet on how much time Hunter will serve? Does anyone really think Joe No-knowledge-of-Hunter’s-Businesses Biden will be implicated?

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
9 months ago

O LORD ! ! ! They gonna make the Catholics start serving grape juice, instead of wine. Kyle L.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
9 months ago

Chris Wray is a criminal and needs to be given a five minute trial and ten minute hanging.

the entire fbi needs to be shut down.

Eamonn Thomas Smyth
Eamonn Thomas Smyth
9 months ago

As a Catholic I am appalled by the FBI, but then what you expect from a government body ready to target Americans, who all they want to do is worship in the tradition of their faith. Perhaps this the time for a class action lawsuit against the FBI and DOJ!

9 months ago

I hope the 2024 election is free. If so there will be major change.

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
9 months ago

The rot in the FBI starts a the top and oozes down. Major cutting needs to be done starting at the top. The FBI needs to realize it’s not to be a foreign branch of communist China.

9 months ago

The “Following Biden’s Instructions” – FBI has become exactly the corrupt national police force Republican Congressmen warned it would become in the 1920′ s hearings. Hoover lied. He turned the FBI into a blackmail scheme from day one. It needs to be disbanded and restructured.

Jim Crossan
Jim Crossan
9 months ago

“Americans who are pro-life, pro-family, and support the biological basis for sex and gender distinction as potential domestic terrorists”
Wow! As a cradle Catholic, I do not place the government in the highest position of authority over my life and how I think and act. That position belongs to God. So, I do not look to government or civil authority a lot certainly not for moral clarity.
But I firmly believe that the powers behind the government want to eliminate any possibility that people like me can freely exercise their rights and in fact will do what is necessary to remove people like me from the field either through death or some technology designed to make us compliant against our will. Probably won’t happen in my lifetime (I’m already 70) but within 40-50 years, I think the world will be at the tipping point.

Marc Ziegler.
Marc Ziegler.
9 months ago

I like to know why the Catholic Church has not come out and complained about all this government harassment? Just like the church row over and complied without complaint with the government mandated pandemic lookdowns! Whatever happened to the church’s requirement to go to mass on Suday or you will be going to hell? I guess now many Catholics will not be going through the pearly gates! I like for once that the church grows some stones and stands up for us Catholics. Period!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
9 months ago

As long as “Meritless” Garland is AG, nothing will come of ANY investigations! Contempt charges or criminal referrals MUST be OK’d by Garland. Impeachment must be Ok’d by crooked DIMMS like Schumer.
If DJT doesn’t win next year, we will NEVER get an honest FBI and DOJ back!

Don Steward
Don Steward
9 months ago

One has to wonder what kind of vetting procedure the FBI has that allows agents who would participate in actions such as this?
This is sickening that our leaders of these government agencies allow without recourse actions such as this.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
9 months ago

Have you seen the new FBI footwear? It is 16 inches tall, black pull-on boot with thick soles and hobnails.

9 months ago

The majority of Americans like it that way. Reference 2020 and 2022 elections.

9 months ago

Who in the bureau could possibly have supported this crap? Is everyone in the FBI totally corrupt and anti America?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Truly, the government is here to help! Finally, the FBI is cracking down on radicalized Catholic school nuns guilty of knuckle-swatting students with rulers of mass destruction.

9 months ago

Isn’t that interesting. After all, Joe Sly-den and the Breakfact Tacos Sly-den woman claim to be catholics.

9 months ago

I guess the Catholic in the White House wants his co-religionists to be like him and join him in all of his anti-Catholic views, and then shove their rosary beads down the throats of anyone who questions the authenticity of their faith affiliation. I pray for his conversion.

9 months ago

Please Jesus help me and all of us (especially atheists, agnostics, and all secularists) find You and obey Your Teachings to better deserve Your Grace for all of us. PrayUSAPray

9 months ago

Wray is a CRIMINAL. Congress is too afraid to do anything or is it that the uniparty is backing this crap? The uniparty theory is closer to the truth. The government wants no religion but their own

anna hubert
anna hubert
9 months ago

To target the wrong religion deliberately is not helping anyone just when you thought there was nothing more left to screw up

9 months ago

The “weaponization” subcommittee is a joke, and everyone on it knows it’s a joke. There’s no reason not to look at even Catholics who are in fringe church cults, since religious fundamentalism and extremism are driving most of the violence in the world now.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
9 months ago

I have known may Catholics in my long life and not a one was someone I would consider a subversive. However, if they suspected someone in any organization to be subversive the FBI has a duty to investigate them Catholic or not. Think Mafia.

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