
National Security , Newsline

Joe Biden’s No Gunboat Diplomacy

Posted on Monday, December 4, 2023
by David Lewis Schaefer

AMAC Exclusive – By David Lewis Schaefer

President Joe Biden, joined by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, is briefed on the terrorist assault on Israel, Saturday October 7, 2023, in the Oval Office of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Cameron Smith)

In 1904, when American citizen Ion Perdicaris was kidnapped and held hostage by a band of rebels in Morocco, U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt dispatched seven warships to secure his safe return. That incident marks a stark contrast to the current effort to rescue the American citizens still held captive in Gaza.

As of last Wednesday, nearly two months since the start of the fighting between Israel and Hamas, Hamas fighters held at least eight American citizens hostage. Although Hamas released several Americans following the commencement of a ceasefire last week, the Pentagon said on Wednesday that “7 to 9” U.S. citizens remained in Hamas’s custody.

While negotiations are ongoing, neither Biden nor National Security Council Spokesperson John Kirby were able to offer any update on when or if the remaining American hostages will be released.

Meanwhile, just a few days before the ceasefire began, on November 25, Houthi forces (Yemeni rebels allied with Iran) fired two ballistic missiles toward a U.S. warship in the Gulf of Aden after the U.S. Navy responded to a distress call from a commercial tanker that had been seized by pirates. U.S. officials recently confirmed that the Houthis have launched at least 60 attacks on American forces since mid-October, resulting in at least 59 injuries.

Senior Pentagon officials stated in late October that the attacks had “Iranian fingerprints all over” them. One defense official explained in a background briefing that Iran is funding, equipping, guiding, and directing military partners and proxies across the Middle East, including Lebanese Hezbollah militia groups in Iran, Syria, and Yemen. It is widely believed as well that the Hamas terrorists currently holding American along with Israeli hostages were trained for their attack by Iran.

Shortly after taking office, it’s worth recalling, President Biden reversed the Trump administration’s designation of the Houthis as a terrorist organization for no known reason other than the wish to placate their Iranian sponsors and thereby induce the Iranians to resume negotiations for a new nuclear “deal,” replacing the one that Donald Trump had wisely canceled.

Even amid the attacks on U.S. troops, Biden has not restored the Houthis’ status as a terrorist organization subject to sanctions. The question thus remains: just what more will our Iranian enemies – who have sworn to destroy the U.S. (the “big Satan”) just as soon as they finish off its “little Satan” ally (Israel) – have to do to generate a more vigorous response from Biden? More specifically, how much abuse will the administration take before it stops all nuclear negotiations and seeks the destruction of Teheran’s nuclear facilities, just as the Israelis did to the Iraqi-built nuclear facility in Syria in 1981?

American presidents did not always show so much weakness in the face of a foreign aggressor who directly endangers the lives of U.S. citizens. When Ion Perdicaris was kidnaped (along with his British stepson) by one Ahmed al-Raisuni, leader of a group of bandits in Tangier, Morocco, the response by Theodore Roosevelt was far different.

As the price of the hostages’ release, Raisuni demanded that the Moroccan sultan pay a ransom of $55,000 (subsequently upped to $70,000) along with numerous political concessions (including the release of a group of political prisoners and cession of control over six of Morocco’s wealthiest districts). Raisuni also demanded that the United States and England guarantee the fulfillment of his demands.

The Roosevelt administration’s response was swift and forceful. Initially, Assistant Secretary of State Francis B. Loomis diverted seven of the sixteen American warships already stationed in the Mediterranean to undertake an ostensible “goodwill” visit to Tangier.

While landing only a half-dozen marines at the port, so as to avoid setting off a battle that would threaten the captives’ lives, the U.S. commander induced the Moroccan sultan to comply with Raisuni’s demands – with the threat that the Americans would otherwise seize the Moroccan customs houses.

But when Raisuni then stalled the negotiations with the sultan, seeking to gain even more concessions, U.S. Secretary of State John Hay announced to the Republican National Convention meeting in June (potential presidential nominees did not attend conventions in those days), “This government wants Perdicaris alive or Raisuni dead.” In other words, if the sultan failed to secure Perdicaris’s safe return, he would have to have Raisuni executed in order to avoid American punishment.

In the end, the sultan reached an agreement with Raisuni on the ransom needed to secure Perdicaris’s release, and also paid the U.S. $4,000 for the expenses that its mission had incurred.

The Perdicaris Affair illustrates how Progressive presidents of the past (as well as predecessors like James Madison) not only pursued vigorous domestic policies (for good or ill) but also made the U.S. a force to be reckoned with abroad, such that terrorists typically knew better than to challenge American power. Roosevelt’s bold course of action sent a message to the entire world not to mess with Americans, and would come to be known as “gunboat diplomacy.”

In keeping with this strategy, it was also Roosevelt who employed the threat of force to wrest Panama from the Colombian government, thus paving the way for the construction of the Panama Canal – a benefit to all nations engaged in trade with this country. It was Roosevelt, too, who sailed the “Great White Fleet” around the world to demonstrate the nation’s naval prowess.

In sum, Roosevelt exuded confidence both in the rightness of America’s cause and in its capacity to defend its interests against all threats. Even in this age of advanced weaponry, it is hard to imagine Roosevelt or his Progressive successors, from Wilson, FDR, and Truman through Kennedy and LBJ, responding so passively to the kidnaping of American citizens or military assaults against our forces stationed abroad as the Biden administration has been doing.

Roosevelt would have explained to Barack Obama, the original architect of the foolish and entirely unenforceable nuclear deal with Iran, along with his successor Biden, that making supine concessions to your declared enemies in return for mere promises to be nice only increases their demands. In the words of Rudyard Kipling, “once you start paying the Danegeld [payments of tribute that the English once made to buy off Scandinavian raiders], you never get rid of the Dane.”

David Lewis Schaefer is a Professor of Political Science Emeritus at College of the Holy Cross.

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10 months ago

Biden is a pu$$y compared to Teddy Roosevelt!!! Braindead, zombie, that just keeps depositing the bribe money into one of his 23+ offshore bank accounts!!! God Help Us!!!

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
10 months ago

Had the U.S. had stronger leadership in D.C., those attacks would never have taken place.

10 months ago

“American presidents did not always show so much weakness in the face of a foreign aggressor who directly endangers the lives of U.S. citizens” In contrast Obummer and O’Biden ALWAYS show weakness, in fact IMHO they actually support these terrorist organizations as part of the “Transformation” they promised.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
10 months ago

Dipsh*t diplomacy.

10 months ago

Biden’s international expertise has been tried and found to be what it looked like all the time. Found wanting.

George Ruben Rivera Jr
George Ruben Rivera Jr
10 months ago

Interestingly enough, Biden has sent Naval assets into the Red Sea shooting gallery. To what purpose, you might ask? Why, think of the Gulf of Tonkin and Vietnam. It would “rescue” Biden in 2024 and provide a distraction from his disastrous Presidency, legitimate or not.

10 months ago

America has become weak. Don’t know how else to put it.

10 months ago

How about we trade Butthead Biden for the hostages?

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
10 months ago

For a guy that says no gun boat diplomacy he sure has a lit of wars going!!!

10 months ago

Maybe FJB enjoys being smacked upside the head (some people are turned on by physical abuse). Maybe FJB is scared of conflict, some people are beyond afraid of conflict. Maybe FJB is 100% absolutely clueless of how this all works. Maybe all of the above. I place FJB in that category of people who see themselves as God’s gift to humanity. Sadly I know many people like this, I bet you do as well.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
10 months ago

1938 Appeaesment style diplomacy

10 months ago

This is what you get when you have lack of leadership, lack of resolve. Constantly showing weakness emboldens all the criminals and bullies! IMO

10 months ago

doesn’t a hostage have to be “alive” to be released!!!

10 months ago

Good information, but we need to start giving solutions as well. Biden and his handlers have heard all of this repeatedly, as have we, and no one is offering how to end this BS. It seems to wait another year; nothing will be left, and WHOM directs the shell who signs on the dotted line??? – will have destroyed the country.

Now, Congress has done nothing, whine yes, but concrete action —- nada. Anyone leading, the guts to save the United States — seems not!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
10 months ago

We have “leadership” in office? That’s news!

10 months ago

Biden and his administration are certainly not up to the job of handling the war in Gaza. Funding both sides? I have never heard of any country ever doing that. To the students who are protesting against our allies the Israelies.The Palestinians will kill you, rape your wives and daughters, and cut your babies heads off. You are a bunch of fools.

10 months ago
  • O’bummer and O’bidon Use Buttplug diplomacy. Hiding their heads in the “sand”. Are for them their favorite place in someone’s Anatomy. We can’t hope for anything better until we clean, cleanse, out the White House and every other branch of government from the filth their offices have left behind. We can’t go on like this.
10 months ago

Much of this goes back to carter and his utter inability to deal with the iranians who had taken our embassy and staff as captives. He was surrounded by phds like ziggy b who assumed every problem was insurmountable and said so nightly on the news. The deal should’ve been this-‘we get back every hostage unharmed and well live and let live’. Anything less than that and we will lay waste to your miserable sh hole. Oh, and every mullah will be forcefed pork products before execution. Carters weakness set the table for many other hostage situations. We were fed the lie that these people didnt care about continuing to live so the usual threats meant nothing. Another left wing lie. They very much wish to continue living.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
10 months ago

TR’s demand was “Perdicardis alive or Raisuni DEAD.” He showed the Muslims his “big stick” and he wasn’t afraid to use it when necessary! Biden is a weak sister. I wish he would meet DJT behind the barn and get the whupping he deserves!!

10 months ago

No repercussions for those who attack us, only appeasement. We should have blown Iran off the map long ago. Teddy R. was a real man, not a wuss like Obama and Biden. But I guess their financial interests come first.

10 months ago

joe is weak in everything. The presidents have joe wrapped around their fingers. Not to mention joe and son get money from China. I believe joe is sending money to Russia so Russia won’t destroy the US. joe will most likely win the next election. The dnc will see to that. Then things will only get worse. People should be scared of the politicians, not who will start a war with us.

anna hubert
anna hubert
10 months ago

Had Biden been even close to Teddy Roosevelt we would be in a different position and so would he Would not have to cheat

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
10 months ago

The only defense for anything America in Premier Josef’s arsenal is his resignationl

10 months ago

Appeasement doesn’t work. But O wants to destroy America and ole Joe, the puppet, lets him do it.
America is strong only under ole Joe he is projecting weakness. Corn pop is still winning.

10 months ago

Replace them all. Every Democrate needs to be removed from office.

10 months ago

Sadly, America has become weak, very weak and the world is laughing. The only thing brandon is good at is lying and giving free handouts to the world. So sad for a once GREAT NATION, but as they say all good things must come to an end! Seems it’s the truth.

Gary Willerton
Gary Willerton
10 months ago

Our Country has been made a laughing stock under the Biden /Obama administration. ( 3rd Obama term) our national security is nonexistent (look at the southern border).
If this Country doesn’t straighten up and get back on track, we are going the way of the Roman Empire

Sally Duncan
Sally Duncan
10 months ago

The Obama and now the Biden administration which is one in the same will NEVER have the fortitude their predicessors had because they want to destroy America and are doing a bangup job of it. Where are the republicans, conservatives and middle of the roaders. It appears we don’t have any.

10 months ago

Biden stand for nothing but himself.

David Millikan
David Millikan
10 months ago

Since Dictator Beijing biden doesn’t have presidential immunity he can no longer hide.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
10 months ago

Why worry. We have such a strong leader. Kyle L.

Ben Ray
Ben Ray
9 months ago

There are still Americans left abandoned by this President in Afghanistan.

10 months ago

There were two comments under my initial comment that have disappeared. Who is removing comments and why?

10 months ago

biden is a great president
trump was the worst president

Art Warmack
Art Warmack
10 months ago

Yep, lets praise Frankie Roosevelt. But before doing that, look into something called “The McCullum Memorandum”. You might start to ask some questions concerning December 7, 1941 and what followed.
I will never praise Biden but I will never again back the war whores and their hold on this country. The US is an anathema now to over 80% of the global population over our constant meddling and its cost on the lives of tens of millions of people from parts of the world the US never had any reason to even have a presence much less form CIA funded coup like activity. That crap gave the world the current Ukraine situation in addition to more similar instances than I care to list here.
We are not and never have been on a global level a “shining light on a hill”.

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