During a Senate committee hearing Tuesday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas couldn’t answer a question about how many illegal immigrants federal authorities have released into the U.S. interior under the Biden administration.
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., pressed Mayorkas on the issue, but the DHS secretary couldn’t provide a number at Tuesday’s Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing. Illegal immigration at the southern border of the U.S. has surged past 2 million in both fiscal year 2022, the highest year on record, and 2023, according to federal data.
An inspector general report in September found that DHS lacks the ability to track all illegal immigrants released from its custody into the U.S. interior, partially because of the overwhelming surge at U.S. borders.
“I’ve asked you this in the past, what numbers are represented here? How many people has this administration let in by encountering, processing, dispersing or that come in as a known or an unknown ‘gotaway’? Approximately, I don’t need an exact number, so what do we got?” Johnson asked Mayorkas.
“Senator, let me say,” Mayorkas responded before being interrupted by Johnson.
“I need numbers. Don’t filibuster me. How many people has this administration let into the country?” Johnson continued.
Mayorkas began speaking before Johnson again interrupted him for not providing a clear number.
“Let me say at the outset that our job would be a lot easier if the broken immigration system … ” Mayorkas responded.
“Mr. Secretary, I want a number. How many people will have you let into this country? I’ll give you the number, it’s about 6 million, about 1.7 million as known gotaways. Now, again, we don’t know who these people are. We just know that they’ve come to this country and that they’re residing somewhere. Where are all these people residing? Where did the 6 million people go?” Johnson asked.
Border Patrol doesn’t have the ability to always collect migrants’ addresses, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement doesn’t always validate the addresses before they’re released into the country, the inspector general previously found. Between March 2021 and August 2022, Border Patrol collected 981,671 migrant records, but more than 177,000 migrant records “were either missing, invalid for delivery, or not legitimate residential locations.”
Mayorkas began to attempt to answer Johnson again, but still could not provide a direct response.
“Senator, you speak of encounters, and let me share,” Mayorkas said before Johnson interrupted.
“Would you answer my questions? Where did these 6 million people go? Are you keeping track of them? To what extent [do] we have a handle on where are these 6 million people are in America?” Johnson asked.
Mayorkas continued to attempt to answer Johnson’s questions.
“As you well know, when an individual is indeed released, they are released into immigration enforcement proceedings and are subject to removal if they do not have a legal basis to remain in the United States,” the DHS chief said.
“You’re not answering that question. Where do these people reside?” Johnson asked.
Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Jennie Taer.
Mayorkas and Anyone who supports him and the destruction he’s wrought on America are Traitors and should be hung.
By the time the 2024 elections roll around, the Biden administration will have added over 10 million illegal aliens to the already 40 million that were in this country after Obama left office per federal government stats. So 50 million in total. This is the numerical advantage the Democrats are counting on to swing all major elections their way. Meanwhile, the American people seem content to simply watch the southern invasion continue nightly on the boob tube and think nothing bad will happen.
Very good article Jenny Taer — everything that pertains to the invasion of the United States of America, by a despicable , dishonorable group of criminals — enemies of freedom — is of great importance . It does not matter if that criminal element is coming across the southern border , or the northern border or if they are getting into this Country by balloons or some other aircraft, or if they are entering via some vessel from the sea. This idea that there are huge numbers of unaccounted for illegal aliens loose in this Country is not acceptable ,should not be acceptable to any American with good sense, good character and regard for good citizenship — for someone who is supposed to be in a position of authority involving border issues to be unable to provide answers about the number of illegal immigrants and where they may be living , it is not a situation that generates trustworthy feelings in government at all. So, straight answers to straight questions , that is always the best policy . The best thing I can think of in this matter is to have as many American citizens as possible being sincere about supporting their local police and being sincere, and having an attitude that is based on courage and moral strength and intelligent ideas to be on the lookout for illegal drug trafficking and human trafficking so as to be able to report those crimes to police authorities and keep this Country the land of the free and the home of the brave. In the spirit of respect for the ideals of Faith ,Family and Freedom.
Along with the President, Vice President, and his other complacent and complicit cabinet members, who are tearing apart our Country. Should also include some State Governors, and large City Mayors, Council Members, Liberal Senators and Congress Members!
More importantly, who are these aliens, and where do they come from! Arrest and prosecute Biden and Cabinet, and any in Congress who support this criminal activity! Sell all possessions of the guilty to help pay for deportations and crime reparations!!!
Totally incredible how someone so incompetent and stupid can be a part of our government. Aside from that, why do they want to live in a America that was once great and reduce it into a third world country. Why? What do they have to gain? They’re kids and grandkids have to live in this disaster they are creating!
I have to believe that the American people have had it, with this woke, communist, corrupt Administration! Once they got Biden in the WH they have systematically worked at one goal, destroy everything the Republic has stood for since its founding. It’s not hyperbolic hysteria to say that the 2024 Presidential election is the most critical election in the history of the Republic! Should “we the people “ fail at electing across the board candidates who can begin restoring what has been taken from us, America will never be the same again! For all of Biden’s term the American people have been given a small taste of what it is like to live under a repressive regime!
Love that Johnson is all over Mayorkas! BUT we need the answers and to stop the insanity of all this. No more illegal immigration and find where these people are. I’m certain they’re not all sweet poor families with children, there are plenty of criminals, drug sellers, and enemies of the State! This is vital all is tracked down and stopped.
Mayorkas is a puppet of the leftist Democratic Party . Biden and he do not care or even want to know where the 6 million un vetted illegals are in our country. They just want to get them to vote Democratic to keep the leftists in office and ruin our country.
The entire administration is a joke with a bad ending.
Is there a school of some kind that all bureaucrats must attend to learn how to sidestep, ignore or misconstrue direct questions? If so, then Mayorkas must be its headmaster. Such non-answers are the earmarks of incompetent leadership.
Great pride must envelope this little man to keep him from stepping aside allowing someone with the capability and integrity to shoulder such responsibility.
Mayoress and the Education Czar Cardenas both need long jail sentences and fines!
Guess, around 10 million. He doesn’t care, not effecting him personally, so why should he care?
Elections have consequences and we are supposed to believe 81 million wanted this invasion/consequence to take place.
The sad truth is that this is all being done intentionally!! Many of these illegals aren’t coming here to look for a better life for them and their families, they are here for the promised free stuff that we are paying for!!! And all of that free stuff will buy Democrats votes (or at least that’s what they think will happen) if they can get these illegals naturalized thru some kind of ridiculous asylum process invented by Democrats!!!
Oh, and Democrats never answer questions, they dance around the answer without actually giving an answer!! This is why I don’t listen to interviews or committee investigations – they are simply frustrating!!
When ANY of Joe Biden’s secretaries appears before a congressional committee, he or she can decline to address a question due to national security, or flat out lie their heads off.
And why do these clowns eagerly do such dishonorable things? They know that it’s their job to mislead, stonewall, or lie about everything that the Administration does, or doesn’t do. They also know that they are immune to any legal charges because Joe “Depends” has their backs.
There is only one positive reason for even conducting these congressional hearings, i.e. the public can see what the Democrats are doing to this nation.
Is Mayorkas really claiming that the Biden administration inherited a “broken” immigration system? HA! The border was secure under Trump and his “stay in Mexico” program was working flawlessly. They are letting these people in and have no intention of stopping – give them free stuff, make them citizens and they will vote Dem forever!
He has absolutely no accountability. Lies continuously even under oath. Just typical Democrat his lips are moving so is lying. I would guess it’s north of 10 million.
Can’t count because he doesn’t have enough fingers and toes to do the math. Good news, God knows exactly how many hairs are on each person head….the whole world is in that count by God.
He cares nothing about this country he will allow anyone into this country, he does not have a clue what he has let into this country he has the blessing thanks to Biden and his team sad what this country has become there will be non stop crime in this country not to mention thousands dying from drugs brought in by the southern border thanks to this jerk Mayorkas. He will not answer any questions with a honest answer he thinks he is above anyone or any law in this country he should be impeached so far no one in Washington will touch him.
The bottom line, Mayorkas needs to be impeached, not be entitled to any pension, or severance by taxpayers because he is inept and is intentionally destroying the lives of Americans to include those who excuse or lie about the border is secure.
Mayorkas has repeatedly sat in the witness chair, smiled and lied again, again and again. People with morals cannot understand how anyone can do that, but it goes with being a dimocrap! It should be so obvious to any thinking person, but that’s the problem, dimocraps can’t, won’t and don’t think. It is just easier to always vote for the same party and maybe get somebody different. That is one test for insanity!
This guy Mayorkas, Biden and Merrick Garland should all be prosecuted for violating their oath of office. They should all be in prison.
add number since Biden took office
Mayorkas should be hung for treason