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“Decolonization” Rhetoric Haunts Liberals Amid Hamas Terrorist Attacks

Posted on Saturday, October 14, 2023
by Andrew Shirley

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Shirley

Israel and Palestine flags next to another regarding hamas attacks

On Wednesday, CNN confirmed that Hamas terrorists have “butchered” and “decapitated” Israeli women, children, and even toddlers in a brutal attack on an Israeli kibbutz. Yet despite the unspeakable violence perpetrated against the Israeli people, many liberals have openly defended Hamas in the name of one of the left’s favorite buzzwords – “decolonization.”

According to the left, Israel is an “apartheid” state controlled by “occupiers” and “colonizers” – terms referring to the country’s Jewish residents. Iran-backed Hamas militants are, therefore, not terrorists but “freedom fighters” whose atrocities are justified in the name of “decolonization” – which has in effect become a euphemism for committing genocide against Jews in Israel.

At a pro-Hamas rally in Sydney, Australia, one woman held up a sign that said, “decolonization is not a metaphor” – an apparent justification of the violence. Other activists made similar statements that emphasized the necessity of “decolonization.” Najmi Sharif, a prominent liberal journalist whose work has appeared in many mainstream publications, recently tweeted, “What did y’all think Decolonization meant? Vibes? Papers? Essays? Losers.” Washington Post columnist Karen Attiah supported Sharif’s endorsement of the killing by “liking” her post.

Multiple Black Lives Matter groups nationwide have also come out in support of the Hamas terror attacks in the name of “decolonization.” BLM Chicago posted an image of a Hamas terrorist paragliding into Israel with the caption, “I Stand with Palestine” – an apparent grotesque reference to the paragliding Hamas militants that slaughtered hundreds of innocent civilians at an Israeli concert.

BLM Grassroots, meanwhile, issued a lengthy statement that applauded the attacks, asserting a right for “black and Palestinian people” to live on “decolonized land” in a “new world” built from the “ashes” of the old.

The term “decolonization” has been a mainstay of 21st-century liberal rhetoric. In scores of speeches and think pieces, liberals have called on the world to decolonize everything from bookshelves to fields of academic study, government, and even the food we eat. Universities have formed work groups tasked with finding ways to “decolonize” their student bodies.

One of the primary aims of the left’s decolonization agenda is the destruction of so-called “white-centric,” “Euro-centric,” and, notably, “Zion-centric” concepts and ideologies. One school board in Canada went so far as to remove every book in their library published after 2008 in the name of “decolonization.” Liberal college students make TikTok posts celebrating how they “decolonized” their home by throwing away books and destroying products made by Jewish people in Israel.

The underlying assertion of “decolonization” as it is understood by the left today is that every Western structure, from Christianity to capitalism, even the very existence of America and Western history itself are all forces of imperialism that oppress minority groups. That includes Israel, which, according to the left, is an illegitimate state founded on the oppression of Arab peoples (despite the fact that over 20 percent of Israel citizens today are of Arab descent).

Dr. Owen Anderson, a professor of philosophy, religious studies, and theology, has argued that, for the left, decolonization is about reversing the Western European influence on the world through Christianity and capitalism. “By doing this, the decolonizing want to return to indigenous people’s beliefs about the mother goddess, magical rituals, and the oneness of all reality,” he writes.

There are now entire academic disciplines dedicated to “decolonization theory,” which the leftists in academia use as an effective vehicle to peddle what is essentially Marxist ideology to college students. Instead of history being about class struggles, as Marx taught, decolonization theory says that history is defined by struggles between groups of people. Replace the bourgeoisie with white Western Europeans and the proletariat with “oppressed” minorities, and “decolonization theory” and Marxism are virtually indistinguishable.

However, the reaction to Hamas’s brutal attack on Israel is exposing the moral bankruptcy of the left’s “decolonization” rhetoric for all to see.

It is clear to any reasonable observer that the side indiscriminately killing innocent civilians at a music festival, raping women, and murdering babies are the bad guys. But for the left-wing activists brainwashed by the left’s Marxist decolonization ideology, defending Israel and criticizing Hamas is simply not an option. By definition, Israel must be the bad guys because they are the colonizers and the oppressors, while Hamas and the Palestinians are the defenseless victims.

And so the world witnesses the disgusting sight of privileged leftists marching in the street reflexively defending those calling for the extermination of the Jewish race and waging terror campaigns on civilians. For all the liberal fearmongering about conservatives being “literal Nazis,” it is the left-wing activists who are actually normalizing Jewish hate and murder.

This presents a major problem for elected Democrats – many of whom have openly embraced organizations like BLM and the Democratic Socialists of America that are now attempting to justify the violence. While there has always been an uneasy relationship between traditional Democrats and the party’s increasingly radical left-wing base, the Israel-Palestine conflict is now threatening to open a massive rift between the two.

To normal Americans, Democrat and Republican, Hamas brutally torturing and killing civilians is murder, plain and simple. But to the far left, it’s just a natural part of “decolonization.”

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

Praise for your very good work writing this article Andrew, it is appreciated. It is good that this article shows clearly that those who commit war crimes are despicable criminals — and those who support criminals like that — it is good that they be identified for what they are too. The distortion of the English language ,for example , the distortion of the word “decolonization ” is important to consider . Distortion of language indicates a distorted way of thinking . In the spirit of Right Thinking — with respect for the values of Faith, Family and Freedom. Prayer for the people of Israel — let them be safe and free . In the spirit of God bless America, land of the free and home of the brave , Let Liberty be the watchword. Well Done Mr.Shirley ,this writing is needed and helps to make for a better world .

1 year ago

Decolonization ? What the hell does that mean ? The left loves to use their latest deceptive phrases to convey their brutal meaning and they are masters at it. This is simple. The Israelies need to resort to all measures, including brutality, to eliminate not only Hamas but all terrorists threatening Israel .Actually, this a good moment. Finally, the Israelis need to no longer adhere to the BS concept of a 2 state peace. There will never be one. Gaza belongs to Israel along with the west bank and the Golan Heights. Israel needs to take this opportunity to double its land area. Hamas has handed Israel a gift if they take advantage of it. Now Israel can conduct a total elimination of terrorism. This should probably included elimination of key targets in Iran. Do it all and do it now.

Deborah M Nearhoof
Deborah M Nearhoof
1 year ago

Israel has a God given right to defend itself ????????

Gary Metzinger
Gary Metzinger
1 year ago

Our educational institutions especially our publicly funded universities must be decolonized of extremist liberal hate teaching educators who are occupying positions created by Christian capitalist organizations focused on improving the lot of mankind with tolerance, humility and kindness. The sooner they are fired from their positions of trust and replaced with God fearing, people loving, conservative educators, the sooner we can take back America and pursue her National Destiny as defined in our Constitution .

1 year ago

Hahahaha. Anyone who claims that Israelis are “colonizers” in Israel is history ignorant. Take a junior college world history course…if you can find one in this ignorant educational system anymore.

Giordano Bruno
Giordano Bruno
1 year ago

Speaking of colonization, all one needs to do is look at the hoard of invaders streaming over America’s southern boarder . . . mostly men of military age coming from countries all over the world, including Iran and China!! No American should be without a weapon and ammunition for home defense. What happened in Israel will inevitably happen in America!

1 year ago

Mark my words. Jews are switching from democrat to republican at record rates. They are getting more and more sick of the far left trampling on their religion and customs. I can see republicans winning the Jewish vote next year and that is great news for republicans. Only Muslims will vote for the deranged left and they are already there.

E Herring
E Herring
1 year ago

Jews in country have historically voted for democrats, I wonder if they have finally woken up!

1 year ago

Murder is that..Murder…and this is what occurred in Israel…murder of children and adults…is Murder…barbaric murder! It’s about time people talk to each other instead of demanding. To resort to killing is sign of ignorance and weakness. This is the Devil at work.

1 year ago

The leftist, hippy professors truly have taken over university and other so-called education centers

1 year ago

Very educational article, Andrew. Thanks.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

Jordan, Lebanon, stria and Gaza use to be christian places. between 1960 and 2020 the Muslims have murdered the Christians and taken over those areas / countries.

Who does the left think is doing the colonization?

Why is it leftists / democrat are always wrong and always so completely uneducated on the subjects they are so opinionated on?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Ppl are surprised that college kids (re)educated at brainwash academys colloquially referred to as “colleges and universities” crank out Little Eichmanns who spew out the same message they’d had implanted in their little minds by Big Eichmanns teaching it? These are the same idiots who become “triggered by microaggressions” if a conservative speaker is on campus.

1 year ago

The far left is out of their minds.

George Plakorus
George Plakorus
1 year ago

Insanity not philosophy. Cannot kill every white person in the western world. If attempted the response as being taken by Israel will sweep every western land.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

I wonder how many if the fighters and for justice standers would actually be willing to fight and even to die alongside of their palestinian brothers The fighters we know are very good at looting burning smashing things and terrorizing harmless As to putting themselves on the frontline I am skeptical They are good at screaming and teeth barring as long as it is painless

1 year ago

Leave them where they are, you probably have never read them anyway.

Sparticus Rahm
Sparticus Rahm
1 year ago

That’s it round up these sleeze bags and put a round or two in the vitals be humane bout it be rid of PARASITES God decrees it he realizes you stood idly by and did nothing to help his peeps, thats not the position you want on ur soul, God given right to extinguish evil any way it takes, not matter their status amongst men, I will bless those who bless my brethren, God keeps his promise, I know it to be true. Rejoice and be glad. Sooo go forth and trample the sodomites, I will Guide you to them, to assure victory for all the world to witness, he who believes in me shall live a new life free from the sins of this wretched corrupt vile to burn to death every last soul of the Heathen, so there will be no more of death, hate, wars, heathen, witches, warlocks, sin dens, sodomy, and it’s ilk gone forever. But first, the epoch final battle of Armageddon, must cast the Devil from Earth, never to be seen or heard From for eternity.

1 year ago

War is the failure of humanity to accept the basic rights of others, and in some way every war has its terrorists. That’s because, terroristism is always at war, even in their own relams with no humanity whatsoever. Terrorism starts when the life of other humanbeings have no worth and unspeakable and discusting acts linger in a sociopathic relam of terroristic hate and horror, which terrorists use as their primary weapon. Anyone who thinks raping, castrating, hanging, beheading, and torturing another human being could ever be justified, for any reason, is a terrorists. The reality is terrorists are inhuman beast, which has to be caged, tried by humanity and then removed from the human race. The beheading of infants is biblicaly horrific, and nothing can justify such behavior, nothing human anyway!

NIcholas Elder
NIcholas Elder
1 year ago

Democratic liberalism is a sickness that if left unchecked will destroy civilazation.

1 year ago

Have you actually read the New Testament in the Bible? The two greatest commandments are Love your neighbor as you love yourself and Love the Lord you God with all your mind soul and strength. Where is the hate in those commandments?

Code Red
Code Red
1 year ago

Ha sign me up with a high powered rifle with a good sniper scope and I am ready to defend The Israel

1 year ago

Liberals have their own unique double standard. They are programmed and have a screw or screws missing in their brain.
They totally negate logic !!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

It is the soul not the book for many many moslems are illiterate

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

I can guess what the “f” stands for! The religion responsible for the most deaths is ATHEISM which was practiced by the USSR and Red China, Cuba, Vietnam, etc. which killed 100 MILLION people in the 20th century!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

Those nutty Aussies, unless they are aborigines, must move immediately because their country was “colonized” by England! Bon voyage!

1 year ago

Jews are patsys…pawns of the Globalists…look how many fell for the bioweapon MRNA.

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