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Impeach Merrick Garland?

Posted on Tuesday, September 26, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Attorney General Merrick Garland speaking next to Biden.

After Attorney General Merrick Garland’s stunning testimony before the House last week, facts are clear. They argue for considering his impeachment based on duplicity, dishonesty, and incompetence. As enervating for listeners was his uncooperative attitude, demagoguery, and pure hubris.

In April 1940, a dozen years before Garland was born, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Attorney General, Robert H. Jackson – later on the Supreme Court – gave a powerful speech. That speech – entitled “The Federal Prosecutor” – can be found, believe it or not, on Justice’s website, and in history books.

Jackson’s theme was timeless, presentation arresting. The speech stands as a confession of an attorney general to what most know but few say: A federal prosecutor, not least a US Attorney General, has an extraordinary, almost unchecked power to destroy people’s lives.

Jackson, respected by both parties, spoke with candor about what a federal prosecutor can do. He –especially an Attorney General – can create and obscure facts, deny or misapply the law, formulate false narratives, punish political enemies, reward friends, produce indictments without opposition, prevent defense counsel from their day in court, and use the power of government to coerce, delay, and betray.

The confessional nature of Jackson’s speech was, however, not the reason he gave it, nor why it remains important – especially as one looks at the profoundly disappointing tenure of Garland at Justice.

The reason for the confession of unchecked power, how an Attorney General can abuse power, was a dire warning – to prosecutors in his time and ours, a plea to think bigger, do not go political.

Garland should reread the speech. If under a “truth serum” or suffering a flash of humility, he might resign. What Jackson, a lifetime Democrat, warned about – potential corruption – is Garland’s world.

Before getting to what Garland said, and why it warrants consideration of impeachment, listen to FDR’s AG of the topic of integrity, and think about modern context, investigations Garland allowed to lapse, never undertook, and others he fomented – into parents and former presidents – no leash.

Wrote Jackson: “The prosecutor has more control over life, liberty, and reputation than any other person in America. His discretion is tremendous. He can have citizens investigated and, if he is that kind of person, he can have this done to the tune of public statements and veiled or unveiled intimations.”

 “Or the prosecutor may choose a more subtle course and simply have a citizen’s friends interviewed … order arrests, present cases to the grand jury in secret session, and on the basis of his one-sided presentation of the facts, can cause the citizen to be indicted and held for trial.”

Jackson pulled no punches: “He may dismiss the case before trial, in which case the defense never has a chance to be heard …If he obtains a conviction, the prosecutor can still make recommendations as to sentence …and after he is put away, as to whether he is a fit subject for parole.”

 “While the prosecutor at his best is one of the most beneficent forces in our society, when he acts from malice or other base motives, he is one of the worst.” Exactly right.

Especially of concern to Jackson was an AG’s power to do damage political opponents. “Because of this immense power to strike at citizens, not with mere individual strength, but with all the force of government itself,” a prosecutor must avoid politics.

Now look at Garland. For motive, we could surmise he is interested in the Supreme Court, or angry he was denied a spot by Republicans, but that is secondary.

What we learned last week is atrocious. Beyond inaction on bad actors from Justice and the FBI, he is resolved to stake his reputation, like Nixon’s ill-fated AG John Mitchell, on covering the ball.

Garland repeatedly refused to answer direct questions from a co-equal branch, constitutionally vested to do oversight of his department, about basic operations, practices, conversations, and facts.

Specifically, he refused to explain why he allowed prosecutors to kill investigations, delay prosecution of the Bidens, why he allowed the statute of limitations to run on probes of the President’s son – which implicated the President in bribery, foreign corrupt practices, RICO, and more sobering charges.

He stonewalled dozens of questions tied to the president, including why he did blocked multijurisdictional prosecution of the president’s son, dropped charges to prevent a plea deal from turning into a trial – which might prove culpability by the president.

He directly contradicted multiple credible whistleblowers on his actions around protecting the son and president, including FBI and IRS whistleblowers. He ignored hundreds of suspicious transaction banking reports, CTRs, CMIRS coming from Treasury – non-political banking records – that suggest guilt.

He claimed not to have had conversations with the White House, nor to have talked with prosecutors who reported to him, when admitting that might suggest cover-up.

He claimed never to have told the president to stop carting his son around the world for deals, even as evidence mounts. He greenlighted – failed to redlight –presumptively criminal acts.

He never inquired into 15 trips by the father-son duo, their baseless contracts, 17 accounts set to avoid attention, 20 million dollars seemingly paid for access. He looked the other way, still is doing so.

Garland boldly denied Congress’s constitutional power to check him, to intercede, to offer witnesses “use” or “transactional” immunity for truth – especially on Garland’s and Biden’s behaviors. He squarely contested separation of powers, Congress’s oversight of his own suspicious behavior.

Bottom line: Having led the oversight of Clinton’s Justice Department, watched 50 years of executive-congressional relations, clerked, litigated, and read Jackson’s speech, I am appalled. Garland is not being honest. His impeachment is now worth considering.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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1 year ago

Very well thought out and wonderfully written article. Yes, Merritt Garland should be impeached, but so should just about all of Biden’s Cabinet along with the POTUS. Sadly, that isn’t going to happen. Yes, there is ample reason to impeach Garland at this point, along with most members of Biden’s Cabinet, but the Democrats in Congress (both chambers of Congress) have a higher allegiance to their party than to the country.

1 year ago

Merrick Garland really does show his political biases in his role of AG. If there is one thing that Mitch McConnell did right that was keeping him off the Supreme Court. One could only imagine what his court decisions would be.

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
1 year ago

As usual nothing will happen. Everyone in the Biden administration should be tossed. Makes me sick!

1 year ago

It is hard to believe that any man would sit in front of a camera for the world to see and tell one lie after another, deny the truth, and fail to answer questions put before him. He is suppose to be an attorney, he is suppose to know the constitution. He is a bit more comfortable now perjuring himself, at first he was so nervous it was uh, um, uh ugh um, now he slides through his crap much easier. It is appalling to me that in this time if crisis throughout the nation, Garland has the audacity to perjure himself thinking anybody listening, who has half a brain, believes a word his utters. Does he think we are all idiots? Yes, HE is a complete lying idiot but we the people hear his lies and see him pausing just long enough, and blinking his eyes to decide which story to tell. Only Joe Biden would choose somebody like sewer rat Garland to lead the DOJ!

1 year ago

The ONLY thing Progressive about today’s Democratic Party Leadership is that THEY ARE PROGRESSIVELY COMMUNIST in their POLICIES! . . . What appalled me is that today’s Mainstream Media DOESN’T CALL THEM OUT when THEY LIE! So most watching the Mainstream Media News DON’T EVER REALIZE THAT THEY ARE BEING LIED TO! And as the majority of Democrats lack Common Sense they just accept that the Mainstream Media is reporting the “truth”!

1 year ago

Once again you’ve added more historical information for us to apply to current goings on. Thank you Mr. Charles. I will look up the speech by Mr. Jackson.

1 year ago

Any honorable president would fire anyone as corrupt and incompetent as Garland. Unfortunately we don’t have an honorable president and must rely on the legislative branch. They have proven their lack of standards and decency. Besides they have yielded much of their authority to the executive branch already.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

Stop talking about impeachment and start doing it.

If thehosue were run by democrats they woudl have done 30 by now. move it republicans.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
1 year ago

No-one is going to be impeached, not Joey for running a Family Crime syndicate. Not Biden, Harris or Mayorus for their handling of our Southern Border. There is to much Mexican Drug Cartels monies flowing into Washington D.C. and local state officials. Securing the Southern Border would be like killing the goose that laid the golden egg.

1 year ago

First of all,(Thank Almighty God) that Garland was not able to be put in the Supreme Court when obama was in office! This man should be impeached with the lying and obstruction that has been done as AG. Despicable! Where’s the GOP in congress on this?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

YES & Wray & the 51 who signed document to impeach Trump

1 year ago

Yes, impeach him! He’s just one of many liars (and probable thieves also), along with Mayorkas, Wray, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, Page, etc., etc., etc., plus the Liar in Chief (the Big Guy).

1 year ago

Thank Godd Garland never made it to SCOTUS! I think that every time I hr him or read about him.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

Rik, below says the Democrats are progressively communist. Well, since the late nineties, I have submitted that the Democrats and international Islam hired former Soviet propagandists. Both, at the time, changed the way they presented themselves to the world, especially the way Islam fudges the word jihad. I remember one kid at graduation telling people jihad was about his struggles in school. Horse manure. Jihad means struggle. So does Mein Kampf. I’ve studied the underhanded ways of the KGB calling people liars when they speak the truth or as Obama, the …, belittles, taunts, and belittles people. It’s too bad Merrick avoids dark alleys.

1 year ago

The GOP has no balls! The dems neutered them. McCarthy needs to be removed!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

He is very dishonest with him there are two different types of justice, one for Trump and his family and then one for Biden and his family. He needs to be impeached he is not what this country needs to look at honest justice for everyone in this country.

Cheryl Campbell
Cheryl Campbell
1 year ago

Garland needs to go to prison for perjury!! He couldn’t tell the truth if he wanted to.

1 year ago

This guy is just another Democrat “yes man”!! Whatever the White House tells him to do, he does it whether it’s legal, proper, respectable or virtuous!! His anger due to his inability to make the Supreme Court because of party politics is showing every time he opens his mouth!! His frustration of being pulled in front of Congress committees to testify on one thing or another that his department has screwed up shows there, too! He isn’t doing his job and isn’t doing it to the best of his ability because he is letting anger and politics get in the way!!!

Brad Rearden
Brad Rearden
1 year ago

I absolutely love your AMAc news app. It is always clear, concise possitive and Oejective. it along with the Epoch Times, are the only news sources I trust.

1 year ago

Yes, please.

1 year ago

NO ONE WILL BE IMPEACHED because there are no actual CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVES in Congress. NOT ONE. Someone please name one, please. THEY ALL BLOVIATE AND BLOW HOT AIR ABOUT WHAT they are going to do, but they never do it.
AND, McCarthy is one big SHAM/SCAM on the Republican Party. He is no more Conservative than Paul Ryan was. HE JUST HIDES IT BETTER.

1 year ago

Can you impeach mafia????

Michael Lefort
Michael Lefort
1 year ago


Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Impeach every lyingbskunk and no one will be in office… TG he’s not a SCOTUS judge with a lifetime job!

1 year ago

Somebody should approved for that before it was posted.

1 year ago

Garland should be impeached for putting center right corporate America above the progressive movement. I’m not voting again for Biden either for ignoring progressives and trying to form an alliance with the right. Time to elect a progressive.

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