
National Security , Newsline

Federal Government Program Allows More Than 200,000 Illegal Aliens to Fly Right Over the Border

Posted on Friday, September 22, 2023
by Outside Contributor
Plane flying Illegal Aliens over the southern border as per Joe Biden

Not all illegal aliens are entering the U.S. along the southern or northern border, according to the Center for Immigration Studies.  

Over the past year, “more than 200,000 people from four countries” used a direct-flight parole program to enter the United States illegally, says Todd Bensman, senior national security fellow at the Washington-based think tank devoted to researching immigration issues.  

Those 221,456 illegal aliens are from Haiti, Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua, Bensman writes in a report published Thursday.

Through a Freedom of Information Act request, or FOIA, Bensman says, he learned of the federal government’s “CBP One” mobile application parole program, which “permits inadmissible aliens to make an appointment to fly directly to airports in the interior of the United States, bypassing the border altogether.”  

The Biden administration introduced the CBP One mobile app to illegal aliens as a way to schedule an appointment at a port of entry and be paroled into the interior of the United States. (The acronym CBP refers to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, an agency within the Department of Homeland Security.)

President Joe Biden said the program was part of an effort to form “lawful pathways” for illegal aliens to enter the country and seek asylum. Illegal border crossings between ports of entry at the southern border appeared to decline in June as more illegal aliens presented themselves at a port of entry.  

But, according to Bensman’s findings, migrants also are presenting themselves at ports within the interior of the country.

One of the “least noticed, mysterious, and potentially the most controversial of the new rechanneling programs that use the CBP One app allows migrants to take commercial passenger flights from foreign countries straight to their American cities of choice, flying right over the border—and even over Mexico,” Bensman writes in the Center for Immigration Studies report titled “New Records: Biden DHS Has Approved Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants for Secretive Foreign Flights Directly Into U.S. Airports.”

Through the CBP One app, “Cubans, Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, Haitians, and Colombians … [can] request ‘advance travel authorizations,’” Bensman writes, and then fly “directly into U.S. airports, where U.S. Customs officers parole them into the nation, sight unseen, and in numbers publicly unknown.” 

The documents obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies, he adds, show that “between late October 2022 and mid-September 2023, the administration approved a total of 221,456 Venezuelans, Haitians, Cubans, and Nicaraguans for ‘travel mode: air’ into still-unspecified interior U.S. ports.”  

The illegal aliens are required to pay for their own flight into the U.S.

Details of the Biden administration’s flight program for illegal aliens come as U.S. Customs and Border Protection encounters with illegal immigrants along the U.S. border with Mexico are nearing record highs and the administration is granting migrants from Venezuela “temporary protected status.”

The change protects hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans from deportation if they were in America unlawfully before July 31, and makes it easier for those illegal immigrants to gain U.S. work permits.

“Temporary protected status provides individuals already present in the United States with protection from removal when the conditions in their home country prevent their safe return,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said Wednesday in a written statement.

The Biden administration is “granting them the protection that the law provides,” Mayorkas said. “However, it is critical that Venezuelans understand that those who have arrived here after July 31, 2023, are not eligible for such protection, and instead will be removed when they are found to not have a legal basis to stay.”

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has reported encountering more than 460,000 illegal aliens from Venezuela on America’s borders since Biden’s presidency began on Jan. 20, 2021.

Ken McIntyre contributed to this report.

Virginia Allen is a senior news producer and podcast host for The Daily Signal. She is the co-host of “The Daily Signal Podcast” and “Problematic Women.”

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Virginia Allen

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1 year ago

As long as the American people are content to sit by and allow the left to systematically destroy the country, this will only continue and get much, much worse the longer the people do nothing. The left is encountering no real resistance to any of this, so what incentive is there for them to relent and stop anything they are doing? Answer: None! Some nations go out with a bang. Some nations go out with a whimper. Sadly, we fall into the second category. If you’re waiting for “someone else” to save the country from our own willful inaction, you have a very long wait indeed as it is ultimately up the people to preserve their country. Enjoy the weekend.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Intentional Espionage by Dictator Beijing biden. How many of them were TERRORIST and how many has some sort of VIRUS or DISEASE that is being brought into the United States ON PURPOSE and the CDC did NOT even check them out let alone Homeland Security.
Yet, AMERICANS can’t fly into any other country without a Passport.

1 year ago

I am simply Sick of this administration and the way they use Taxpayer Money as if they had a money tree!! :(:(:(

1 year ago

And No One in Our Mainstream Media is ASKING Why this is Being ALLOWED to Happen? . . . It’s Downright Baffling!

USN Retired
USN Retired
1 year ago

Just watch, each and every one of these people will be used to vote in our upcoming elections. More left wing votes, even though they have no business being in our country, much less allowed to vote. Another way to rig an election.

1 year ago

I feel like we have lost all and any control over our borders – just let anyone in regardless of who they are, where they’re from, what they do, what their intentions are!!! Democrats don’t seem to care about our security!!

1 year ago

So they have to pay for their own flight but when they get here they get a cash voucher, free iPhone, free medical care, free housing, food allowances and all this for merely promising to vote Democrat. What a country!

1 year ago

One more way for Communist Joe (manipulated by Communist Barry) to destroy the United states of America.

1 year ago

amazing …..they are flooding our country with people from countries that are of the lowest common denominator. Democrats hate America and cannot destroy her fast enough. They are despicable and yet get elected into power over and over…..insanity.

1 year ago

“Everything The Evil ????Godless Left Touches It Destroys” ????????????????

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

I’m sure they were also provided with 2024 ballots pre-filled out for their convenience as well…

1 year ago

Are they flying over the Bermuda Triangle?

1 year ago

Unfortunately those who are half brain dead know nothing of this because CNN won’t report it. These same people most likely think we are doing a humanitarian service by destroying our own country. It boggles the mind. Then they want to give all illegals drivers licenses and think it will make our roads safer. Until the American people feel some sort of intense pain, nothing will be done to stop this madness.

1 year ago

I can’t afford to fly anywhere because my money is being taken to fly illegals into this country. FJB!

1 year ago

The traitorous and illigitimate “Biden” Marxists is bringing in US enemy troops to help maintain power.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

Just say thank you to our great so called president and VP and others in Washington time to get new leadership in Washington not just that so called president but him on down impeach them all get better people in the White House

1 year ago

Is anyone out there seeing that we’re headed for the ruin of our USA? If we can get sane Adults back in the WH…let’s them ship Obama and the rest to China. It’s plain as the nose on one’s face who is behind most of this.

1 year ago

What was the last democratic president that did anything good in office?
A) Biden
B) Obama
C) Clinton
D) Carter
E) Before that (none of the 4 above did a single thing good during their entire terms)

1 year ago

Violent crime is rising in rural areas, I wonder why?! Why in tarnation is our country allowing these illegals in?!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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