Does Attorney General Garland’s dropping of Delaware charges against Hunter Biden, ending a trial that would have opened the door to criminal evidence against his father – then appointing the same in-house prosecutor, David Weiss, to be a “Special Counsel” – make you feel better? Or is this just more evidence of a rolling cover-up for the Bidens? Consider the facts.
First, Mr. Weiss is the same in-house prosecutor who, after being appointed by Garland to investigate, narrowed his investigation of Hunter to minor tax and gun charges, then fashioned what even liberal outlets are calling a “sweetheart” plea deal for the president’s son.
Second, that “sweetheart” plea – shaped by Weiss – got set aside by a Delaware judge as indefensible. Why? It failed to address serious charges linked to Hunter’s crime-ridden laptop – in FBI possession since 2019 – and let him walk…probation.
Worse, Weiss’s deal sought to gild the lily and shield the son from future indictments and prosecutions for more serious offenses – sweeping them into the scope of the plea, in effect blocking any future investigation or trial through the Constitution’s “double-jeopardy” clause.
The 5th Amendment’s “double jeopardy” clause says, “no person shall…for the same offense twice be put in jeopardy,” so if serious crimes were obliquely referenced in the plea deal, that gave the son a defense against any future prosecution tied to those same crimes.
It was a neat trick – but it did not work. The Delaware judge did not buy it, nor did the judge buy another trick lodged in the “sweetheart” deal, seemingly aimed at protecting the President.
The federal judge, Maryellen Noreika, could not get a straight answer from prosecutors as to what crimes and persons remained under investigation. Her questioning suggests a suspicion that one aim of the plea deal was to suppress evidence, likely to emerge at trial, about Joe Biden.
The judge’s surmise is not unreasonable, as crimes for which the son might be charged includes violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA, 15 USC 78,), Federal Bribery statutes (18 USC 201), and Racketeering and Corrupt Practices Act (RICO, 18 USC 1961).
Proving these crimes would implicate public officials like his father. Strong circumstantial evidence suggests a trial on these crimes would surface evidence of Joe Biden’s participation.
These crimes carry stiff penalties for son and coconspirators. Penalties for FCPA range up to five years in prison, Federal Bribery up to 15 years (and three times the bribe), RICO up to 20 years.
Thus, in a trial, the son and father are both at risk. Garland reports to the father; Weiss reports to Garland. The son, father, and those who work for the father thus all share a strong motive for shutting down the investigation, not letting a trial unfold which might implicate the President.
This is what, without saying so, the Delaware judge plainly saw – another reason she could not accept the all-encompassing, trial-killing, evidence-suppressing “sweetheart” plea deal.
Third, Garland’s latest decision plainly looks like a “cover-up.” Instead of letting the trial unfold before this judge – Garland just shut down the trial, dismissed all charges in Delaware. While not illegal per se, one has to ask why Garland would do this – not let the trial go forward?
Fourth, in a neat sleight-of-hand, apparently intended to make Garland look tough, he just elevated Mr. Weiss to Special Prosecutor, officially giving him jurisdiction in DC and California.
But look closer. What did that elevated status for Weiss and giving him “official” jurisdiction in DC and California do? At a time when a potentially devastating criminal trial was about to begin – against the son, implicating the President – it is over.
At the very least, Garland’s decision delays any serious charges against the President’s son and damning evidence against the father in Delaware. Remember, suppressing that evidence is why the plea agreement was tossed.
But worse, Garland just set in motion another stage of cover-up, allowing the same plea agreement to be attempted in another, more favorable jurisdiction, DC or California.
We also know that Garland and Weiss understood the need to move fast in Delaware, stay under the radar on the plea agreement, get it done, and move on – because, when Weiss was asked point blank about his powers, he contradicted himself, saying he could go anywhere.
Garland and Weiss then got their stories straight, contradicting IRS and FBI whistleblowers – who now look granite-solid and who said Justice was trying to play fast and loose, trying to end the investigation, get the plea, and be done. For speaking up, their whole team was removed.
All this stinks to high heaven and will ahead. Garland’s sudden end to Hunter’s Delaware trial, before a judge who suspects a “cover-up” and saw Joe Biden implicated – is bad enough.
But watching Garland appoint the same “sweetheart” insider as a Special Prosecutor, officially give him jurisdiction he said he had, not to mention in places that help keep the Bidens out of prison, is pathetic, and embarrassing. Only a fool would see this as anything but – a growing cover-up.
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.
Mr Charles you are so right in this is nothing more than a cover up for the Bidens with a corrupt DOJ AG but yet they are going full throttle after former President Trump. We are definitely living in a third world country.
1) The way the Special Counsel legislation was written, it precludes anyone from within the federal government from being named a Special Counsel. Therefore, Garland’s appointment of Weiss, who is still an employee of the federal government and still works for AG Garland, is illegal under the law. Surprisingly, very few Republicans in Washington seem to highlight this obvious fact.
2) The purpose of naming Weiss as a Special Counsel at this point by Garland is to do 2 things:
a) Reset the clock on the entire investigation of both Hunter Biden and the larger Biden crime family to allow for more statuettes of limitations to expire on of these illegal activities. Thus, preventing any prosecution of any of the illegal activities already discovered.
b) It effectively shields Weiss, the DOJ and the FBI from answering any questions posed by the House committees. The default response from anyone from the Executive Branch will now be “We cannot comment on anything related to an ongoing investigation.” Thus, it stonewalls the Republicans in Congress going forward.
Nothing that was done last week by the federal government is either new or innovative in any way. If you watch how other current authoritarian regimes around the world use the so-called justice system to protect their own and punish their opponents, virtually everything is nearly identical.
In the end, the Special Counsel will drag this investigation out as long as necessary to ensure no one in the Biden family is charged with anything. The Republican committees in the House will be effectively cut off getting any further answers from like likes of Weiss, Wray, Garland and any and all federal employees that may have worked on any investigation involving Hunter Biden or anyone directly associated with the Biden family money trail. I do agree with the last sentence in your article. “Only a fool would see this as anything but – a growing cover-up.”
I am so sick of the demented president, corrupt Attorney General, the lying and stupid Mayorkas, and democrats as a whole I can hardly stand it. 75 year’s in my beautiful, wonderful, free, and powerful America and today every citizen is being raped over and over in one way or another by the sick democrats, FBI, CIA, China, Ukraine, and so much more. The woke are also killing us with their evil, sick, corrupt agenda. I believe in my God and heavenly father but I can’t believe how forgotten and forsaken our Lord has become by so many people. Those of us who Love God need to be in prayer many times a day for our country and government. The Trump will sound one day and I will ascend with Jesus and other Christians but those left behind will perish. Seems that number keeps growing. Wake up everybody and fall to your knees in prayer. That is the ONLY answer! We are in troubled times like never before.
Thank you Judge Noreika for representing justice. This corrupt deal has prosecution and defense lawyers looking out for the Biden’s and no one looking out for the citizens or fair and equal justice.
Garland needs to be in prison. mayorkas needs to be his cell mate.
It is so obvious that Garland is using the law to break the law. I hope he and his cohorts go down hard, along with the Biden’s.
What is happening right now is something from the Banana republic or communist regime It should shake every American out of the comfy slumber
The entire Biden Administration stinks to high heaven! I believe the article is correct and will in fact bring all the evidence to an impeachment of Joe Biden!
The Biden’s are ALL GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY Beyond a Reasonable Doubt!
It’s okay, Officer Barbrady is the lead DOJ investigator who’s assisted by Sergeant Schultz…
Unless, Biden and his corrupt cabinet are impeached, or Trump is reelected President, the Main Stream Media will not report all the crimes of the Biden administration, and Biden and his crime family will get off free, and Trump and many of the people who supported him will be charged with all kinds of “crimes”, just like the J6 patriots, be convicted and go to jail, if the Democrats win the presidency.
This should SCARE every American. If you don’t know why it should scare you, good luck and God Bless…about the only things anyone can offer you.
To use one of Joe Biden’s favorite expression “malarkey”; one might ask themselves, just why Obama picked Joey for vice president. Could it be that the sources backing him knew just how much malarkey Joe was up to during his years in Congress? What person better way to gain control of than to coral the king of malarkey. Yes, “folks” that’s exactly what we have gotten for good old Joe’s tenure in politics. Is it no surprise that the consciences of many members of Congress have been lost to wealth, mansions, free wheeling, days at the beach during work (?)hours even lurid legislative nonsense while raping and ravaging anything they believe their wealth protects them from. Is not allowing any and all into our country without any due process just another form of slavery to feed their bureaucratic needs. This was once the country who encouraged those from many, many lands. Now, we face needing to pay reparations ourselves, we the “basket of deploribles who worked a full days work, bought and paid for all we own, and likely the most welcoming people of any country on the planet. We whom the majority of us voted for a president who redefined the goals of this country. I will never pay for the sins of the past which were not and never have been my own. That is what it means to be a legal citizen of this country, day after day, after day.
Is anyone really surprised at anything done in this administration? When I see articles exposing things like this, I pray for justice, but to keep from being depressed, I watch a cat video or two.
IN ON all crimes day 1
Impeach and convict Garland? It wouldn’t be the first U. S. Attorney General who goes to prison…
Go for RICO
20yrs prison time
Now where would anyone get that “crazy” idea elections are fixed from?
You summed it up well, Mr. Charles.
This special prosecutor is special alright, a SWAMP SPECIAL………
House Republicans have the evidence to impeach. Democrats need to go see Mr Biden and tell him the votes are there to remove him.
But, with Sen. McConnell against impeachment, President Biden may have ti make a decision on his own to end this with one term.
Jill Biden probably doesn’t want to quit, though.
Excellent article.
It was obvious a couple months ago that was the next logical step in the cover up
This is like the kind of thing I saw in Italy back in 1976. The Italian mafia got away with everything and were above the law. Now its happening in America. Biden Cartel is destroying America.
Garland is corrupt along with others in Washington that includes the DOJ and more they want President Trump they will lie to do anything to get him and they do nothing to the Biden family very sad time for our country.
How then does this stand? Garland is flouting the law/rules or whatever the jargon officially is. So, there is no check and balance on Garland? Seems we have a political system that encourages the pick and choose mentality regarding obeying our laws. Very discouraging to those many taxpayers who pay the bills!
Didn’t the judge in Flynn’s case refuse to allow the prosecution to drop the charges?
y’all know that Weiss was appointed by TRUMP to investigate Biden, right? you know that Weiss requested to be named special council, as well, right? the simpler explanation is that Garland was just maintaining Republican reach into the investigation, not that this is some “cover up”. in fact, i will wager a fair sum that Biden will never see the inside of a cell, because the extent of his crimes and the fact that this is his first offense don’t merit it. but whatever winds your clock, folks. carry on.
Hillary is still not in jail. Why should we be surprised the lawless Justice Department is letting Hunter and the Big Guy go free?
The Republican House needs to start using the power of the purse. Defund the Justice Department, FBI and Homeland Security!
Clever reply my friend .are you suggesting we have been hypnotized ? Or otherwise manipuated?
These persons are who give slime a bad name.
WOW! He almost was a Supreme Court justice. Looks like he’s getting payback.
We were promised evidence. There’s been no evidence that Hunter, much less Joe, has done ANYTHING illegal. When you produce some evidence that Joe is corrupt, I’m done with him. Can you say the same about Don Don?