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Meet the Company Trying to Control Your Mind

Posted on Wednesday, August 2, 2023
by Outside Contributor

There’s a group of people who control what you are allowed to see – the news you read, the videos you watch, the posts you engage with.

You haven’t heard of them. You don’t know their names, but they determine, through methods both direct and indirect, whether you are allowed to be exposed to particular messages. Their decisions can bankrupt companies, silence voices and fundamentally shift cultural norms. Who are these people and how do they do this?

Well, at the top level you have a network of global elites who have created a universal framework full of guidelines and ratings designed to enforce “approved” narratives and punish disapproved ones. It sounds like a conspiracy theory, except it isn’t a secret and we’re not guessing.

First, you have the World Economic Forum, the WEF, and their platform for shaping the future of media, entertainment and culture. Second, you have the World Federation of Advertisers, the WFA, who represent mega-corporations that control 90% of global advertising dollars. WFA members are a who’s who of global business and include some of our recent wokeified favorites like Bud Light’s parent company Anheuser-Busch InBev, Hershey, Procter & Gamble, Lego and Disney.

There is barely a billionaire Fortune 500 CEO, heavyweight philanthropist, government or woke nonprofit that isn’t associated with the WEF or the WFA.

In 2019, the WFA established the Global Alliance for Responsible Media, or GARM. Within months, the WEF adopted GARM as part of its platform for shaping the future of media, entertainment and culture. GARM is a cross-industry alliance that brings these mega-corporations – the advertisers – together with Big Tech companies like Meta, who owns Facebook and Instagram; Google-owned YouTube; the CCP’s TikTok; and even Snapchat and Pinterest.

This unholy alliance created something they call the Brand Safety Floor & Suitability Framework. Think of Brand Safety as a dog whistle for censorship. They say it themselves: The Brand Safety Floor means, “Content not appropriate for any advertising support.” In other words, if you publish content that violates these guidelines, you will be blacklisted from 90% of the advertising revenue in the marketplace.

So, what have these global elites decided to put in their censorship framework? They started with things we can all universally agree on, like preventing the distribution of child pornography or the advocacy of graphic terrorist activity. But they don’t draw the line at what is objectively criminal, abusive or dangerous. They continue expanding the guidelines to include far more subjective parameters.

For example, the framework lists subjective terms like “hate speech” as a problem. It says that anything surrounding transgenderism that they decide is dehumanizing or discussing what they deem to be a debated social issue in an insensitive way is off limits.

The framework is deliberately vague, allowing those in control to pick and choose how they enforce it and against whom.

So, how exactly do the approved narratives set by these global entities get enforced all the way down to the daily content you consume?

Well, here’s how. We’ll start with NewsGuard. NewsGuard is an organization that formulates ratings for American media. They rank news sites on a 0-to-100 scale based on nine supposedly apolitical criteria. These criteria are anything but apolitical. They often align with left-wing positions.

During the height of COVID-19, NewsGuard falsely labeled and downgraded 21 news sites, only well after the fact admitting that they either “mischaracterized the site’s claims” about the lab leak theory – referring to the lab leak theory as a “conspiracy theory” – or “wrongly grouped together unproven claims” about the lab leak with the “separate, false claim” that the “COVID-19 virus was man-made” without explaining that one claim was unsubstantiated and the other was false.

“NewsGuard apologizes for these errors,” they said. “We have made the appropriate correction on each of the 21 labels.”

And when you compare their ratings of Left-leaning news organizations to Right-leaning news organizations, you see the same bias appear.

The Media Research Center, a free-speech nonprofit, studied NewsGuards’ ratings. The study found glaring examples of bias by NewsGuard.

The Left’s BuzzFeed managed a 100 out of 100 perfect score, despite its reporting on the Steele dossier and alleging collusion between former President Donald Trump and Russia.

The study found that The Global Times, a Chinese propaganda government outlet, scored a 39.5 – that is 27 points higher than the U.S.-based conservative outlet The Federalist. Despite a scandal at USA Today revealing the publication of multiple fabricated sources in their stories and their own fact-checking operation misleading readers on the history of the Democratic Party and the KKK, USA Today maintained the 100 out of 100 rating by NewsGuard.

NewsGuard is also working with others to use AI technology to enforce Brand Safety standards at scale, by identifying scalable hoaxes and misinformation in order to streamline blanket removal. This means that the news that you read, news that is supposed to be fair and objective or at least diverse, must adhere to GARM, the WEF, the WFA and their subjective and biased standards in order to be deemed monetizable.

If you think this is only something big news corporations have to contend with, think again. Even the content you consume from independent content creators on social media platforms is subject to these globalist powers that be.

The WEF, GARM and the WFA are all actively working with social media companies to censor what they consider to be misinformation, which very often is just good information with which they disagree.

Finally, the WEF, WFA and GARM are all aggressively pouring billions of dollars a year into news and content that drives their preferred narrative – narratives that are often counterfactual at best and harmful at worst.

When you look at the news, you need to feel as though you’re getting all the information. And even if one source isn’t giving you all the information, you can find another source, and all the sources together will give you a broad view of the world. But the World Economic Forum, World Federation of Advertisers and the Global Alliance for Responsible Media don’t want you to have a full view of the news.

They want you to see what they want you to see. And they will work to prevent anyone from disseminating information they don’t pre-approve. They are determining what you see, what you hear, what you watch. And that’s dangerous.

Ben Shapiro, 39, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.”


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Chris lonergan
Chris lonergan
1 year ago

You didn’t even mention the global ESG scam and how that is drawing Americans under foreign governing influence, as a way around protections our founding fathers provided us!

1 year ago


Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

Great article

1 year ago

The only people who can control your mind are those you allow to control your mind. You are in control.

Bob L.
Bob L.
1 year ago

Have you ever heard of the following?
The Ministry of Truth – responsible for news, entertainment, education & fine arts
The Ministry of Peace – responsible for military and war
The Ministry of Love – responsible for law and order
The Ministry of Plenty – responsible for managing the economy

If you have not heard of these agencies then you haven’t read George Orwell’s book
“1984”, a novel that appears to be more prophecy than fiction. First published in 1949, it’s amazing how close to what we are seeing unfold today.
See “Orwell’s Final Warning – Picture of the Future – YouTube”.

Marta Alvarez
Marta Alvarez
1 year ago

They learned well from Communists. But the utter ignorance of the main stream American does not allow to identify this criminal ideology that has permeated every layer of our society. I’m afraid it is too late.

A. Birney
A. Birney
1 year ago

Excellent article. Thank you Ben Shapiro.

1 year ago

It is easy to become suggestable. It takes effort to sort out facts and evidence, but it is necessary

tory ocean
tory ocean
1 year ago

All True. But WHY is this so acceptable? We have mafia leadership and compromised leadership and they STILL are trying to reduce population with a new FALL shot mara.
Europe doesn’t do this. All great points. We support no cable. Epoch times is good and a few sub stacks. Christopher Rufo (Manhattan Institute) new book “America’s Cultural Revolution – How the Radical Left conquered everything. No, he’s not in despair but points out this all started in 1969 and the black panthers etc. We must turn the ship.

USN Retired
USN Retired
1 year ago

Are these the people responsible for the majority of TV advertising (commercials) are now representing the 12% Black demographic? Any company that goes out of the way to put minorities, LGBQT(whatever) and inter-racial couples on TV will never get my buisness. Why not just represent your product, and quit trying to shove political correctness down the throats of Americans with propaganda on TV?
Communists control the media, I guess that’s why.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
1 year ago

This is why I subscribe to The Daily Wire and The Epoch Times. I do not have social media accounts. I do not read, listen to, or watch liberal media except when Ben Shapiro puts excerpts on his podcasts.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.

1 year ago

I like Ben Shapiro, sharp minded, truthful and calculating.
He would (may still be) go out to the Liberal Bastions of Higher Education and take on the crowds of the leftist airheads for years.
It may be to dangerous to do anymore without armed guards all over the place and that would just give the “students” another reason to riot.
They can’t handle the truth!

1 year ago

Thank you Ben

1 year ago

Go to the sources you trust. Quit watching and listening to the brain trash, find the off button.

Jay Smith
Jay Smith
1 year ago

Excellent article. Next lets discuss how the World Health Organization is more dangerous to the Republic than the WEF…

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Give 10% to the Big Guy as penance for your ignorance. That’s on top of the 16% inflation you pay thanks to Brandonomics.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Find fund source to defund??

1 year ago

This is a true article, if I ever read one. I believe what is just reported has been going on for many years. The powers that be want us all to believe what they want us to believe. I, also, think the government, at the hands of the powers that be, want us all of us to be beholden to the government and get more and more hand outs. They want a utopia, like in 1984 Novel. Control of every thing and everybody.

1 year ago

I have this notion that anything with ‘globalist’ before or within its name is dangerous profiting only the elites. The WEF and the WFA are grounded within the liberal and wokeism institutions bend on control and power of thoughts, behaviors, and promotion of indoctrination of youths, so by the time these young boys and girls are reaching ages 16 and above, these tyrannical elites grounps controlled their mindset. This is masxism at its echelon.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

Please watch It is time to restore 1st Amendment rights to real people last page on my sway:” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener nofollow ugc”
The above provides the historical timeline of how American media were corrupted by corporations and monied interests.

1 year ago

Need authors name.

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