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FBI Plan to Target Christians Exposes the Left’s Fear of Faith

Posted on Friday, April 14, 2023
by Tammy Bruce

Anti-Christian bigotry is, horribly, nothing new. At the very start of the faith, Christians were attacked, denigrated, criminalized, and murdered. Over 2000 years later, we still see the ignorant and the envious targeting of Christians everywhere. But there is a new and dangerous development in our 21st century modern world – our own government is joining the mob. From labeling people of faith as extremists, ignoring or downplaying anti-Christian hate crimes, devising a plan to spy on “traditional” Catholic churches, to making jokes when asked about mass shooting targeting Christians. The Biden administration would make Stalin proud with its all-systems signaling that Christians are a problem.

The most recent blatant move against people of faith by this administration was brought to us by a whistleblower who revealed a disturbing Federal Bureau of Investigation plan to implement a national domestic surveillance effort against “traditional” Catholic Churches. The Washington Times reported, “The House Judiciary Committee revealed new details…about the FBI field office in Richmond’s plan to spy on Catholic churches and church leaders, including that the plan was distributed to other FBI offices across the country.

Moreover, the whistleblower noted the FBI has decided those who attend Latin Mass are the core of a problem producing what the agents labeled “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics,” or RTCs. And how do they “mitigate” this threat? They would recruit spies within the targeted churches and from “mainstream” Catholic parishes.

This tells us many things otherwise hidden – the FBI has already separated what they consider more “conservative” Catholics (i.e. those who attend Latin Mass) from their designation of normal or “mainstream” Catholics. These “mainstream” parishes are more likely to be liberal in nature and demonstrate and act on liberal social politics, fly the BLM and/or the gay rainbow flags, among other woke policies. Rep. Jim Jordan, put it this way, “In this document, the FBI purported to distinguish what it called ‘traditional Catholics’ from the disfavored RTC [radical-traditionalist Catholic] adherents, who the FBI characterized as embracing ‘anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ, and white supremacist ideology…He added that the FBI ‘even identified certain public policy issues – such as immigration and life issues – that it believed would ‘catalyze’ RTC adherents,” reported Fox News.

Ah, the new avenue with which to declare Christians terrorists. Make no mistake, they’ll start with Catholics, then move to every other denomination and faith that has not fully pledged allegiance to the new woke religion.

Once again, those perceived as current or future political opponents are being isolated, labeled, smeared, and then criminalized. This is exactly the process Merrick Garland, the DOJ, and FBI used to target and declare parents who were attending school board meetings as “domestic terrorists.” This is exactly what Biden is trying to do writ-large to 70 million Americans who voted for Trump – we are “semi-fascists” who are a threat to democracy.

Ultimately, the FBI church document was withdrawn due to the outrage but the damage was done when it was sent by the Richmond, Virginia field office to every FBI field office in the country. FBI Director Christopher Wray told the Senate Intelligence Committee on March 8 that he was “aghast” by the memo and said his agency does not ‘conduct investigations based on religious affiliation or practices, full stop.’”

Wray’s language here is important because it reveals their strategy: Catholics are being targeted not for their faith (Gasp, of course not! The FBI would never do that!) but for their “extremist” views. The acting assistant director of Congressional Affairs said the same thing in a statement in late March, “The FBI is not anti-Catholic in any way, shape, or form, and does not target people of any faith because of their religious beliefs.” Unless, of course, they’re not Catholics but “RTCs, wink wink. This is a word game that the FBI knows is pure gaslighting to hide an actual atrocious overreach of power.

This news in itself is enough to overwhelm. It represents not just an abandonment of the Constitution but a complete rejection of the principles contained in our founding document. This action by federal law enforcement is quintessentially un-American and the antithesis of what this nation stands for. And yet somehow we have enough people in the FBI who not only got the idea, which is bad enough, but then fleshed it out, wrote it down, got it approved, and then distributed it through the country.

It is time to admit the obvious, that the targeting and marginalizing of Christians in particular is a deliberate, complex, culture-wide effort to depress, enrage, and divide Americans. Repulsively, it bears the stamp of approval of the Biden administration and the Democratic Party apparatchiks who continue to prop up the fools who continue to destroy our country, economically and culturally.

This targeting of Christians is a necessary and urgent action for the left, and it always has been. For Marxists, they and their woke church of Big Government cannot survive if people look to God, to faith, to inform their values. There can be only one God, and the miserable left demand that it be them.

Faith is especially threatening to the fascist and Marxist left as it immediately undermines efforts to crush the human spirit. Looking to something beyond government for solace, hope, and optimism in the future reminds the individual that they matter, and that government is not God.

For the envious malignant narcissists of the left, faith must be stamped out. As those who survived the old Soviet Union understand, as well as every other nation still suffering under communism and socialism, this is a threat to humanity we must defeat, and it starts here at home defending our children, our families, our faith, our culture, and our futures.  

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Richard Slate
Richard Slate
1 year ago

When i see what is happening now it reminds me of what the bible says about the last days. it says in the last days men will call good evil and evil good and that is exactly what we are seeing now

1 year ago

The only thing the far left believes in is extreme violence for their warped cause. The socialist democrats will start conflict if they begin to lose the argument.

1 year ago

What about the Chritain bigotry towards the gay community?

1 year ago

The FBI is becoming a big problem in governance. It sometimes seems like the FBI tends to break the ground for the Party in power too often. It is government organization that should strictly hold to the laws of the land.

1 year ago

Your posts seem more akin to Donald’s rump than potential jail birds !!!!

1 year ago

Our values have eroded….Christians and others who follow the words of God are called terrorists but those who teach CRT (

Thomas Duck
Thomas Duck
1 year ago

We better wake up. People

1 year ago

The possessed people Jesus healed are now running the demon party.

1 year ago

I am always amazed by the vicious hate demonstrated y answers on both sides of a question or article like this, but especially from those on the left. Example: “I hope you get beaten to death with your own walking stick” .

People who write something like this are a problem in themselves. How can we ever come to any reasonable compromise as a government should if it is to represent all of the people?

1 year ago

I hope that the majority of Americans who prefer the Democrats destroying the country to having Trump as President are satisfied with the work of the Democrats so far.

1 year ago

Good article, definitely worth a read.

1 year ago

Yes, there is a war against Christianity in America. The 10 commandments are a threat to politicians, because it does show them their ugly personality. To politicians this is a dangerous weapon that must be stomped out,by any means available.

1 year ago

We have to remember to pray for enemies and even forgive them. However, we are also called to speak against Evil, pray to Hod to turn evil around to Good. God Arise and your enemies be scattered.

1 year ago

Weaponized legalism against so called political enemies. A corrupt Police State. And the Christian church pulpits across this Nation are primarily silent (not speaking out against this). Same thing happened in the 30’s in Germany, just before the left-wing Hitler and his Nazi’s took force and power.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Simple explanation: for the left, the government is “God” therefore Christianity is a threat orimarily plus they don’t represent a large Democrat voting demographic. It’s always about votes and power. THEIRS.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

We all know what you can do with your walking sticks, buddy.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

Hey, troll, what is “shirt” time?” With you Soros disciples, it’s s*** time!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
One word sums up the FBI and Socialist Communist democrats…
They believe that they are smarter and better than God.
Doesn’t take a genius to know that
God will always prevail.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

This is some of the worst and blatant tyranny that the founding fathers came to this country to escape from.

1 year ago

I love the way democrats have taken over the English language in order to serve their own whacky narrative. Example: “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics.” If they called them simply
“Traditionalist Catholics”, who could have a problem with that? No, that won’t do. But, hey, why not add the term “Radical”? No one loves a radical! Makes Catholics sound as though they’re really out there, extreme, to be shunned and hated.

Those D politicians make me sick. They can’t stand the thought of preachers and priests having more local “power” over the parishioners than they themselves have. They see it as a threat, so, of course, the churches must be belittled, shut down, marginalized. (This reminds me of King Henry VIII and the dissolution of the monasteries.) And they start by engaging in adolescent behavior by calling them names. When they assign acronyms (“RTC’s”), they’ve raised the stakes, so now you know the D’s mean business. They just can’t help themselves; they’re addicted to centralized power and will take it any way they can.

1 year ago

Pretty sure God hates bigots

1 year ago

The folks on this message board truly believe God hates the sample people they do.

1 year ago

For the Trump worshippers please see below.

Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. – Hebrews 13:4

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

If there is a danger in the house of worship it’s not the church that FBI should worry about but the mosque

1 year ago

Most Americans want to live in peace whether religious or not yet most politicians are far left or far right extremists who want anything but peace. The far left believes BLM and Antifa can do no wrong while the far right believes the J6 defendants and Trump can do no wrong.

BLM, Antifa, J6 defendants, Trump, and most far left and right politicians are extremist criminals who are hell bent on ruining America. Screw them all.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
1 year ago

To those who should know better, but don’t, I say this:

Doesn’t matter if a Republican or 3rd-party candidate somehow overcomes the Progressive-Socialists’ well-practiced and prepared plans to steal the next presidential –or any other– election.
They will attack and attempt to delegitimize that person with the invaluable aid from their mouthpieces in the media. Just look at what they’ve been trying to do, relentlessly, to Pres. Trump.
Now it’s apparent that major powerful govt. agencies are fully on-board the subversive Leftist train.
So, unless the very doubtful action is taken to completely clean-out the viper nests in those institutions, there will be stoppage of the damage to this country. Even when the GOP controlled all 3 branches of govt., we saw how little they actually did to thwart the Left’s Plans. And those who think Donald Trump is the shining savior, think back to all the things he failed to do when given the opportunity to do so, like expunge the DOJ of entrenched Obama-ites.
So, unless we get a very determined POTUS in there, plus the same brand of Congresspeople, who will get the job done and wage war against the Progressive-Socialists, as they have done to us, the country is doomed.

1 year ago

I can’t overstate my revulsion to these brazen attacks on our genuine constitutional right to freedom of religion. However, is any Bible-believing Christian surprised at this. Jesus told us this would happen over 2,000 years ago. Check out Luke 21:17, “Everyone will hate you because of me.”, Jesus said. The more you know about what the Bible teaches and you follow it, the more you will be hated and attacked by Satan’s allies in this world. We need to take the attitude of Abraham and the other patriarchs and martyrs (by the way, that word means “witness”) as Hebrews 11 tells us that they lived “as foreigners and strangers on earth” because “they were longing for a better country–a heavenly one.” But that doesn’t mean we ignore what’s going on. Read and understand the Bible. Pray. Do what you can do.

C. Quist
C. Quist
1 year ago

So we’ll stated, thank you Daniel.

1 year ago

Over the years the FBI has become a renegade authority strongly tied to the DemocRat Party. It needs strict and serious guidelines on its conduct. It was a good organization when it was chasing
Bonnie and Clyde altho they often sidestepped getting caught. In recent decades the FBI has become too chummy with the DemocRat Party. I hope that the next Republican cleans the FBI from stem to stern and mops out the DemocRat Party plants within the FBI throughout the lengths from top to bottom.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
1 year ago

The Federal Bureau of Ignorance- They just love PT Biden.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
1 year ago

But we wait upon the Lord, for our strength will be renewed.

Bridga m Euseary
Bridga m Euseary
1 year ago

God Bless them maybe they will find Jesus and the need to have him and not forget him.

1 year ago

Just who is behind the left’s shenanigans. Bolsheviks?, Mystery Babylon?,WTO?,Bilderbergs?

1 year ago

WOW, Tammy. I know of NO Catholic churches in my area that are liberal. A non-Catholic principal allowed his Catholic school to fly the LGBT flag. The bishop took away their designation as a Catholic and lost enrollment. Not certain, but I think this was in Boston. My parish is not traditional or offer tridentine masses. WE love Jewish people.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
1 year ago

So when will the people rise up and start hanging our “Federales” from lamposts? That is a better fate than they deserve.
Congress is all hot air. If Congress actually cared about these incredibly tyrannical actions they would immediately defund these agencies and don’t give me that “we need their protection” like of crap. Think for a moment and tell me exactly what in a positive light has the FBI EVER done for the betterment of the citizens of our country. PLEASE, name something!

1 year ago

It is said that we are to love and pray for those that hate you. However I will take a stand to fight and right the wrong being done. After all I am a warrior for Christ.

1 year ago

Please try to understand that this is not about Democrats or Republicans. This is about Satan making the first move with his plan’s to defile Christianity. We as Christians should remember the power of prayer. Be a prayer warrior. God will hear us and His wrath will be quick. According to scripture this will only get worse as the end draws closer. Keep the faith. Never surrender.

Leona Quigley
Leona Quigley
1 year ago

I am concerned that there might even be infiltration of message boards for prayer requests. Only today, I tried to post a prayer asking Our LORD to protect the United States and our sovereignty against the UN, Agenda 2030, the WEF, & Klaus Schwab. My prayer request was FLAGGED AS INAPPROPRIATE — even though it was MY request to MY GOD! I asked “customer service: what was wrong with my post” and got a “run-around” like they didn’t know what I was talking about. I think it might be a part of “woke censorship.”
In short, after reading AMAC’s article on Catholics being harassed by the FBI, I think ALL CHRISTIANS will suffer persecution — as the Bible predicts. We need to plead the blood of JESUS for our protection and for the REVIVAL of the United States before it’s too late! Evil is already rampant here and worldwide, but OUR GOD STILL REIGNS!

1 year ago

This is indeed ugly, but what did our Lord warn about with the end times? Start with 2nd. Timothy 3; gives a chilling scenario of exactly what we’re seeing now. We as Christians must be prepared and totally in the will of our Savior. No one knows when He will return but we’ve been warned through His word that what we’re seeing would happen…and it’s going to get worse as we grow closer to His return. Satan knows his time is brief…our nation, founded by Christian men and women who fled a dictatorial regime, may well be coming to it’s end as a sovereign and free nation with liberties that literally no other nation in history has had…and sadly so many took for granted and are now being eliminated as fast as those who hate our freedom can destroy them. Our Constitution and our Bill of Rights started out with “We The People” but we the people have corporately left it all up to self serving politicians. America is not even mentioned in the end times. Sadly we’ve abdicated our personal responsibilities and not held politicians accountable…absolute power corrupts.
We must keep our eyes on our Savior, stay with Him, and trust Him.

1 year ago

These are definitely end times. Only God knows the exact date, but the predictions in the Bible have been happening exponentially. We are all sinners who God still loves. He sent His Son to atone for our sins because He loves us so much. But, the choice between God and love of the world vices, is up to us. He won’t save anyone who doesn’t want Him. We must ask Christ Jesus to save us and forgive our sins. Otherwise we aren’t saved. The people who go after others for their beliefs will be judged unless they do the above. And if they do, then they will change their ways. Hell, eternal separation from God will be awful. I choose God and His laws and ways and eternity with Him. So many have no idea of the power and knowledge of the Almighty.

Paul W
Paul W
1 year ago

The left had better fear more than faith; it had better start fearing God’s wrath!!!

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” — Ephesians 6:11

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

They are doing what Hitler was doing in the thirties.
First they came for the mentally challenged and the infirm, and I did nothing. Next they came for the Catholics and I did nothing. Then they came for the Jews and I did nothing. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak up for me.
Sounds familiar to what is going on now?
Wray says nothing like this is going on in meantime the field office is persecuting the Catholics. Nothing new in Brandon’s world. Lying is number one. Qualifications for the job is dead last. If you can lie as the best you get the job.
Speak up people. They are coming for you next because you will obey. Befehl ist befehl. Orders are orders. Goose stepping in line with the installed regime.

1 year ago

Outlaws and criminals hate to be reminded of their crimes by the laws of God, that goes for petty thieves as well as criminal, tyrannical government committing crimes on a gigantic scale against law abiding citizens and believers in God.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

For all churches nationwide, very scary

James E Jones
James E Jones
1 year ago

Now is the time for all Christians to have courage and trust in Christ to stand up against the left’s (Communists’ and Socialists’ tyranny). The left is Satan’s tool to destroy faith in God. Satan does prowl like a roaring lion – But take courage and hope in Christ – no power will long prevail against us. Christ is our hope, strength and salvation. As a friend once said, all those with evil in their heart will sooner or later sit down to a Feast of Consequences for their evil. Their judgment is coming to them and I do not envy the consequences these evil people will meet with.

Steven S. Lamb
Steven S. Lamb
1 year ago

I am very encouraged you have come to defend Faith. the only time I ever spoke to you was on radio. I was speaking as a Christian for the right of Sikh faith to waer turbans at work instead of other headgear and you were insisting they be forced to remove their headgear and wear conventional work helmets. I welcome you, Sister, to the light.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Yet there are those Christians who will only vote for politicians who have a (D) behind their name. Unless Christians, Jews, and those of other faiths vote smart (meaning smart republicans), this will continue.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

Rob below is right. Most people do not understand that the Democratic party is POSITIVIST. Positivism, any political system that confines itself to the data of experience, excludes a prior or metaphysical speculations and emphasizes the achievements of science. This is someone who does not have true religious beliefs, so they can promote abortion and think they can be good Catholics simultaneously. It also means they believe in no inalienable rights and only in rights given to you by a government. Of course, they’ll tell you that abortion was “on the books” for 50 years when there is no specific guarantee in the Constitution while ignoring the second amendment, which has been “on the books” for 232 years.

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
1 year ago

Time to divorce the FBI. No place in our Constitution for these actions.

FBI website
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ohio state flag
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