
National Security , Newsline

Strzok, McCabe Media Deals Raise Fresh Questions About Depths of Russiagate Hoax

Posted on Friday, May 26, 2023
by Aaron Flanigan

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan


Following the release of the bombshell Durham report, the federal bureaucracy and media apparatus are suffering devastating blows to their credibility and legitimacy. But although the Durham report has provided a clear view of the Deep State’s endemic corruption, it has also raised a series of significant questions that demand answers—including the relationship and the amount of money changing hands between the media networks and the two chief Russiagate propagators Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe.

The Durham report, which confirmed that Russiagate was nothing more than a manufactured hoax intended to frame and discredit President Donald Trump, perhaps implicates no one more than ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok—who was fired by the FBI after an Inspector General’s report detailed extensive wrongdoing and anti-Trump bias in the Russian collusion hoax.

Given the fact that his actions severely undermined public trust in both federal law enforcement and the democratic process, it’s reasonable to think Strzok would be completely discredited and disgraced. But instead, he has been propped up by left-wing media outlets as a national hero, has since been hired by Georgetown University as an adjunct professor, and has regularly appeared as a guest on MSNBC and other left-wing networks to spread the same lies that led to his termination from the FBI.

Following the release of the Durham report, rather than accepting responsibility for his role in one of the most nefarious political witch hunts in American history, Strzok instead took a victory lap—taking to Twitter to post a list of individuals who faced charges stemming from the Mueller witch hunt, many of whom are alleged to have been set up or framed by the government’s actions. Furthermore, he bizarrely claimed that the Durham investigation “didn’t come up with anything” and “never should have taken place”—apparently continuing to live in a fantasy land where he is the good guy in this story.

In a similar vein, Andrew McCabe—the former Deputy FBI Director who was fired for numerous offenses also detailed in the Inspector General’s report—was hired by CNN as a contributor shortly after his termination. Like Strzok, the left-wing media complex has praised McCabe as a daring defender of “democracy”—and has refused to concede the Russia collusion delusion was a hoax.

During a CNN appearance following the Durham report’s release, McCabe outrageously insisted that the report “failed to come up with anything new,” claiming it was illegitimate and nothing more than a “political errand” for allies of Donald Trump. As false as this criticism is, the Russia investigation itself was most certainly a “political errand” for the Obama administration and left-wing radicals in the media and the deep state.

Despite Strzok’s and McCabe’s claims that they—and the FBI—are free from any wrongdoing, the Durham report concluded that “the Department [of Justice] and the FBI failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report.” Senior officials at the FBI, the report continued, “displayed a serious lack of analytical rigor toward the information that they received, especially information received from politically-affiliated persons and entities.”

Both of these characterizations were obviously gross understatements, based on the content in the report itself.

“This information in part triggered and sustained [Russiagate] and contributed to the subsequent need for Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation,” the report said. “In particular, there was significant reliance on investigative leads provided or funded (directly or indirectly) by Trump’s political opponents.”

After he was fired by the FBI in 2018, McCabe lost his pension and other benefits typically awarded to federal employees. In the months following Joe Biden’s inauguration, however, the Department of Justice restored them, and agreed to expunge details regarding his firing from DOJ documents.

Now in the majority, House Republicans have an opportunity to find out not only who arranged such lucrative landings for Strzok and McCabe and how much they have been paid in their new roles, but also who was behind the decision to restore McCabe’s pension given his deception and betrayal of his oath of office.

A simple question for Congress to ask is: How much have Strzok and McCabe earned from left-wing networks for propagating slander and lies? How did they get their new jobs? Moreover, what media executives, lawyers, or Georgetown donors were responsible for the coverup of Strzok’s and McCabe’s actions at the FBI?

The Russiagate hoax has served as the basis of years of groundless investigations, political hit jobs, self-aggrandizing leftist television shows, and the weaponization of government against President Trump and other conservatives.

Strzok and McCabe stand as two of the most morally reprehensible federal actors in American history—which is not an easy status to achieve. House Republicans must fulfill their duty to the American people, uphold their oath to the Constitution, and hold them responsible.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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1 year ago

Time for the short rope treatment.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Prosecute & probe these all

1 year ago


1 year ago

If those who want to promote falsehoods get to be news anchors, we are all losers.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

All that Russian Collusion ,was just a democratic ploy. Kyle L.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

All actors are safe and they know it and we know it All the words are just empty talk

1 year ago

It is NOT surprising that most of the people identified in the Durham report, as well as many others not mentioned but equally involved, have found very lucrative careers in the MSM. After all, the MSM in this country is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party and the Democrat Party is nothing more than a rebranded form of the CPUSA at this point. As for accountability, that is never going happen with virtually all the federal government executive branch departments and agencies now completely controlled by the left in this this country. Sorry, but that is just the honest truth. The left isn’t going to arrest and prosecute their own people for doing exactly what the left wanted them to do.

As for Congress holding hearings to ask all these players how much they make from their various network contracts, that would be a colossal waste of time. Nothing would come of it. So stop calling for more investigative Congressional hearings that ultimately go nowhere. I can tell you from looking at what typical on-air, recurring guests get paid by the various MSM networks, every single person identified in the Durham report that no longer works in government earns anywhere from mid six figures to well into seven figures for the high-ranking former officials. So not only do these folks get to collect their full government pensions in most cases, but they also earn several multiples of what their old government salary was on an annual basis. There, I just saved the American taxpayer potentially tens of millions of dollars and months of wasted time that Congress would have spent pursuing how much each of these perpetrators have earned from violating their oaths of office.

Now enjoy the Memorial Day weekend and honor those we’ve lost.

MAGA 2024
MAGA 2024
1 year ago

Once the new Republican Sheriff takes office Jan. 2024, time to teach these 2 lying traitors a lesson!

1 year ago

I’m so tired of watching Democrats breaking the law while saying that ‘no one is above the law’!! And yet nothing ever happens to any of them!! They are all still out of jail several years after their alleged crimes!!! Are they ever going to have to pay and actually not be above the law???

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
1 year ago

This is a good article. The article shows that Satan takes care of his own.

1 year ago

Do you really think the republicans will go beyond a report. I don’t think they have the back bone or courage to do what is right

1 year ago

Agree 100% but unfortunately the Republicans don’t have the stones to stand up against media backlash.

1 year ago

Another example of crooks above the law! Richard Barnett just sat down in Nancy the liar Pelosi’s chair and propped his feet on her desk. Richard gets 4 1/2 years in prison for that simple stunt that harmed noone! Strozk and McCabe lie to the American citizens and to Congress while under oath and get nothing but tons of cash.
Maybe the reason that congress will do nothing to them is that All members of Congress are as corrupt and underhanded as they are and they don’t want the American public to know what a tub of cow dung each and every one of them are! I wish Putin was in charge of cleaning up the corruption in Congress! We could elect new members after he sent them all to a Russian gulag for their illegal activities!!!

1 year ago

If you want to do your duty, then eliminate members of Congress by voting them out of office come election day!

1 year ago

Please stop calling it a hoax! Hoaxes are children’s games. That was a deliberate crime against President Trump and America!

John Gilpin
John Gilpin
1 year ago

These guys need to be in jail what they did is known as treason pure and simple. They need to spend the rest of their lives in jail.

George C Dinsmore
George C Dinsmore
1 year ago

No matter what is done, this Congress, and Administration will not be held accountable

1 year ago

Used to be public hangings of traitors. Expecting us to pay millions just to keep them alive while negotiating more deals is more than disgusting!

1 year ago


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