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Trio of Soros-Backed Prosecutors Under Fire in Virginia

Posted on Thursday, March 23, 2023
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

A trio of far-left prosecutors in Virginia backed by liberal billionaire George Soros – all of whom face reelection this year – are encountering mounting criticism amid an onslaught of scandals and repeated instances of blatant incompetence that have allowed violent criminals off the hook and undermined public confidence in their offices.

Fairfax County Commonwealth’s Attorney Steve Descano, Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney Buta Biberaj, and Arlington County Commonwealth’s Attorney Parisa Dehghani-Tafti all received hundreds of thousands of dollars from Soros-linked funds when they first ran for election in 2019. In recent years, the liberal megadonor has helped install disciples of the far-left criminal justice “reform” movement like Descano, Biberaj, and Dehghani-Tafti in dozens of district attorney offices throughout the country.

Controversy has followed the three throughout their tenures, particularly as high-profile cases end in seemingly light sentences for perpetrators. Just this week, Descano ignited a local media firestorm when his office dropped all nine felony counts against Troy Reynolds, a man police say crashed a school bus with 44 kindergarteners on board into a ditch while under the influence of alcohol.

Critics are accusing Descano of botching his prosecution of the case – a charge he has become all too familiar with over the past four years. Last December, a Virginia mom sued the Fairfax County DA’s office after Descano missed a court filing deadline to overturn evidence, allowing a man who sexually assaulted an 11-year-old boy to escape with a misdemeanor assault and battery charge. The offender was released on time served.

Descano has been embroiled in another controversy since January over his use of an app which deletes messages to communicate with his staff. According to some sources, Descano used the app to specifically avoid FOIA requests – an act that would be a violation of Virginia law.

A number of Descano’s prosecutorial decisions throughout his time in office have drawn scrutiny as well. In one case early in his tenure, Descano charged an officer with excessive force for defending himself with a taser against a man high on PCP. A jury deliberated for just a few minutes before finding the officer not guilty – after a judge faulted Descano’s office for withholding key evidence in the trial for over a year.

Descano was also rebuked by a federal judge over his decision to offer a shockingly lenient plea deal of just 17 years for a man charged with repeatedly sexually abusing a younger relative. The deal was so egregious that the judge in the case told the victim “your government has failed you.”

In other instances, Descano has allowed a man suspected of killing two people and convicted of abducting a third to walk free on misdemeanor charges, offered a sweetheart deal to a man charged with firing a gun into a crowded bar, freed a violent criminal who later killed a homeless woman, and told prosecutors under him “don’t listen to victims” because they are “overly dramatic.”

As explanation for these seemingly unconscionable betrayals of crime victims, Descano has said that he is working to build a “more equitable” criminal justice system – a favorite line of Soros prosecutors who flatly refuse to enforce the law.

Biberaj, meanwhile, has faced controversy of her own recently following revelations that she used official funds to obtain information about her personal and political opponents. Biberaj reportedly spent more than $19,000 of county money on Freedom of Information Act requests targeting her longtime foes at the Loudoun County Supervisor’s office and even journalists who have been critical of her.

Ironically, Biberaj has also cited a lack of resources as reason for an announcement in January that her office would no longer be prosecuting a number of misdemeanor crimes, including reckless driving, petty theft, and hit and runs.

The announcement led to a hearing before the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors to decide whether to transfer three vacant positions in Biberaj’s office to the Loudoun County Attorney’s office to maintain full prosecution of misdemeanor crimes. The Democrat-majority panel ultimately decided to allow Biberaj to keep her funding, but a heated exchange between Biberaj and Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Chair Phyllis Randall indicated that even some Democrats in Virginia have grown tired of Biberaj’s radicalism and prickly personality.

Biberaj also has a history of prosecutorial decisions that appear politically motivated. The most notable case is her treatment of Scott Smith, a father whose daughter was raped at a Loudoun County high school.

The story drew national attention two years ago after a Daily Wire report revealed that the rapist, a biological male who identified as a female and was allowed to use female restrooms, was transferred to another Loudoun County high school after the rape, where he sexually assaulted a second girl.

Smith was arrested at a school board meeting where he demanded answers from Loudoun County Public Schools Superintendent Scott Ziegler, who falsely claimed that the district had “no record” of any assaults in its bathrooms.

But instead of working with Smith to get justice for his daughter, Biberaj – who ran on a platform of ending “mass incarceration” – aggressively prosecuted Smith, working to put him in jail for misdemeanor charges.

Dehghani-Tafti has largely avoided major scandals like those facing Descano and Biberaj, but has nonetheless earned public ire through her callous disregard for public safety. Last June, for instance, Dehgahni-Tafti worked with Descano to free a serial looter who committed multiple grand larcenies and assaulted a police officer.

A month later, a man let out of jail early thanks to prosecutorial misconduct by Dehghani-Tafti’s office killed two construction workers in Alexandria. In another case from 2020, Dehgahni-Tafti dropped all charges against a man who tried to rob a vape shop – then prosecuted a store employee who defended the business with a firearm.

As a result of these failures and many others, Dehghani-Tafti has been subject to an ongoing recall effort – particularly after news that crimes like felony assault rose 40% throughout her first year in office. However, with an election looming in November, the recall proponents have a new opportunity to defeat Dehghani-Tafti at the ballot box.

Even in reliably blue northern Virginia and with backing from Soros-linked funds, Descano, Biberaj, and Dehghani-Tafti each face a real threat of losing re-election this fall, with all three looking at tough primary challenges.

If any of the three lose primary battles – or if they are ousted by Republican challengers in the fall – it would be a sure sign that, even in liberal enclaves, Americans have had enough of the perverse vision of justice put forth by the left.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @Shane_Harris_.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Hooray Yes apply nationwide

1 year ago

Fire them all, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

Take these rabid animals down!

1 year ago

Soros needs to be stopped. He is a clear and present danger to USA.

1 year ago

Get rid of everyone of them and take Soros with them.

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
1 year ago

I hear Idaho is reinstating the firing squad. Time to extradite these criminals to Idaho ????????

1 year ago

Instead of under fire, they should be in front of a firing squad right along george soros. Isn’t that how all totalitarians of the past(lenin, stalin, hitler, mao, castro, etc) have treated those who didnt agree with them?
Back in the 60s and 70s when all the young marxists were out rioting and trying to overthrow the constitution we were told they had the right to speak so we had to respect that right. Now that they are in almost total control they want to shut down ANY conservative dissent, even if it is peaceful compared to BLM, antifa, and other “brownshirt” soros funded groups. If they could get away with firing squads, they would use them.
Even Lenin told his “generals”(henchmen), when asked why the communists didnt just attack, that they didnt yet have the strength “militarily” to do that but when the time came they would do just that with a vengeance. They eventually did and killed millions who they didnt thing were on their side.
Anyone who doesn’t realize the communists behind the current dc puppet(biden) administration aren’t waiting for an excuse to unleash the military on it’s own citizens is fooling themselves,

1 year ago

One can only hope that enough people in the state are tired of this incompetence and vote these people out… God willing.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Interesting last names that serve justice in Virginia counties.
I am not racist but find it an interesting observation.
As long as Justice is run by Soros lackeys we victims have no chance in hell to feel safe, or be judged fairly, we will be perps and victims both.
Plus Brandon stands behind them all in support. Think of his speech in Philadelphia.

Barbara D
Barbara D
1 year ago

People of Virginia……Do us all a favor and VOTE THESE IDIOTS OUT OF OFFICE!! Reject any candidate backed by Soros! Research your candidates carefully! Soros hates America!!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Sorros needs a piece of lead between his eyes. He is a first class enemy. Kyle L.

1 year ago

It should be against the law for Soros (or anyone outside of the American justice system, or congress) to hire AGsf for the States of the United States. Is Soros even a legal citizen? He was told several years ago by the Russians, if he stepped foot over their border, he would be executed – so, he’s in Ukraine giving Zelensky his ideas and money. He should also be banned from the U.S., but I’m pretty sure, what he’s doing here with election interference and stocking our judicial system with socialist/Marxist AGs is totally acceptable to the Blue states, such as New York. Brag along with several other AGs have been put in by Soros and his money! They work against our own judicial system.

1 year ago

Why can’t our so called Republicans / Conservatives do something about this roach Sorros? Enough is enough ! This slime should be sanctioned, and if he enters the United States he should be prosecuted as a terrorist. Every politician, and there seems to be hundreds that are accepting his dirty money are destroying our country. It’s bad enough we have to put up with this clown show everyday with the Biden administration . Our justice system is a joke in all branches .

1 year ago

Clearly, there needs to be a recall of these prosecutors! But the likelihood of this happening, are slim and none and slim has left town for parts unknown!

1 year ago

George Soros focused a lot of money and assets on district attorney races throughout the United states. He put money into the campaigns of democrat operatives all over the place. He also financed much of the summer of love. BLM, Antifa, just like A.C.O.R.N. and the “99 percenters” are all funded in large part by Soros.

1 year ago

How can Any Lawyer, Judge, District Attorney or any such person Accept Money and/or Fear of Threats from the likes of George Soros, The Clinton Foundation, the World Economic Forum Cartel or any other such Anti-American, Socialistic and Marxist Organization?!?!?! People such as these three (3) mentioned in Virginia MUST NOT BE RE_ELECTED and PROSECUTED!!!! We Are America, Where the Rule of Law and Our Constitution PREVAIL!!!!!

1 year ago

Until Soros is eliminated justice will suffer nationwide. The voters have an opportunity to remove Soros backed puppets. Let see what they do.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

I am not aware of any prosecutors who are backed by Soros and who are actually competent in prosecuting criminals and protecting the general public. It appears that Soros only backs prosecutors who are activists for enabling the law breakers instead of those who obey and respect law and order. Tragically, Soros has been an enemy of strong and ethical nation states, because he has an evil obsession with creating a new world order run by a few powerful oligarchs. He pretends to be on the side of woke Marxists for the purposes of fooling them into helping him destroy traditional independent nation states. It’s amazing that Soros is so ethically demented, that even as a very old man with not much longer to live, he still tries his best to destroy all that is good and just. He sees humans as insignificant pawns in his quest to ruin the United States of America. If he or his heirs actually succeed in destroying our freedoms and liberties, most of the Marxist fools will deeply regret their naivete.

1 year ago

Corrupt and traitorous behavior. Vote them out!

1 year ago


Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

These sorry excuses for prosecutors and human beings need to meet some of their pampered criminals in dark alleys very late at night. Then there is the San Francisco council “person” who, two years ago, preached about defunding the police and is now complaining she can’t a cop when she needs one. What in the hell do these people think will happen when you coddle scum that doesn’t respect society.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

They need to be under fire everywhere! Vote them out, and when you can, JAIL THEM for NOT doing their jobs!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Each Soros backed DA must be charged with corruption, election interference, fraud, ethic and oath violations and Disbarred including going to prison for 20 years minimum without parole.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Under fire is not the same as being fired

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

ANYONE who welcomes money from pro-Nazi Soros should be rejected automatically!

1 year ago

“Backed by Soros” is enough to tell you that they are 100% dung.

1 year ago

Like my wife says” Biden is buying votes with our money and many people can be bought cheap.” Get out the vote,secure the bAllot box , insure an honest count!!! When all this money is due to be repaid and social security and all federal programs are cut with gas at $7.00 a gallon and eggs at $5.80 then their eyes will be opened. Those with common sense must look out for the ignorant sometimes to protect all of us. Leaders are available as long as we want them bad enough!!!! Trump/DeSantis 24

1 year ago

Why are they not taking Soros out when he is interfering with our country’s government?? That makes him an enemy of the state just like Osama Bin Laden.

Concerned American
Concerned American
1 year ago

Northern Virginia has become a cesspool of idiocy. I’m glad I left 20 years ago.

1 year ago

Soros should be deported….or executed. He is one of the most evil POS on this earth.

1 year ago

Why are these liberal DA’s even allowed to interpret the law of the land? Especially if they are as dumb as these three morons…

Michael Brown
Michael Brown
1 year ago

Down with all Soros backed politicians!

William Hodge
William Hodge
1 year ago

Soros and all his underlings should be tarred and feathered then hung from poles.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 year ago

Send those anti AMERICANS to the great inferno !!!!!!!!!!!

lothar baier
lothar baier
1 year ago

its not just that progressive prosecutors are in blatant reliction of duty if it comes to prosecuting crimes but they also blatantly use their position to prosecute people who do not share their beliefs

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

Anyone backed by Communist Soros should be fired they are just plan no good they are bought and paid for by Soros he wants this country to fail he wants to see fighting in our streets and no rule of law. If there is any dirt that is dug up Soros is behind it, these three are just a start there are more backed by him.

Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
1 year ago

There a whole bunch of interesting comments below, but what I cannot fathom is that the left side of common sense (maybe the wacko left just like the wacko right) thinks it’s a good idea to NOT prosecute people who break the law. Not rapists, not asualts, not armed robbers, and heaven forbid not the millions of illegals streaming over our southern boarder. I wonder if they think those laws even need to be ‘on the books’ or are only for certain people? I wonder if they think being a victim is the victim’s problem? I also really, really wonder if they think these people are just trying to ‘get ahead’ in our competitive world? If so, there are a couple of tax laws I’d like to ignore, you know, just to get ahead……..

VA voter
VA voter
1 year ago

The Arlington DA woman also failed to release any information about the Uber driver who ran into Four Courts, a popular and crowded bar on Wilson Blvd in Courthouse. 20 people were injured, some seriously. The name of the Uber driver and all info about him has been withheld from the public. This incident happened last summer. Speculation is that the driver was an illegal alien and/or muslim so of course a left wing DA suppress that info.

1 year ago

Remember- politics is downstream of culture. Your state unfortunately just like my state of California has too many people that want these leftists to run the government. Give us our abortion and free money and we’ll let you destroy the old God fearing America. Didn’t Covid teach us that the government lies and we the people don’t matter. We can be replaced.

1 year ago

Hunt them down and prosecute. ALL of them.

1 year ago

Just how much money does Soros and the Chi-coms have ?

1 year ago

Would someone PLEASE tell me just what “more equitable” freakin justice actually is instead of all this woke word salads crap we keep hearing!!!

Pat R
Pat R
1 year ago

Change the laws that allow mega funding of political candidates and George Soros’ influence in our political arena will be cut dramatically. Talk about INSURRECTION, but without guns, this man is the epitome of it. He needs to have his US citizenship rescinded, his possessions confiscated, his funded organizations shut down & wealth confiscated, put in jail, and his family excommunicated.

1 year ago

I hope none of them get reelected and George Soros gets struck down by lightning.

1 year ago

The George money gets them there. Then they are WOKE, USEFULL IDIOTS.

1 year ago

They are in dereliction of their duties and should be CANNED IMMEDIATELY! Their primary obligation is to UPHOLD THE LAW AS WRITTEN! End of story. Only Legislatures make law!

Steven Glenn Tapper
Steven Glenn Tapper
1 year ago

You reap what you sow and these Soros backed Democrats are pro criminal. Now it will be up to the voters who are affected by their failure to protect the public against these pro criminal activists to remove them from office and replace them with competent prosecutors.

1 year ago

Let’s go VA. As a strong group we take them down by voting and reporting

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