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St. Louis Falls into Chaos as Radical DA Fights Calls to Resign

Posted on Wednesday, March 15, 2023
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott

St. Louis

Kimberly M. Gardner, the far-left circuit attorney of St. Louis, has become the latest George Soros-backed district attorney to face calls to resign amid skyrocketing crime and severe staffing shortages stemming from her embrace of the radical criminal justice “reform” movement.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch revealed last week that Gardner’s office is so understaffed that each remaining prosecutor is handling, on average, over a hundred felony cases at a time. The immense workload has led to severe burnout, with Gardner’s office shrinking from a high of 58 prosecutors in August 2016 to 30 today.

According to a 2002 U.S. Department of Justice study, prosecutors can handle about 20 murder cases per year with no other assignments. But as the Post-Dispatch reports, one prosecutor in St. Louis is currently handling “45 open murder or manslaughter cases and roughly 60 other, mostly violent felonies.”

At the same time, St. Louis has been plagued by rising violent crime, including brazen acts of violence in high-traffic areas of the city. In one viral incident late last month, a man was filmed calmly loading a gun before killing a homeless individual execution-style in broad daylight in the middle of downtown St. Louis. Some studies have pegged the Gateway City as the most dangerous in America on a per-capita basis.

Gardner has been a controversial figure since taking office in 2017. Her campaign platform aggressively focused on “alternatives” to prosecution, relaxing criminal probation oversight, and minimizing “unnecessary incarceration.”

These radically progressive positions caught the eye of liberal billionaire George Soros, who has spent much of the last decade funding progressive district attorney candidates. Soros-linked PACs donated more than $100,000 to Gardner’s campaign, along with running pro-Gardner ads in St. Louis.

Upon taking office, Gardner responded in kind by hiring a Soros-linked organization called the Vera Institute of Justice to implement an “aggressive” ideological reform of her office that included a radical “racial equity” agenda. As part of this “reform” effort, Gardner also flatly refused to prosecute most misdemeanors and even some felonies.

But while criminals had free reign, Gardner allocated copious resources to pursue a baseless prosecution of the state’s Republican Governor, Eric Greitens, in 2018. Gardner was ultimately forced to drop the case after revealing she lacked credible evidence for the charge. She admitted to lying “over 79 times” and engaging in “62 acts of gross misconduct” while waging her case and was reprimanded by the Missouri Supreme Court.

All of this politicization and dereliction of duty led to a more than 100% staff turnover rate within Gardner’s office over her first two years in power. As a result, heavier caseloads fell on the shoulders of more junior prosecutors. Dismissal rates surged as these novice lawyers struggled to keep their heads above water.

Because the Fifth Amendment guarantees accused criminals the right to a speedy trial, if a prosecutor fails to secure witnesses or testimony in a timely manner, the charges are dropped and need to be refiled. As Gardner has aggressively restricted cash bail, this delay means potential criminals can roam the streets until their trial date.

The tragic results of this policy were seen clearly late last month when a teenage volleyball star was struck by a vehicle and pinned against a parked car. Though the teenager survived the crash, she lost both legs due to the impact.

The vehicle’s driver was 21-year-old Daniel Riley, an accused criminal out on bond. In August 2020, Riley was arrested for robbery with a firearm and has been out on bond ever since.

An investigation by a local news station revealed that Riley was a repeat offender, with over 100 documented counts of breaking house arrest and other court orders. Even though Gardner’s office knew this at the time of sentencing, they still permitted Riley to be released.

For consistently failing to keep dangerous criminals like Riley behind bars, Gardner faces a bipartisan chorus of critics calling for her immediate resignation. Last month, Republican State Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced he had initiated legal proceedings to have Gardner removed from office, issuing a petition of “quo warranto” for failing to prosecute cases.

The petition asserts Gardner failed to prosecute pending cases, inform victims of the outcome of their legal cases, and “charge new cases referred to her by the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department.” The state Supreme Court has appointed a judge to preside over the matter.

Gardener has derided the petition as a “political witch hunt” and refused to step down.

With her office already deeply understaffed, fighting the petition will likely draw even more resources away from prosecuting crimes. In an effort to save her job, Gardner will likely expose her constituents to even more violence and chaos. But if the last five years are any indication, that will be of no concern to her.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

ALL Blue Cities fail day 1

1 year ago

If people would get rid of the stinking Democrats and they wouldn’t be having all these problems. How much does it take for people to understand that they are not like Democrats of 50 years ago they are totally evil now and they are out for themselves in their own agendas they do not care about anyone else.

legally present
legally present
1 year ago

This is INSANE, why did Soros want this in the first place??? Maybe if something happened to one of his family members he would change his mind. WHY did he come to America and decide to become a citizen to then take a dump on the very country he calls home??

David M. Tompos
David M. Tompos
1 year ago

How can USA citizens who want to live in an orderly and peaceful society rid themselves of incompetence like this DA in St. Louise has demonstrated?

Charles Krim
Charles Krim
1 year ago

The end is near for these corrupt, demonic, Soros-backed puppets. Unfortunately we have to live through the bullsh*t they cause.

1 year ago

democrats run st. louis and like other democrat-run cities they have serious chronic problems with crime and other issues corrupt and incompetent

David Hardy
David Hardy
1 year ago

And George Soros laughs

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
1 year ago

Instead of trying to have her resign, Why not have her disbarred. That would end her job and her career as an attorney.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Gardner is a very emotionally disturbed hack. Instead of trying to protect the law abiding citizens, she does her best to enable the criminals. She only cares about keeping her position and is too woke to care about keeping the peace and feeling empathy for those poor citizens who want to live in a relatively safe environment. Gardner is actually worse than a common street thug, She is extremely incompetent and dishonest.

1 year ago

Keep voting Democrat and wallow in the mire.

1 year ago

Houston is also cursed with a Soros purchased DA but what makes it worse is the 20 plus liberal democrat judges elected with her. Repeat violent offenders released on $1 bonds, cases reset for years, etc., etc. All these liberal controlled cities have become crime cess pools.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

The left with Soros money can do what they want. For all the judges are also bought by Soros.
A Republican DA would have long ago been dismissed if she did the same thing.
We have a two tier justice system. One for those in power and nothing for the peons on the outside looking in.
What needs to happen to get our justice systeem back in balance?

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

OLDbas Soros is,he needs to go on and die. Kyle L.

J Dubya
J Dubya
1 year ago

And people talk about Commifornia. Glad to hear it isn’t just happenig here in the Golden State. I remember years ago hearing “Detroit is a fate worse than death” Well sounds like St Louis has taken that crown from them. I lived in Kirkwood and Sunset hills back in the late 70’s, I drove beer trucks and would have to work in the city very often. I am telling you it was bad then, sounds like things haven’t gotten any better.

1 year ago

Maybe the people of St. Louis need more rape, robbery, assaults, murders to prove to them that they need change. What else could be the hold up?

1 year ago

This D.A. is definitely in lala land. Wonder what she’d do if someone harmed a relative or friend? Oh wait probably has no friends. Just relatives. My thought is she’d show her true self and rush that case through the courts to put the criminal in prison. Talk abt talking out of both sides of your mouth! Hopefully the State A.G. will follow thru and rid the city of an evil person. Sad so sad.

1 year ago

The sooner we start fighting Sorrious, the sooner we get rid of those idiots he’s putting into office.

Bill R.
Bill R.
1 year ago

Couple these kinds of DAs with defunding the police, unfettered immigration and attempts to disarm law abiding citizens and you have a population under siege with no recourse. Soros is a cancer who shouldn’t have this kind of power. Most citizens are completely unaware he even exists.

1 year ago

She is merely the poster child for a tsunami of unqualified people who were pushed thru grad school courtesy of ethnic quotas. The real screaming will come once docs and dentists currently practicing retire and are replaced by people like ms gardner who aren’t capable of carving a thanksgiving turkey let alone your gallbladder. Already there are signs of this ‘fundamental transformation’. If you have an experienced healthcare pro thank them to let them know you appreciate them hanging in there.

1 year ago

America should not allow the foreign scumbag named Soros to finance a political party, intentionally affect America’s elections, spend millions to get leftist prosecutors elected and financing riots and other unlawful behavior. He should be tried and imprisoned for the rest of his life. And the same for his family members!

Marty Plecki
Marty Plecki
1 year ago

I would really like to know why folks like this who obviously don’t do their job and commit crimes in the process like lying to the courts. Why aren’t they prosecuted and put in jail

1 year ago

She needs to be the victim of her criminals. It’s the only way these evil people ever learn. And frankly, I don’t care what happens to her.

1 year ago

WHERE’S THE ATTORNEY GENERAL ?????????????????????????????? WHERE’S THE GOV ???????????? DO SOMETHING……………………………………………… DUH ????????????

1 year ago


Papa Doug
Papa Doug
1 year ago

Forget asking him to resign, just march into his office and throw his ass out in the street! We should do the same with Biden, Harris and the whole democratic crime machine!

1 year ago

Ever wonder why the far left always walks around with an ugly face… like they just filled their pants… how could anyone be like this???? I wouldn’t want to live so bitter and mad at everything that means something. Come on lady, crooks & murders need jail, need to be out of the society they seem unable to behave. Spend your efforts assisting the mentally ill, or maybe the sick and disabled, not helping bad people so that they can vote!

1 year ago

Kim Gardner and her ilk are a scourge.

El Zorro
El Zorro
1 year ago

Why is this viper George Soros still alive?

1 year ago

Send in the Missouri Nat’l Guard, drag her out to a prison, charge her with dereliction, try her, if convicted, sentence her to San Francisco. Oh, yeah, disbar her too. She is also likely guilty of murder by accessory. ????

Frank Cowles
Frank Cowles
1 year ago

Rite is rite , honest is honest . Justice has no room for racial bigots . It’s way past time to take courts and government back from these deceitful people

1 year ago

Sickening that the state has not filed charges plus individual filings by people that have been abused by this obviously lawlessly activity.

1 year ago

George Soros needs to be stopped.

Terry Maznio
Terry Maznio
1 year ago

Folks l keep hearing that old man Siri’s name coming up regarding his backing this Persians that who when elected all are driven towards corruption; here’s my question that no one has answered what is the real down deep reason for this Soros behavior?

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
1 year ago

Seems to me this Gardener is responsible for the great rise of crime including murder and should be charged with these crimes. Where are all the lawyers that think they are so great with civil cases. Someone or some group is responsible for this lack of prosecution and should be charged and/or sued also. Is it to much work for these slacker lawyers to go after a real injustice when there are so many frivolous class-action lawsuits they can file against companies who will pay to keep their names out of the news? Where the lawyers get millions while those who are wronged split a pittance. This is one of the biggest problems today, no one wants to do their job while still being paid. As the Marxists take over by convincing everyone that they are entitled to be fed, housed, and entertained eventually they will have it all and you will have nothing and you better like it because you allowed it to happen.

1 year ago

Here’s what I don’t understand. If we the people can figure these things out, according to the comments, who is out there to stand up for “we the peple”? I know it’s the representatives we voted for to speak for us, but in reality, their absence on our behalf is deafening. At this pace it all seems hopeless. We the people are like the hamster running in the cage

Robert Laford
Robert Laford
1 year ago

What do you say to the girl that lost both legs? Sorry we let a career criminal with 100 arrests out to insure “his” rights? He was arrested in 2020 and still out on bond in 2023? What about the victims rights? Her wedding day she will have to roll down the isle in a wheelchair! Meanwhile Jan. 6th protestors are still in jail. I guess they should have been arrested more before exercising their constitutional rights. The rotten stinking corruption from Joey 2 scoops on down goes unpunished.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

The only people I feel sorry for are the ones who didn’t vote for these morons running the cities. You get what you voted for… like California… when only qualifier for your vote is the (D) after their names.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

how many more innocent law-abiding citizens have to become crime victims before Gardner and the rest of her fellow Soros-backed, progressive, soft-on-crime prosecutors realize their so-called criminal justice “reforms” aren’t working?

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
1 year ago

She likes criminals because she is one of them.

G L Robertson
G L Robertson
1 year ago

How was it possible for Daniel Riley to be out walking around and able to continue in crime after an arrest for Armed Robbery? I know a guy who did twelve years in San Quentin for Armed Robbery. The nation cannot survive with these kinds of double standards and inequity. I think the plan is to take the nation down. There is no other reasonable explanation.

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