The coronavirus outbreak brought the world’s attention to the dangers of gain-of-function research. This kind of research occurs when a virus is manipulated to increase its strength or contagiousness—literally, causing it to gain a function. Dr. Anthony Fauci continues to repeat the talking points of the Chinese Communist Party…
To Rand Paul, Great article, I wish you much success with the important work you are doing to determine the truth concerning every aspect of the coronavirus. This is an ethical issue intertwined with an epidemiological matter and a legal matter. And you certainly have the respect of right thinking men and women not just here in the United States of America, but everywhere in the world.
What you are doing I believe is in keeping with the parable of Christ about the lamp , which is about doing what is morally right , being a good influence on others, and setting a good example. . I reckon the sort of spirit that involves getting to the truth of the coronavirus could be compared to the spirit of the Declaration’s of Independence. In the spirit of everything that encourages good character, good citizenship, respect for law and the will of God, respect for life and liberty.