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Biden’s Lies, Accusations, and Fabrications During His State of the Union Address

Posted on Thursday, February 9, 2023
by Tammy Bruce

One would think with a Chinese spy ship floating across the continental United States that President Biden’s State of the Union address would focus on national security and what they’re doing to protect the country.

But nah. Instead, we were subjected to a rambling, often incoherent series of lies, accusations, and fabrication delivered by a man alternately yelling, whispering, and stumbling through a teleprompted script. In the week leading up to the speech that is supposed to inform the American people about the actual state of the union, Biden instead handled it like a campaign message in a bottle from the basement.

We heard about how the Biden administration was determined to go after hotels that charge those “resort fees” when they’re not a resort, and junk fees in general. We all hate those. But it is a little off mark for Americans who are still struggling to cope with eggs costing $8 dollars a dozen, and can’t fill up their tank.

When he mentioned that fentanyl was killing 70,000 Americans a year, the chamber erupted with many appropriately reminding the president that this horror was the result of his own open border policies. Biden’s response? He smirked.

Biden did have to address the spy balloon scandal considering the nation watched in disbelief as the craft travelled at will over the American landscape, unobstructed. He spent 2 minutes on China in the 72-minute address, while never mentioning the spying event itself. Biden noted, “I’m committed to work with China where we can advance American interests and benefit the world. But make no mistake about it: as we made clear last week, if China threatens our sovereignty, we will act to protect our country. And we did.”

Yeah, no he didn’t. He may have ensured the Atlantic Ocean’s privacy, but Biden and the fools who run him allowed a CCP spy machine to traverse the entire continental United States without interruption. His remark was ostensibly a lie, just as the administration claimed the catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal was an “extraordinary success.”

It is pathological when the answer to everything is a lie.

Perhaps the Biden administration was happy that the balloon was taking the focus off the classified documents scandal that has been dogging him for the last several weeks. That disaster, like the spy balloon, was also kept secret by our government, in that case for months, until leaked to Politico. But Americans can walk and chew gum at the same time and understand the constant chaos and dangerous catastrophes brought about by the Biden Gang isn’t improving our outlook for the future.

We now know that our government was aware of the spy balloon near the Aleutian Islands and Alaska, and did nothing. The Canadians and NORAD watched it as it entered into Canada. And we did nothing. It then crossed the northern border from Canada into Idaho and Montana where a private citizen noticed the intruder, after which the Billings Gazette informed the world that something not quite right was loitering in the Montana sky.

GOP Rep. Mike Turner, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee told NBC News the spycraft was all along the path of “our sensitive missile defense sites, our nuclear weapons infrastructure, our nuclear weapon sites.”

And still the Biden administration allowed it to continue on its mission.

No one believes the rank absurdity of the administration explaining they didn’t shoot it down because they didn’t want anyone on the ground to be hurt. Especially when they had opportunities over the sparsely populated areas of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska and Montana.

The Biden administration has known since day one (if not long before) the danger that the Chinese Communist Party poses to this country. It is so serious that in July 2022 the head of the UK’s MI5 and our FBI made an unprecedented joint appearance to warn about the “immense” threat China poses to the world. The BBC reported on the London meeting: “FBI director Christopher Wray said China was the ‘biggest long-term threat to our economic and national security… [the MI5 director] said the challenge posed by the Chinese Communist Party was ‘game-changing’, while Wray called it ‘immense’ and ‘breath-taking’.”

Recently on another malign and massive CCP project to infiltrate the US, a city in North Dakota “rejected a Chinese government-linked agricultural project located right near a key U.S. military drone base after the Biden administration refused to act against the ‘significant threat to national security,” reported the Washington Examiner. Moreover, “Chinese holdings of U.S. agricultural land surged from 13,720 acres in 2010 to 352,140 acres in 2020, valued at $1.9 billion,” reports the America First Institute. “Americans have a right to determine which foreign countries may purchase U.S. farmland. Countries such as Communist China spreading malign influence at all levels of our society to undermine us should not be allowed to acquire it.”

In the end of this particular disaster, and as Biden was delivering his confused and empty SOTU address, the Navy and Coast Guard were attempting to retrieve bits and pieces of the China spy craft which had been shot down off the coast of South Carolina. Using drones to search for debris fields, officials told the AP they were “gathering up what they could.”

Not exactly the most promising of declarations.

You are not alone in being both outraged and perplexed at the continuing bizarre and malign behavior of the Biden administration. But the GOP talent bench is deep and there is hope. In the midst of all of this there are shining lights, one of which was Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sander’s GOP response to Biden’s baffling speech. She reminded us that in these trying times conservatism and love of this country is not only needed, it’s required.

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1 year ago

Think of it more like a blimp than a balloon. They don’t just drift around. They can be steered with propellers to some degree and do use prevailing wind currents. If they couldn’t get over what they want to see they wouldn’t have been in use since the Cold War and even earlier.

1 year ago

I have to walk back my comments on the balloon electronics. From other picture I can tell it was at least 50 yards long an 2 yards wide , a little smaller than the diameter of the balloon. What I saw on the boat was different than the electronics in the pictures of it floating in the air. But they did not weigh that much. Otherwise the balloon could not have lifted something that big

1 year ago

Hahaha! Where have you been the last three years?! They didn’t need a balloon to hit us with a weaponized virus. Paranoia has to be balanced with some logic and cost/benefit analysis. Biden bends over for China any chance he gets.

1 year ago

THE CONDOLA OR mass of the spy balloon could have had small steering jets to keep it on right path , thats why it was conveniently shot down over water , no one but the military knows what was found or left to be found . the biggest Chinese operative resides in the white house .

1 year ago

Because too many Americans either watch the MSM which is an echo chamber of the Democrat talking points or get their news on social media.

1 year ago

O’BIDEN has to make up a lie so when it does’nt materialize he can say “I fixed the problem”.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

Wittingly or unwittingly, Slow Joe is an agent of the CCP! Since he is so LOW on wits, it’s a tough call. Either way, he is the MOST corrupt president in US history!

1 year ago

This supposed President could not balance a check book. We need to build Gallows on the town square and start treating TRAITORS like in the old days.

Lisa Skinner
Lisa Skinner
1 year ago

What a sad state of affairs in this country. I am seriously scared for our National security and even just walking down the street in a city.
God help us all ????????????????

1 year ago

“Chinese holdings of U.S. agricultural land surged from 13,720 acres in 2010 to 352,140 acres in 2020, valued at $1.9 billion,” reports the America First Institute. Why in the HELL do we allow COMMUNIST China to OWN American agricultural land? Did Trump OK this? He was President 2016 – 2020. And I am a Trump supporter. I just want to know who OK’d this.

1 year ago

Plain honest talk from Tammy Bruce. It’s times like this that is what we need to hear. Now we need to share this talk with those that don’t read or follow politics. They are not interested in our country because they truly believe the government will always take care of them. It’s now our job to educate them. Just keep talking…not shouting or yelling…talking with facts. Keep praying.

1 year ago

Great article.

1 year ago

A habit becomes entrenched when it goes on long enough and the mind is wicked enough. Biden has been lying his entire life. He probably started in first grade. His entire political life is based on lies. Of course, that is the trademark of the demo/socialist party. Lie and deny. Nothing will change so long as Satan is controlling the demo/socialist party.

1 year ago

WHAT A LYING, POS, liberal. DEPORT THIS A/H AND ALL liberals AND illegals, STAT,, TO AMGA

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Biden tells many lies which are needlessly dividing our great country. Two of his most horrible lies are that the US is systemically racist and blacks and browns are treated unjustly by the police. We are not a perfect country; however, Biden is shamelessly pushing critical race theory to encourage an artificial redistribution of wealth and power. The US is a very good country full of very good people. We, the American people, deserve a president who encourages individual honesty and hard work. Biden and his administration are full of bigots who are only pretending to be empathetic to the needs of those Americans who are less fortunate.

1 year ago

Whoever is writing Bidens speeches is very confident that Biden can say whatever and the media will let them get away with it. The media is doing a great disservice to the peole of the United States.

1 year ago

JB has been lying for at least 50 years. He should just stop, take a moment, and smell what the heck he is shoveling. Many of us see right through him. Unfortunately, once a liar always a liar. He will not change even for America.

Stephen V
Stephen V
1 year ago

Biden told more lies in 72 minutes than George Santos did during his entire campaign.
Dems went after Trump for a fabricated “Russian collusion” fairy tale while China-owned Biden is given a pass despite a mountain of evidence.
We survived 8 years of Obama but I can only pray we’ll survive 2 more years of Biden.

Marta Alvarez
Marta Alvarez
1 year ago

If any State of the Union Address deserved to be torned into pieces, was that one. We might as well be watching any Soviet Communist leader at the Kremlin. It was carbon copy of their ways to lie to the public. Not surprising in the least.

1 year ago

Essentially this article is in the similar vein as the Shane Harris article below, so I’ll give this article the same comment I gave that one.

The SOTU and the Media’s coverage leading up to the event and then all subsequent activites have all played out exactly as anticipated. This was chiefly a well choreographed propaganda event for the Democrats to begin the 2024 election cycle. His handlers juiced up Biden with the maximum doses of the meds necessary for him to be able to perform for the 70 minutes his speech would last and then the MSM took over to echo how terrific Biden was for getting through that time frame. Therefore truth did not matter and was not the prime focus of either the SOTU message or the MSM’s coverage of it. It was a framing of how the Democrats will position themselves going into 2024.
Everything the Democrats do between now and our so-called election day in 2024 is focused on the percentage of the American population that is neither well informed, capable of any form of critical thinking or analysis nor particularly interested in doing any actual research themselves on the issues or candidates. In short, the Democrats are laser focused on the rather large segment of the American population that is lazy, apathetic and unmotivated. The segment of the country that is incredibly easy to persuade. The Democrats do NOT care what the rest of the country thinks, as they fully control the voting process of 5 of the 6 critical electorial states.
For those of you that are true students of history around the world, we are very near or at the actual stage where elections no longer matter. Where elections are merely staged events with known and controlled outcomes, because the process has been so corrupted as to ensure the desired individuals and party win. It is usually at this point in a country’s transformation, where the leader and his party are free to make ridiculously outlandish statements and outright lies with no consequences or blowback. Much in the exact same way Biden did the other night and the Party’s propaganda arm, the MSM, all praise the message and leader’s performance. At this stage of a country’s decline, it doesn’t matter whether the population “buys” it anymore, as the author suggests, because at this stage the people have completely lost control of the government.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

Impeachment as a Chinese asset? He let them spy for more than a week and in a hearing today it was revealed we could NOT jam its signals.

J. Farley
J. Farley
1 year ago

In my post before the debacle called the State Of The Union, i said that it would be nothing more than a pascal of lies, and after watching clips from the speech it was that.
This, Moron, Half-Wit, Weasel, Creep, Pile of Dog Do-Do, Brain Dead Anti-American and the losers that PROP him up can kiss my grits.
I would rather be a MAGA Republican, Make America Great Again, than a MAGOT Democrat, which destroys our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and wants to make America a Crap hole.
Gad Save America!

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

If the MSM would investigate Brandon and the gang more we would not have had this spy balloon incident. But MSM is a mouthpiece and repeat the White House communiques verbatim.
Every media outlet uses the same buzzwords in their reporting.
Reason they let the balloon traverse our airspace so that they could observe the balloon and that no data was sent back to China. What? Xi is going to send a spy balloon over America and he will not get any data from it? But the left stream media dutiful reported this. When that didn’t fly it was reported to be too dangerous to shoot it down over the country due to the debris field maybe killing people on the ground. Well I see it thus, while there are unpopulated areas in many states it flew over even in Canada I would gladly have given my life to prevent an attack later that would take many lives.
Brandon doesn’t think that far. On paper it looked reasonable. The man has never been able to propose anything he always attached himself to another’s coattails. See spy incident.
That is why we didn’t hear anything about the state of the union. It was a campaign speech.
And we all know promises made in een campaign speech never materialize once they are elected.
We need to boycott the MSM and call them on the lies they are spreading.
Their New World Order has to be prevented. For I will not be happy when they have taken everything from me although their plan is to dope us all with XTC. To quote our fearless leader look it up.

1 year ago

I only watched about 5 min of the SOTU ….couldn’t stomach anymore than that. The man needs to be in an institution. And his idiot of a wife sits there like a bump on a log.

1 year ago

Two Comments:
#1 – All Biden can do is tell use what was done wrong by the previous administration. I will be so glad when he can accept and admit to ALL of the wrong that he has done while HE has been President.

#2 – When Biden tells us “what he is NOT going to do” then I am immediately going to the bank and cash that check! Because…he tells us he “is not” and yet, the very next day he is telling us that he is. He can’t have it both ways.

Make that three comments. The next time I go out to eat, I am going to hand the person waiting on me their tip in cash. And, if it doesn’t get reported, so be it. It is amazing that he has no problem with all of the money Hunter and “the big guy” got from China, but he is worried about the few extra dollars that a person who is barely getting by makes. Will someone please take him to Walmart and actually have him pay for whatever he buys with his own money instead of taxpayer money! Or, actually, he could pay for it out of the quarter of a billion dollar loan that he just got.

I am so sorry to be this negative. I have been on this earth for almost 77 years. Never ever did I think I would live thru what we are having to endure today. Folks are concerned about the Chinese spy balloon, and rightfully so. When we see the Red Chinese marching over our soil, it is going to be a little to late to say OOPS, we should have done……………………………… . I just hope Biden is not there waving his welcome flag.

1 year ago

Blustering Biden LIES EVERYTIME he opens his mouth! . . . Anybody with Common Sense or even Half a Brain comes to that conclusion whenever he speaks. As he says “There is NO high inflation!” . . . Really? You mean paying $7 for 1 cheeseburger when before Biden you would get 2 cheeseburgers for $7!
Now I pay $2 more for a gallon of gasoline where I now pay $70 to fill my tank where I used to pay $40 before.

zoe frost
zoe frost
1 year ago

If anyone doubted the corrupt congenital liar liar fraud puppet is owned by the ChiComs, look no further than the latest in a series of anti-American decisions…the Communist’s spy balloon. The traitor pResident ALLOWED the spy balloon to leisurely traverse sensitive installations across our country…letting it gather all the data they wanted, before FINALLY destroying it (instead of securing it to capture it for study)…yep, no longer a scintilla of doubt.

FJB and every single traitor supporting the expletive-ing expletive for allowing what is now obviously the concerted effort to destroy us and our freedoms/opportunities Constitutional Republic!

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

Its not just Biden and it is not just the state of the union speech. All the democrats liberals, progressives and environmentalists do is lie.

the whole crowd is constantly wrong and they always ignore the disaster the ensues when they get their way.

1 year ago

Republicans need to sit back & learn from STOU speech. Joe Biden set the Social Security trap & Republicans fell for this hook, line, and sinker. The end result is that he forced Repblican party to capitulate on National TV that both parties will take Social Security cuts off the table. Biden or someone in Democrat party know how to jerk the chain & get fast not well thought out reactions. Beware of the other traps that exist. Do not let Biden steer the Republican party , but unite together & Make America Good Again.

1 year ago

I watched the entire State of the Union Address and even took notes. Mr. Biden is so out of touch with reality, it’s scary. Everyone knows that the CCP is only interested in benefiting the CCP. It could be that Biden allowed this balloon to enter the U.S. as a return favor for what China has done for Hunter. Both Biden and Harris should be impeached until the next president is elected. Next in line would be the Speaker of the House. He seems to have a backbone and some common sense.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
1 year ago

I didn’t expect anything more than lies from Biden because Joe Biden is noted for and well documented for lying, being deceitful and committing plagiarism. American citizens deserve better. At the least, we deserve to not be lied to.

1 year ago

You know how to tell when Joe is lying…………..he’s talking.

1 year ago

Most evil people in the house

The 20 imbeciles who shut the house down for days
Gym Jordan

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

It sounds like another fluff piece of journalism to me. We know joey’s in bed with communist China, yet nothing is happening to rid the country of him or any of his crony’s.

We all know China is and has been spying on us for years. Just looking at their newest stealth fighter jet should tell you all you need to know. It looks amazingly like our F-35 Lighting’s.

Until dem’s are gone or we start prosecuting those that are committing treason, nothing will change.

If Trump or any other Republican even did a fraction of what diaper joe has done there would be such a outcry, it would be deafening. The dem’s pounced on Trump the very first day he was in office and never let up. Even to this day they still blame Trump for everything THEY do.

The Republicans should have started impeachment hearings on Comrade joe a year ago…I know nothing would happen especially now that the dem’s control the Senate and the White House but maybe joey would be so busy defending himself that he wouldn’t have the time to destroy this country.

George M
George M
1 year ago

Our Sad State of America speech.

1 year ago

Why is the AARP commenting (TROLLING) AMAC articles? Feeling threatened?

1 year ago

Speaking of hateful…

1 year ago

How interesting that real facts confuse AARP so easily…

1 year ago

so we all know how compromised the buffoon is, how anti-American, self-serving and crooked he is. what i want to know now is who’s working on articles of impeachment for submission at warp speed? you republicans had better get off your dead, useless asses on this!

1 year ago

Let’s see some fact sources without the newly coined vocabulary and twisting of a negative to make it seem positive when the facts do not agree. If we are not smart enough to listen, research and make a logical decision about what is going on we are lost. Both sides seem to make the same accusations against each other. Time to stop. If we take the lobbyists, PACs, money from the dark web and add term limits we may have politicians who are in it for the country and not themselves.

1 year ago

What, exactly, did they lie about?

1 year ago

What are they afraid of…free speech? Do you often get those “identify the crosswalks/light signals/buses” before they’ll post your comment like I do? Hey, AMAC—this is getting very annoying! And now that I don’t have your attention, bring back the edit button.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

I was correct when I told everybody to wear SWAMP Boots on DICTATOR Beijing biden’s, DICTATOR address that the LIES and BS would be DEEP.
Even today, he continues to LIE about Social Security and Medicaid cuts when Senator McCarthy already said on January 27, 2023, that they will NOT be touched.
So keep your SWAMP Boots on cause it is going to get even DEEPER as the LIES continue backed by FAKE news.

1 year ago

We could have kept the country the founding fathers designed if we had kept the “In God we trust” part. God’s ways are not our ways as He has said. This country was to be a base for getting the word out to the world that a Savior had come who would forgive sins for those who want Him to save them. Instead we gave them Hollywood to denigrate moral decency, people to criticize missionaries, and the worship of money. And a lot more that would take a book to list. God raises and dispatches leaders, and if we ignore Him, He will allow the father of liars to lead. That’s Satan encase some don’t know. Humans can’t save anything as history has proven. They can’t control the climate, either. What will they do about solar flares, volcanoes, and the core of the earth, all of which have a part in climate. God is the one with power. He made the universe by speaking it into existence and will take it over in due time. He loves everyone and will save anyone who will trust and obey Him.

1 year ago

The CCP owns the US government. It will be up to the individual citizen to defend our country in a war with China. Hence the push to disarm the populace.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
1 year ago

Please people- did you REALLY expect this old, senile fool to do anything but LIE?

1 year ago

Seems perfectly obvious @pedopete Biden and his fascist Rats were paid to alow China to surveille our country. Pedo Quid Pro Joe and the Rats were allowed to destroy the baloon after the CCP got everything they wanted.

1 year ago

Let me say first that I am a Conservative. I agree with everything that was said about Biden’s lies constantly, as we already know. Why should this tv show be different than any other.

But this article makes me question the author’s intelligence. He says that they were searching for pieces of the balloon while the SOTU was being made. LOL. It could be seen in the recovery photos from days before that the electronic panels had not been damaged in the shootdown. So, I would assume the government engineers are trying to get as much data and other information as available from the electronics.

I would say it would be best with authors of little knowledge keep the BS comments out of an article. I can think of one reason not to shoot it down. What if the Chinese had filled the ballon with some kind of WMD, like a virus, to spread all over, like a new strain of COVID.

Also, this may have been a test to see if we would have been stupid enough to take that risk.

Now, with all of the hoopla, maybe the Chinee think we would shoot it down as soon as we see it because of all the criticism by the American public. So, this time, it will have a weaponized virus in it that would be spread eastward withthe prevailing winds.

We must beware of the Chinees and not let them goad us into a bad decision with these balloons.
We also must watch out for Taiwan , who should be on high alert at this time.The balloons are a distraction, good for the Chinese and good for Biden!

1 year ago

Joe Biden is an embarrassment to America. He is consistent in only one thing: lying to the American people about everything. ALL THE TIME!

Patrick Switzer
Patrick Switzer
1 year ago

Biden should be charged with treason

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