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Cracking the Egg on Inflation

Posted on Wednesday, January 11, 2023
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan


“Inflation” may have been the political word of the year in 2022, and things don’t look to be getting much better in 2023. But as politicians and pundits continue to refer endlessly to inflation in abstract terms and numbers, it can be helpful to view the phenomenon in concrete terms to understand the daily impact it has had on the lives of ordinary Americans. There is perhaps no better way to do so than to view the inflation crisis through the soaring price of a quintessential American commodity: eggs.

Eggs have long been a staple of the American diet. Consumption of eggs dates back to the early days of our nation’s history: according to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History, “Early colonists brought egg-laying chickens with them from Europe, and in the mid-1800s chickens began to be bred specifically for their eggs.” Eventually, “each region developed their own signature egg dishes.” As of 2014, the average American consumed 258 eggs per year.

As of late, however, eggs have increasingly gone from a cheap protein source to an expensive luxury. In October 2022, a dozen large Grade A eggs cost a whopping $3.42—up 87.8 percent from October 2021 and up 110.6 percent, or $2.14, from October 2019.

Data from November and December show the price of eggs is still rising. According to The Wall Street Journal, “Wholesale prices of Midwest large eggs hit a record $5.36 a dozen in December,” while “retail egg prices have increased more than any other supermarket item [in 2022], climbing more than 30% from January to early December compared with the same period a year earlier.”

Economists attribute the surge in egg prices partially to the spread of bird flu, which has affected more than 50 million birds this year.

The same economists insist, however, that the Biden administration’s inflation-inducing economic policies and disruption of American supply chains has contributed significantly to the price increases. “In the case of eggs, you have rapidly increasing market prices of corn or whatever it is that they eat, and that drives up the cost of feeding the chicken, which drives up the price of eggs, which drives up prices for American consumers,” said economist Isabella Weber. High gas prices and labor shortages have also contributed to the spike in egg prices, making it more expensive to purchase eggs from farms and get them into consumers’ hands.

The story of the soaring price of eggs is a proxy for inflation itself. And if the Biden administration’s response to the inflation crisis (which has been defined by exorbitant spending bills and reckless fiscal policy) is any indication, prices—including egg prices—are not coming down anytime soon.

Though the Biden White House will point to its ill-advised policies like the American Rescue Plan and the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” as answers to the inflation crisis, while also shifting blame to “supply chain problems” and other factors supposedly outside their control, most experts predict that Biden’s economic policies are the biggest driving force behind inflation and are set to make the crisis worse, not better. The Penn Wharton Budget Model found that the “Inflation Reduction Act” will actually “increase inflation until 2024.” Furthermore, the bill will, according to the National Taxpayers Union Foundation, increase the national debt and add $285 billion to the deficit within the next 10 years—thus even further aggravating inflationary concerns.

According to Fox Business, Christmas dinner grocery baskets this year were “estimated to cost an average of $60.29”—16.4 percent higher than last year. And now, as Americans start the new year, economists predict that “the worst is yet to come”—and that “2023 will feel like a recession.”

Every time Americans head to the grocery store and notice abnormally high prices for something as central to everyday life as a carton of eggs, they should be instantly reminded of the Biden administration’s destructive economic policies and deliberate infliction of the worst economic crisis in decades onto the American family. Because as it turns out, inflation is not a particularly difficult problem to solve—and unfortunately, until the American people receive a much-needed change in leadership, high prices are here to stay.

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1 year ago

Seamus is a liar.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

CUT regulations, taxes
& resume energy production alone here

1 year ago

A nice, simple analogy explaining the effects of destructive and wasteful government spending and economic policies on everyday goods and services in terms of price increases seen by consumers. All in terms that the average American should be able to readily understand. At least I would hope so.

As for solving the worst inflation Americans have now seen in the last 40+ years, due to the massive spending and the anti-growth policies of Team Biden and the Democrats over the last 2 years, the Federal Reserve seems determined to cause a recession significant enough to slow the economy and raise unemployment at least above the 5 percent level through much higher interest rates. That’s really the only tool the Federal Reserve has in its arsenal to address inflation. At least that is Powell’s current plan.

So on one hand, you have Team Biden and the Democrats, who have loaded nearly $6 trillion dollars into the monetary pipeline and re-created the highest inflation rates since the bad old 1970s and Jimmy Carter. On the other hand, you have the Federal Reserve swinging a 20lb sledge hammer of rapidly hiking interest rates in the China shop, otherwise known as the United States economy, to slow the economy way down. What could possibly go wrong? That was a bit of sarcasm folks, since 2 major forces working at crossed purposes could easily create a lot of unintended or intended damage along the way.

Yes, we obviously need desperately need new leadership in both the White House and both chambers of Congress, but that is NOT in the cards for at least another 2 years. Even then, if a number of states don’t address the elephant in the room of a now badly and intentionally broken election system, we may have to get used to this situation as “the new normal” for the American economy. As always, the American people have to adapt to the changing circumstances occurring all around them. I think most Americans are smart enough to realize that. At least I hope so for their sakes.

1 year ago

There’s too many sheep believing the lies of Biden on why we have inflation and really believe he’s trying to help folks! How much pain will these folks have to endure before they wise up is anyone’s guess!

1 year ago

The supposed bird flu was fake. The government is artificially creating food shortages. This is a globalist agenda and this administration is nothing but a puppet for Klaus Schwab and company. They pulled this same culling in Europe and other parts of the world.

1 year ago

$8.41 for 18 eggs this morning at the store by design we are spending too much money on gov BS and payoffs to their buddies after this last bill inflation will be at 50% or more and they will lie about it !!!!!!!!

1 year ago

You can’t making an omelette without cracking an egg! Let’s make omelettes, ban the Democrat Party! They are racist, anti-life, anti-freedom, anti-constitutional, and anti-American

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

We are following in EU footsteps DC is on the same path as Brussels

legally present
legally present
1 year ago

Nothing like allowing MILLIONS of illegal aliens that we have to “share” what is even available at the store. You can tell the newly arrived they all have EXPENSIVE tennis shoes on, and are shopping large groups of men. Carts overflowing with cases of pop, all around the cart are their drinks hanging, while inside the carts, tons of tomatoes, avacados and large quantities of meat. HOW do they afford this??? My Granddaughter is going broke trying to feed her family, and works 2 jobs and still can’t afford all this stuff.

Aaf Schafer
Aaf Schafer
1 year ago

Michael and his sheeple crowd are the ones that keep sloppy in power.
They are doing to America what the elites in Davos have decided.
If the Michaels in this world had seen all this, the red wave would have happened in November.
It is easier to follow than to stand up for yourself and foremost for your country.

1 year ago

Last week I bought a dozen large eggs, and they cost about $6.50, which was a dollar more than 2 weeks previously. And they weren’t all large.

Don’t let them fool you into believing inflation “is coming down”. It would have to fall a lot more than the ~8% it has risen month over month because this high inflation has been around for 2 full years. So, the 2022 price increases added to the 2021 price increases results in unaffordable anything!

I went to Costco a few days ago and stocked up on certain items, spending a few pennies under $400. It’s too expensive to drive 45 minutes each way, so I’ll probably cancel my membership.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
1 year ago

One thing is for sure, the Biden Administration and the Democrats have cost us many things to go up, like gas and eggs by their careless spending and regulatory policies, but for me what Biden has cost most of us is Freedom!! From the national security issue of open boarders, to mandating the fake covid shoots, to the insane “New Green Deal”, every new control of our lives is another constant way of chipping away at our America Freedoms that are supposed to be guaranteed by the Constitution. Wake Up America, 2024 cannot get here fast enough!!!!

1 year ago

The cost of groceries has increased tremendously since the Biden Administration. At COSTCO, what in 2018 cost our family $150 per week now costs us $500 per week. This is no exaggeration. It is factual.

1 year ago

The democrats have to know that they are fueling higher inflation. It’s like they don’t really care what people think. They can’t be that stupid, or can they?

1 year ago

I was going through my receipts yesterday , preparing to do taxes.
The one I really noticed was Beneful Dog food, 12 pack: July $19.98 November $24.76. This is way over 10%, say almost 20%. And there were a number of other items with this type of increase.

The companies will continue to do this until we do not buy their products any more, wringing every dime out of us they can get.

1 year ago

Didn’t biden order a large portion of all livestock to be killed off and not taken to market back in 2021 to create this crisis?

1 year ago

So why is inflation so high so we can pay for all the illegals that are coming in to the country, thats the main reason Biden is a traitor and the worse president America has ever had obummer is behind this mess he’s not from America never seen a birth certificate he’s just the biggest traitor America has ever had.

1 year ago

The government came in to bunches of chicken companies and said that one or two mysteriously had bird flu

1 year ago

This is obvious. Build 15 new refineries in the next two years, 5 monster nuclear power plants in the next 5 years, require all electric autos to be sold at the same price as gas models and triple the
tax credit for installation of substantial home insulation. There are at least 200 more good ideas .
In addition, stop out of control federal spending ( Covid, Omnibus, etc) which diminish the value of
the dollar as we add to our debt. NO ONE. NO…..ONE…..knows the interest rate on the fed debt.
WHY……is this a secret ?

1 year ago

An 18 pack of eggs at Walmart cost $8.74 and $8.64 at the grocery store. Just before Christmas there were no eggs to be had. Grocery store has a limit of 2 dozen per purchase….

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
1 year ago

There can be no doubt that by causing the cost of oil products to increase more than double, literally every other product will be more costly. The Biden puppet administration sold out the U.S. and every American citizen. Oppose Biden!

1 year ago

The key for the the Marxists demoncrats is to just keep it this way to put us common people in the poor class & in many cases have to depend on the government to survive, then they have complete control along with year by year stripping us of our constitution rights, our guns, cancel our ability to worship our God, & of course have fake elections to pretend we have a say in our leaders.
Then at some point we give up & comply like SLAVES. THE LABEL EVERYONE HATES is what we the common people (the majority) will become

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