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This Ominous Omnibus

Posted on Thursday, December 29, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
ominous omnibus

Congress just passed the “ominous omnibus” – a bill funding the government for 2023. The bill turns hard-earned American dollars into “monopoly money,” fanning inflation, triggering higher interest rates, unemployment, more pain for Americans. Countless earmarks, waste, mandates, and leftist spending priorities … make the blood boil.

As if getting out of town is what Congress was elected for, or spending trillions that no one possesses, or dictating useless, wasteful earmarks for special interests – this one-party Democrat Congress, joined by a few rogue Republicans, just put a pie in the face of average Americans.

We live in a time when families struggle to pay bills. They conserve gas, turn down the heat, compare generic foods and prescriptions, pick cheaper (dangerous) insulin, cannot afford home heating oil, gas to commute, and watch wages shredded by inflation. Now, Congress pushes more waste.

Where does the waste stop?

Where does this stop? This ominous omnibus contains more junk than a hubcap hoarder, more waste than a cowstall, yet they all skate. As Kimberly Strassell of the Wall Street Journal noted, this bill is “4,155 pages of bad policy, obscene spending, self-serving pork, and earmarks …”, a “monstrosity … “, and “one of the ugliest bits of lawmaking I’ve ever seen.”

She is too kind. When no one has money, this ominous omnibus bill magically conjures up $1.7 trillion dollars in new federal spending, to support population control where climate change affects “biodiversity,” “billions on international food assistance,” gun violence, “justice reform,” “climate research,” half a billion over the president’s request for the FBI, a billion for “immigration review,” 45 billion for Ukraine, two billion in Defense funding for climate, tens of billions to “de-carbonize” US energy (more unemployment), and mysterious “election security grants.”

At the southern border, the bill mandates “respect for the dignity of migrants,” then “$56.6 million for a new Office of Health Security to improve guidance and oversight related to the health of the workforce and of migrants in custody,” “$27.6 million for the Office of Immigration Detention Ombudsman to investigate and resolve complaints regarding misconduct by DHS personnel and violations of the rights of individuals in DHS custody, including through unannounced inspections of detention facilities,” then “$10 million above the request for increased legal access for noncitizens in custody,” with seven new restrictions on ICE.

After endless giveaways for countless reasons, the bill adds money for congressional staff, “to retain a talented and diverse staff,” justifies a raft of other additions for Congress. It renames the “Wounded Warrior and Gold Star Family Fellowship Programs” the “Green and Gold Congressional Aid program,” doubles down for Capitol Police due to “the January 6th attack.”

Beyond this, expect 6.4 billion more for global AIDs relief, $600 million for “family planning,” including for global use, tens of millions for “global equality,” and “LGBTQI-plus” funding, billions for “displacement” from “climate change,” promoting “biodiversity,” “sustainable landscapes,” “adaptation,” and more to “help countries adapt to new climate realities.”

In truth, the bill goes on and on … as every day Americans shake their heads and foot this bill, trying to “adapt” to their own “realities,” record costs for gas, home heating, cars, groceries, prescriptions, and basic living expenses, in a time of rising interests rate and unemployment.

Tens of millions of dollars are then given to the Secretary of State to “increase diversity, equity, and inclusion” at State, another 20 million for USAID. Almost a billion goes to promoting “gender equity,” billions more are spread out across other departments and countries.  

Reading the bill – now that it is through the Senate – is exhausting. Reconciling it with how average Americans live, work, struggle to pay bills, and what they expect of elected representatives – in a world where each tax dollar is earned by someone – is disheartening.

Good news is that this “one-party rule” is coming to an abrupt end. Bad news is the margin is narrow. Americans desperately want restored accountability, a sense that “We, the People” count for something. For now, even in the best light, this is an “ominous omnibus.” Let us hope for better.

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Dan W.
Dan W.
1 year ago

One good thing was snuck into this Omnibus bill if you were born in 1951.

Prior to the bill’s passage, most people turning 72 next year who had an IRA or certain other types of retirement accounts were going to have to start Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) in 2023.

However, this Omnibus bill includes provisions of the so-called Secure Act 2.0 which among other things bumps the age that you must start taking RMDs from 72 to 73 effective January 1, 2023. Now, people born in 1951 don’t have to start taking their first RMDs until 2024 at the earliest.

Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

These politicians could care less about the American people. First take their real money, then print money to lower value of what they have left. Next send in the newly enhanced IRS to insure taxpayers don’t cheat congress from it’s rightful spoils. These people masquerading as representatives are sanctimonious at best. This wasn’t a lame duck decision, but a cunning way to show americans who’s really in charge.

1 year ago

And ONLY happening because OF RINOS in the Senate led by TREASONOUS Mitch McConnell!

1 year ago

BACK TO THE USSR? The USA is going down that road! All the Republican Senators that voted for this bill need to be held accountable, and primaried out of office. They are not conservatives; they are DC swamp creatures that need to be eliminated from the Republican Party.

1 year ago

Its way past time to arrest these people

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Thanks to the LOSERS that voted to pass this Communist Bill putting INFLATION HIGHER and OVER Three-quarters of Bill had NOTHING to do with helping the country except MORE DEBT and liberals pet pork projects.
Now, you’re Great-Great Grandchildren WILL be PAYING for it all because you let liberals control the Senate.
Get ready for DICTATOR Beijing biden to RAISE TAXES AGAIN for this Communist Bill cause he will come 2023.
Watch and see.

1 year ago

If anyone thinks a trillion dollars is a small amount try this. If you spend $1 per second for a year, you will spend about $32 million rounded. If you did that same spending for a Billion dollars it would take approximately 32 YEARS to accomplish. If you do that for one TRILLION dollars it will take 32,000 years, yes, thirty two thousand years. No one, especially government can track that kind of money and yet they spend it like water. I honestly believe so many of them are old enough they believe they will be dead befor it completely destroys our country. They are evil people, especially an alleged republican like McConnell.

Barbara Williamson
Barbara Williamson
1 year ago

Your names will be remembered come voting time. You have screwed Conservative American people for the last time. SELFISH TURNCOATS!!!

Martin Bail
Martin Bail
1 year ago

The deep state is feverishly flooding billions of dollars into Ukraine to try to stop Russia from exposing all their corruption there, and to funnel money back to themselves (money laundering). That’s what FTX was all about.

1 year ago

Congress votes to spend more money to other countries while they intentionally bankrupt this one. This is obviously intentional. I’m keeping a list of the RINO’s who voted for this “Bill.”

L. B.
L. B.
1 year ago

The bill is total BS. We need to get rid of the politicians that voted for it by voting them out.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

This is absurd even for Absurdia we live in

1 year ago

How many republicans voted for this bill and name them?.

1 year ago

This is disgusting! What a bunch of spineless thugs.

1 year ago

I can’t believe I went to war and lost bothers on behalf of this country.

1 year ago

How many republicans voted for this bill and name them?

1 year ago

So what is it going to take for an American political wake up call?

1 year ago

I will vote these rinos republicans that are no good at all thst voted for this demonic bill out of office come Election Day , I Will remember them believe me by their name. Only God can save us now,people wake up!!

1 year ago

Congress needs to start passing bills that balance our budget & not increase our Federal Debt. Biden claims he decreased the debt in year 2021 by 350-billion, but I have never seen an answer on this site or in the media that this was true. I am pretty sure that Debt must have increased during Biden first two years.

1 year ago

The more bad news is that we have a 1 party oligarchy in this republic. The Nazi RINOs are only interested in power, just like the Bolsheviks, I mean Democrats.

1 year ago

The goal of the Socialist Democrat party of America is to lift up the downtrodden with freebies and knock down the middle class …they will do that by increasing taxes restrictions and regulations on all but the elitist… they then can combine the downtrodden and middle class and create a new struggling working class, dependant on government forsuubsidies and handouts…in effect we will be a two class society a country of 80% struggling working class and the wealthy elitist…much like Putin’s Russia where the wealthy oligarchs are the friends of the ruling party and they call all the shots.

1 year ago

May God have mercy on the Communist that run this country now and on the week fecbless people who are watching this happened. Countless men died for our freedom and our security and our rights to be Americans and we are watching it slip through our fingers because of Incredible weakness.. God-bless America. May God have mercy on us for we truly don’t deserve it

1 year ago

Don’t forget about the Michelle Obama walking track in Georgia. I can’t afford the gas to get there but oh well.

1 year ago

Please publish the names of every Republican who voted for this monster. Let us know who to get rid of

George m
George m
1 year ago

America will be Bankrupt with another two years of Biden…..

1 year ago

This is what this ignorant society we live in voted for during the midterms. We the rational party will continue to pay for those so stupid that they do not know they are continuing to get duked.

Gregg C
Gregg C
1 year ago

Disgusting. Any Republican that supported this should have their names listed so the can suffer the consequences of their actions.

1 year ago

We are giving away cash by leaps and bounds without significant control. It’s a shame. Destructive. Weak. Irresponsible. We can and must do better. Money should be used to do good but not thrown at a cause without significant guidance. Foul ball. Not even getting us to first base let alone an RBI.

1 year ago

Yes. I want restored accountability.

Doug Craig
Doug Craig
1 year ago

When elected representatives are not immediately responsible for the lack of performance for the common good they will legislate for their benefit not those they represent

1 year ago

We’re living on borrowed time!! The writing is on the wall!! It will gone down in human history that 535 members of congress conquered, and destroyed a nation without firing a shot!!!

Bill T
Bill T
1 year ago

There’s actually a lot in common between the current and extremely destructive Biden administration and our rhino infested republic party ( there all criminals and are right now stealing our country from every tax paying hard working American citizen) this is sickening and simply unbelievable to watch happen to our free and great country.

Super T
Super T
1 year ago

The problem isn’t so much bad politicians, it’s really, really stupid voters that keep voting for the same rotten to the core corrupt politicians.

William Boylan
William Boylan
1 year ago

I’ve been calling it “ominous”. Surprised this is the first time I’ve seen it in print.

James H
James H
1 year ago

If this was a private company, these folks would be arrested and and tried for fraud and embezzlement! America cannot remain a great nation with this type of irresponsibility and corruption! Maybe that’s the plan?

1 year ago

They won’t quit until this country is destroyed. I’m not a doomsday type person, but America will fall before our Lord returns and you’re watching it happen.

1 year ago

I’m planning my retirement this coming year and as this country is destroyed around me, I can’t help but feel pessimistic and I don’t want too. But for every good thing I see, there’s so much evil on the horizon and most don’t see it coming! I’m spending more time at church and with the Lord since He is the only one that I know I can trust anymore. That’s the problem with America!!! Too many have turned from God and He is leaving us to our own destruction!

James P.
James P.
1 year ago

A colossal cluster- well you know, on the American People. Good job Dems and equally spineless RINOS

No Denial
No Denial
1 year ago

Wicked puppet doing everything in his power to destroy America!!! Electric vehicles. phony vax, giving 85 billion in military hardware to the Taliban on purpose, shutting down our natural resources, transgender surgeries on children as young as 4 years old w/o their parents knowledge or approval, phony racism, stealing elections by every way possible because that’s the only way democrats can win is by cheating!!!

1 year ago

It’s now past the point of no return. The midterms held our last chance of any hope.I fear what is now in our future and the future of what was a great strong country. Like Rome it was destroyed from within by Nero Biden who sang carols in St. Croix while our nation lay in financial and political ruin.

1 year ago

The blind and RINO’s leading the blind right down the toilet hole. How much more are Americans willing to take? Will we ever protest in the streets like other countries that want their freedoms back? We may have to lose far more than we think before that happens.

1 year ago

Does the end of “one party rule” really make any difference?

1 year ago

A convention of states may be our only hope but I fear that laws are being changed as I type and people will not see till it comes. We the people are proud and private Americans, However do not keep poking the lion for you will not survive when it strikes. God Bless America and may God Bless my True President Donald J Trump.

1 year ago

I don’t understand why a Bill has thousands of fine print papers to read in so little time? Why do they combine so many different parts to one bill? Why are we financially spending to other countries while we’re in debt? Are we in debt to a world bank? It’s like loaning money to someone you think is in dire need then you find them eating out, buying cigarettes, drugs, tattooing themselves and going to the theater every weekend. I’m talking about our government’s spending. Like Regan said in his last speech as governor of California, he proclaimed he left the Democrat party because they’re going down a socialist road. He claimed they’re so dumb as to buy TV’s for a whole poor country that didn’t even have electricity yet. Just wasting of money. Some bill like this should always be opposed until you know what skullduggery their up to and have it revised. Like signing a contract before reading it. Dumb and Dumber!!!

1 year ago

On another topic, its a riot watching CNN trying to sqeeze a drop of blood from the Jan 6 committee
and the Mara-Lago raid. They have nothing to report on. They can’t cover the border. They can’t cover inflation. They can’t cover the “Spend All We Can” Bill (aka Inflation reduction act) or the
Omnibus 2 trillion gift to their friends. Can’t cover Hunters laptop. Can’t cover Nancy anymore.
What do they have to report ?

1 year ago

to Rich: You can’t riot in the streets man unless you are busting out store front windows in Portland or Minneapolis. Rioting would require you being investigated by the Jan 6 committee

1 year ago

If we’re PO’ed now wait until March when we see that the House Repubs have done nothing.
And we will see it. All blow and no show. So why did I vote for them ? Dumb, I guess.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

I am a lifelong Republican, and I am leaving the GOP. I will register Independent before the next election. I have no party. The GOP has left me in the dirt!

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
1 year ago

The waste will continue until the U.S. is in ruin, forced into Socialism, or We the People do something radical to stop this Progressive coup to destroy the U.S. as it was intended to be.

1 year ago

Maybe we need a third party to liberate us from all the petty BS and truly direct us to a future focused on significant advances.

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