
National Security , Newsline

What Are ‘Chinese Police’ Doing in The U.S.?

Posted on Wednesday, December 14, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Dec 14 — The Communist Chinese regime denies opening “police stations” in countries around the world including the United States; they are not police stations, they are offices that aid Communist Chinese citizens with mundane services, say the powers that be in Beijing. But an illicit, foreign police station by any other name is still a police station and has no right to operate in American cities.

FBI Director Christopher Wray told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee last month, “I have to be careful about discussing our specific investigative work, but to me it is outrageous to think that the Chinese police would attempt to set up shop—you know, in New York let’s say…It violates sovereignty and circumvents standard judicial and law enforcement cooperation processes.” 

The Chinese call their offshore offices 110 Overseas Police Service Centers, 110 being their national emergency police phone number, their version of 911 in the U.S. Yet, they insist they are not police stations. According to China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs its 110 offices are there to offer aid to Chinese expatriates, says CNN.

Beijing has denied it has been sending undeclared police forces to track down enemies of the state. Its Ministry of Foreign Affairs told CNN in November: “We hope that relevant parties stop hyping it up to create tensions. Using this as a pretext to smear China is unacceptable.” Instead, China has claimed the facilities are administrative hubs, set up to help Chinese expatriates with tasks like renewing their driver’s licenses. China has also said the offices were a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, “which had left many citizens locked down in other countries and locked out of China, unable to renew documentation.”

The international rights group that calls itself, Safeguard Defenders, reports that the Chinese are lying, pointing out that they operate out of more than 100 so-called police stations in more than 50 nations around the world. The organization says that there are unauthorized Chinese police stations in New York and Los Angeles. 

The Defenders say they have tracked dozens of cases of so-called “persuasion to return” incidents in which Chinese police captured and illegally “persuaded” ex-pat Chinese citizens to return to their homeland. The Epoch Times reports that some European nations are cooperating with the Beijing police, including Italy, Croatia, Serbia, and Romania. Other countries, Ireland and the Netherlands, for example, shut down these illicit police stations. When Canadian authorities discovered that Chinese cops were operating in their country they filed official complaints with the Chinese embassy in Ottawa.

When the U.S. balked at the presence and activities of Chinese cops in America, the Chinese Embassy denied wrong doing. The Reuters news agency followed up and asked the Embassy to explain what their police officers were doing in the U.S., Liu Pengyu, the Embassy’s spokesman responded: “They assist overseas Chinese nationals who need help in accessing the online service platform to get their driving licenses renewed and receive physical check-ups for that purpose…They are not police personnel from China. The U.S. side should stop the groundless hyping of this issue.”

However, the Voice of America, reckons that over the past 12 months more than 230,000 Chinese nationals residing in other countries were returned to their homeland “to face criminal proceedings.” The co-author of the Safeguard Defenders report, Laura Harth, told the VOA that the Chinese outreach not only targets their citizens abroad, it’s not only overseas Chinese dissidents who are targets. She says Beijing is also targeting “critics of the regime, religious and ethnic minorities anywhere in the world…The Chinese regime is becoming increasingly brazen in pursuing these illegal means across the globe and not even hiding it very well.”

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1 year ago

Why not? That old devil Biden sold his soul and the entire country to the Chi-Coms! Over $30M and counting!

1 year ago

And what is the FBI doing about this? Protecting Joe and his son of course!

Ronald D Shaffer
Ronald D Shaffer
1 year ago

get them out of here! We don’t need any communist cops in our country!

James R Maxwell
James R Maxwell
1 year ago

In violation of American law and need to be rounded up and deported bag and baggage on a Chinese vessal immediately. Just because they own Joe and his Son Lock, and Barrel doesn’t
mean they can just assume they also own stock in the United States of America. This is a clear
violation of ever law we have on the books in the United States and cannot be tollrated.

1 year ago

They don’t need to be heavily armed to help people get a driver’s license! They are there so they can take over our police stations when China decides it will own America.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Wonder how many are in “Chinatowns” in the US alone?
Very scary

1 year ago

This is just one first small step by China toward their intention to help their Ally, The O’Biden Regime along with the Deep dark State to Over Through Our America and Our True Values!!!!
Wake Up America, We Are In Very, Very Serious, Grave and Dire Danger “From Within” By The Washington, DCeivers and China!!!!

1 year ago

The communist Chinese have one main agenda and that is to take over and control. I lived in my old neighborhood for many years and before I left that city the Chinese invaded every aspect of that town. Although I have no prejudice towards the Chinese people but this is what I’ve acknowledged throughout the years living amongst them.

james michalicek
james michalicek
1 year ago

That idiot biden will let anybody in. Worst President ever. Obama is#2.

1 year ago

They should not be here. They have nor should have ever any jurisdiction no matter what. This is dangerous, to say the least. And the Biden administration is responsible for it. Our Republicans in office had better see to it that they are sent home.

Wilfred L. Davis Jr
Wilfred L. Davis Jr
1 year ago

Joe “TREASON” BidenJoe “TREASON” BidenJoe “TREASON” Biden

1 year ago

And, who’s allowing them to come in here not knowing who they are and what their business is? Fishy.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Where is our leadership? This needs to be stopped immediately.

Linda Baker
Linda Baker
1 year ago

A low-key invasion has begun.

Allen B
Allen B
1 year ago


1 year ago

How can they “help” Chinese citizens in the U.S. They should not have any governmental authority in the United States, especially police authority.

The Chinese Embassy is supposed to be for helping Chinese citizens. But I bet not many Chinese living in the U.S. would ever go there for help. It has to be understood that the Chinese government are some of the major control freaks of the world.

How can this be allowed? What is going on behind our backs? The shadow government is up to something. Are these “Chinese police” going to change into a “World Police Force” trying to control everyone. It looks like a ploy to counter the New World Order espoused by the United States. This is all very confusing. There are low lives evrywhere that want to control the world!

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
1 year ago

If China’s denying these stations as police stations, we should believe them. After all, Communist regimes wouldn’t lie. China didn’t create the Wuhan virus or release it to the world as a biological weapon, either. All hail dear leader.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Does that mean they just can enter the country and s art operating on their own without being arrested and kicked out Are our policeman entering China at will setting up the shop?

1 year ago

Do they have guns, if so arrest and swap for political prisoners

1 year ago

I think at least some Americans understand why having CCP police stations throughout the United States is a fundamentally stupid and dangerous idea. However, their mere accepted presence does highlight how spineless and accommodating those in Washington are to China. All the tough talk in Washington about standing up to China and demanding they adhere to our laws and customs while in the United States is pretty much a joke at this point. Rather than immediately demand all Chinese police leave the United States and all Chinese police stations be immediately closed and dismantled, what we get is the standard Washington two-step of hemming and hawing and an implied acceptance that the CCP can do what it wants in our country. Next I expect we will see the establishment of PLA military bases and units setup in the United States to “safeguard Chinese citizens while they are living and working in the United States”. Nothing to see here America. Move on. Move on.

1 year ago

No foreign government should own even on foot of US soil. This administration has allowed not only this but I’ve read that ranches in at least 3 states were bought by the CCP. If I’m wrong.. would like to know.

1 year ago

So they need guns to help their citizens with paperwork? We should allow them to visit expats, but only if accompanied by a U.S. citizen to observe their “help”.

1 year ago

They are here because no one is stopping them or questioning. They are not stupid…

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
1 year ago

Let me see, how many “Police Stations” could America have in China??? Hah, none!!! I assume that our fake senile President Biden approved of this, knowing how compromised he is with China, how could he refuse!! Why don’t we check his bank account, I bet we could find some shady cash popping up somewhere. America is now in a bad place and the Biden Administration has gone over to the dark side and is very complicate in its destruction!!!! 2024 cannot come fast enough and God help us if we cannot turn the tide.

1 year ago

S$%# like this can’t happen without full complicity from the CCP’s puppet in the Whitehouse.

1 year ago

How can they be “unauthorized”? Some one had to give permission. And if they are truly armed they definately need to be sent to where they came from along with the person (BIDEN) who authorized their admission. Sounds like another Biden program….more “illegals”. More problems for true Americans and not so much help for Chinese.

Kenneth Wiezer
Kenneth Wiezer
1 year ago

Washington D.C. is separate entity from the United States of America. They have their own rules of government as Vatican City in Rome, Italy.

1 year ago

All over the country they have ‘businesses’ that are cordoned off and employees only allowed through heavy security; why wouldn’t they have this too. They know no fear of retribution or restriction because they own Biden. Same as Sharia law in many areas of the country…and we stand back, ho – hum and turn our backs on the take-over of our land, people, minds, and life. Unless a spine-stiffed government does something, we’d better start to learn Chinese.

J. Farley
J. Farley
1 year ago

They need to be told by Lying Sleepy Joe that they have 24 hours to remove their butts off American soil and not take no for an answer, first its 5 or 10 then a 100, pretty soon it’s a 1000.
How many are you willing to tolerate, me NOT even one, deny Americans their constitutional right to bear arms, but, let the Chinese, not even a pea shooter.

Lee M
Lee M
1 year ago


1 year ago


Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

How about it AMAC. 😕 IUs that na guenion picture made in the U>S ??? The avarage citizen would know if they were real or not. Beware of a rikshaw with blue flashing lights. . The buildingsshoukd be shutdown, and run them out of the U S. Kyle L.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
1 year ago

Who is on First Base? Are they pledging allegiance to the flag of the United States everyday? “I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic For Which It Stands, One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice For All”? Are all of them screened for Security Clearances? Whose payroll are they on? Are they authorized somewhat like an Embassy? Too many questions. Maybe, they should just pack up their goodies and go to Home Base? Very Compromised.

1 year ago

No problem, they’re probably here to make sure Biden keeps up his end of the deals he’s made with China over the years. Now, the US should do the EXACT same thing in China and call it 911 Overseas Police Service Centers. Let’s see China’s reaction to that. If China allows other nations to do it in their large nation, then we can let them slide by for now. This is what happens when your POTUS is in bed with a foreign government, can they make it any more obvious? China has never tried anything like this before but they know Biden is weak and is probably still making deals with them through Hunter or someone else. The world knows that Joke Biden is weak and they are taking advantage, just ask Afghanistan.

1 year ago

Why aren’t these “Police Stations” being shut down here in the U.S.? Probably because the current Administration is in bed with the CCP. And Biden and his cohorts would be tracking down his so-called “Enemies of the State” (He may even be doing it now)if he could. I don’t think he would care if the CCP was doing it.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

Sounds kind of like the “sharia courts” which certain jurisdictions allow to handle cases involving Muslims in the US. WE have (SHOULD HAVE) one basis for law : the US Constitution!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

This is not only a violation of the U.S. Constitution and an Act of Treason by Dictator Beijing biden but an Act of War by a COMMUNIST foreign government INVADING the United States.
Why hasn’t SWAMP QUEEN pelosi been flapping her arms over this and WHY haven’t Congress and Senate done anything about it? And WHY are the AMERICAN people not RAISING HELL over this?

1 year ago

No. 1 reason is because Bozo Biden is in bed with China.

1 year ago

The Chinese Embassy denied wrong doing. You don’t think they would lie do you? Perhaps someone should get serious here.

Louis Gerald
Louis Gerald
1 year ago

why didn’t Trump stop this???

1 year ago

It’s a matter of sovereignty. The solution is already in place. These “police stations” obviously operate under the auspices of Chinese embassies and should be confined to Chinese embassies and not allowed to operate outside of those jurisdictions.

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
1 year ago

This is something that has disturbed me from the first time I heard there was a CCP Police Station in New York city! There are now more in US including Los Angeles. When I called my Congressman and Senators about it they were all ignorant of the fact. I made them aware! I kept asking who authorized them and how could they just set up shop? No answers until an article in Epoch Times yesterday! Chris Wray, Head of FBI told Congress that these stations are a threat to our National Security and our sovereignty! Ireland and I think Australia kicked them out. Why haven’t we? They say they are here to assist Chinese immigrants in the US but are instead threatening their families in China while trying to force them to return to China! What happened to the America we used to know now that the Democrats stole the Presidential election and are trying to turn America COMMUNIST????

Barbara Williamson
Barbara Williamson
1 year ago

How much more sovereignty are we going to give up to the Communist Chinese Regime?!?!
We The People DEMAND that China remove their “police force” from U.S. soil….AND….that the CCP STOP buying up our businesses, technology and land!! Get out of America!!

1 year ago

These guys are the security group of choice for Joey’s home and beach house. Hunter is in charge of their activities.

1 year ago

Kill ’em.

1 year ago

That’s the same FBI Director that’s on Biden and the democrat’s payroll. Everything regarding the chinese police is plain and simple. They have NO JURISDICTION in our country so if they screw with us, we will defend ourselves and they will go home in a body bag. Plain and simple as that.

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
1 year ago

Have read all the comments, this is the tip of what (IMHO), is really going on. The CCP, and their brothers/sisters in the Democrat Party, use rigged machines to elect people who are indebted to them. I’m of the opinion that a fair portion of the House and Senate are as comprised as the President and his administration. As PaulE has rightly pointed out the Administration of the States where, the CCP occupies our solvent State and Nation are complacent with this invasion of our Nation. How have we reached this low point in time, is our fault, I know not that we can correct it, just saying.

1 year ago

Just what is wrong with our government? Are they true commies letting their comrades slowly trickle into our once sovereign nation?

Paulette Bryant
Paulette Bryant
1 year ago

Aren’t the embassies supposed to help with issues like those listed? No matter, bottom line they have no right or authority to operate within our country as an enforcement agency. Lord have mercy.

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