
National Security , Newsline

The Most Successful Republican Issue

Posted on Friday, December 9, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Herald Boas


The Republicans’ most successful grass roots issue, both in 2021 and 2022, was parental rights in K-12 education in public schools.

It not only brought the GOP an upset win in the Virginia gubernatorial election, and a new national political star, Glenn Youngkin, last year, it also provided conservatives with numerous 2022 wins across the country in local school board elections. An example of how potentially significant this was took place in Minnesota. While liberal Democrats won every statewide office, more than 50 conservatives won school board seats previously held by liberals across the state.

The political implications of this are that there are now new conservative elected officials at the local level who in most cases will run for re-election, and likely increase the base of conservative voters in subsequent elections — an expanded base that will also likely permeate up-ballot to municipal, legislative and statewide races.

This turns the usual political “wisdom” of candidates for major offices helping candidates down-ballot on its head, and further expands the ongoing grassroots transformation of the Republican Party into a more populist and non-elitist blue collar and middle class political party — a phenomenon evolving since 1980, when Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter for president.

Parental rights in public school education is a cultural issue, and a key part of the struggle against the current wave of woke/politically correct cancel culture and indoctrination now raging in American public life. Although the two sides of this issue cannot be neatly defined by those who support the two major parties, the impetus for promoting woke ideology in schools has come from the radical left, and is now part of much of Democratic Party public policy. Opposition to it came primarily from the right, and is now part of Republican Party public policy — although as the issue became more extreme, its opponents now include many independents and even Democratic parents who find school policies contrary to their values.

American public secondary school education is now in a heightened crisis mode, as many parents have taken their children out of the public schools and have either enrolled them in secular or religious private schools or are homeschooling them.

The ideological indoctrination has taken many forms, including rewriting textbooks, promoting critical race theory (CRT), imposing radical gender theory on students, encouraging teacher political bias, and institutional disregard for parental concerns and input.

Rewriting textbooks and promoting teacher ideological bias is a consequence of political correctness and the so-called “cancel” culture in the modern American adult environment. These phenomena are an attempt to impose an excessive corrective to legitimately identified historical failures and shortcomings in U.S. social and political life.

One of the most common examples of this has been to “cancel” significant U.S. historical figures who one or two centuries ago were part of slaveholding families. The failure to eliminate slavery was one of the failures of colonial and pre-Civil War American life, and should be condemned. But cancel cultists say that being a slaveholder alone disqualifies most of the founders of the Republic (including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson — in fact, ten of the first twelve presidents) as well as most of the significant pre-Civil War leaders. The Democratic Party has gone so far as to ‘’cancel” the two men who founded their own party — Jefferson and Jackson.

This ludicrous overreach has been expanded into widespread denigration of the fundamental socio-economic system of democratic (small “d”) capitalism by leftists and radical commentators who appear to be advocating various forms of totalitarian socialist models as preferable to what has arguably been the most successful form of government over the past few centuries.

Most Americans, it seems clear, do not agree with this radical put-down of U.S. history and democratic capitalism, and when it takes the form of the indoctrination of a whole generation of U.S. children, and is justified by many Democrats, including President Biden (who has dismissed legitimate parental involvement in public school curricula), mothers and fathers across the nation are now increasingly using their votes to say “Enough!”

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1 year ago

DEPORT ALL liberals AND illegals, STAT, TO MAGA

1 year ago

There should not be a socialist education system, it has turned into an indoctrination system teaching what to think rather than how to think. School choice is the best answer.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Yes & expand to Trump policies too

J. Farley
J. Farley
1 year ago

Parents must protect their children from the teaching of the left, there is no more valuable resource for America than our youth, if we can save our youth from the teaching of the Left/Socialists/Communists/Fascists we just might be able to save America.
We as parents share same of the blame, we trusted those in the educational system to do the right thing and teach our children as most of the us raised in the 40’s and 50’s that America was a special place and that the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights were Special and that we were a Nation that spread good around the World.
We must get our educational system back and ensure that it is never lost again.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Some oif this reminds me of the early 60’s when the Hippies came along. Education started going down hill from then. A lot oif school kids didn’;t shoiw as Hippies ,but adheard to their philosphy. Schools are ruined. Flags should be but 2. The U S and State. Biuble should be on the desk. I think J.Farley stated one time he was way up the senior age scale. So am I. Listin to us 9ld folks . We have been there. Kyle L.

1 year ago

Dem robots in places like Minnesota are reacting to extreme provocation. This doesn’t mean that they’re undergoing political evolution. Just as soon as things go back to ‘normal’ all this will fade back to business as usual. I think of it as if it were a dental emergency. The Rs are the dentist. Just as soon as the pain is gone its back to routine. No one goes to live with their dentist in other words. In fact they dread the next visit if they even think about it. Political indoctrination is usually for life. Thats why the demonics spend so much effort on kids.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Is there even one person connected to Dept. of Ed. that can see the disaster our schools became? Students are performing on substandard levels ,do not come even close to others on international level .we spend most per capita only to produce failing grades Someone is benefiting unfortunately it is not the student

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
1 year ago

History was my favorite subject and still is today. Communism/Marxism has its tentacles around the neck of our children; killing mentally, spiritually, and physically. The only thing good that has come out of this is: buying every history book that I can get my hands on and actually READING THEM! How it was all taken for granted. How sadly poignant that at almost seventy years old; to watch the destruction, obliteration, and censorship of my beloved history! Just bought an 8 volume set of: ‘Life of George Washington’ by Washington Irving! Now, the Communist/Marxist MSM will be turned OFF and my mind will be marinated by real history. No one has EVER said that Our Founding Fathers walked on water! However, they suffered greatly bringing about this great nation of ours. Something the Communists/Marxists will NEVER do to us, we, of this United States of America; is take away Our History or Our Memory of Our Beloved Founding Fathers! ~ George Washington’s Admirer

1 year ago

This is a good start, but how do the parents get back the real estate tax dollars still being spent on these schools teaching Critical Race Theory. Public school funding should not be attached to property owners real estate, via real estate taxes, but be a voucher program to allow freedom on where to have a child educated.

1 year ago

Republicans have many valid issues that are as equally important as the public education issue. Control of the public education process just ensures the left a steady and reliable stream of fresh, new Democrat voters to advance the socialist agenda in this country. Indoctrination of the youth of this country is merely one element of a multi-faceted strategy to achieve the Marxist endgame. This is nothing new. It has been ongoing for over 50 years now in the K through 12 public education system in this country.

The Republican Party doesn’t lack either issues or solutions to any of these items. What it has generally lacked for years on end is effective leadership, effective messaging and the drive to actually get things done. Interrupted only twice in recent history by both Reagan and Trump. Both of which the Republican Party establishment decided to quickly run away from and return to the standard “business as usual” way of doing things. This has resulted in decades of the left having a wide open field for them to move their agenda forward almost completely unopposed. What we’re seeing today is merely the consequences of all those decades of apathy, laziness and frankly corruption at the GOP leadership level bearing fruit.

At least half the country is a lost cause. This is just something our side has to accept and stop thinking “If we just explain things differently, they will join us and “wake up” to how wrong they have been.”. That is NOT going to happen in well over 95% of the cases. They have been successfully conditioned to prefer socialism over capitalism. They honestly can’t reason for themselves. Anything that conflicts with what they have been conditioned to believe results in them lashing out in some profanity-laced tirade or a mental shutdown. They prefer the government “take care of them” and “make decisions on their behalf” for them. They honestly do hate this country or at least think it is so fatally flawed, that the only solution is to re-make it into their dreamed of socialist Utopia. They have been successfully conditioned to view the federal government and Democrats as essentially Santa Claus, who periodically delivers something new and “free” (at least they think it is free because they are mostly economically illiterate) all in exchange for just voting Democrat.

All the problems like rampant crime, their lack of ability to land the high paying jobs they were promised for getting college degrees in woke or nonsensical majors, high inflation, etc., etc. aren’t the fault of the Democrats and their policies that control almost everything. It is “the evil Republicans” or some other country like Saudi Arabia for not bumping more oil to offset Biden shutting down domestic energy, Mexico for doing the same, etc., who won’t go along with the ludicrous policies that have caused so much damage to the country.

1 year ago

“The elephant in the room” is the issue that cost us many elections. Those voters, the true “deplorables”, insist on murdering the pre-born, and taking our 1st & 2nd Amendment rights.

1 year ago

Read Mark Levin’s Book American Marxism. It addresses the article above. An eye opener.

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
1 year ago

GOP would do well to address the tremendous increase in school administrators (87.6%) compared to students (7.6%) and teachers (8.7%) increases cited in Imprimis (Re: Hillsdale College, Larry Arnn).
Seems a shameful misdirection of resources when the official line typically is not enough teachers. Why would we need that many more administrators? May point to some of the mischief in our public education system.

1 year ago

If we could learn one thing here it is this. Any time you involve the Federal Government in anything you are going to get a diminished product at an increased price. No exceptions exist to this rule. School system, city government, Federal Emergency Management Administration. This last slew of money given to the states over COVID 19 will come at the price of more federal control of local problems.
After this last mid-term election I have resigned myself to the fact that the Democrats have gained all the control over the voting system in this country they need to make their total take over of the country complete. There is no longer a two party system, Biden Inc. is mob control of the country with total disregard for the laws, the Constitution, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Right to a speedy trial, and on and on.

CW Miller PhD
CW Miller PhD
1 year ago

Te Founders who owned slaves simply could not free them BECAUSE they were debtors. Incases where such attempts were made the CREDITORS would usually attach them as property and sell them in less desirable circumstances. Jefferson DID free some when he observed situations where he thought he could get away with it and was successful.. Washington used his will and his wife’s to free his entire group, true, but after all, he was Washington and by 1802 clearly no creditor was willing to risk attachments in his case.

CW Miller PhD

Dave P
Dave P
1 year ago

Send the government checks back. Get local businesses supporting the sports teams again. Get the pta back in power. Tell Washington that our kids are not their science project.

1 year ago

and take education away from the bureaucrats in D.C.!

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