WASHINGTON, DC, July 11 — If President Biden or his “Border Czar,” Vice President Harris, won’t take measures to stem the unprecedented surge of illegals at our southern border, maybe it’s time for the governors of Texas and Arizona to take matters into their own hands.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has already done so. He issued an executive order late last week that gives the Texas National Guard and the Texas Department of Public Safety authority to begin arresting illegals and sending them back to the border. In a news release announcing his decision, Abbott said: “While President Biden refuses to do his job and enforce the immigration laws enacted by Congress, the State of Texas is once again stepping up and taking unprecedented action to protect Americans and secure our southern border. The cartels have become emboldened and enriched by President Biden’s open border policies, smuggling in record numbers of people, weapons, and deadly drugs like fentanyl.”
Meanwhile, it appears likely that Arizona Governor Doug Ducey will soon follow suit. His Attorney General Mark Brnovich is petitioning the governor to do just that. In an appeal to the governor, he explained that ”Violence by cartels and gangs who have now assumed control of our southern border meets the legal threshold for an invasion, but it is up to the governor to make that actual determination. If this happens, you, as commander in chief, can exercise independent authority under the state self-defense clause of the Constitution to defend Arizona from the invasion.”
Attorney General Brnovich claims that Arizona does have the Constitutional right to treat the matter as an invasion. In his official ruling, he reminded Governor Ducey: “The on-the-ground violence and lawlessness at Arizona’s border caused by cartels and gangs is extensive, well-documented, and persistent. It can satisfy the definition of ‘actually invaded’ and ‘invasion’ under the U.S. Constitution…Last year, your office deployed the National Guard and declared a state of emergency at our border, but as the Biden-made disaster continues to intensify, there are more actions that we now have to consider.”
In its report on the issue of invasion, Fox News says, “language in Article I of the Constitution, which allows for States to “engage in War” when it has been “actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay” without the approval of Congress. They also note Article IV says the U.S. “shall protect each [state] against invasion.”
Both Governors Ducey and Abbott agree that the border is out of control, that it needs to be confronted, and that President Biden’s approach is wrong-headed. In a Fox News interview, Ducey said “there’s a link between criminals coming over the border and rising crime, of that there’s no doubt…We’ve got nearly two million people that we’ve apprehended at this time. So, border security is national security. The federal government is failing at that…We don’t know who we’re not catching. These people are coming from 120-plus countries, including countries that harbor terrorists. So, of course we could have something terrible happen to our nation by this lack of attention to the federal border. But we could also just have this crime, violence, vandalism and murder that we see. So, there’s no doubt about it that there’s a link to it.”
In both Texas and Arizona, there is no question that Governors Abbott and Ducey have the cowboy courage to deal with the invasion.
John Grimaldi… I respectfully disagree with your statement that ” Governors Abbott and Ducey have the cowboy courage to deal with the invasion… ” Both of these men, i.e. RINO’s have elections coming up, perfect time to get rid of them. Only now they suddenly appear from the political shadows keeping them mostly hidden from view, NOT forgetting AZ, AG Brnovich, also up for reelection, get rid of him! How’s that overwhelming Arizona election fraud evidence from the 2020 election coming Mr. Brnovich? The man has all all but disappeared on that score, vote him OUT of office at the ballot box folks, otherwise expect more of the same from these RINO’s, as they sweet talk you once again with what amounts to political bull*hit…
This fairy tale of a story I find quit difficult to read overall…
There ain’t no cowboys to ride in & save the day, that is utter nonsense Mr. Grimaldi…
Bill… :~)
We all need to have more cowboy in us. This country needs more cowboys who are not afraid to take a stand for what is right and not back down. Where is the rest of the country (especially the West) in joining these brave cowboys of Arizona and Texas. This mid-west cowboy is right beside them and ready to help in any way.
Thank goodness for Texas and Arizona. At least 2 governors have the gumption to do what our President and his Vice President can’t seem to accomplish. If all the governors would join these two and do the same things, our border would eventually go back to the way it was when Trump was in office.
And yet there is still a gaping hole in the Yuma Border Fence. And I do not see Mark Kelly or Kyrsten Sinema doing a thing about it! They sure can, by telling Biden they won’t vote for any legislation until the wall is built to close the hole in Yuma!! Crickets from both of them. GREAT REPRESENTATION IN AZ! NOT! Defeating the do nothing Kelly is critical in November if you want a chance at border Security in AZ!
Wrong – If the courage were actually reality, then the illegals would be shipped back to their home countries instead of being bussed back to an entry point and turned over to the feds who then give them free air transportation to communities across America.
With the feds not fulfilling their obligation to repel invasion, the States are within their right to defend themselves, including deporting the illegals.
that’s what you need people who have a pair!!!! it’s ridiculous that we have to put up with this nonsense – pervs coming in, criminals, more drugs, sickness and with no concern for good American people. we already had enuf of our own misfits and thugs, the dumos are a part of them! party of stupid
Yep ,, this is just another BS article put up by AMAC , it means nothing at all ,, these two people have done nothing to stop people from coming over , except run there mouth because of coming elections and hand the ones they catch back to the gov. to be bussed or flown to other states , they both need to be replaced in Nov. ,,,,,,2 less Rinos in our house ,, of real people ,,,
The Biden administration better wake up & handle things. People are getting pissed & are going to take things in their own hands if they don’t! I’m not saying it’s right I just know what the word out there is.
It is beyond absurd that they (and we) have been put in this position by this insanely corrupt administration.
Link to NM too??
Form Border Calvary Force??
‘0’Biden/bama are committing TREASON! How about arresting these two losers and sending them to GITMO…
Every State below the Mason Dixon is first affected by this ‘Invasion’ and should be signing on to contribute to securing the border and deporting the illegals back to ‘pick any spot’, doesn’t have to be their origin country but get them out of America and make it very difficult for them to get back in by assisting the southern border states to control the invasion. Let Gov. DeSantis control the money! Dump them on the White House lawn and at Congress until those fools get the picture.
Arizona needs another Barry Goldwater. No more McCains!
The courage and action exercised by both governors are models for Biden to follow. Sadly he won’t because he doesn’t know how.
Now if our POS governor, Newscum, would do the same we’d sure be better off.
Lets go COWBOYS of TX and AZ!!!! We’re with you!!! YAHOO!!!
Texas is still floundering around over the border…..the wall is still not completed….the guard has no weapons, and detention centers are less than adequate. If this state and its’ leaders are serious, they sure have not been carrying the case, either to the people or to the border. We still have open areas, failed enforcement and lack of resolve…..while some things are being done, it’s too little, and thinly spread….perhaps even a bit too late. Abbot should be forming a state collective to make this work, and bring others into the frey…..aside from the federal government who is a lost cause on this at present. There is more needed……the less talk and more action is the choice that has to be made.
Build the wall arm all the border agents then send all illegals to the doorstep of the White House so dummy Biden and the rest of the Dems can release them into Washington and the rest to Biden’s home state see how they like all of them in there state.But most of all the Wall should be finished then have active patrols get tough with the cartels treat them as the enemy of this country which they are.
Hooray for Texas and Arizona ! Huge kudos
For them legislating to protect themselves from the ILLEGAL HUMAN TRAFFICKING catastrophe that should not be happening ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? It is a huge travesty to dump illegals and to IGNORE and or FORGET that MANY of these folks are smuggling Fentanyl and many , many other lethal drugs ….. Hep C Hep A and TB, HIV Etc,etc AND all manner of VIOLENCE AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS that are unwanted / uneeded in our beloved country!!!!!!
Unfortunately , the Socialist led misfit DUMBOCRAT parties motto is;
I don’t know how many Americans realize that what’s happening at our Southern Borders is intentional and part of a Master Plan to destroy our Republic! JOE BIDEN and his ILLEGITIMATE ADMINISTRATION have sold US out to George Soros, Russia and the Communist Chinese. If you disagree, please explain what’s been happening to our country since DIRTY JOE stole the presidency back in 2020. Go ahead, I would really like to hear your explanation! The BATTLELINE on our Southern Border is being manned and supported by BRAVE AMERICANS FROM TEXAS AND ARIZONA. That wouldn’t be the case if this CORRUPT ILLEGIMATE AND TRAITOR (so called) GOVERNMENT WAS DOING ITS JOB! Sometime back I decided to join THE MODERN MILITIA MOVEMENT thinking that I could do something to defend my wonderful State of Texas. What I found was a community social network that did nothing but TALK AND SOCIALIZE! If you check around the country, let me know if you find one single “MILITIA” that truly lives up to its title. Although I’m targeting SO CALLED MILITIAS, the same goes for every single “couldn’t care less” complacent American that would rather sit back and watch the “game” instead of taking a stand for our Republic! GOD BLESS THE BRAVE SOULS OF ARIZONA AND TEXAS!
USA has never had a “secure border “— the lawmakers in Congress have not done the job!!!!!!! HUGE SHAME ON ALL OF YOU !
What I really can’t understand is why Americans aren’t coming totally unglued as this ILLEGITIMATE TREASONOUS “SO CALLED” GOVERNMENT goes about the business of destroying our Republic! Do we still dare to call ourselves “THE HOME OF THE BRAVE”?
It has BEEN an Invasion since Biden took office, and I do mean “TOOK”. Stopping the incoming flow of aliens is VITAL, and must happen immediately, BUT…..it has GOT to be followed-up by the search for and capture of those who are already here ILLEGALLY. THEY must be arrested and deported, no matter how long it takes or how much it costs! NO Amnesty, NO Excuses! Even Ilhan Omar’s brother is here illegally! Marrying your SISTER in violation of every Immigration law I can think of, is NOT Legal, and both of them should be arrested and deported.
I applaud these brave Governors doing what the President should and won’t. Joe Biden’s continuing administration is a Clear and Present Danger to the Security of these United States. Joe Biden should be impeached for failure to execute his role of enforcing the laws of the United States.
Illelgal immigration is very unpopular with the electorate and Congress should defend their sole authority to write laws and deny the President authority to set laws aside or modify them with “executive orders”!
Good for these Two governors!
If the spineless socialist Biden and Harris won’t do anything about this illegal invasion, then we as citizens should follow the state governors of Texas and Arizona and protect our country!
If only the governor of California had the Balls to follow Greg Abbots and do the same in California we could stem the flow of illegal aliens into this country!
Good for the both of them! The sane part of America agrees that barack is directing Biden to hold this ‘open border’ position until America no longer exists.
It is beyond criminal. It is also stealing OUR assets via welfare that should be for American citizens.
Conservative SW Michigan has been shat upon by barack/Biden sending in hordes of Guatemalans, Hondurans, and muslim thugs. We are fedup with this organized-crime ‘government’.
Bravo! I am tired of our country being run by “King” Biden. What happened to “checks and balances” by 3 parts of government- executive, judicial and legislative? Why does he have all this power. He is destroying our country. What is Congress doing to stop this insanity?
God bless TX and AZ!!!
I bet if the White House was on the border, Mr. Biden would change his tune.He dosen’t give a rip about his duty to protect the people that pay his wages. He is fully protected for the time being.
Why do you media imbeciles continue to call the Occupier
Go Governors. Nice to see there are some electric official that are willing to work for their state.
It’s about time! Now, if they will hold firm…
Talk is cheap
This is what all the states need to do!! And if they don’t let the immigrants flood their borders!!!
Biden is a turd that is ruining our country and Harris is helping him. At least Abbott and Ducey have the stones to confront and stop the flow.
Face it, the cartels are in charge. The country is under drive by them and they are flooding the country with drugs, exclusively Fentanyl ! People in record numbers dying. AND ITS ALL ok with BIDEN and DEMOCRATS. The worst is yet to come and it will last for years ! Nobody seems to give a sh*t!
TALK ,talk ,talk ,talk is cheap they should have acted in JANUARY 2021. It’s obvious the federal govt does not abide by any laws let alone the US constitution .They have rendered the federal govt totally useless.
Ok, it is about time after over a million have INVADED our country already, the military usually shoots invaders, maybe this message needs to be posted in multiple languages in Mexico for their possible consequences of crossing. And if they are carrying drugs the immediate execution should be carried out with or without any passage of a bill by Congress.
DO IT.way past time to take action.Should have done before the 2 million, and those are only the ones that got caught.
I guess now wouldn’t be a good time to disarm the citizenry.
If there are alligators in Wisconsin I’m sure they could live and multiply in the Rio Grande.
If we’re only taking them back to the border where are they all going to stay. Why can’t we take them back into Mexico? How about using some of the funds the gov gave us to build the wall?
Let’s impeach Joe Hiden
Maybe we should pull a Jim Bowie and Davey Crockett and support these governors and states that are being invaded by foreign nationals.
Arizona and Texas promised to jump on finishing the remaining fences. Texas said it had a committed $5M for the job, at least in their state. That was well over a year and a half ago. Nothing’s happened and how many illegals have crossed since then? I’m disgusted.
Arizona and Texas promised to finish building the fences. Texas had a commitment of $5M a year and a half ago. How many illegals have crossed our boarders since then. I’m disgusted. I don’t believe talk coming out of either state.
So refreshing to see SOMEWHERE that not all news is bad news
Piss on Abbott! He is worse than useless!!!!!!!!