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Will Boudin Be the First Soros D.A. to Fall This Year?

Posted on Monday, June 6, 2022
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott

Boudin Bonta
California Attorney General Rob Bonta.

On Tuesday, San Francisco voters will head to the polls to decide the fate of Chesa Boudin, the city’s radical progressive district attorney who has overseen a dramatic rise in crime and now faces a recall election. If polls are correct and Boudin is indeed ousted in one of the most liberal cities in America, it could prove an ominous sign for other activist prosecutors in California and throughout the country.

According to the latest polling from the race, 48% of San Francisco voters plan to vote to remove Boudin from office, while only 38% support keeping him in place. Those numbers are marginally better for Boudin than the 68%-32% and 57%-22% splits seen in earlier polls, but hardly reassuring for the embattled DA.

Nonetheless, Boudin has remained defiant in the face of a resoundingly clear rebuke from residents of his own city. He has ardently defended his policies, which include freeing dozens of violent felons from jail, refusing to prosecute “minor” crimes like burglary and assault, ending cash bail, and targeting police officers for prosecution.

In an interview with a local San Francisco news outlet, ostensibly to defend his record, Boudin even bragged about being the first DA in city history to charge a police officer with excessive use of force. But that officer was later found not guilty by a jury, and the facts of the case revealed that the officer was defending his partner from a violent criminal, who just moments before was assaulting a woman.

In the same interview, when confronted with polling data showing that a majority of Asian Americans and Hispanics in San Francisco – two groups whom Boudin claims his policies are helping the most – support the recall effort, Boudin dismisses the data as simply “not true.” To hear him tell it, the entire recall is being perpetrated by Republican billionaires, and every resident in the city is behind his decisions.

That rosy optimism is unlikely to sway many voters, particularly with the rampant crime now plaguing the city, most notably a dramatic spike in robberies and drug crimes. For example, though San Francisco police confiscated a record amount of fentanyl from dealers last year, Boudin’s office failed to secure even a single conviction for possession with intent to sell. When pressed on the matter, Boudin suggested that open-air drug sales were “victimless” and that residents didn’t really care about stopping them.

Should Boudin be recalled Tuesday, it would also be a major warning sign for George Gascon, Boudin’s progressive counterpart just to the south in LA, who faces a recall of his own. As of last month, more than 450,000 signatures have been collected in support of the effort. The organizers believe they are “on the cusp” of reaching the 566,857-signature threshold necessary to trigger a recall vote. Their deadline for doing so is July 6.

While many California voters originally supported these radical DA’s – thanks in large part to a huge influx of cash from progressive billionaire George Soros – the catastrophic rise in crime as a result of their policies has now laid bare just how devastating their idea of “reforms” are. Those same voters are now clamoring for a change of course, and rejecting the progressive criminal justice model outright.

Despite this, some liberal elites in California and elsewhere in the country still don’t appear to have gotten the message. California Attorney General Rob Bonta, whom Governor Gavin Newsom appointed to the post back in March of 2021, has continued to fight to end cash bail across the state and advance “de-incarceration” policies, even denying to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement on preventing illegal immigration.

Bonta has already received endorsements from Gascon and Boudin for his commitment to many of the policies that led to their respective recalls. The same group of donors who backed the two men have already maximized their personal donations to Bonta and are also planning to spend millions backing his reelection this fall.

Among those challenging Bonta for the seat is politically independent Sacramento District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert. She said of Bonta, Boudin, and Gascon, “I believe crime victims’ rights have been eviscerated, and they have been ignored by these types of individuals.” Schubert has received the support of law enforcement and other safety-aligned groups. In 2018, the same group backing Bonta attempted to defeat Schubert but failed. Now, Schubert’s strategy to combat crime has clearly been vindicated over that of her progressive counterparts.

Yet despite the public backlash, neither Bonta nor his wealthy backers have shown any introspection regarding their championed policies. One might assume the imminent recall of Gascon and Boudin and the fact that 2022 is on track to be one of California’s deadliest years in modern history would give them pause. No such luck. But as crime rates continue to soar, it seems that Boudin, Gascon, Bonta, and the whole host of progressive prosecutors may be in serious jeopardy.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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2 years ago

Maybe the reason that neither Gascon nor Boudin nor any of their financial backers appear to be concerned is that they already know all the attempts to recall them will ultimately fail. After all, the equally despised Governor Newsom faced a recall vote and according to the vote dallies, if you believe the counts were done honestly, he easily survived and continues to run the state of California into the ground. The experience should have told you something. So while the folks of California may have accumulated enough signatures, yet again, on the necessary petitions to get the recall elections scheduled, that means little in a solidly Democrat-controlled state like California (or any equally Democrat-controlled state in this country). When all the people counting the votes are Democrat officials, the outcome is pre-determined. Remember Einstein’s admontion of endlessly repeating the same process over and over and expecting a different outcome. The state government of California has been allowed to deteriorate, through decades of increasing apathy by a majority of its residents, beyond the point where elections pose any real risk to the Democrats that completely control the state. If the people of California want their state back, they will have to rely on other means at this point and frankly I don’t see that happening.

2 years ago

It will be another purchased/fraud election!

2 years ago

Defund Soros. When was the last time Soros had an IRS audit? C’mon Mother Nature & Father Time,91 year old George Soros is waiting

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Diselected or something more enjoyable to watch?

Smitty 550
Smitty 550
2 years ago

San Francisco has become nothing other than a toilet, but with a view of the bay, thanks to the completely insane Far Left voters who live there and conveniently ignore what has happened to a once-beautiful city. How’s that “diversity” workin’ for ya, San Franciscans?

Chris Brosnahan
Chris Brosnahan
2 years ago

…I’m missing something…I live in FLORIDA….how does ending cash bail release – or fail to incarcerate – the bad folks…I’m under the impression (obviously mistaken) that if you end cash bail the dude (dudette) stays in the slammer…(no bail – stay in jail) …sorry – I dont get it but obviously it’s bad…sorry

2 years ago

Regarding reference to George Soros in the RCP headline, I published a blog about Boudin at American Thinker Chesa Boudin faces recall [updated] – American Thinker that made generic reference to Soros…and the editors were forced to delete that part. It seems that Soros has people scanning the media with the intention of protecting him from being connected to some of these dolts.

John Brown
John Brown
2 years ago

Democrats don’t care. Personally I don’t care if the Democrat voters in CA continue to vote for & support increasing murder, crime, and filth. They had a chance to start making change with the Newsom recall, and they left him in office to lead these crazed Marxist in destroying CA, and leaving NOBODY safe.
What can it mean that at least 38% of folks in San Francisco, seeing the filth, murder, and devastation still support this Democrat madman who frees murderers to kill again? This is the Biden/Newsom/Democrat agenda folks. Its why we have slaughter across our nation most especially in large Democrat run cities like LA, SFO, Chicago, Baltimore, DC etc.
Democrats support this insanity, and clearly they still have tens of millions of voters who haven’t seen enough filth, death, destruction yet to change their minds and reject the insane Democrat party as a whole. Voters put these Democrats in office. They deserve them!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Running TV ads in So CA area

2 years ago

Democrats won’t let this happen.
Remember, after having succeeded in 2020, they continue to perfect the “STEAL”!

2 years ago

He was the spawn of a murderous America hater and raised by Bill Ayers, another America hater. Democrats, the party of chaos and anarchy , financial despair & psychological trauma are at it again, creating more of the same

2 years ago

California has at least 200 mules working hard to keep lawlessness alive! If the feckless Boudin were to be booted, hope for a safer future would be reborn. I also hope L.A. voters oust the ghastly Gascon as well. In each recall election the anti-lawless D.A. turnout had better be huge to counteract the usual 20% Dem cheat factor! If one wants to confirm this, view a recent reputable poll on the recall, then see whether the votes match up.

2 years ago

Those numbers look to be crumbling. I fear he battles this off. It is San Francisco afterall.

2 years ago

They won’t be recalled just look at what happened to Newsom. The reason he is so confident he will win is the money Soros put out to keep him and the others in place. Yep he knows it’s rigged for him to win just like Newsom.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

The truth is that the majority of Americans do not approve of this woke agenda that the “progressives” are pushing.

William Boylan
William Boylan
2 years ago

The real question is, will he be the ONLY one?

David Nacey
David Nacey
2 years ago

I really don’t care about California. I hope the whole state drops off into the ocean today. These people deserve it. I would call California a cesspool, but I don’t want to insult cesspools. The people are trash. The politicians are Satan worshippers. Their cheese sucks. Their oranges smell like butt-cheese. California is better off as a giant nuclear testing site.

2 years ago

White socialists in SF support him because they hate Hispanics & Asians.

2 years ago

The failed fraudulent recall on Newsome because of voter fraud, so why do you think this will be any different?
His parents are murderers and he was raised by Bill Ayers….nuff said.

2 years ago

“According to the latest polling from the race, 48% of San Francisco voters plan to vote to remove Boudin from office, while only 38% support keeping him in place. Those numbers are marginally better for Boudin…”

Those numbers are FANTASTICALLY BETTER for Boudin than previous polls. He’s actually make it a close race, which is scary.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Boudin was just playing the automatic role of a liberal Commie DemocRat. That is: release all those criminals in detention and save a lot of budget money for pocket … and /or directly or his campaign support.

2 years ago

Yes, the first. Fortunately not the last. We’re gonna get Gascon in LA.

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
2 years ago

Baltimore City is experiencing the highest number of murders and other serious crimes due specifically to the radical progressive policies of the City’s States Attorney, Marilyn Mosby. She is employing the same policies as Boudin in San Francisco. She has alienated the Police Department and has named over 200 Police Officers who cannot testify in Court cases. She and her husband, Nick Mosby, who is President of the Baltimore City Counsel, are both under Federal Indictment for illegal activities in the purchases of Florida vacation homes. She is also being challenged by several other Democrat and Republican challengers to her job as the City’s States Attorney. The citizens of Baltimore are angry and fed up with these horrible policies. Most of her staff has quit and she is still arrogant, combative toward the Police but the best friend of the criminals. Personally I would have defunded her office as she has stated that she won’t prosecute virtually any crimes in the City! If she won’t prosecute than shut down her office until we find someone who will!

2 years ago

These marxist democrat politicians and the anti American democrat party MUST GO!
What arrogance, and destruction they are causing on states throughout America and they laugh and care little about the Real Citizens they work for.
Who do they think they are??
Why do they think they can do or say anything and ignore the will of MOST Americans??
Obviously they MUST BE REMOVED , and so overwhelmingly that they understand who is in charge!
WE the People set the agenda, their job is to do WHAT WE SAY!
In Michigan, California,New York, illinois,Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Minnesota these marxist democrats have destroyed cities and those subjected Citizens to RIDICULOUS and UNCONSTITUTIONAL policies!
It sickens me to see their arrogance and self serving attitudes and failures!

2 years ago

Recalling reprobate Soros DA’s would be a nice positive step in the right direction

voting. Smith
voting. Smith
2 years ago

Well all tell you what the way the left cheated on the 2020 election I belive a law should be made that for now on they have cameras in place along with a member of both partys there, also they need to have a ballot recount in place with one day voteing.

2 years ago

Until they do something about voter fraud, polls mean nothing.

2 years ago

Corruption all over the left coast, unfortunately I agree with Rick. Unless they fix the election process and its a slammed dunk, the Dems will win again by cheating. Look at what happened to the other dirt bag Newsom, they tried to recall, but won anyway. Soros has plenty of money to manipulate the greedy low lifes.

Joanne4 justice.
Joanne4 justice.
2 years ago

I hope it is a legal election with accurate results. recorded.

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