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Why Is Corporate America Helping ‘Woke’ Teachers Who Want to Foster Gender Confusion Among Our Kids?

Posted on Friday, June 3, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi
corporate america woke
Former Lieutenant Governor of New York State Betsy McCaughey.

WASHINGTON, DC, May 30 — “More than ever, parents are experiencing an attack on their rights to direct their child’s education,” say Moms for America. Worse than that, however, is the organized assault from the Left aimed at teaching the youngest of our nation’s children a new licentious morality. The progressives have an unlikely ally in their quest to destroy our country’s future– corporate America.

Among them is the State Farm Insurance company, which has partnered with a transgender advocacy group, The GenderCool Project, “to help diversify classroom, community center and library bookshelves with a collection of books to help bring clarity and understanding to the national conversation about Being Transgender…The project’s goal is to increase representation of LGBTQ+ books and support our communities in having challenging, important and empowering conversations with children age 5+,” according to Jose Soto, the company’s corporate responsibility analyst.

According to the Epoch Times, State Farm is not alone. GenderCool has the support of Adobe, Dell, Oracle, Intel, HP, Bayer, Nike, Bank of America, Capital One, Indeed and NBC Universal, and many other well-known companies.

To be fair, gender dysphoria is a real medical condition that makes people feel that they are mismatched with their sexual anatomy. However, it is a very rare condition. Former Lieutenant Governor of New York State Betsy McCaughey points out that “A staggering 99%-plus of the population does not have the physical traits that cause someone to become transgender. People with gender dysphoria — a condition that causes extreme distress — deserve empathy and respect. But only a minuscule 0.6% of the adult population has it, says the UCLA School of Law’s Williams Institute, an LGBTQ think tank.”

In a separate Opinion article that McCaughey penned for the New York Post last December, she identified Joe Biden as the Commander in Chief of the transgender forces. She wrote that “Militant transgender advocates are imposing their agenda with uncompromising zeal on schoolchildren.” And, she added, “That’s fine with President Joe Biden. His administration announced this month that by April, it will enhance the legal entitlements of transgender public-school students, with new guarantees regarding access to bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports competitions.” In his first joint address to Congress last year, Mr. Biden sent a message “To all transgender Americans watching at home, especially the young people. You’re so brave. I want you to know your president has your back.”

Fifty-nine-year-old Buck Angel said that 30 years ago, he was a woman suffering from dysphoria, so she became a “he.” Back in the day, he told Fox News, there was “a system and structure” to make sure she was certain about wanting to undergo a sex change. “Now we have trans with no gender dysphoria, no need for mental health care, self ID, affirmation therapy…That says to me on some level, [children are being subjected to] some form of indoctrination…I see a vast, huge desire to fast track, for lack of a better term, these children into this space of trans kids.”

Things have gotten so bad that Senator Tom Cotton [R-AR] introduced legislation, S. 3037, the Empower Parents to Protect Their Kids Act. It would “require elementary schools and secondary schools that receive federal funds to obtain parental consent before facilitating a child’s gender transition in any form, and for other purposes.”

Political commentator and former White House Director of Strategic Communications [2017-2019] Mercedes Schlapp says the Left has long been penetrating schools for the purpose of “brainwashing” kids as young as kindergarteners. Meanwhile, Moms for America President Kimberly Fletcher says, “I’ve known for 16 years what was going on behind closed doors in the classrooms, but moms didn’t. And I kept saying, ‘The moment that they figure out what’s really happening, there’s gonna be a national revolt, which is what’s happening, but I saw it because we have a pulse on the culture amongst America because this is our homes and our families.”

The bottom line is that teachers have no right to teach our kids anything other than reading, writing, and arithmetic, as the saying goes. It is egregious to fill their young minds with the joys of sex — heterosexual or otherwise. It’s a shame, at best, and illegal, for sure.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

They want to Lose profits

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Because it is easier to sell stuff to sheeple.

2 years ago

Here is a thought.
Since Mr. Joe Biden is spearheading this “sexual identity crisis” with young children is he not technically a sexual predator. As such, shouldn’t Joe be investigated for his “behavior”.

2 years ago

To answer the question posed by the article’s title, the reason so many corporations are supporting this nonsense is quite straightforward. In most corporate management today, not just in the United States by the way, senior management takes the attitude that if they go long with whatever the loud, angry mob is screaming or demanding, there is a better than even chance the angry, loud mob won’t show up picketing and protesting, along with many TV news cameras in tow to amplify the message, at their corporate headquarters. In essence, much of the “woke agenda” boils down to the old protection racket that used to be employed by the mob to shake down local businesses to “protect them” from the very criminals that were extorting money from them.

In the old days, if you didn’t pay, your store might be broken into or you might be robbed or your busness torched. Today it is if you don’t pay, the left will target your corporation with a vicious PR campaign, ampllfied by a complicit media, that will damage your business and cost your shareholders millions, if not billions of dollars in real loses. Which will lead to senior management being voted out by the shareholders and a new management team installed that will give into the leftist mob. So most senior corporate management today concludes writing a large check to some leftist group and issuing a statement that has been pre-approved by the leftists curently extorting them, that capitulation is the less costly approach. Is it right? Of course not, but none the less it is why so many corporations continue to both finance and issue PR statements in support of these insane leftist policies.

Margaret Rudolf
Margaret Rudolf
2 years ago

Save your children – HOME SCHOOL!!!!!!!

2 years ago

I recently turned down a six figure job with a major drug store chain. Chief among my reasons for doing so is that I would have had to sign off on a statement that I am aware that I possess white privilege! In my opinion, this is blatant reverse racism.

2 years ago

With Blackrock and Vanguard owning board seats this is what is happening.

2 years ago

Until someone actually goes to jail for this crap, it will continue to be just more click bait on social media and other platforms.

2 years ago

Big business runs this country and therefore can do pretty much what they want. The Democrats gave them carte blanche. TRUMP 2024 MAGA

2 years ago

More reasons I am glad 2 of my granddaughters are home schooling their kids.

2 years ago

Gender dysphoria is a made up name and condition. Just like all the other depravity and sin the west has coined a name for and wants socially accepted. Today, it is idolized and pushed by people seeking attention or wanting to be considered special. If anything, this “condition” is a mental illness being labeled and promoted under a diversity umbrella as normal behavior, just like homosexuality. Newsflash, it is not normal and should not be sold or promoted as such. Corporate America is now headed by a come of age group of folks who were indoctrinated by professional atheists in western colleges who willingly follow the lead of the administration in charge in order to be left alone and viewed as modern, hip, and up to date on an evolving social landscape. Oh, they also want access to the global consumer and by going along, they will gain more opportunity to get to those international consumers and profits. When it comes to mankind you can bank on this: “If it is new, it is not true, and if it is true, it is not new.”

2 years ago

Just a thought here. Where are all the MEN that could be spearheading organizations to take back the schools? All I see everywhere is “moms for this” and “moms for that”. That’s great, wonderful. But I wonder what would happen if men finally started standing up, showing some backbone, not worrying about being called sexist or racist, and just getting stuff done. Trouble is, that’s what’s branded as “toxic masculinity ” these days, and not too many guys want to be accused of that. No, that type of masculinity is NOT toxic, it’s just the real deal, and if men like that got involved with their children’s affairs in the schools, things would DEFINITELY change.

2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago

This article forgets Microsoft as one of the woke-supporting companies. I just got an email yesterday that explicitly states their support for the LGBTQ. I’m truly disappointed with Microsoft.

2 years ago

Taking GOD out of schools replacing and indoctrinating children with this nonsense is pure EVIL. Wake up people, it goes even deeper than you realize….this is another form of Socialism, to pit children against their parents, to give total control to gvt educationl system and abolish the nuclear family…..If we don’t push back get rid od this the Lord will turn HIS back on us and give us over to reprobate minds

2 years ago

Thank you for bringing this corporate wrongful conduct to the forefront. I would guess most people don’t know what the companies they do business with are doing that is absolutely against the wishes of their customers if only they knew. I found out about State Farm by accident. They claim they have withdrawn from that project, but I am not so sure. I am going to dive deeper into their claims and affiliations and decide whether to keep my insurance with them or make a change. Again, THANK YOU.

Doug C
Doug C
2 years ago

What is corporate America doing in our classrooms in the first place? State Farm and ANY corporate entity needs to keep their greedy, mangy butts out of our school systems … PERIOD!!!

KN Charlton
KN Charlton
2 years ago

Mrs first lady has her doctorate in education.So I think something smells reallly bad here.
We are not as STUPID as they think we are. Home schooling would be my choice
if I had school aged children. Our children are OURS not theirs.

Nancy Arnett
Nancy Arnett
2 years ago

Pedophiles should be prosecuted!!!

2 years ago

If you’ll remember, Rev. Al Sharpton threatened to sue corporations for racism (that may or may not have happened – Tawana Brawley comes to mind) & corporations gave him lots of money & changed their policies to agree with whatever he wanted so he wouldn’t sue. They were petrified of a lawsuit, & how bad it would look to their bottom line if they were even accused of racism, so they caved & gave him lots of money. It was a good living for him. And I’ll bet dollars to donuts that the lgbtq++ groups are following the same play book.

USN Retired
USN Retired
2 years ago

They federalized the schools with the “Board Of Education” in 1980. Then “Common Core” removed all the history that supports conservatism and the US Constitution, and injected warped ideas about science and many other topics. All slanted to the far left. Now the indoctrination of our kids has taken yet another dive into the liberal left wing socialist ideals. Even Hitler knew, subvert the kids, and you end up controlling all of the population over time. We need to stop this degradation of our country, it’s morals and conservative strengths. Get rid of these Democrats, vote, vote, vote!

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

When I was in elementary school my 1st grade teacher literally whipped me with a belt to teach me a lesson, I’m going back to the early 60 era. Today the teachers have lost control and there priority is not so much on the students but on a woke culture and a transformation of our society, we all witnessed with amazement at how our teachers union took sheer advantage of the Covid 19 disaster. Our children are literally being poisoned everyday they attend school, this is a planned strategy for many years, I couldn’t even begin to imagine what these young children are seeing and hearing from these liberal progressive socialist democrat teachers (99 percent of them are liberals) , we’re literally being destroyed from within and then we’re the ones being called racist CRT ! And by the way, there trying desperately to turn us away from GOD! There all Luciferian and extremely dangerous and evil haters of our country.

2 years ago

Explain to me also on the following: What the hell is good about the new Math? What is behind dropping cursive hand writting? Ever go to a store, any store where the young folks work as cashiers and they do not have the ability to make change correctly.(The WOKE FIX) is the cash registers now tell them what your change is. The basic arithmetic we learned with multiplication tables, fractions,decimals, and changing fractions into decimals and changing decimals into fractions, Thanks to the Geniuses of our education system it’s a sham today. It’s no wonder our youngsters today are among the worst in the world today. Reading comprehension is poor, writing skills is totally gone, I can’t believe people today who cannot write, the have to print everything. This is an insult to our society, Thomas Jefferson is turning over in his grave, Virginia University which Jefferson left his library and his land.

2 years ago

I’ll immediately boycott all of these marxist supporting businesses and any others who choose to poison young minds against parents wishes.
Something seriously wrong with the marxist,anti american,far left radical actions being forced on Real Citizens today.
Time to end it with massive removal of self serving, back stabbing politicians in 2022 and 2024!! Enough of this GARBAGE!

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

We need to save America in November and in 2024!!!!!!!!! Enough of this crap!!!!!!!

2 years ago


Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

We need to Boycott every company that has become brain glazed, (not woke), as well as supporting brain glazing. Disney is finding out just how stupid they are.

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

The Marxist agenda from corporate America to advance policies that favor the minority to control the majority is a distorted mindset. All they will respond to is money. It’s all up to us that control their money.

2 years ago

thanks AMAC, I quit state farm this week and joined Travelers!Go woke, go broke!

2 years ago

Most children don’t learn about sex from their parents until they’re pre-adolescents. Some never get “the talk” at all, and first learn about it in health class or biology. “Exposing” K-3 students to sex education, including homosexuality and gender dysphoria, is inappropriate. But the socialist woke need to get to your kids or grandkids first, to make them easier to indoctrinate into their mindset rather than into the family’s. I absolutely despise this notion they have that they are smarter than conservatives and, therefore, better equipped to teach our children everything. They do want to own your kids. Incidentally, if the woke idiots spent more time warning of kidnappers and pedophiles, many of us would have been better served.

Imagine how upsetting it could be to the family when little Johnny and Susie come home from school and start questioning whether they are, in fact, a boy and a girl. Many parents, like mine, would have been dumbfounded to explain the facts. At that time, in the ’50’s and ’60’s, they most likely would have called behaviors different than their own “sick”, “abnormal”, or “wicked”. Today, most accept homosexuality as something a person is born with. But I never mistook my tomboy behaviors as a reason to investigate transgenderism or homosexuality.

Public education should not be going there. Public schools have no right to teach material to children that taxpayers don’t support, to a degree. We need a massive revolt in this country on this issue as well as in a multitude of other areas. I want my old America back.

2 years ago

So, it’s always moms. Do the dad’s not care or are kept out of the decision making process?

William Smith
William Smith
2 years ago

As far as I’m concerned, anyone who teaches this crap to kids is a predator, wich go’s to show if Biden approves to this he is a predator also, it is sick and very much uncalled for.

2 years ago

Very strange that these corporations like pizza hut and state farm promotes sick morality among our young children. Is there really such a thing as transgender leaning 5 year old children? Transgender adults is less than 3% of the population so why the big push? My guess is these corporations are run by pedophiles. We never would believe it possible until the Epstein debacle came to light. If his black book ever becomes public then I am sure we will have our answers

T Mitee Fentum
T Mitee Fentum
2 years ago

“If a man lies with another man like he lies with a woman it is an abomination. They shall both be put to death.” -God’s Word.

joe carr
joe carr
2 years ago


2 years ago

I had no idea that State Farm or (these other companies )????was endorsing this trans mindset for young kids.
NO teacher has the right or is obligated to teach sexuality to grade school youth. I was horrified to see the unstable humans on TICTOC professing to be teachers, total degenerates!

2 years ago

Good read!!!!

Rick D
Rick D
2 years ago

2 years ago

Why you ask? Because they are bowing down to the alphabet Nazis

2 years ago

I have already pulled any of my accounts from any of the corporations listed and many that aren’t shown it the artical. You can buy insurance, or any of the goods and services any corporation offers through multiple sources so, pick the groups you do business with who aren’t being run by mindless and godless zealots.Yes, you have to research and it will take time and in some cases it is inconvenient, but you won’t be supporting the indoctrination of American children or any child worldwide. Maybe if AMAC connected with some of the conservative groups tracking these activities it would make it easier to switch to better sources.

2 years ago

….. for money.

2 years ago

IMHO: Kimberly Fletcher should be drawn and quartered, then displayed hanging naked from a yard arm or tree, for remaining silent for 16 years. She must be a religious believer in Klaus Schwab and his utopian pipe-dream and should be banned from any association or employment, anywhere, that is even remotely involving children under 21 years of age. She makes me sick to my stomach.

There may be people who have this gender dysphoria, and I feel sorry for them, but there is NO reason that my tax dollars should have to pay for any medical treatment for it. If it is a legitimate illness, insurance should cover it, and the government should stay completely out of it. And, concerning the LGBTQ, there is no reason my tax dollars should in any way support LGBTQ because these people are not any more special than anyone else; they should be treated just as any other human in spite of whatever they do in their private lives unless they attempt to recruit children into their cult. A true homosexual doesn’t have sexual relations with the opposite sex and therefor doesn’t reproduce so they have to recruit children; leave the children alone both in and out of school.

Various private rooms labeled for Men or for Women should remain private, and in sports their sex at birth determination should be respected and transgenders and normal persons should not be allowed to be mixed for competitive events. X means nothing on a birth certificate. Mixing the two is asking, many times promoting, sexual abuse and rape, which, I think, is still against the law.

2 years ago

No Pride Just SHAMe!

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