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For the Left, Children Are Either Obstacles or Tools

Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2022
by Outside Contributor
the left on abortion

In the aftermath of a leaked Supreme Court draft majority decision prospectively overruling Roe v. Wade, the Left in the United States has gone into full-fledged panic mode. That outsized panic has manifested as a variety of unconvincing or blatantly immoral arguments: the argument that abortion is a necessary adjunct to women’s freedom — as though contraception doesn’t exist, and as though women are never responsible for their own sexual decisions and the consequences thereof; the argument that unless society provides for any number of government programs, abortion should not be prohibited — as though the solution to lack of universal child care is the death of the child; the argument that conservatives will next attempt to outlaw interracial marriage — an absurd slander on its face.

Underlying all of this is a perverse and inverted view of children’s role in society. To the Left, children in the womb are utterly disposable; at best, women may choose to preserve their lives, but if not, they have no separate interests to be considered. In fact, children are to be treated as potential obstacles: as Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said this week, “access to reproductive health care, including abortion, helped lead to increased labor force participation; it enabled many women to finish school. That increased their earning potential.” This explains why the Left has now embraced the language of “forced birth” to describe laws protecting the unborn: pregnancy is no longer seen as the possible biological outgrowth of sexual activity, but as a dramatic foreign imposition on women. The default, for the Left, is childlessness; pregnancy is somehow unnatural. Thus, the entire Democratic Party apparatus now refuses to countenance even the mildest restrictions on even late-term abortion.

Once children are born, the Left then sees them as sources of grief and pain for their parents. This, too, cuts in favor of abortion. As former President Barack Obama once stated about his daughters, “if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.” Babies are life-sucking entities, depriving women of opportunity and freedom. Which explains why the Left has now embraced the argument that unless government somehow relieves parents of their responsibility to raise and care for their own children, abortion ought to be broadly available.

As children grow, the Left sees them as the center of recruitment efforts on behalf of their favored politics. Children should be indoctrinated in the ideas of racial essentialism and historic guilt, so as to turn them into political widgets on behalf of utopian social change; children should be confused about the nature of biological sex and gender so as to justify the sexual attitudes of narcissistic adults. Hence the Left’s outsized rage at Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill, which merely banned sexual orientation and gender theory indoctrination for children through third grade. As the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus sang in 2021, “You think that we’ll corrupt your kids, if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny, just this once, you’re correct. We’ll convert your children. Happens bit by bit.” No wonder President Joe Biden told teachers two weeks ago, “They’re all our children… They’re not somebody else’s children, they’re like yours when they’re in the classroom.”

All of this is fundamentally indecent. Adulthood lies in one primary task: protecting and defending children. This means bearing children is a gift, not an obstacle; this means that children should not be treated as autonomous adults while adults escape responsibility for their own decisions. This means raising children in line with values that ensure their stability and happiness — even if that means a tougher life for adults. All of that begins with a basic supposition the Left refuses to countenance: that they are not the center of creation, but that their children ought to be.

Ben Shapiro, 38, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and editor-in-chief of He is the author of the New York Times bestsellers “How To Destroy America In Three Easy Steps,” “The Right Side Of History,” and “Bullies.”


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2 years ago

Children are indeed a GIFT from GOD. ABORTION is the shedding of innocent blood which is MURDER. Consenting adults for sex are responsible for taking the necessary precautions which sometimes fail but definitely ABORTION is not the answer. In the end, GOD will have the FINAL ACCOUNTIBILITY against those who purposely rejected his gifts of life.

2 years ago

In my opinion it is war on the unborn also war on us as tax payers because they want us to pay. In California we are paying for all Women from Texas who wants an Abortion including flight and hotel!!!

2 years ago

I am a mother of four boys, I cannot imagine ever terminating their lives. Children are a gift from God!
No if‘s and‘s or buts!
I have to admit I was very scared when I had my first one!
But when the rest came along it was such a joy!
I believe there are many women out there Who are unable to conceive.
Why not give them the opportunity to adopt?

2 years ago

A society that no longer values life will not survive.

2 years ago

The Left does not see that new life does bring hope in this broken world.
It only sees it as a burden on society (welfare cost) and larger population (control pop. Size) exploit the fetuses used as organ donors, need for full term abortion (financial gain). It’s all about power to control and money. That is the evil in this world that we must fight against.

Protecting the vulnerable is the only way to preserve our Humanity. The good in the world.

2 years ago

Maybe planned parenthood can start sterilizing the segment of society that views children in this way…seems like a logical, rather harmless alternative. Am I missing something? Why has this not been the choice offered to more of these women…er…menstruating people?

2 years ago

I rescued a pitbull off the side of the highway I took it to my vet to see if it was chipped she said with all the scars on her face it looks like she was trying to fight and destroy of course the first thing I thought of was these people on the left side wants to destroy kill babies whatever comes their way.

2 years ago

The Ieft are moIoch worshipers.

2 years ago

these so called human being are showing us all that they are owned by satan, the eternal loser and that makes these creeps losers as well. the the demon rat party spurs them on because they are baby killers themselves and they use children for their sexual gratification for themselves and their supports. they may not believe in GOD or souls but Karma is and was always a part of live. what you give out come back to bit you in the butt or hug you. all these brain dead empty bodies will get bite in the butt so badly that they will feel everything that they caused in suffering in this life or across the veil. many of these people seem more like vampires hate filled and just what to give pain to all. they seem to even hate themselves.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Life sucking entities? Oh my goodness! Babies are blessings! I have seven of them and yes, a couple have disappointed me at times, but only at times. We have twenty grand children, and they are ALL blessings.

2 years ago

I like this post – “Viral Pro-Choice Memes Miss the Point and Fail the Test of Logic.
I’ve seen virtually no pro-choice social media posts addressing these questions in popular discourse. Rather, emotion-driven memes carry the day—memes that are nearly always logically fallacious red herrings. In other words, they distract from the real issue with points completely irrelevant to the core (worldview) question at hand:
Is it morally wrong to intentionally kill a preborn human being?
That’s it. That’s what the debate comes down to.”

2 years ago

If you have a child, what was different about that child before it was born and after it was born? If you think it was disposable before it was born, you’ll think it’s disposable when it’s in the terrible twos or a smart mouth teen. That will translate to getting rid of Grandma when she’s inconvenient or a problem. The real problem is the left’s desire to devalue life.

2 years ago

Someone among the pro-abortion, pro-murder fanatics let slip their real worry. I don’t know who it was or the exact quote, but this person said if abortion is restricted it will take away their free love society (actually free sex society). They don’t want to have to worry about contraceptives or what will be the result of a spur-of-the-momment hook-up. They just want to be able to have sex anywhere, any time. All the pleasure; no responsibility. Other nations have seen this sort of debauchery bring their downfall.

2 years ago

Obstacles or tools, and expendable either way!

2 years ago

Where’s the racial justice in 659 black babies aborted EVERY DAY! Talk is cheap…Democrats are the party of death!!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

this is a battle for dominance and absolute power if abortion is the way to go so be it nothing else matters we’ve been had for looong time especially the black community

2 years ago

Why has the question of how much profit is involved in abortion to include the selling of fetal tissue and body parts not been asked by our esteemed media jerks?

2 years ago

To people who believe it is a woman’s body and her choice consider this. First some basic biology. The cells of the human body with the exception of the reproductive cells are composed of 46 chromosomes. The male and female reproductive cells have 23 chromosomes each. When the egg and sperm unite you have a complete human cell with 46 chromosomes. When cell division starts you have human life, human life that has never existed before in human history with that particular combination of DNA. So growing in that uterus is human life and it is not a woman’s body it is a body within her body and if it is killed you are killing human life.

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