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Rules for Thee and Not for Me (Celebrity Edition)

Posted on Friday, March 25, 2022
by Ian Gargan

By: Ian Gargan

The rules around Covid-19 have become so convoluted. The lifting of mask mandates makes it seem like we are almost out of the woods with this pandemic. But New York City residents would need a giant chart to figure out what the rules are for determining when and where to mask up.

Currently, the mandates are different depending on where you’d like to go. Private restaurants will no longer require proof of vaccination. But if you’re taking public transit, masks are still required. While Broadway actors stand firm on mandatory vaccines and seem proud to exclude the unvaccinated, municipal workers feel it forces them to choose between personal rights and employment.

Kyrie Irving, a guard for the Brooklyn Nets, has been very vocal about the mandates and their illogical enforcement. Kyrie has not been able to play home games due to his vaccination status. For a recent home game, he purchased a front-row ticket where he was able to sit maskless and watch his team play. He also hugged the players on the court and breathed the same air as his vaccinated counterparts. Unvaccinated players from teams outside New York can also play. This situation caused reporters to ask a lot of questions. And after making the city look foolish, Mayor Eric Adams had an epiphany.

On the 24th of March, Mayor Adams decided to “ease workplace mandates” by offering professional athletes and other entertainers an exemption. This was not supported with any data or studies. He did not claim a change in the science like so many have before him. Instead, Adams stated he thought the rule was foolish since his first day in office. He also said, “This is about putting New York City-based performers on a level playing field,” which is crooked politician-speak for “we can’t afford to have anyone else leave our crime-riddled city, overrun with rats the size of bagels and homeless junkies.” At least the junkies have free needles, thanks to Joe Biden!

Now that we have appeased the New York City elite, I’m sure we will be dealing with the obvious double standard towards municipal workers, right? The people that make sure our day-to-day lives don’t miss a beat and have been since the beginning of the pandemic. These jobs must be as important as a basketball player. Wrong! We have not heard anything about the termination of 1,400 municipal workers who lost their job standing up for everyone’s rights. The once essential heroes that took care of us and protected us in a once-in-a-lifetime global pandemic were treated as if they were disposable. Harry Nespoli, President of the Uniformed Sanitation Men’s Association, exclaimed, “There can’t be one system for the elite and another for the essential workers of our city. We stand ready to work out the details with the mayor, as we have been throughout this process,”. Nurses, firefighters, police, and sanitation workers all still must provide vaccine statuses to remain employed. But thank God Kyrie can play again, forget about the rampant crime rate and subway filled with homeless. Adams aims his focus on the one thing that matters, keeping the NYC elite happy.

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james Gibbons
james Gibbons
2 years ago

this is disgusting. so only entertainers and ballplayers are allowed to not get vaccinated but ordinary people who lost their jobs still must remain unemployed, this mayor is an ídiot. There is nothing else to say.

Rick blaine
Rick blaine
2 years ago

He doesn’t care about the people once he’s elected! Typical liberals

2 years ago

Let’s see, we don’t trust the science or the Doctors and trust the politicians even less but we seem to put a lot of faith behind who ever says what we want to hear. Everybody’s an expert and every expert can be proven wrong. The vaccinees were never developed to prevent the disease, the vaccinees were produced so the disease doesn’t kill you. As are the boosters. The less exposure the better the protection – if we all wear the mask correctly you can lower the exposure to each other. Or we can do what we’re doing and if we get exposed, we have only ourselves to blame…. we did it our way because we know what’s best.

2 years ago

I thought the handbook of behavior for Democrats was patterned to fit “Rules for thee, but not for me!.’ Seems to me that summarizes the Biden & Democrat political guide lines!!

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

I’m sure we all remember the leftist democrats like pelosi , newsome, and so many others , (Barack even had a huge birthday bash with hundreds of his elitist friends attend, all flew in on private jets, no masks, nothing. There hypocrites and liars. All the while DR FAUCI is spewing his fear messaging about wearing masks, social distancing, getting boosted with a third synthetic vaccine that’s not even stopping the virus at all? Guess after they had the nerve to steal our country with a corrupt and rigged election, they can and will do whatever they damn want to, screw you deplorable minions.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

IF they dont care then I dont care about masks
U can If U love masks

2 years ago

Democrats LOVE wearing Masks. . . . One only has to ask why? . . . Because ALL CROOKS, BANDITS & THIEVES HAVE ALWAYS WORN MASKS WHEN COMMITTING THEIR CRIMES!!!

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Not just New York, what about California? What about our airlines? All those places still enforce mask wearing and so do doctor’s offices and hospitals in all our fifty states. Frankly, I’m sick of it. Once upon a time, it was criminals only who wore masks. In films, it was our Superheros like Spiderman, Ironman, The Flash, etc., that wore masks. Frankly, I like the ones, who don’t. What exactly do you have to hide? A doctor wears a mask to not spread germs, only when he doesn’t want the germs to get into open wounds during surgery, or nurses when changing dressings. We put on masks if coughing badly. If it’s not N-95, they are pointless. Germs are exchanged when you touch something, anyway. COVID goes through all these masks anyway.

2 years ago

All I can say for sure about the Covid vaccine is that I am the only unvaccinated person in my department at work. I am also the only one who has NOT gotten Covid!

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

None of this should surprise anyone. It’s always been this way…lower your thermostats, conserve energy, and drive fifty five. Now it’s wear a mask, get solar panels and still conserve energy, but now buy electric cars…all while the elite only put on a mask when in front of a camera and jet set around the globe in their private jets.

It’s always been do as I say, not as I do…It just hasn’t been as blatant as it is now. Before, it was don’t drive fifty five, get a ticket and don’t turn down your thermostat, pay higher bills. Now it’s do as we say or else! If you bother to read between the lines, there’s even been talk about locking you up if you don’t go along with their agenda.

Go ahead, wait until the next election, but don’t complain when you lose everything while waiting.

God help the USA

2 years ago

Animal Farm comes to life in NYC and coming to a city near you!

2 years ago

Police, fire, sanitation, healthcare workers are not elite enough, I guess. They don’t wear custom suits and go to the best parties and hobnob with the ath-elites.

2 years ago

Up is down, war is peace, and all are equal but some are more equal than others.

2 years ago

Check Out, Convention of the States,& Wall

2 years ago

This has all been a lying crock since day one.
It’s about subjugating Americans to corrupt politicians.

George Dahlke
George Dahlke
2 years ago

This had nothing to do with Kyrie and everything to do with the Yankee players who are not vaccinated. God help the mayor if any of the Yankees couldn’t play home games. He’d get recalled on the spot!

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
2 years ago

Something I find amusing are the people who ware masks, in areas they are not required, but don’t cover their noses. Also there are the one’s who still ware cloth masks even though they have been proven totally ineffective, which is only slightly less effective than the rest.

james Gibbons
james Gibbons
2 years ago

this is disgusting. so only entertainers and ballplayers are allowed to not get vaccinated but ordinary people who lost their jobs still must remain unemployed, this mayor is an ídiot. There is nothing else to say.

Rick blaine
Rick blaine
2 years ago

He doesn’t care about the people once he’s elected! Typical liberals

2 years ago

Let’s see, we don’t trust the science or the Doctors and trust the politicians even less but we seem to put a lot of faith behind who ever says what we want to hear. Everybody’s an expert and every expert can be proven wrong. The vaccinees were never developed to prevent the disease, the vaccinees were produced so the disease doesn’t kill you. As are the boosters. The less exposure the better the protection – if we all wear the mask correctly you can lower the exposure to each other. Or we can do what we’re doing and if we get exposed, we have only ourselves to blame…. we did it our way because we know what’s best.

2 years ago

I thought the handbook of behavior for Democrats was patterned to fit “Rules for thee, but not for me!.’ Seems to me that summarizes the Biden & Democrat political guide lines!!

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

I’m sure we all remember the leftist democrats like pelosi , newsome, and so many others , (Barack even had a huge birthday bash with hundreds of his elitist friends attend, all flew in on private jets, no masks, nothing. There hypocrites and liars. All the while DR FAUCI is spewing his fear messaging about wearing masks, social distancing, getting boosted with a third synthetic vaccine that’s not even stopping the virus at all? Guess after they had the nerve to steal our country with a corrupt and rigged election, they can and will do whatever they damn want to, screw you deplorable minions.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

IF they dont care then I dont care about masks
U can If U love masks

2 years ago

Democrats LOVE wearing Masks. . . . One only has to ask why? . . . Because ALL CROOKS, BANDITS & THIEVES HAVE ALWAYS WORN MASKS WHEN COMMITTING THEIR CRIMES!!!

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Not just New York, what about California? What about our airlines? All those places still enforce mask wearing and so do doctor’s offices and hospitals in all our fifty states. Frankly, I’m sick of it. Once upon a time, it was criminals only who wore masks. In films, it was our Superheros like Spiderman, Ironman, The Flash, etc., that wore masks. Frankly, I like the ones, who don’t. What exactly do you have to hide? A doctor wears a mask to not spread germs, only when he doesn’t want the germs to get into open wounds during surgery, or nurses when changing dressings. We put on masks if coughing badly. If it’s not N-95, they are pointless. Germs are exchanged when you touch something, anyway. COVID goes through all these masks anyway.

2 years ago

All I can say for sure about the Covid vaccine is that I am the only unvaccinated person in my department at work. I am also the only one who has NOT gotten Covid!

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

None of this should surprise anyone. It’s always been this way…lower your thermostats, conserve energy, and drive fifty five. Now it’s wear a mask, get solar panels and still conserve energy, but now buy electric cars…all while the elite only put on a mask when in front of a camera and jet set around the globe in their private jets.

It’s always been do as I say, not as I do…It just hasn’t been as blatant as it is now. Before, it was don’t drive fifty five, get a ticket and don’t turn down your thermostat, pay higher bills. Now it’s do as we say or else! If you bother to read between the lines, there’s even been talk about locking you up if you don’t go along with their agenda.

Go ahead, wait until the next election, but don’t complain when you lose everything while waiting.

God help the USA

2 years ago

Animal Farm comes to life in NYC and coming to a city near you!

2 years ago

Police, fire, sanitation, healthcare workers are not elite enough, I guess. They don’t wear custom suits and go to the best parties and hobnob with the ath-elites.

2 years ago

Up is down, war is peace, and all are equal but some are more equal than others.

2 years ago

Check Out, Convention of the States,& Wall

2 years ago

This has all been a lying crock since day one.
It’s about subjugating Americans to corrupt politicians.

George Dahlke
George Dahlke
2 years ago

This had nothing to do with Kyrie and everything to do with the Yankee players who are not vaccinated. God help the mayor if any of the Yankees couldn’t play home games. He’d get recalled on the spot!

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
2 years ago

Something I find amusing are the people who ware masks, in areas they are not required, but don’t cover their noses. Also there are the one’s who still ware cloth masks even though they have been proven totally ineffective, which is only slightly less effective than the rest.

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