
Education , Newsline

Transgender Indoctrination at School and in Kids’ Movies

Posted on Wednesday, March 16, 2022
by Outside Contributor

Woke corporate CEOs seem to think they know better than voters what’s best for the country. These titans are throwing their companies’ clout and cash behind activists pushing gender-fluidity lessons for kindergarteners and other extreme political causes.

Expect this corporate activism to backfire. Corporations should be serving their customers, not trying to override the democratic process, like thousand-pound gorillas undoing what the electorate — including their own customers — wants.

Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Chapek declared his opposition Friday to a Florida state bill that bans instruction for children in grades K-3 about choosing their sexual orientation. The bill also bars teachers from coaching children behind their parents’ backs on the issue.

Vowing to defend the “basic human rights” of the LGBTQ+ community, Chapek pledged $5 million to the Human Rights Campaign. Even that whopping amount of protection money wasn’t sufficient.

The next night, at its annual Hollywood-studded gala, HRC removed Disney’s name from the corporate sponsors list. HRC’s interim president, Joni Madison, spelled out the extortion: Disney’s money won’t be accepted until the company “puts real muscle” behind killing the Florida bill and others like it.

That’s what Hollywood thinks is good for America. But Florida voters, who elected the state’s lawmakers and Gov. Ron DeSantis, disagree.

DeSantis says he won’t back down on his commitment to “parental rights” under pressure from “woke corporations.”

Something similar is happening in Texas, where 65 corporations — including IBM, Capital One and Apple — signed a letter in the Dallas Morning News written by HRC opposing Gov. Greg Abbott’s investigation of instances where young children are being treated for transitioning. Abbott is concerned that youngsters and their parents may be misled into treatments that prove irreversible later.

It’s complicated, so why not let Texans’ elected leaders examine the facts? Who elected HRC to anything?

Disney Chairman Peter Rice says the company’s standing up for “human rights.” Nonsense. Nothing in the Florida bill endangers human rights or permits disparaging anyone. Only parental rights are at stake. We should all show respect and support for the small number of children — less than half a percent — who actually have gender dysphoria.

The bill bans indoctrinating kids ages 4 to 7 on becoming transgender.

HRC wants that indoctrination. It proposes a K-3 lesson plan around the book “Julian Is a Mermaid.” The guide says teachers should tell kids they can choose their gender and their pronouns, regardless of their bodies or the clothes their parents give them to wear. Teachers should also reassure them they can be different in school from what their families expect at home.

Another K-3 lesson plan featuring the book “I Am Jazz” tells teachers to say that “gender is a spectrum, not a binary.”

Most parents oppose children being force-fed these messages.

Disney boasts being in the forefront of the LGBTQ+ movement, offering gay characters on the screen and LGBTQ-themed merchandise. In July, Disney introduced its first nonbinary character, Raine Whispers, on the show “The Owl House,” joining two gay characters, Luz and Amity. Raine Whispers is played by an actor who identifies as nonbinary, transgender and queer.

That’s fine. Outside of school, parents can control what their children watch and avoid Disney products, if they choose.

But in school, parents have to set limits. That’s what Disney overlooks.

What we’re witnessing — misinformed corporate chieftains acceding to the left without getting the facts — is a rerun of last year’s Georgia “voting rights” fiasco.

In April, giant companies including Coca-Cola and Major League Baseball announced a boycott of the state of Georgia, repeating Democratic claims that a newly passed voting law was racist.

Actually, the Georgia law reinstated long-standing safeguards put aside during COVID, including voter ID. The corporate executives protested that some 200,000 Georgians lacked a driver’s license. True, but the law allows for many other forms of ID, including a Social Security number, utility bill or paycheck.

Reading the law before calling a boycott would have helped.

Now woke politicians pushing extreme agendas like transgender indoctrination will face opposition from enraged parents in the midterm elections. Corporations intimidated into tagging along with these pols should beware: These parents can vote with their wallets, too.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.


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2 years ago

Quite simple, stop supporting and buying products from those corporations that are backing Woke, LGBTQ+, abortion and other issues that are contrary to the word of God. These corporations have jumped all over the Florida law without having any common sense of its content.

Mark T
Mark T
2 years ago

Need more like Betsy. And imagine this, She’s a Girl / Lady / Woman / Momma… Those are gender pronouns I can get on board with. Thank you Betsy!! Well said.!!!

Doug C
Doug C
2 years ago

It appalls me that this scum is trying to create a new gender, when God produced only two!!! God says there are only two genders. Anyone that attests otherwise is mired deeply in unforgivable sin!!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

The LEFT says “Jump” and the globalists say “How high?” They just ignore the facts just like they ignore TRUE science.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

Schools would, we hope, promote cooperation between teachers and parents.

2 years ago

You might think there would be a stampede away from public schools. Theres a trickle but the sad fact is that parents still send their kids to these indoctrination centers, prefering to cross their fingers and hope for the best over the admittedly difficult choice of…school choice. Dem politicians fight vouchers tooth and claw because they’re a wholly owned subsidiary of the nea. If youve got grandkids, talk to their parents about home schooling. Its hard but not unmanageable.

2 years ago

First of all, I live in California. My 15 year old granddaughter has informed the family that she is “trans”. She wants us to call her by a male name and use male pronouns. Her parents are divorced. Her mother approves of this transition. We do not. Since I will not call her by a male name, I call her my youngest grandchild. She tolerates this but is not happy with our position. This gay and trans stuff has been taught in school. They should be using school time to teach reading, math, history etc. We are just sick at what is going on. My son has 6 children and could not afford private school for them. Most high school graduates in this state cannot read, or fill out job applications properly to get a job, but they all know about being gay and trans. God help us and the children.

2 years ago

It’d funny how 3%-4% of the whole nation is gay and yet they make the biggest stink. They try to force immoral education down our Christian children’s throats and if you don’t agree with it your inhumane or racist or a homafobe. It’s time for a big pushback from the church. Attention cowardly pastors, grow a pair, stand up for our Christian doctrines even though it might cost you a couple of your congregation. If they leave they are Luke warm Christian’s anyway

Walter Plessinger
Walter Plessinger
2 years ago

You better believe, as a grandfather of 3 beautiful children, 2 BOYS, and a GIRL, I will be voting not only at the polls, but also with my wallet, which I started by not patronizing or buying any Walt Disney products. I fought my local school district years ago when they tried bussing my 3 kids clear across the city in the name of desegregation, I would not allow “them” to use my children as pawns in “their” political battles, and I won. I will now fight hard against this kind of sick and twisted indoctrination, for it is in direct contradiction to everything this nation is founded on both on morals and the values we as Americans hold so dear to our hearts. I pray for those children whose parents will mentally abuse them, and I pray that those children will come to know the truth behind their true gender and how there is no needed extra confusion at such a young age, there are only male and female and none other exist except in the minds of those who have been indoctrinated into a chaotic ideology of the extreme left.

Lee Hollingsworth
Lee Hollingsworth
2 years ago

If these big corporations are so much for “Human Rights”, why aren’t they talking and protesting against China? They are liars, bigots and racists!

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

The nation becoming as Sodoma and Gomorrah….Revelations.
Pray pray for our children. Anyone who intentionally and ruthlessly harms a child, it is better for them if a rock were tied about their neck and then cast into the sea and drowned.

2 years ago

If you wonder why the gay community is so hot to teach Kindergarteners to be gay or trans, you need to look no further than Japan, where the Suzuki Method has been used for nearly a century to teach children how to play the violin. The connection? Young children have minds like a sponge, and can learn amazing things – languages, reading and writing, and even music. So, the “Alphabet” gay community wants to indoctrinate them at that early age, when their minds can be most easily corrupted. They are collectively, only 7% of the population, but they want their numbers to grow.

MaryAnn Brummel
MaryAnn Brummel
2 years ago

When God created this world he made two genders – male and female. The rest were made up by the democrats.

2 years ago

IMHO: I really can’t see why the LBGTQ group feels they need to propagate their lifestyle, other than they can’t get it done naturally and have to recruit our youth. It is an unnatural lifestyle, which is why we have a male and a female. I frankly don’t give a blustering $hit what the LGBTQ does in their private lives, but I don’t think they need to continually be recruiting our youth. Our youth deserves to be young, and lead a normal life.

As a male, I think the LGBTQ lifestyle choice would make a rather $hitty F*k, and I can’t imagine how that would make me feel; jeez, there isn’t a detergent strong enough to overcome that problem; however, I don’t care since it is something I wouldn’t participate in anyway. I don’t care how they feel about it, that’s my opinion. I can’t comment on the women as I’m not a woman, and am not equipped the same way.

What I truly object to is their attempt to promote this life style as a “natural” way of life, because, biologically, it isn’t. Since it is “unnatural,” and they can’t propagate in an “normal” manner, and have to recruit it from our youths, I object. If that is what turns them on, go for it, just don’t try to force feed it to the rest of the normal people. Do whatever turns you on, but leave the rest of us alone!

Lee S McQuillen
Lee S McQuillen
2 years ago

Consistent showing of how ignorant these corporate “educated” people really are. Guess they don’t have children so they have no way of knowing that kids this young aren’t able to understand what they’re pushing You have to be 18 to vote and even at that many aren’t really competent to vote. What would a young child have the ability to deal with this type of abuse.

Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
2 years ago

We have no right to blame others for the gross amount of Socialism that is controlling our nation. We voted in Progressive politicians who created regulations that protect Progressives in all government agencies as well as corporations.

2 years ago

More marxist democrat party attempts to indoctrinate young people with their non-sense, class separating, biased,godless,parent hating GARBAGE!
Obviously they are NOT serving the people who pay them!
Arrogant,anti american,American, family,self serving swamp politicians.
WAY past enough if their insanity and stupidity!
Goodbye LOSERS

2 years ago

I can’t imagine Walt agreeing with these woke corporate types running his company. I’ll bet he’s rolling in his grave.

Walt Disney World was one of my favorite places to vacation. I say was because I am done with it.

The Democrat Socialist Communist Party can have it. The families that could care less about their children can have it.

Christians and others that love their children should walk away from all things related to the Walt Disney Company.

2 years ago

Quite simple, stop supporting and buying products from those corporations that are backing Woke, LGBTQ+, abortion and other issues that are contrary to the word of God. These corporations have jumped all over the Florida law without having any common sense of its content.

Mark T
Mark T
2 years ago

Need more like Betsy. And imagine this, She’s a Girl / Lady / Woman / Momma… Those are gender pronouns I can get on board with. Thank you Betsy!! Well said.!!!

Doug C
Doug C
2 years ago

It appalls me that this scum is trying to create a new gender, when God produced only two!!! God says there are only two genders. Anyone that attests otherwise is mired deeply in unforgivable sin!!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

The LEFT says “Jump” and the globalists say “How high?” They just ignore the facts just like they ignore TRUE science.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

Schools would, we hope, promote cooperation between teachers and parents.

2 years ago

You might think there would be a stampede away from public schools. Theres a trickle but the sad fact is that parents still send their kids to these indoctrination centers, prefering to cross their fingers and hope for the best over the admittedly difficult choice of…school choice. Dem politicians fight vouchers tooth and claw because they’re a wholly owned subsidiary of the nea. If youve got grandkids, talk to their parents about home schooling. Its hard but not unmanageable.

2 years ago

First of all, I live in California. My 15 year old granddaughter has informed the family that she is “trans”. She wants us to call her by a male name and use male pronouns. Her parents are divorced. Her mother approves of this transition. We do not. Since I will not call her by a male name, I call her my youngest grandchild. She tolerates this but is not happy with our position. This gay and trans stuff has been taught in school. They should be using school time to teach reading, math, history etc. We are just sick at what is going on. My son has 6 children and could not afford private school for them. Most high school graduates in this state cannot read, or fill out job applications properly to get a job, but they all know about being gay and trans. God help us and the children.

2 years ago

It’d funny how 3%-4% of the whole nation is gay and yet they make the biggest stink. They try to force immoral education down our Christian children’s throats and if you don’t agree with it your inhumane or racist or a homafobe. It’s time for a big pushback from the church. Attention cowardly pastors, grow a pair, stand up for our Christian doctrines even though it might cost you a couple of your congregation. If they leave they are Luke warm Christian’s anyway

Walter Plessinger
Walter Plessinger
2 years ago

You better believe, as a grandfather of 3 beautiful children, 2 BOYS, and a GIRL, I will be voting not only at the polls, but also with my wallet, which I started by not patronizing or buying any Walt Disney products. I fought my local school district years ago when they tried bussing my 3 kids clear across the city in the name of desegregation, I would not allow “them” to use my children as pawns in “their” political battles, and I won. I will now fight hard against this kind of sick and twisted indoctrination, for it is in direct contradiction to everything this nation is founded on both on morals and the values we as Americans hold so dear to our hearts. I pray for those children whose parents will mentally abuse them, and I pray that those children will come to know the truth behind their true gender and how there is no needed extra confusion at such a young age, there are only male and female and none other exist except in the minds of those who have been indoctrinated into a chaotic ideology of the extreme left.

Lee Hollingsworth
Lee Hollingsworth
2 years ago

If these big corporations are so much for “Human Rights”, why aren’t they talking and protesting against China? They are liars, bigots and racists!

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

The nation becoming as Sodoma and Gomorrah….Revelations.
Pray pray for our children. Anyone who intentionally and ruthlessly harms a child, it is better for them if a rock were tied about their neck and then cast into the sea and drowned.

2 years ago

If you wonder why the gay community is so hot to teach Kindergarteners to be gay or trans, you need to look no further than Japan, where the Suzuki Method has been used for nearly a century to teach children how to play the violin. The connection? Young children have minds like a sponge, and can learn amazing things – languages, reading and writing, and even music. So, the “Alphabet” gay community wants to indoctrinate them at that early age, when their minds can be most easily corrupted. They are collectively, only 7% of the population, but they want their numbers to grow.

MaryAnn Brummel
MaryAnn Brummel
2 years ago

When God created this world he made two genders – male and female. The rest were made up by the democrats.

2 years ago

IMHO: I really can’t see why the LBGTQ group feels they need to propagate their lifestyle, other than they can’t get it done naturally and have to recruit our youth. It is an unnatural lifestyle, which is why we have a male and a female. I frankly don’t give a blustering $hit what the LGBTQ does in their private lives, but I don’t think they need to continually be recruiting our youth. Our youth deserves to be young, and lead a normal life.

As a male, I think the LGBTQ lifestyle choice would make a rather $hitty F*k, and I can’t imagine how that would make me feel; jeez, there isn’t a detergent strong enough to overcome that problem; however, I don’t care since it is something I wouldn’t participate in anyway. I don’t care how they feel about it, that’s my opinion. I can’t comment on the women as I’m not a woman, and am not equipped the same way.

What I truly object to is their attempt to promote this life style as a “natural” way of life, because, biologically, it isn’t. Since it is “unnatural,” and they can’t propagate in an “normal” manner, and have to recruit it from our youths, I object. If that is what turns them on, go for it, just don’t try to force feed it to the rest of the normal people. Do whatever turns you on, but leave the rest of us alone!

Lee S McQuillen
Lee S McQuillen
2 years ago

Consistent showing of how ignorant these corporate “educated” people really are. Guess they don’t have children so they have no way of knowing that kids this young aren’t able to understand what they’re pushing You have to be 18 to vote and even at that many aren’t really competent to vote. What would a young child have the ability to deal with this type of abuse.

Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
2 years ago

We have no right to blame others for the gross amount of Socialism that is controlling our nation. We voted in Progressive politicians who created regulations that protect Progressives in all government agencies as well as corporations.

2 years ago

More marxist democrat party attempts to indoctrinate young people with their non-sense, class separating, biased,godless,parent hating GARBAGE!
Obviously they are NOT serving the people who pay them!
Arrogant,anti american,American, family,self serving swamp politicians.
WAY past enough if their insanity and stupidity!
Goodbye LOSERS

2 years ago

I can’t imagine Walt agreeing with these woke corporate types running his company. I’ll bet he’s rolling in his grave.

Walt Disney World was one of my favorite places to vacation. I say was because I am done with it.

The Democrat Socialist Communist Party can have it. The families that could care less about their children can have it.

Christians and others that love their children should walk away from all things related to the Walt Disney Company.

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