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January 6 Cases – Why So Slow?

Posted on Tuesday, March 1, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
January 6

More than a year has passed since January 6, 2021. Narratives left and right continue being debated, blame cast, political points scored – and that will surely continue. Caught in the process are hundreds of Americans, and their cases seem all over the place, hardly being resolved as usual.

Most Americans understand that, in the aftermath of the 2020 election, shaped by COVID restrictions and political cross-charges, state versus federal election questions, appeals to the Supreme Court, two impeachments, Russia-collusion hysteria, Americans were raw. 

Protests throughout 2020 over race, bridging into ideological warfare – Marxist influences and socialist rhetoric versus freer speech, free markets, and defense of wider freedom – became violent. Then, in the flurry of post-election disappointment, confusion, and popular distress, the DC protest emerged – and a subset of that group ended up, however you describe it, committing crimes at the Capitol.

The issue behind the issue – a year later – is how the individuals, in a society premised on due process, are being treated. That question – based on a review of hundreds of case histories being tracked and reported by the Department of Justice – is an open one. Odd, might be the best way to describe events.

On the one hand, data is submitted to Justice case-tracking by federal prosecutors, then posted for public review, on a case-by-case basis. Some jurisdictions file data faster than others. Some cases are more complex than others. That said, the core questions seem obvious – and worth asking again.

The key questions are about fairness, constitutional rights, and how we treat one another – regardless of politics. The key questions are not political, but judicial – whether the rule of law is being abided or instead intruded upon by the long shadow of 2020 and 2021 politics.

What do we know? Detailed review of hundreds of cases – individual arrests – tied to events at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, suggests simple realities. 

First, more than 725 arrests have been reported and variously discussed publicly. Charges range from “illegal parading,” “violent entry,” “obstruction of an official proceeding,” and “civil disorder” to “threatening an officer,” “threats in interstate commerce,” “destruction of federal property,” and “assault” on officers, from “use of a dangerous weapon” to “physical violence.” See, Capitol Breach Cases.

Second, according to public reports, roughly a tenth of those arrested in 2021 and 2022 have proceeded through the process to sentencing, “while the rest are waiting for trial.” Sentencing judges have alternated between deference or leniency and drawing attention to the political nature of the riots. See, e.g., What Happened to Jan. 6 Insurrectionists Arrested in the Year Since the Capitol Riot.

Third, private reports suggest – and the official litany of dispositions by Justice confirms – cases span the gamut, some moving quickly, others very slowly – more than a few inexplicably caught in irons. The unasked – and unanswered – question:  Why any disparity? Why the slowness? Is politics at work within the prosecutorial system? Are cases dragging for political reasons?

Fourth, a one-by-one review of cases implies that similar charges may be getting disparate treatment. For example, as of mid-February, roughly 21 cases show the party arrested months ago, yet being held. The language “defendant remains committed” appears in those cases.

These cases, many of which involve allegations of “physical violence” by a rioter, include individuals arrested in July, August, September, October, and November of 2021. 

Many cases seem unclear – disposition ending with arrest, nothing more. Some include statements of indictment, arraignment, a plea of not guilty, with no disposition. Some include sentences.  

On balance, the majority are unresolved; some include “held without bond,” although some defendants are free on their own recognizance, one “under high-intensity supervision” (undefined), one in the long list “dismissed.”

Friends, relatives, constitutional lawyers, and the public are concerned about these cases, each an individual American’s life. They all have constitutional rights.

The odd part, for many observers, is not what is known but left unknown. The concern is a judicial system that might be grinding slowly as a result of politics, with very little daily reporting on these cases.

If just one American – against whom chargers are proffered – is not receiving proper treatment, something is wrong. The contrast is to speed at which 2020 riot cases, some violent, were resolved.

The obvious question – with 2020 cases as a backdrop – is why the January 6 cases are dragging, when 2020 cases also involved violent behavior, some against federal officers and property.

The answer that hovers – unspoken – is that January 6 cases are somehow fundamentally different, that the federal property involved was the US Capitol, that the implied reason for the riot was to violently contest an election and the lawful process of certifying it.

Facts asserted are, in general, true. Rioters were politically motivated. That was also true in 2020. Still, the heart and intent of each rioter is known only to the individual. A broad brush paint implies all rioters aimed to be violent. That may not be true.

Even here, criminal behavior is prosecuted only by statute – not politics. These individuals all have time-honored constitutional rights. We should – a year on – no longer be talking politics but law.

People think what they think. The issues at work now are legal – all legal. A detailed review of these cases is just disturbing. The impression left is that these cases, despite the similarity of charges to each other, despite the passage of time, roughly similar fact predicates, and the precedent of fast resolution of 2020 riot cases – are moving slowly, in some cases imperceptibly, seemingly not at all.

The fundamental question is not “was the January 6 riot political?”  It is simpler. It is legal. “Why are these cases not moving, collectively and individually, faster?”  That is a question all should now ask.

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2 years ago

“Why so slow?” It takes time to concoct a case that rationalizes the fascist actions being taken by the panel.

2 years ago

First, these definitely were NOT “insurrectionists”. They were protesters incited and instigated by government agents to enter the building. No signs were prohibiting entry were on display, because said agents REMOVED THEM. Second, these good people are simply dissenters and now political prisoners of an illigitimate and hostile fascist regime.

2 years ago

Why so slow?
They are conservatives, not left- wing liberals!!!

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Two (2) reasons that the trials are so slow, FRIST: It will be easier to convict, are the last year was used to build up the lie of the century. Second: We will be closer to the next election so the Lying Democrats can use it in their campaigns to pull the wool over the American people’s eye’s so they will be blind when marking their ballots.
It’s all a lie, and where is the fraudulent Government employee, who was wearing the MAGA HAT, who was egging the crowd on, the DIM’s let him go, WHY?
God Save America

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Cover Up
Use for politics
Punish those in jail more
some No case to hold

2 years ago

Why so slow? The point is not about any “crime”, but about revenge, torture, re-education, thought-crime punishment. Did you ever think you’d see that in the 2020’s? As a student of history, I did. And we will see MUCH worse to come. Not by a foreign enemy, but by our own “government”.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Me thinks it is because they (the political left) are having to make up good political and cover stories for each of those that are jail. We all know that Pelosi doesn’t want anyone bringing up the fact that she denied the National Guard to be added protection for the Capitol that day. She doesn’t want it known that President Trump also called the mayor to have the National Guard to be there that day and was denied by both. Why were these calls made? Obviously he had gotten wind of something, perhaps going down and didn’t want anything violent to occur. He knew also that both parties have far left and far right people in them with violent tendencies-sad, but true. You never know what these people will do. His stop the steal rally was just that-one to keep voting values true, and had far more people signed up, than he previously thought would come. Way over a million people, so he asked for protection of the Capitol and was denied this. It doesn’t matter that each of these calls were aired on the Ben Shapiro show a few days later. I heard them. Hopefully, Shapiro still has copies of this call.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

The reason is obvious. They have the captives and are looking for some way to prosecute while violent criminals are being ignored.

2 years ago

And now they are responsible for 2 deaths through suicide!!!!

2 years ago

Well when The Government don’t listen what do you Do ? And don’t say get out and vote, we saw how good that worked right!!! The Government wants to go after the Rioters what about antifa and black lives matter burnt towns and cities hurt people beat up cops nothing done! How about Trey Gowdy spending millions of dollars investigating Clintons and as usual Republicans do nothing and I am in a conservative my whole life but I’m sick of them!!How about Durham spent two years and millions of our tax dollars to investigate Hillary !what did he come up with? basically nothing and what will be done nothing as usual nothing!!!! If the Senators and Congressman did their jobs half as good as they can stand there with their hands stuck out begging for more money after blow away our money on kangaroo courts that they would be doing fantastic!!!!

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

We The People know full well why all of these people are still being held in ” solitary confinement ” in the Capital Police Jail with NO court dates pending & NO real charges standing…
We also know the bad guys that were arrested on that now infamous day have long since been released whilst a good many of the naïve Trump supporters that were actually stupid enough to walk peacefully into the Capital building whilst a session of Congress was in session were cajoled into the building by the very people that planned this earlier on, i.e. I present the False Flag Event of BLM/ANTIFA wearing Trump hats & shirts & waving Trump flags a full ( 20 ) minutes minimum before Trump’s peaceful rally speech had ended by smashing on the Capital doors & breaking windows…Lest we forget the Capital Police themselves opening up the doors & waving the naïve Trump supporters into the building & taking selfies with NO violence whatsoever…This was that FINAL moment Pelosi, Schumer, the Sargent of Arms & the Capital Police themselves were waiting for, NOT forgetting the under cover FBI people assisting in the efforts…All of this is on 1000’s of hours of video that was available early on & long since hidden away…
We The People know what has occurred here, the WOKE DOJ knows full well what has occurred here, The WOKE Democrat Party knows full well what has occurred here, the WOKE MSM knows full well what has occurred here & lastly, all of the above mentioned know full well We The People
know full well what had occurred on 1/6/21 at the Capital Building, a COUP against a sitting president, one Donald J. Trump…
That one FACT that still remains unanswered is the FACT that on Nov. 3, 2020 the US Presidential Election was outright rigged & stolen from then President Donald J. Trump & allowed to stand, those are the FACTS…
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

If this is not aTreasonous Government then there is no such thing!!!!! And has been for years!!! In your face gangsters and Criminals. They have no Love for this Great Country only love for money and power!!! Go in with nothing come out a multiple millionaire !!! Arrogant and cocky! Oh they well hold rallies once in a while and tell you what great things they have done and going to do! Nothing but lies!!! So until something is done to both sides of these criminal crooks !!! That have done way more than the demonstrators ( Rioters ) then the Demonstrators ( Rioters ) have done nothing wrong!!!!

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

This is the type of article AMAC spews that makes me think you’re no different than any of the Dems. Especially when you say things like the protest were the result of a post election disappointment. You make it sound as if the protesters were upset because things didn’t go their way. They were angry because the election was blatantly stolen.

The last sentence where you state, was the Jan 6 riot political? It is simpler. It is legal. “Why are these cases not moving collectively and individually faster?

Hell yes it was political, and it still is. When BLM and ANTIFA along with the public are encouraged by members of Congress to riot and it’s called Protesting, and nothing happens, it’s political. On the other hand, when Patriotic Citizens concerned about a fraudulent election assemble and a few are lead astray or should I say set up to actually riot, it’s called an insurrection. It’s all POLITICAL.

The better question is, why art these Patriots being prosecuted in the first place? The only people prosecuted in the actual riots were those that defended themselves. Nothing happened to those that looted and burned down entire city blocks.


2 years ago

Political persecution is intentionally designed to be a slow and painful process to try and demoralize both those being persecuted and their supporters on the outside. The goal being to wear down those held in custody to admit to whatever they are being charged with, just to make the never-ending process stop. The secondary goal of the government is to hopefully cower their supporters on the outside into submission to prevent future protests against the regime.

How often have you read reports of people being held for months, if not years, by despotic regimes under conditions not unlike what these protestors have now enduring. Solitary confinement, no access to either medical care, visitors or legal representation. Sub-standard or even no food for days and sanitary conditions unfit for even animals. You expect to read of these sorts of conditions from political prisoners in Iran, China or any one of a half dozen South American dictatorships. That they are being openly carried out here in the United States, under government approval, should be grim warning to the people of this nation.

James P.
James P.
2 years ago

An insurrection? By a guy in Viking horns and a Speedo? Give me a break!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

“Insurrection” has a meaning–and NO Trump protestors have been charged with it. But because the media is 95% Marxist, this lie has been repeated for over a year. Many of those arrested DID NOT even enter the Capitol. The police, at least at some entrances, were waving the protestors in and even taking selfies with them.
As for the breaking and entering, why did the cops “guarding” one entrance, who were not being assaulted, suddenly abandon their positions. Then “protestors” immediately broke into the building. Once inside, why again did police, who were not being assaulted, abandon their positions. Ashli Babbitt tried to stop some goons from breaking in (it’s on tape) and she was shot by the “police officer.”

2 years ago

Easy answer, these useless marxist democrats want to use the fake news media as their lying propaganda machine!
They have ONLY failure in everything they’ve tried so making President Trump the target continues to placate the morons who believe all their BS.
What accomplishments can they brag about – NOTHING .
As usual these clowns take no responsibility and blame others. It’s the same anti American marxist Democrat party rhetoric and lies they have spewed for 50 years.

2 years ago

Let’s face it…Pelosi refuses to give up plenty off video footage and why it that. Because it wa a set up from the start. There was a video of an independent journalist interviewing a BLM protester the night before when asked where are his protégé, he said they weren’t a mtg and asked why he was doin this and he said he’s getin paid $37 a hr to stand around. That’s jus one story.. another of a video of a bus dropping of people in black garb (BLM) and otherx getting dressed in MAGA hats and Trump shirts. So dont be fooled with all the propaganda
There’s more to it that will come out. Most of those arrested they have nothing on them(although some do). Wake up people!

2 years ago

FREE The Political Prisoners of Jan 6.
Time to investigate the investigation

Ronnie Black
Ronnie Black
2 years ago

The FBI and capitol police were the only ones violent. Trump supporters were trying to defend themselves. My son was shot in the face, but who cares, right?

2 years ago

How do we fix this? Who or what group is responsible? If this is all actually legal, then the process needs a complete overhaul. Congress, what the hell are you doing about this? Support groups, law professionals, what the hell are you doing about this? I am sure somethings are being done, but what and by who? We need to know and know real soon. Just imagine if one of these folks were you or one of your family members.

2 years ago

This is a peelosi moment and she should be ashamed to spend more tax payor money on a useless pollitical calculation. One man has committed suicide because he could not stand a long prison term and our honest American are sitting in jail. Who belongs in jail is peelosi , schumer, jojo,harris and all the communist in Washington. We have a war in Europe and the US is set on Jan 6, which be reminded this is the American People’s House.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

We are learning more and more how dangerous these traitors are in our government. They’ve sold their souls and know they have nothing to lose. These demons are just waiting for those in the DC prison to die either by suicide or going insane. Our Republican Congress needs to step up and take the bull by the horns and move in by whatever means they can and have every person in our government on lock down and investigated. This needs to stop now, or we will no longer have a free country. Every person found guilty of treason is to die in front of a firing squad.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

No weapons at all found anywhere on anyone, Capital Police allowing the protesters access to the entrance and on film actually helping them in, Nancy Pelosi turning down federal protection buy our national guard days before the peaceful protest ( until they unfortunately made a bad judgement call and foolishly entered the capital building. These leftist progressives are comparing this to pearl Harbour and the tragic and devastating demolition of the world trade towers on 9/11 . This is a circus show to keep the totally overblown lie of the so called insurrection going. That totally compromised old hag should drink a few more bottles of vodka and go back to California for good. And take all her old crew of misfits with her.

2 years ago

Do we the people really trust this Government that has taken a oath to protect against foreign and domestic governments when their oath is laughable!!! They don’t want to protect they want to control us.They want king Biden,Queen Pelosi, and court jester Charles Schumer!!! To rule Supreme. Peaceable protest can only go so far!
Yes they say make changes through election Which has become a laughable joke! So what are your options after that! Give up I’ll give in or FIGHT!!!!

Larry Bruce
Larry Bruce
2 years ago

I am not a rocket scientist, just ex military. In my opinion, IF this had been a true insurrection, the protestors would have succeded. It would have not been haphazard.

2 years ago

And what happened to the right of speedy trail !!!

Jeanne F Endicott
Jeanne F Endicott
2 years ago

A friend of my son’s (37 years old) pleaded guilty to four charges (1 felony and 3 misdemeanors) in December 2021 – all related to J6 and the courts and lawyers made his life so awful (incarceration of up to 71 months and a fine of $250,000 plus a threat to increase either or both then the courts drained his bank account) that he committed suicide last week. We went to visitation yesterday. His obit said that he died of a ‘broken heart’…I can tell you that his father is broken and his mom is lucky in that she passed away in 2015. So, so sad.

2 years ago

Biden leftists are in no hurry as they are punishing all those in prison and have no real legal charges. Like everything Bidumb has done, this is illegal but nothing has been done to stop it.

2 years ago

Whatever happened to the right to a speedy trial?

John Stiles
John Stiles
2 years ago

Where is Amnesty International ?

2 years ago

Since all Republicans are now listed as rebels or traitors as Pelosi announced The Dems have done everything they can to destroy this country in less than a year it’s really a sad sad case our second amendment in great danger

Dave Smith
Dave Smith
2 years ago

When the capital police officer who murdered an unarmed, non-violent veteran is brought to justice, I’ll consider giving a damn about Americans trying to stop what was clearly a fraud filled election but until then not a single G-A-D will come from me! The January 6 commission is a democrat/RINO joke and purely seeking one and only one thing, keeping the true President Donald Trump, from seeking the 2nd term he should be serving right now! Everything about that day was the fault of the disgrace to America called the US Congress! Four years of vicious lies with absolutely nothing, not one single thought given to the American people who elected this garbage. Four years of the most deceitful and hateful actions by the democrat party’s so-called leadership culminating in running a fraudulent election for the installation of a career, corrupt and completely incompetent political hack! Democrats are the true disease killing America!

2 years ago

“Why so slow?” It takes time to concoct a case that rationalizes the fascist actions being taken by the panel.

2 years ago

First, these definitely were NOT “insurrectionists”. They were protesters incited and instigated by government agents to enter the building. No signs were prohibiting entry were on display, because said agents REMOVED THEM. Second, these good people are simply dissenters and now political prisoners of an illigitimate and hostile fascist regime.

2 years ago

Why so slow?
They are conservatives, not left- wing liberals!!!

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Two (2) reasons that the trials are so slow, FRIST: It will be easier to convict, are the last year was used to build up the lie of the century. Second: We will be closer to the next election so the Lying Democrats can use it in their campaigns to pull the wool over the American people’s eye’s so they will be blind when marking their ballots.
It’s all a lie, and where is the fraudulent Government employee, who was wearing the MAGA HAT, who was egging the crowd on, the DIM’s let him go, WHY?
God Save America

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Cover Up
Use for politics
Punish those in jail more
some No case to hold

2 years ago

Why so slow? The point is not about any “crime”, but about revenge, torture, re-education, thought-crime punishment. Did you ever think you’d see that in the 2020’s? As a student of history, I did. And we will see MUCH worse to come. Not by a foreign enemy, but by our own “government”.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Me thinks it is because they (the political left) are having to make up good political and cover stories for each of those that are jail. We all know that Pelosi doesn’t want anyone bringing up the fact that she denied the National Guard to be added protection for the Capitol that day. She doesn’t want it known that President Trump also called the mayor to have the National Guard to be there that day and was denied by both. Why were these calls made? Obviously he had gotten wind of something, perhaps going down and didn’t want anything violent to occur. He knew also that both parties have far left and far right people in them with violent tendencies-sad, but true. You never know what these people will do. His stop the steal rally was just that-one to keep voting values true, and had far more people signed up, than he previously thought would come. Way over a million people, so he asked for protection of the Capitol and was denied this. It doesn’t matter that each of these calls were aired on the Ben Shapiro show a few days later. I heard them. Hopefully, Shapiro still has copies of this call.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

The reason is obvious. They have the captives and are looking for some way to prosecute while violent criminals are being ignored.

2 years ago

And now they are responsible for 2 deaths through suicide!!!!

2 years ago

Well when The Government don’t listen what do you Do ? And don’t say get out and vote, we saw how good that worked right!!! The Government wants to go after the Rioters what about antifa and black lives matter burnt towns and cities hurt people beat up cops nothing done! How about Trey Gowdy spending millions of dollars investigating Clintons and as usual Republicans do nothing and I am in a conservative my whole life but I’m sick of them!!How about Durham spent two years and millions of our tax dollars to investigate Hillary !what did he come up with? basically nothing and what will be done nothing as usual nothing!!!! If the Senators and Congressman did their jobs half as good as they can stand there with their hands stuck out begging for more money after blow away our money on kangaroo courts that they would be doing fantastic!!!!

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

We The People know full well why all of these people are still being held in ” solitary confinement ” in the Capital Police Jail with NO court dates pending & NO real charges standing…
We also know the bad guys that were arrested on that now infamous day have long since been released whilst a good many of the naïve Trump supporters that were actually stupid enough to walk peacefully into the Capital building whilst a session of Congress was in session were cajoled into the building by the very people that planned this earlier on, i.e. I present the False Flag Event of BLM/ANTIFA wearing Trump hats & shirts & waving Trump flags a full ( 20 ) minutes minimum before Trump’s peaceful rally speech had ended by smashing on the Capital doors & breaking windows…Lest we forget the Capital Police themselves opening up the doors & waving the naïve Trump supporters into the building & taking selfies with NO violence whatsoever…This was that FINAL moment Pelosi, Schumer, the Sargent of Arms & the Capital Police themselves were waiting for, NOT forgetting the under cover FBI people assisting in the efforts…All of this is on 1000’s of hours of video that was available early on & long since hidden away…
We The People know what has occurred here, the WOKE DOJ knows full well what has occurred here, The WOKE Democrat Party knows full well what has occurred here, the WOKE MSM knows full well what has occurred here & lastly, all of the above mentioned know full well We The People
know full well what had occurred on 1/6/21 at the Capital Building, a COUP against a sitting president, one Donald J. Trump…
That one FACT that still remains unanswered is the FACT that on Nov. 3, 2020 the US Presidential Election was outright rigged & stolen from then President Donald J. Trump & allowed to stand, those are the FACTS…
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

If this is not aTreasonous Government then there is no such thing!!!!! And has been for years!!! In your face gangsters and Criminals. They have no Love for this Great Country only love for money and power!!! Go in with nothing come out a multiple millionaire !!! Arrogant and cocky! Oh they well hold rallies once in a while and tell you what great things they have done and going to do! Nothing but lies!!! So until something is done to both sides of these criminal crooks !!! That have done way more than the demonstrators ( Rioters ) then the Demonstrators ( Rioters ) have done nothing wrong!!!!

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

This is the type of article AMAC spews that makes me think you’re no different than any of the Dems. Especially when you say things like the protest were the result of a post election disappointment. You make it sound as if the protesters were upset because things didn’t go their way. They were angry because the election was blatantly stolen.

The last sentence where you state, was the Jan 6 riot political? It is simpler. It is legal. “Why are these cases not moving collectively and individually faster?

Hell yes it was political, and it still is. When BLM and ANTIFA along with the public are encouraged by members of Congress to riot and it’s called Protesting, and nothing happens, it’s political. On the other hand, when Patriotic Citizens concerned about a fraudulent election assemble and a few are lead astray or should I say set up to actually riot, it’s called an insurrection. It’s all POLITICAL.

The better question is, why art these Patriots being prosecuted in the first place? The only people prosecuted in the actual riots were those that defended themselves. Nothing happened to those that looted and burned down entire city blocks.


2 years ago

Political persecution is intentionally designed to be a slow and painful process to try and demoralize both those being persecuted and their supporters on the outside. The goal being to wear down those held in custody to admit to whatever they are being charged with, just to make the never-ending process stop. The secondary goal of the government is to hopefully cower their supporters on the outside into submission to prevent future protests against the regime.

How often have you read reports of people being held for months, if not years, by despotic regimes under conditions not unlike what these protestors have now enduring. Solitary confinement, no access to either medical care, visitors or legal representation. Sub-standard or even no food for days and sanitary conditions unfit for even animals. You expect to read of these sorts of conditions from political prisoners in Iran, China or any one of a half dozen South American dictatorships. That they are being openly carried out here in the United States, under government approval, should be grim warning to the people of this nation.

James P.
James P.
2 years ago

An insurrection? By a guy in Viking horns and a Speedo? Give me a break!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

“Insurrection” has a meaning–and NO Trump protestors have been charged with it. But because the media is 95% Marxist, this lie has been repeated for over a year. Many of those arrested DID NOT even enter the Capitol. The police, at least at some entrances, were waving the protestors in and even taking selfies with them.
As for the breaking and entering, why did the cops “guarding” one entrance, who were not being assaulted, suddenly abandon their positions. Then “protestors” immediately broke into the building. Once inside, why again did police, who were not being assaulted, abandon their positions. Ashli Babbitt tried to stop some goons from breaking in (it’s on tape) and she was shot by the “police officer.”

2 years ago

Easy answer, these useless marxist democrats want to use the fake news media as their lying propaganda machine!
They have ONLY failure in everything they’ve tried so making President Trump the target continues to placate the morons who believe all their BS.
What accomplishments can they brag about – NOTHING .
As usual these clowns take no responsibility and blame others. It’s the same anti American marxist Democrat party rhetoric and lies they have spewed for 50 years.

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