
Elections , Newsline

Judges In Wisconsin & Pennsylvania Deliver Key Election Integrity Rulings

Posted on Friday, February 18, 2022
by AMAC, Parker Bono

As the 2022 midterm elections approach, judges in the states of Pennsylvania and Wisconsin recently delivered major rulings in favor of election integrity. The judgments will undoubtedly have serious implications for the upcoming November election, as officials across the country aim to avoid a repeat of the catastrophic 2020 election. 

In Wisconsin, Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Michael Bohren ruled that the mass use of absentee ballot drop boxes in the 2020 presidential election was unlawful on January 13th. According to the judgment, Wisconsin state law only allows for absentee ballot drop boxes to be located at local election clerk offices. To quote Judge Bohren, “It’s all good and nice, but there’s no authority to do it.” In 2020, over 500 absentee ballot drop boxes were wrongfully utilized across the state of Wisconsin. Interestingly, there is no publicly available data that details exactly how many ballots were cast and accepted via said drop boxes. However, according to a December report, the mass use of absentee ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin was correlated with an increase of approximately 20,000 votes for Joe Biden and provided no vote boost for Trump. For reference, Joe Biden won the state of Wisconsin by just 20,000 votes in 2020. 

On Friday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld the ruling from Judge Bohren in Richard Teigen v. Wisconsin Elections Commission. As a result, the Wisconsin Supreme Court made it clear that absentee ballot drop boxes could not be utilized in the upcoming April primary election. According to the preliminary ruling, “The Commission and intervenors have not demonstrated that irreparable injury or substantial harm to interested parties or the public interest will result if a stay is not extended through the April 2022 election and beyond.” Lastly, the judgment maintains the lower court’s view that absentee ballots can only lawfully be turned in by mail or hand, and that nobody besides the voter to whom the ballot was addressed may return said ballot. This fantastic ruling officially affirmed Wisconsin’s policy of not allowing ballot harvesting anywhere in the state.

On January 28th, a panel of Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court judges ruled that Act 77 was enacted unconstitutionally due to the fact that it was passed via statute as opposed to a constitutional referendum. To quote the ruling, “The Pennsylvania Constitution requires a qualified elector to present her ballot in person at a designated polling place on Election Day, except where she meets one of the constitutional exceptions for absentee voting. No-excuse mail-in voting cannot be reconciled with the Pennsylvania Constitution.” Act 77 was passed by the Pennsylvania General Assembly in 2019 and permitted no-excuse mail-in voting in the 2020 presidential election. Regardless of the judgment, the law remains in effect for now as the Democrat defendants in the critical case have already appealed the decision to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Sadly, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is Democrat-controlled by a margin of 5-2, so there is a legitimate chance that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court will disregard the law and reverse the lower court’s ruling in order to promote their own political party. Thankfully, the conservative plaintiffs in the case are well aware of this fact and have publicly vowed to appeal their case to the Conservative-controlled U.S. Supreme Court if Act 77 is reinstated by the liberal-dominated Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Need nationwide to deter 2020 reruns

2 years ago

EVERYONE can & should go to the voting precinct, show a picture ID and vote IN PERSON. These people that say they can’t go in person for whatever reason are getting out to doctor appointments & other activities that require them to go out.
If they need transportation, every voting precinct should provide it free of charge.
The only people that should be exempt from voting in person should be our brave men & women serving overseas.

Keith sr63
Keith sr63
2 years ago

Voters: Show up in person, show a valid I.D. Vote. Simple stuff made so complicated by the DNC. Yes, their are circumstances that require an absentee ballot and those should be met appropriately.

jake the snake
jake the snake
2 years ago

well it couldn’t happen to a nicer group of people.

No really it couldn’t. if they were nicer they would not have been authoritarian asses and they would not be under attack.

So I hope people keep attacking their evil authoritarian buts for a long time.

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

We all know they stole the last election, and they know we know. Why do you think there was a very large, tall fence around DC after the so called riot/insurrection? As riots and insurrections go, it was actually pretty peaceful. When there were actual riots in a lot of our major cities’ across the nation, they were called peaceful demonstrations.

It’s great news that some Judges, among others, have figured out there was cheating going on, but what are we planning on doing about it?

It was a COUP and we’ve done nothing about it. Yeah, we talk about how in the upcoming election we’ll take back both the House and Senate, but the people responsible need to be held accountable.

I seriously doubt anything will happen once and if we actually retake both chambers. It will go back to being business as usual. Why? Because we need term limits, and to do that we need our representatives to grow a pair.

2 years ago

Pennsylvania is a blue state and is as corrupt as it gets. It’s been democrap/communist run for years.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

I was in liberal Pennsylvania a few days after the rigged election and had a few leftist liberal democrats confront me and harass me about the presidential election, as soon as I expressed my concerns and viewpoints about the truth of the presidential election being totally compromised and rigged they had absolutely no answer or response in any way, almost like they were involved with the illegal ballots and dominion corrupt voting machines.

Stephen de Kater
Stephen de Kater
2 years ago

Probably preaching to the choir here, but voting should be confined to Election DAY! Go back to the mechanical voting machines, use schools, fire stations, libraries, community centers, etc. The only change I would like to see is to make Election Day a holiday. It really isn’t that complicated.

Will Smith
Will Smith
2 years ago

I feel that this should go into place , rather even if the dems go in the Supreme Court say nay, it is a conflict of interest by them going against this law that would be the same for Republicans, All of America know that the dems cheated on the polls They know that Biden isn’t fit for president.

2 years ago

Sounds to me like nobody knows what they are doing or supposed to be doing. If you can go to Wal-Mart, the grocery story, mall shopping, then you can go vote in person, cut and dry. Each court system does not know the rules, they make up their own as they go along–does anyone know what they should actually know to follow the rules already in place? Biden got elected because of stupidity like this.

2 years ago

Hopefully, this will make it harder for the democrats to cheat and steal another election however it’s merely an inconvenience and over the coming days they’re bound to find new ways to cheat…

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Not mentioned in this article, i.e. the Big Tech Elite that logistically place all of those DROPBOXES in the ( 6 ) KEY states, that ultimately swung the election in Brandon’s favor, none other than Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fame…Yes, PA will appeal it & win. How the SCOTUS rules it is another matter, I more than suspect we will hear more of the same from them, i.e. NO LEGAL STANDING, sound familiar? The ( 3 ) branches of the US gov’t have been infiltrated, primarily from China…The principle branch is the Judicial, i.e. the courts…All of us know full well we now have a Kangaroo Court in America, hence the current situation all of us are now enduring in America, sadly enough.~(
Bill… :~)

wallace hegel
wallace hegel
2 years ago

I would like to see an article that dives deeper into the cyber attack on election machines. Mike Lindell has proof of it and I think more investigation is warranted.

2 years ago

Yet, no reversal of the election certification has been made in those states. And no reports of this on the MSM. This shows that the election was rigged, along with the voting machine fraud.

And in Pennsylvania, the lawyers keep on fighting the illegal acts of the people in power. Like they say , the divorce is not over until all of the money is gone. And , right now, there is plenty of money for the lawyers to get.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Need nationwide to deter 2020 reruns

2 years ago

EVERYONE can & should go to the voting precinct, show a picture ID and vote IN PERSON. These people that say they can’t go in person for whatever reason are getting out to doctor appointments & other activities that require them to go out.
If they need transportation, every voting precinct should provide it free of charge.
The only people that should be exempt from voting in person should be our brave men & women serving overseas.

Keith sr63
Keith sr63
2 years ago

Voters: Show up in person, show a valid I.D. Vote. Simple stuff made so complicated by the DNC. Yes, their are circumstances that require an absentee ballot and those should be met appropriately.

jake the snake
jake the snake
2 years ago

well it couldn’t happen to a nicer group of people.

No really it couldn’t. if they were nicer they would not have been authoritarian asses and they would not be under attack.

So I hope people keep attacking their evil authoritarian buts for a long time.

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

We all know they stole the last election, and they know we know. Why do you think there was a very large, tall fence around DC after the so called riot/insurrection? As riots and insurrections go, it was actually pretty peaceful. When there were actual riots in a lot of our major cities’ across the nation, they were called peaceful demonstrations.

It’s great news that some Judges, among others, have figured out there was cheating going on, but what are we planning on doing about it?

It was a COUP and we’ve done nothing about it. Yeah, we talk about how in the upcoming election we’ll take back both the House and Senate, but the people responsible need to be held accountable.

I seriously doubt anything will happen once and if we actually retake both chambers. It will go back to being business as usual. Why? Because we need term limits, and to do that we need our representatives to grow a pair.

2 years ago

Pennsylvania is a blue state and is as corrupt as it gets. It’s been democrap/communist run for years.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

I was in liberal Pennsylvania a few days after the rigged election and had a few leftist liberal democrats confront me and harass me about the presidential election, as soon as I expressed my concerns and viewpoints about the truth of the presidential election being totally compromised and rigged they had absolutely no answer or response in any way, almost like they were involved with the illegal ballots and dominion corrupt voting machines.

Stephen de Kater
Stephen de Kater
2 years ago

Probably preaching to the choir here, but voting should be confined to Election DAY! Go back to the mechanical voting machines, use schools, fire stations, libraries, community centers, etc. The only change I would like to see is to make Election Day a holiday. It really isn’t that complicated.

Will Smith
Will Smith
2 years ago

I feel that this should go into place , rather even if the dems go in the Supreme Court say nay, it is a conflict of interest by them going against this law that would be the same for Republicans, All of America know that the dems cheated on the polls They know that Biden isn’t fit for president.

2 years ago

Sounds to me like nobody knows what they are doing or supposed to be doing. If you can go to Wal-Mart, the grocery story, mall shopping, then you can go vote in person, cut and dry. Each court system does not know the rules, they make up their own as they go along–does anyone know what they should actually know to follow the rules already in place? Biden got elected because of stupidity like this.

2 years ago

Hopefully, this will make it harder for the democrats to cheat and steal another election however it’s merely an inconvenience and over the coming days they’re bound to find new ways to cheat…

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Not mentioned in this article, i.e. the Big Tech Elite that logistically place all of those DROPBOXES in the ( 6 ) KEY states, that ultimately swung the election in Brandon’s favor, none other than Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fame…Yes, PA will appeal it & win. How the SCOTUS rules it is another matter, I more than suspect we will hear more of the same from them, i.e. NO LEGAL STANDING, sound familiar? The ( 3 ) branches of the US gov’t have been infiltrated, primarily from China…The principle branch is the Judicial, i.e. the courts…All of us know full well we now have a Kangaroo Court in America, hence the current situation all of us are now enduring in America, sadly enough.~(
Bill… :~)

wallace hegel
wallace hegel
2 years ago

I would like to see an article that dives deeper into the cyber attack on election machines. Mike Lindell has proof of it and I think more investigation is warranted.

2 years ago

Yet, no reversal of the election certification has been made in those states. And no reports of this on the MSM. This shows that the election was rigged, along with the voting machine fraud.

And in Pennsylvania, the lawyers keep on fighting the illegal acts of the people in power. Like they say , the divorce is not over until all of the money is gone. And , right now, there is plenty of money for the lawyers to get.

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