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Meet Hakeem Jeffries, the Radical Progressive Poised to Replace Pelosi

Posted on Wednesday, January 19, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – Shane Harris


One of the major storylines heading into the 2022 midterms is the growing number of House Democrats (at least 26 so far) who have announced they will not seek reelection this fall – no doubt reading the political tea leaves and sensing a looming Red Wave next November. But the most important retirement announcement that appears imminent has yet to drop. After 19 years as the top Democrat in the House, the widespread belief on Capitol Hill is that this year will be House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s last, leading to even more swirling speculation about who will replace her. While it’s still undoubtedly an open race, Hakeem Jeffries of the Eighth Congressional District of New York, an area that encompasses large parts of Brooklyn and a section of Queens who is serving his fifth term in the United States Congress of New York, has emerged as the early odds-on favorite – potentially signaling the beginning of a new, even more, radical era for the Democratic Party.

Although he styles himself as an outsider, Hakeem Jeffries’s career prior to politics and entrance onto the political scene suggests otherwise. A graduate of Georgetown University and New York Law School, Jeffries worked for several years at a top New York law firm before running unsuccessfully for a State Assembly seat in 2000. He’d win that seat two years later, then go on to win election to the U.S. House in 2012.

While Jeffries ran to the left of several challengers during his time as a state representative, by and large, he remained focused on local issues like housing availability and drug abuse before heading to Washington. But it was during his time in state government that signs first appeared that Jeffries had certain left-wing impulses that he was eager to embrace when it became politically expedient.

Once in Congress, Jeffries began a meteoric rise, which currently has him in the post of Democratic Caucus Chair, the 5th-highest ranking position among House Democrats. With Reps. Steny Hoyer and Jim Clyburn, the caucus’s number two and three members respectively, also in their eighties, and younger Democrats clamoring for a new generation of leaders to take over, many observers expect Jeffries to leapfrog Hoyer, Clyburn, and Assistant Speaker Katherine Clark to secure the top post.

It was also in the House that Jeffries began his transition from a pragmatic liberal to a full-blown progressive. As the ideological center of the caucus moved left, so too did Jeffries, embracing each new item on the radical agenda. He joined the Congressional Progressive Caucus and became one of the strongest supporters of their agenda. In 2019, Jeffries was selected as one of the House Impeachment Managers for Democrats’ first effort to remove former President Trump, aligning himself with other far-left Democrats like Adam Schiff. In his closing argument before the Senate trial, Jeffries said that acquitting Trump would be a “death blow” to the Constitution. 

In the years since, Hakeem Jeffries seems to have doubled down on this newfound identity as a fire-breathing, anti-Trump radical dedicated to the tenets of progressivism. In a recent interview with The Atlantic, he said that he approaches every issue “first and foremost with an understanding that systemic racism has been in the soil of America for over 400 years.” Amid the Democratic attempt to force a federal takeover of elections and outlaw certain election integrity provisions like Voter ID, Jeffries called for the Senate to “detonate the filibuster” and repeated the false and inflammatory claim that the rule is a “Jim Crow-era relic.” He has also said that Republicans are “part of a cult” and is on record as supporting the use of stem cells from aborted babies in scientific research.

Since entering Congress, Jeffries has turned his blustery rhetoric into action and voted in lockstep with Pelosi and House Democrats on virtually all of their radical agenda items. This term, he was a strong supporter of everything from the attempted federal takeover of elections to Biden’s $3.5 trillion expansion of government welfare – earning him the goodwill of both progressive backers of the legislation and Democratic leadership.

Jeffries has remained largely mum on his potential rise to the top even as talk of it continues to grow, clearly an effort to avoid irking Pelosi and her lieutenants on their way out the door.

His ascension, however, is not assured just yet. Ironically, the one roadblock remaining might be some fellow progressives. Although Jeffries has made clear that he himself shares their views on nearly every issue, his ambition has at times placed him in competition with other Members who themselves have eyes on taking power someday. In becoming Democratic Caucus Chair, for example, Jeffries defeated Barbara Lee, the favorite candidate of many high-profile progressives. That put him at odds with then-newly elected Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who reportedly considered backing a primary challenge to Jeffries in 2020 over the tiff.

Other progressives have at times also voiced concerns that Jeffries takes too much money from Wall Street or is too close with charter school groups back in his home district. However, these concerns appear to be largely driven by a competing desire for power rather than a true disagreement over ideology. As Jeffries’s voting record and public statements show, he is no squish when it comes to supporting progressive priorities, and it is often other powerful progressives like Ocasio-Cortez and CPC Chair Pramila Jayapal who are the ones levying the attacks.

While the opposition of some top progressives to Jeffries as leader may not be enough to sink his candidacy, it does nonetheless underscore just how far left the party has gone in recent years. The debate now is not over if Jeffries – again, a self-identified progressive – is too far left, but rather if he is far-left enough to lead the caucus. The fact that someone with as radical a record as his is even palatable to so-called “moderate” Democrats further confirms that moderation in the traditional sense of the word may no longer be a term that describes any Democrat in the House.

For a party whose lurch to the left has already endangered its majority in the House and set it on what looks like a path to defeat this November, the prospect of a Hakeem Jeffries speakership does not bode well.

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2 years ago

Another marxist democrat piece of work . Exactly why on 2022 and 2024 the anti American democrats must be CRUSHED overwhelmingly, never to again return to power!
ALL democrats are BAD FOR AMERICA,freedom and Legal Citizens!!
Throw them out!

1 year ago

Well, at any rate, they wouldn’t have put him in there if they didn’t have control of him.
That’s just how the whole system is run.

2 years ago

Not another stinken democrat, when are we going to get rid of these evil people?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Good drag Dems into more defeat ahead

2 years ago

Once a person/politician believes in Communism, ALWAYS WILL BE A FIRM BELIEVER!

B. Schmidt
B. Schmidt
2 years ago

Anyone with “Hakeem” as a first name can’t be all bad………can they?

2 years ago

..Another lefty winger who will do nothing for this country, sit back and get bloated rich off of the working class..does this surprise anyone? Did anyone think “the pig” would leave without someone even more heinous taking her place..

Let’s fight back this year!! MAGA!!

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

I knew there was someone evil that was coming in. Knew it.

2 years ago

Anyone that votes for a Democrat is literally a lunatic. There are ZERO old school Democrats in the house and possibly 1.5 in the Senate.

Christina L. Hoover
Christina L. Hoover
2 years ago

Oh brother!! NOT GOOD!!

2 years ago

You forgot to mention his net worth…already 1.5 million. We really need another millionaire Speaker of the House…

2 years ago

Like Bill Clinton, I’ll bet my house that this guy was voted in b/c he’s “so handsome.” We, as a people, are exceedingly ignorant.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 years ago

Just another anti-white, anti-American racist hiding behind his skin color.

clyde parker
clyde parker
2 years ago

demonrats wiped out next election

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

He oughta marry AOC. They would make a wonderful couple. Kyle L.

2 years ago

If you look at the profiles of the top 20 Democrat contenders for real power in the House of Representatives, you will find many of them share many similarities to Jeffries in terms of their education and political background, which accounts for their meteoric rise up the Democrat ladder of success. In a party that is all about checking off boxes (identity politics), they all fit essentially the same mold. They all are hard core leftists that have some very substantial money behind the scenes backing them up. It is what the Democrat Party is politically these days. So called “Progressives” (Socialists) openly pushing socialist ideology to a ignorant and gullible public in their voting districts.

As for the notion that somehow Democrat “moderates” might be in somewhat of a conflict with the “progressive” movement that has done so much damage to the country, that is hard to see. When the House votes on every major piece of radical legislation put forth by the so-called “Progressives” (Socialists), the end is always the same. Aside from maybe one or two occasional Democrats, the entire Democrat block votes in unison for whatever the hard left of the party wants. There are no more real “moderates” in the Democrat Party at this point. At least not serving in Congress. They have been either purged from the Party or are going along with the far left agenda, because they fear they will be primaried by a progressive for their seat.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Rerun Pelosi on policy vs antics>??

2 years ago

We have to face the facts…… there are now 3 political parties in the United States.
Republican – Democratic – Progressive Communist. And if you hear people say they support Socialism that word is just a little softer on the ear! Both Socialism and Communism oppose capitalism. The last time I looked a Republic is by and for the people, not a dictatorship.

2 years ago

Oh oh. Patty(cake) Murray has lusted after that job for years. Notice how she ooches herself as close as possible to Shumer every time he is at a podium? Yes, she’s been training herself for a very long time hoping the elite will notice her.

2 years ago

This article about this “POS” just PROVES that the Dumb-o-RATS are hell bent on a total DICTATORSHIP type of government with type of liberal socialist communist as the controller of congress. HE is a pure example of the type of person and beliefs that WILL DESTROY this country and all the FREEDOMS & RIGHTS guarantied under the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

2 years ago

One deviI for another deviI. That’s the way the Dems roll.

2 years ago

He reminds me of obama. A quick rise to power by doing nothing but destroying the Country. The only difference obama hid his agenda until he ran for office. Then he said he would radically transform America. None of the media ask him how but pushed him into office. Jeffries is heading in the same direction.

2 years ago

Maybe Hakeem should ask himself if “…..systemic racism has been in the soil of America for over 400 years.” Just how did he, a black man, have the opportunity to receive a degree from Georgetown University and New York Law School and become a U.S. Congressman. If America is such a racist country maybe he could explain why millions of people of color from Africa, the Caribbean, South and Central America and other countries are risking their lives to get to our Southern border and enter our country illegally.

Charlotte A Mahin
Charlotte A Mahin
2 years ago

It is not surprising that the Democrats/Marxists would pick a new speaker who would be even more “progressive” than Pelosi. Nothing is going to stop them from trying to reach their goal of “fundamentally changing” our country into another CCP. Biden and many of the Marxists in DC are deeply involved in letting China take over every aspect of our country because they are getting rich. They are literally selling us out to the Communists.

2 years ago

of course it makes sense.. Swap out a White Race Baiter Racist Senile Pelosi, for a true Black Race Baiter Racist.. Muslum Hakeem.. We already had a White/Black Racist Muslum Hussein Racist Race Baiter, Liar Do Nothing, in the White house. Lets go for the whole Sandwich

2 years ago

It is Time for Term Limits on these Fools.. Botox Pelosi started out with nothing and ends up a Mulit-Billionaire .. what the hell is wrong with this ? Legalized Robbery that HATES the Greatest Country in the World.. Treason !!! Do to these Communist Democrats as they did to the Fascist Mussolini Party.. All on the North lawn of the Peoples House

2 years ago

Good! Hel’ll be as or more divisive than Pelosi and more help for OUR side.

2 years ago

Good is right, these clown Leftists are getting voted out by Americans of all colors, and politics Nov. 22

2 years ago


2 years ago

Someone worse than Pelosi? God help us all!

Joe M
Joe M
2 years ago

One more reason for conservatives to flood the polls this mid-term. if this guy is worse than Pelozi we can bet that he will be her predecessor !!

Lee S McQuillen
Lee S McQuillen
2 years ago

United States Congress of New York? Have I missed something?

2 years ago

Have faith, be determined, look at the Miracle of Virginia.
We need that EVERYWHERE!

2 years ago

We need to REMOVE every marxist, anti American democrat!
This ilk cannot be worked with. Just THROWN OUT

2 years ago

Oh no, worse than Pelosi. Is that possible? Another WOKE character to destroy America, scary.
What can we do?

2 years ago

There is a reason why the hand of the Almighty has not been completely lifted off of this country and it totally destroyed, and only He knows why that is! Could it be that He is hearing the sincere prayers of His believers for our country to turn back to honor Him? I pray that our Holy and merciful God will forgive our treachery against Him through His everlasting mercy! We should all be praying for this and one another! Besides Florida, is Virginia a sign of the beginnings of our recovery and a Spiritual Revival? A Holy Scripture reads, that ‘when the righteous in the land increase, they will see the fall of the wicked.’ THIS I pray is happening!

I love my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who willingly took my sin and died for me, suffering the worst death a human being can suffer! He felt everything we have ever felt and more when His Father looked away because He could not look upon the sin of the world upon Him! What terrifying fear He felt when He was heard crying, ‘My God, ‘My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?’
But God did not forsake Christ His only Son who was sinless, but that is the way it feels when ‘WE’ AS sinners can’t feel His presence anymore because of our sin. We thank our God for the loving sacrifice of His Son so that THROUGH HIM we have the forgiveness of sin when we repent; and eternal life which lives within each of us who truly believes. Jesus said, ‘the kingdom of God is within you who believe.’
I pray our God, who deserves our THANKFUL and GRATEFUL hearts, will renew this nation unto Himself and that for a while longer, we will prosper once again for His glory and honor.
I ask it in Jesus Holy name and for namesake, and may God bless and be with all who love and worship Him in sincerity,

2 years ago

A Socialist/Progressive that loves the RACE CARD. Imagine that.

Id est quod id est
Id est quod id est
2 years ago

If the GOP takes the House in November, Jeffries (a real lightweight) will just be a wildly swinging minority leader with a 24/7 invitation to CNN.

Richard Minetti
Richard Minetti
2 years ago

He apparently is one of those slippery, radical politicians, like Schucky Schumer and
goes whichever way the money flows and has little concern for the will of his constituency!

1 year ago

He’s not gonna be anything the guy is a moron and a crypto Muslim…he’s in no way intelligent enough to be speaker .I don’t even know how this pinhead got his law degree.diversity no doubt.

1 year ago

Reports seem to indicate Jeffries is also a Muslim. Cofounder of Marxist BLM, Patrisse Cullors & Jan. 6 Chair. Ben Thompson promoted Nation of Islam. Some have been very vague & ignore this. But Biden’s admin. just criticized an Israeli leader, for visiting the Temple Mount. Why is this an issue with them? Biden’s Admin. is also forcing AZ. to remove border barricades, allowing an influx of more, illegal immigrants. This is the use of Communist Manifesto to alter history & culture, an Anti U.S. agenda. Immigrants do not know U.S. history, values, or have the same culture. Yet, they get the benefits of being educated in Socialist Doctrines. Biden’s Admin. brought 70,000 Afghani’s to U.S &. put them in Military Bases. It caused millions in damage, that taxpayers will have to pay.

1 year ago

And we think Pelosi was a deviant, hah! This man seems like a social Marxist.

1 year ago

Well, at any rate, they wouldn’t have put him in there if they didn’t have control of him.
That’s just how the whole system is run.

1 year ago

He’s not gonna be anything the guy is a moron and a crypto Muslim…he’s in no way intelligent enough to be speaker .I don’t even know how this pinhead got his law degree.diversity no doubt.

1 year ago

Reports seem to indicate Jeffries is also a Muslim. Cofounder of Marxist BLM, Patrisse Cullors & Jan. 6 Chair. Ben Thompson promoted Nation of Islam. Some have been very vague & ignore this. But Biden’s admin. just criticized an Israeli leader, for visiting the Temple Mount. Why is this an issue with them? Biden’s Admin. is also forcing AZ. to remove border barricades, allowing an influx of more, illegal immigrants. This is the use of Communist Manifesto to alter history & culture, an Anti U.S. agenda. Immigrants do not know U.S. history, values, or have the same culture. Yet, they get the benefits of being educated in Socialist Doctrines. Biden’s Admin. brought 70,000 Afghani’s to U.S &. put them in Military Bases. It caused millions in damage, that taxpayers will have to pay.

1 year ago

And we think Pelosi was a deviant, hah! This man seems like a social Marxist.

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