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Apocalypse Never: A Look at the Left’s Perpetual Climate Hysteria

Posted on Monday, November 8, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan


Though many conservatives have understandably grown tired of the left’s perpetually apocalyptic language surrounding climate change and environmental concerns, few would have guessed that President Joe Biden—who has repeatedly claimed that “there is no greater challenge facing our country and our world”—would fall into this category. Yet this is quite literally what appeared to happen during last week’s United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, as Biden fell asleep mere minutes into the event. Could there be a more perfect portrayal of Americans’ growing exhaustion with the far left’s climate obsession?

As expected, Biden’s post-nap remarks at COP26 adopted much of the bleak vocabulary that has come to permeate Democrats’ environmental policies in recent years. “We only have a brief window left before us to raise our ambitions and to raise—to meet the task that’s rapidly narrowing,” he grimly warned. “There’s no more time to hang back or sit on the fence or argue amongst ourselves. This is the challenge of our collective lifetimes. The existential threat to human existence as we know it.”

Biden, much like others in his party, now exclusively refers to climate change as a “crisis.” To give this supposed crisis added drama, Biden and Congressional Democrats have now also begun insisting that addressing climate change is necessary to combat “systemic racism.” The term “environmental justice” is quickly gaining popularity among progressives, with the implication being that if you don’t completely embrace the far left’s narrative on climate change, you must be racist. It’s unsurprising, then, that this doubly-urgent crisis now justifies the use of ever-more-forceful language from Joe Biden: “This is our last chance,” the President threatened in October.

If that threat sounds familiar, there’s good reason for it. Despite the radical left’s contention that right now is the world’s last chance to take dramatic action on climate change, the fact remains that progressives, the media, and the expert class have been forecasting impending environmental catastrophe for more than half a century. In 1970, The Boston Globe reported that “scientists predict a new ice age” by the start of the 21st century. In 1978, The New York Times cautioned that there was no end in sight to the then-30-year global cooling trend. Americans were told by various supposedly authoritative sources that oceans would be dead by 1980, rising sea levels would “obliterate” and “wipe nations off [the] face of the earth” by 2000, New York City would be underwater by 2015, the Maldives would be completely submerged by 2018, children soon wouldn’t know what snow is, and Britain would become Siberia by 2024. The list goes on. As the Competitive Enterprise Institute aptly put it, “None of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates as of today have come true.”

Perhaps the most recognizable example of the left’s climate fearmongering in recent years is former Vice President Al Gore’s 2006 book-turned-documentary An Inconvenient Truth, in which he decried global warming as “a true planetary emergency” and infamously insisted that, absent “drastic measures” to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, “the world will reach a point of no return” by 2016. Needless to say, come 2016, we were all still standing.

In his 2017 follow-up documentary An Inconvenient Sequel, notwithstanding the obvious shortcomings of his predictions a decade prior, Gore doubled down on his doomsday predictions, alleging that if we failed to act immediately, future generations would inherit “stronger storms, worsening floods, deeper droughts, mega-fires, tropical diseases spreading through vulnerable populations in all parts of the earth, melting ice caps flooding coastal cities, unsurvivable heat extremes, and hundreds of millions of climate refugees.” Americans can likely expect a third installment of the Inconvenient Truth series whenever Gore’s latest batch of predictions inevitably prove false.

The left’s endless pattern of dire predictions for the future of the planet makes clearer than ever that their political strategy has been rooted in either fabricating or deeply exaggerating environmental concerns as justification for imposing a progressive vision for American society—a ploy most noticeably seen with behemoth far-left bills like the Green New Deal—that the American people would otherwise never even entertain without a looming planetary disaster as pretext. Though Americans of every political persuasion are right to support policies that will protect the environment and stave off legitimate environmental devastation, both the left’s pattern of hyperbolic opportunism and an honest review of the facts demonstrate that, despite Joe Biden’s overwrought doomsday rhetoric, Americans have no reason to panic—and they most certainly have no reason to sign on to a massive and unprecedented transformation of American life for the sake of averting an apocalypse that the left has been promising since the 1960s.

As former President Donald Trump said in a statement referencing Biden’s dozing off at COP26, “Nobody that has true enthusiasm and belief in a subject will ever fall asleep.” If not even the most progressive president in American history who campaigned on the notion that climate change is an “existential threat” can bear to stay awake to hear the latest iteration of climate hysteria, the American people certainly won’t either.

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2 years ago

Every Democrat President since Jimmy Carter has been an ardent supporter of the Global Cooling, Global Warming, Global Climate Change hoax. All of them espousing dire consequences being just a decade or two away, if urgent action wasn’t taken in each of their terms in office. Fear mongering at its finest. Yet amazingly, New York and Miami are NOT under water as earlier predicted in the 1990s. Neither is London or any other major city the U.N. “experts” have been forecasting for decades now. Yet we are told we must divert what is amounting to several trillion dollars a year globally to a problem where all the dire predictions have proven to be 100 percent incorrect for decades. Changing and undermining economies and the lives of billions of people all around the world for a problem that, to date, has failed to produce any of the dire consequences the so-called climate experts said we should have seen by now.

This is the largest financial scam ever conceived in the history of the world by what most of the public might call the One World Order crowd. They stand to make billions, if not literally hundreds of billions, off of replacing stable, reliable and cheap electrical power plants with higher cost, less efficient and far less reliable “sustainable” (code for wind mills and solar panels) energy sources.

Look what “going green” has done to energy costs in the U.K. and the rest of Europe, as they scaled back on their own production of fossil fuels and shifted to wind and solar. While we currently pay around $5.00 per BTU of natural gas here, in the U.K. the cost has been increased to $20 to $25 dollars per BTU. A 4X to 5X increase in cost! Brown-outs and rolling black-outs, because the winds in the North Sea aren’t blowing enough to turn the wind mill blades are a nightmare. This is all playing out in similar ways all across western Europe.

The same goes for world leaders mandating the rush to convert the world’s entire car and truck transportation to EVs. Again, all in the name of climate change. Thus requiring more trillions world-wide to upgrade the electrical infrastructure, so it will be capable of supporting what will be a huge daily demand to simply replicate what we already do with ICE vehicles at a fraction of the cost.

Just look at the joint partnership venture that Gates, Bezos have in that lithium mining project in Greenland announced earlier this year. They each stand to make billions in mining lithium for EV batteries, while at the same time decrying mining for the exact same substance here in the United States. There are a number of other examples I could offer, but you get the idea. The entire climate change scheme is a huge financial scam to facilitate a few thousand people world-wide to vastly increase their personal wealth and power at the expense of the rest of the planet. Always follow the money, as it always explains why certain policies are being promoted.

So in conclusion, it is no surprise that Joe Biden’s handlers have the puppet voicing full support for the climate change crowd. Some people here will become incredibly wealthier thanks to this scam. The passage last Friday night of the infrastructure bill (thanks solely to 13 sell-out RINOs in the House that need to be removed from Congress ASAP) just set ball rolling for us to catch up to the dire circumstances the U.K. and most of Europe are now living through. So if you’re having with rising prices so far in the Biden administration, you’re really going to get upset with what is now rapidly coming down the road for the United States.

2 years ago

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On Monday, November 1, 2021, news broke out regarding Biden’s performance as President. Almost all U.S citizens now think that Biden is not performing his job appropriately and that the country is…

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Rahm “Dead Fish” Emanuel said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” Even a FAKE crisis like man-caused global climate change. It would be nice if more people went by common sense and TRUE science instead of feelings and phony science : abortion, LGBTQ, climate change, COVID vax and masks, etc.!

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

All this is is another way to take money away from certain people. Like the carbon credit scheme if you use too much carbon you pay someone that uses less. How does that change anything? We are supposed to curtail what we do and other countries don’t China, India , Russia . How does that make any real difference are they on a different earth.Just another distraction for the real reason. Socialism Government telling us everything.

Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

Like tony fauxci, the climate alarmists have been wrong…ABOUT EVERYTHING. What’s worse…the vast majority of them know that they themselves are full-blown LIARS; but hey…”the ends justify the means” in their moral-free world. aoc’s former chief of staff even admitted that it’s not about the climate. It’s about an economic transformation from free-market to socialism. Still, there are morons that, after five decades of inaccuracy, continue to buy into Chicken Little science and fear porn. Yep…it’s amazing how many really stupid people there are walking the streets.

Jeff Guy
Jeff Guy
2 years ago

Fear,Fear,Fear,Fear. Its the Democratic platform,and the weak follow.

Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson
2 years ago

When are the American people going to wake up about this ever increasing hysteria about the climate changing. It’s always changing billions of years ago we’ve gone through massive changes in the weather and truth be told no one can change weather no matter what Al “e” Gore says. Between Hollywood and the Democratic Marxist Politicians they can’t change it ever. They put a price tag on forcing everyone to give up massive amounts of money to their religious fervor to use weather to their advantage. Wake up don’t let these communists keep forcing the climate change on the backs of hard working Americans.

Jane CA
Jane CA
2 years ago

The USA is not the cause of climay]te change ! This is a normal cycle for our planet. BUT if it really was a “crisis” China should lead the cleanup !

2 years ago

Climate Crisis is just another way of the left to get control over everything! When will the people of this world wake up and see this! These climate meetings need to be laughed off and so does everyone who spouts this BS!

2 years ago

Leftists are LIARS and LUNATICS, of the “need to be institutionalized ” type.
That covers this climate stupidity and hysteria.
We should be so lucky that their cities are drowned!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

NO the pandemic is Forever unless we Unite & block mask, vaccine, lockdown mandates

2 years ago

They predict global warning, they will get it. It is called war! China is building and preparing aggression while the US talks racism and transgender equality.

2 years ago

Hang in there everyone. God is in control. The bible, two thousand years ago, predicts a time when the sun will be so hot, people will be scorched and curse God because of it. God offers one way to heaven, believing His Son died for our sins. Until these who are lying among the many other commandment breaking things they and we do, ask to be saved and forgiven by Jesus, the unrepentant will pay a high price. God alone is good, and eternal separation from Him will be awful. The choice is up to each individual.

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
2 years ago

Fear is an emotion used by the rich and powerful politicians, mainstream media, and even marketers to manipulate and ultimately control the masses to achieve their end game. Look at it, climate control, Covid 19, vaccine mandates, broken supply chain, and inflation. The list goes on. People who manipulate others by using the emotion of fear as the primary tactic to gain control over them are nothing short of being “evil”! I take great comfort in the fact that each and everyone of these people, the politicians, corporate CEOs, mainstream media members and those marketers who have played the games will one day at their appointed time, stand before their Creator and be judged for their deeds just like everyone else! Hmmm! Food for thought!

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
2 years ago

The loony left has always been pushing the theory that global warming will kill us all in just a few years, so now we have to give up all fossil fuels, or die. Don’t believe it, this is only JUNK SCIENCE!!!

In the past million years, the Earth has experienced a major ice age about every 100,000 years and then heats back up. Now tell me why do you think this happens? I don’t think cavemen were driving Hummer’s back then do you!!! There is a simple answer to this global event, and it is the way the earth presents itself to the sun. Ice ages are cause by this event not fossil fuels.

Scientists have several theories to explain this glacial cycle, but new research suggests the primary driving force is all in how the planet leans. Planetary tilt causes change in earth temperature by presenting different parts of the earth at different times to the sun. As simple as that!!! The earth will heats up at times and then COOL OFF and we as earthlings will have nothing to say about it.

Lefties always tend to screw thing up and fake or junk science is no difference. MZ

2 years ago

These experts were predicting a new ice age in January 1977. They had the same ice core data then as now. And yes it was very cold. By 1988, when we had a nasty hot summer, the same experts prophecized unlivable heat in perpetuity. Next two summers were cool and rainy. Paul e lays it out below: this is about the creation of a new aristocratic order of ultra wealthy rulers. Yes folks, they want to be gods.

2 years ago

Many people have gotten VERY wealthy off the climate change hysteria — Al Gore who began this absurd fabrication and others like AOC who make a career from fear and climate. And then, of course, the pols like Biden who haven’t a clue but who go along to get along. Truth is that climate is cyclical and always has been. Since Earth formed, nature has cycled through tropic eras to ice ages and it is not due to anything mankind has done on Earth. This began before man and will continue as long as Earth exists. There is always an ulterior motive with these bandwagon politician freaks; it is self-interest incarnate. Despicable, pernicious people using fear and ridiculous, manufactured science models to frighten laymen into doing their bidding and establishing even more control over citizens of the Earth.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
2 years ago

Pretty soon we will not be able to wipe our collective arses without the demonic, radical, freedom hating progressive communist Democratic Party telling us that we are racist. Enough already. Why do 39% of Americans still think Biden is doing a good job. Are they brain dead?

Jim Warner
Jim Warner
2 years ago

Computer models are just that and argue for a high climate sensitivity, but they use many flawed assumptions. The earth has a low sensitivity to change(s).

Mike Broom
Mike Broom
2 years ago

Back in the 1970’s the environuts were predicting another ice age. That was when socialists and communists had always been associated with the color RED. There was a saying that the enviros were like watermelons. They were green on the outside and red on the inside. By the way. how in the hell did the conservatives get stuck with the color red. We should probably be known as red, white and blue people. Give the commilibs back their rightful color of RED.

2 years ago

The climate IS changing. I has been, since the beginning of time! The only crisis we are facing is the arrogance of the left, in their endless schemes to transfer all power and wealth to the likes of Al Gore and others. The useful idiots and the paid off “scientists” they have employed to promote this nonsense need a serious wake up call. Next they will be telling us we need to pay a special tax to prevent earthquakes and volcanoes from erupting.

2 years ago

Keep harping on the lies and false science and over time, more and more will fall in line with those lies and false science. Truth is the best weapon….so here’s a suggestion to all readers, go to the site “Truth in Energy and Climate”….and see what real science says. What history says. What is really happening. While you may want to shut your ears to the hysteria over climate change, you cannot, you have to know your enemy to defeat him. You have to know the lie to be able to provide the proper truth.
This is not unlike the lie of evolution….a theory that is not science or scientific…but is made to sound like it is. Now I know this offends some, and perhaps you have fully included the theory of evolution in your life…but it’s not true…cannot be proven by normal scientific means and is in constant change as a theory that works like a blob of jelly….reshaping to meet challenges. Yes, I believe in creation, and I believe in climate change…..climate change is perpetual, ongoing, and for the most part hardly effected by man, except for “localized” impact. The world will not end because we have ruined the environment with green house gasses, We can certainly do damage and have by our poor stewardship and stupidity….the the world is not going to cave in around us if the U.S. does not stop climate change. So, jump on me, and beat me up…..I believe….not in governments as my “all mighty”….but The Almighty.
And he already told us what’s going to happen…..and climate change is the least of our worries….it’s another lie promoted to distract and defer… is evolution.

Hal Mills
Hal Mills
2 years ago

Climate change is cyclical. All the far left progressives have accomplished is spinning the narrative to convince other like minded it’s a real crisis and get filthy rich!

2 years ago

If we follow the left and their hysteria on climate change the world ended two decades ago.

Norm G.
Norm G.
2 years ago

I have been listening to the same lies since 1970. All I can say is God is in control and it will end when the Lord says so, not the progressive rabble!

2 years ago

When are people going to realize that the World’s Nations (especially the Ruskies and Biden’s buddies) want the US to do everything in their climate control options to better the climate at least a little in the rest of the World. Of course the big polluters will not follow suit as it will make them less competitive in the World Markets. And I doubt that fool sitting in the POTUS chair understands or cares about this at all.

2 years ago

All you need do is reopen the hole in the ozone, that repaired itself (even though they said it wouldn’t), to release the greenhouse gasses.

2 years ago

The politicians have money invested in solar and wind. They receive BIG $$$$$$ in different ways from companies and China. $ .$ .$ They don’t give a hoot about climate change and their measurements will do next to nothing about it. More BS.

2 years ago

The Church Of Climate Change is about as real as the Church Of Scientology.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Let’s see if we can really get into the spirit of the program and start an ice age It is so much easier to fight cold than heat. Clue; my Twitter handle is POedPlenty..Some older people may recognize where part of that comes from.

Joanne 4 justice
Joanne 4 justice
2 years ago

I do not believe Mr Biden is stressed about climate crisis ? After all, he fell asleep during the STIMULATING big meeting in Scotland ! and Ms PEE losi bragging about intent .to spend Trillions of dollars for the cause; in realistic terms less than 30% of this inflated expenditure will truly benefit climate

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

U can cut ALL Carbon Emissions right now and by the year 2100 which the 3 Stooges in White House predict on PHONY Computer Models the earth temperature will rise several degrees. The Earth’s Temperature would ONLY be Lowered by 0.003% of 1%.
Besides, the Earth HEALS ITSELF NATURALLY. Been happening for Millions of years long BEFORE Humans came along.

Don’t forget that Gore said we would be all DEAD by 2016 with his PHONY DOOM PREDICTION over Global Warming.
This comes from the IDIOT who said he Created the Internet and Invented Blue Jeans.
It is 2021.
Guess what Gore. We didn’t die.

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
2 years ago

Climate Change, Global Warming, Carbon Footprints, Melting Glaciers, ALL of it, is a LIE, a HOAX! The climate has ALWAYS been cyclical and always WILL be, and nothing has changed in 2000 years to be worthy of MENTION, much less Alarm. Is America facing Crises? YES, but it ain’t the climate, it’s Illegal Immigration and a Communist Government who took control via FRAUD. Let’s all address THOSE things and let God take care of the climate as He always has.

james michalicek
james michalicek
2 years ago

Read “One Vast Winter Count” by Colin G Calloway. The Native American West before Lewis and Clark. 631 pages. You will find that things change.

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
2 years ago

We need to wake up to the evil behind these false predictions and realize the true intentions of the predicters. They do not practice any part of what they preach and reviewing their plans by following the money will reveal the truth about them.

Jeanie Strenge
Jeanie Strenge
2 years ago

When God created the Heavens and the Earth, he did NOT make the CLIMATE weak, but God made it PERFECT. God knew what would be coming down the pike because He knows everything and so when people talk about CLIMATE CHANGE I take it that they do not believe that the Heavens can take care of themselves because God made them and HE CALLED IT GOOD! Whatever God makes is GOOD. HE IS ALL GOOD! He is the Great “I Am that I Am”. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. Climate Change is a hoax just to raise taxes and BE IN CHARGE over us. It’s not “WE THE PEOPLE” anymore. We need to fight to put the Government in it’s place, Bring God back into America and then America will be Great Again!. Without God, evil reigns!

2 years ago

Global climate change…its calle4d the weather.

Burt Fairchild
Burt Fairchild
2 years ago

The left latching onto another fear-centric concept with no basis of true, unquestionable fact. Sad, bow down before those liberal elites you serve, you’re going to get what you deserve…

2 years ago

The climate is ALWAYS changing. Always has been, and always will continue to. And there is tons of proof that supports that, but that knowledge is inconvenient and should ignored. Northern Ohio used to be under a glacier. There have been periods when there has been no ice cap at the north pole. There have been repeated cooling and warming cycles throughout the planets history and scientist have proven this. There have been many periods with sustained CO2 levels 4-5 times that which we have today and the planet thrived. And interestingly it happened long before millions of people and industrialized society appeared.
Read a book titled “Inconvenient Facts”. This book scientifically debunks the whole climate hysteria.

Frank Wyrick
Frank Wyrick
2 years ago

All one needs to do is follow the science. Michigan’s state stone is the Petoskey stone which is basically petrified coral. Coral only grows in tropical water and the presence of the Petoskey stone along the shores of northern Lake Michigan proves that at one time it was a tropics. Something happened to change that and as far as we know we may be slowly going back to that original climate.

2 years ago

Remember when everyone said “Listen to and follow the science“? But it’s our lying politicians who are trying to scare everyone, not scientists. Al Gore has made millions while jetting around the world trying to terrify his listeners, that the end is near, while he lives in a huge energy inefficient mansion. “Tis for thee, not for me” is the Dems mantra.
Meanwhile scientists are very divided on climate change/global warming. It pretty much depends on if they are getting paid and by who.

Lee S McQuillen
Lee S McQuillen
2 years ago

These urgent climate change people are nuts! Climate is climate and it’s always changing. I have proof that it was 104 in NY City in the 1930’s. No one started yelling climate change then. And who is Al Gore to talk with his houses, electric use, jets and their fuels, etc. And he’s not the only one yelling “climate control” from their mansions or private jets. In addition, no matter what we do, we can’t control the rest of the world and their attempts (not) to help. Time to stop this nonsense!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Ponder this for a while. Our galaxy is full of humanoid type people like us. Is it possible by destany yhat human life for the most part gets wiped out,by their own fault (polution ?) or or some sort of event like a astroid hitting the planet, maby even hitting another planet. We just dont know. Kyle L.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Big money is to be made off these outrite lie’s. Kyle L.

Leon Lee
Leon Lee
2 years ago

College students even in top places but who don’t read much and find math and econ difficult are drawn en mass into the easy theories that greta-kids mouth.

George Piazza
George Piazza
2 years ago

Climate change scare is simply another opportunity for the “Progressives” to impose control over the populous. Their ultimate goal is a socialistic society with no or little personal freedom. So far, they have badly botched their chances of winning by not recognizing that those with less income are greatly suffering with higher energy prices.

2 years ago

The left has gone insane, there is no other reason for their behavior.

2 years ago

Climate change is caused by changes in solar radiation, which is why we have Ice Ages.

Johnathan Galt
Johnathan Galt
2 years ago

The change to renewables will not happen because governments say so. They cannot legislate innovation nor compel every person.

The change will come for the same reason people stopped buying horses and typewriters – better products at lower prices.

The change will happen sooner and faster than most people believe.

2 years ago

Something in the data VP Gore examined led him to claim that polar ice would disappear. He should revisit that data and see why his prediction was wrong.

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