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Biden Democrats Lose Big — And on Cultural Issues

Posted on Friday, November 5, 2021
by Outside Contributor

President Joe Biden returned the morning of Nov. 3 to a nation that no longer supports him or his party.

Virginia, which he carried 55% to 44% in 2020, has elected Republican Glenn Youngkin as governor, Republicans for lieutenant governor and attorney general, and recaptured a majority in the House of Delegates.

Even more startlingly, in New Jersey, which Biden carried 57% to 41%, Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy is currently leading Republican Jack Ciattarelli by about 29,000 votes, with a few more to be counted. New Jersey, as part of the New York and Philadelphia media markets, has long been a low-information state politically, and Murphy seems headed to the 50.5% he’s been averaging in polls, with the rest all going to his little-known ex-legislator challenger.

Some Democrats did win. Eric Adams was easily elected mayor of New York City (76% Biden), and Democrats captured a state House district (population 8,333) in Maine.

But that’s about all the good news for the party that one year ago won the Electoral College by 42,000 popular votes and congressional majorities of 51-50 and 222-213. Geographically, Republican wins ranged from a Supreme Court seat in marginal Pennsylvania to a pickup in a 72% Hispanic Texas state House district (population 164,436) that is 72% Hispanic to a city council seat in immigrant-heavy Brooklyn and Queens.

The Democrats’ “progressive” wing fared especially poorly. Voters in Minneapolis (86% Biden), where George Floyd died in May 2020, rejected a ballot proposition to replace the police force with a “public safety” department by 56% to 44%. So much for defunding the police. And in Buffalo (80% Biden), socialist Democratic primary winner India Walton was beaten by write-in votes for the incumbent mayor she had defeated for the nomination, 59% to 41%. So much for socialism.

The results in Virginia and elsewhere are, as Cook Political’s David Wasserman tweeted at 9:34 p.m. Eastern, “consistent w/ a political environment in which Republicans would comfortably take back both the House and the Senate in 2022.” In an environment where Donald Trump is no longer the central figure, despite Terry McAuliffe’s constant mentions of him, Youngkin managed to improve on Trump’s numbers with noncollege-graduate white voters while making substantial inroads in affluent suburbs.

Republican victories came despite — actually, because of — two supposedly disabling trends. One is that turnout was up 27% over the last governor race in Virginia and at least 11% in New Jersey. The rise was 30% to 40% in exurban areas heavy with young families, but only 10% or less in central cities with many minorities and hip singles.

The other trend is that the Virginia race was fought out over cultural issues. Youngkin seized on McAuliffe’s Sept. 29 debate statement, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” That’s holy writ among teachers, union members, and school administrators, who believe they have special expertise in enlightening the children of backward parents.

But in the Virginia exit poll, 84% said that parents should have a lot of or some say in what schools teach, and only 13% said little or none. And after teachers’ unions shut down schools for months (a full year in Fairfax County, the nation’s 11th largest school district), parents have gotten a better view of the sexually explicit materials that supposed experts have put in the hands of even grade-schoolers.

Similarly, Youngkin was not afraid to criticize public schools’ use of materials championing critical race theory — the idea that whites are irremediably racist. Children should learn the good and the bad about our history, he said, and to judge others by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

That predictably prompted charges of racism. Barack Obama, campaigning for McAuliffe, insisted, “We don’t have time to be wasting on these phony, trumped-up culture wars.” Youngkin, he said, was avoiding “serious problems that actually affect serious people.”

But for parents, the education of their children is a serious matter, not a “phony, trumped-up” issue. More generally, cultural issues are more important to Americans, on both sides of the cultural divide, than economics. Although Biden Democrats have argued their economic policies would help the little guy, an ABC/Ipsos poll found that only 25% believe his reconciliation bill would help people like them, while 32% say they would hurt.

That leaves nearly half, 43%, not seeing much difference. A similarly pervasive skepticism explains polls showing majorities against passing Obamacare in 2010 and against repealing Obamacare in 2018. In contrast, attitudes on cultural issues are more firmly rooted in personal experience and moral principles.

Liberals and progressives are vulnerable on cultural issues because their search for the latest underdog cause to champion, while sometimes producing results widely accepted, sometimes puts them in lasting opposition to large majorities of voters. That’s what happened in Virginia. The advice of Democrats’ MSNBC and CNN cheering squads — to double down on accusing voters of racism — is not helpful. So, for the moment at least, and possibly into 2022 and 2024, the nation Biden returned to in the wee hours of the morning on Nov. 3 no longer supports him or his party.

Michael Barone is a senior political analyst for the Washington Examiner, resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and longtime co-author of The Almanac of American Politics.


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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Lets help them lose for 2022 OK rerun same X100

2 years ago

I agree – let’s all get behind the Republicans and win,win,win.

2 years ago

The majority of Americans never support him. If it’s not clear as day by now, I don’t know what is. The man did not win the election.

2 years ago

I am so sick of reading the “college and non college voter” Considering the quality of college education America is charging thousands of dollars for those designations don’t mean anything. If my plumbing goes bad I don’t call my bookkeeper or visa versa and both can give me the stock picks of the day. . When a truck driver from a furniture store can win a seat in the Senate paying only 1,500 for it . It is proof that wisdom triumphs over gold every time. Our elections have become a joke, a money pit for both sides. A stream of broken promises, a back slapping contest with “Big Guys” like Joe Biden winning till they slither to the top and destroy a country. Where are the warriors, the citizens, the loyalists who love the Republic and will defend her? In a world gone mad, the jester is king.

David Spade
David Spade
2 years ago

The steam roller is moving and heading in the direction of all Democrats. They have staked their claim to some very far left viewpoints, and the American people have deflected that garbage. This state election in Virginia is just a starting point. The voters are much more intelligent than the Marxist Democrats give them credit for, and doubling down on CRT, shutting down parent involvement in schools, and lying to the public just does not pass as anything close to acceptable now or in the future. Democrats will have losses at the polls in numbers greater than they realize now, and it will become the shocking truth as we close in to the elections during 2022 and beyond.

2 years ago

While Biden (Pelosi, Schumer, the “mob,” etc.), are the “face” of the Democratic party, and they are: empty, feckless, corrupt, dishonest, ideological, Marxist, evil, etc., Soros and other global elitists are its heart and soul. Its core. They control the banks, media, education, government unions, Hollywood, environmental whack jobs, and so on. President Trump and the true America know and understand this. America needs a robust economy, a strong military and a moral society. And we can have this! But this leftist “master/serf” way of thinking is destroying all that is good in America and the world. And that’s really their plan, isn’t it.
My observation.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Why should any sane person support him, only someone that cares nothing about America and our freedoms and why of life would support him and his policies, not one thing in 10 months has he done right.
It makes me sick to think that our News Media are part of the plan to destroy America, just think of how those dirtbags would be trashing any Republican that emboldened our enemy’s all the while putting his dirty thumb on his own citizen, many stupid Democrats support him just because he is a Democrat, they are the kind of people who should not be voting, I have heard them say my Daddy was a Democrat, my Father was also a Democrat up until Lydon Johnson, and in the late 60s I told Democrats to take a flying leap, a week later my mother and father also became Republicans. I don’t hold with the old saying everyone should vote, I believe that only people who are smart enough to understand the issues should vote.
Freedom is so precious and is so easily lost, one should be incredibly careful and look at the ramifications of all the issues and what the long-term effects are whether its forging policies, the economy, the border, to see how they impact American sovereignty and our freedoms.
If we do not protect the Bill of Rights, we are not free.
God Save America.

2 years ago

No human being with a reasoning, functioning mind would support this administration. Note what that says about the Communist Party, that decades ago was the democrat party.
We are being daily flooded by vast volumes of evil in every form the Communists can dream up. We real Americans are simply fed up with the destruction — by BOTH parties — of our beloved Republic.

Holden Bonnie
Holden Bonnie
2 years ago

Let’s stop comparing Biden votes & percentages in states from 2020. That was a fixed election & everyone knows it!

Ann Correll
Ann Correll
2 years ago

Wow! Keep praying America, it’s working. The moral majority giant woke up and found our voice. Just have one question, “if 25% think the reconciliation bill will benefit if passed, and 32% think it will actually hurt, why is congress continuing the forward movement of this bill?” Looks like the boss (the people) have let our staff know our wishes. Oh, maybe this is another one of those misinformed professional politicians thinking they know what’s best for us, like CRT?” Stay on top parents, you gave your children life, now make sure you give them liberty and the persuit of happiness.

2 years ago

The Democrats have taken ONE LESSON away from Tuesday’s election results: They must ram through their reconciliation bill by any means necessary BEFORE the mid-terms to ensure the country is damaged beyond repair. Just look at the frantic activity going on in the House of Representatives. Not only are they stuffing all the deleted items back into the bill, they are adding new items as well. Now the Dems are talking about invoking a parliamentary procedure, so they won’t have to read the bill on the floor of the House so no one knows what is ultimately in it. No one is expected to be able to read the final version before being asked to vote on it. This is a full court press by the Socialists to knee-cap the United States BEFORE the mid-terms ever take place.

Neither the reconciliation bill nor the bi-partisan infrastructure bill, which has more social engineering garbage in it than actual infrastructure, should be passed in any form. Both a bear traps waiting to be sprung on the American people. Don’t fall for it!

2 years ago

I remember how, during Obama’s presidency, it got to a point where I couldn’t stand to see or hear him on the news. Joe Biden is now that person to me. I simply see these two as the satanic pair.

2 years ago

Any person with even a nominal amount of intelligence should vote Republican across the board. The Dems are our enemies and these fools are the greatest threat to our nation and liberty. These races should not even be close…..anywhere!

Bwa Ha
Bwa Ha
2 years ago

As a non-partisan voter I vote conservative across the board. I don’t see where the liberals (democrats mostly) actually think they have the “edge” in the next POTUS election. If ol’ slo’ joe biden’s their “edge” then this is going to be a bumpy election this next time around. Bumpier than the last one when Brandon was installed as POTUS by the left. IMHO

FJB Let’s Go Brandon!

MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

2 years ago

I hope the Republicans will have their lawsuits ready to go when the 2022 elections happen. You know the Dems are going to cheat.

Bwa Ha
Bwa Ha
2 years ago

For some reason I just can’t envision biden having anything to do with culture. That’s a thought that’s beyond the pale…

MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!


Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
2 years ago

Don’t forget the slime Soros family. Pig George has a son or 2.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

It frightens me to see Republican leaders crowing about their big victory and how it will lead us to a clean sweep in the mid-term elections. If you think the woke crowd is going away to sulk and lick their wounds because we won in one medium sized state and came close in another, think again. It is only the start of the road to victory and must be followed up with a consolidated effort by conservatives if we are to succeed. Don’t forget, they still own the unions, academia and most of the news media.

Patriot Brian
Patriot Brian
2 years ago

ANYONE that has paid attention to the aftermath off the 2020 elections KNOWS that Biden was placed in power through fraudulent voting. If voting is not scrutinized far better than it currently stands, 2022 and 2024 will show the rise to complete power of the US National Socialists (Democrat party)

2 years ago

I find it hard to believe that biden and his party have ever been supported by the majority of the citizens

2 years ago

You said that Biden won the Electoral College popular vote. What ???
In the Electoral College, each state votes.
It is different from the total number of votes cast in the country.
Please explain what you mean by “Electoral College popular vote.”

2 years ago

This current admin is a corrupt admin with BIden as the mouthpiece for the puppeteers in the backroom orchestrating the demise of this great country. Puppeteers in the backroom earning $174,000 a year plus all the entitlements afforded them can only find fault with the very foundation that made in possible. LOSERS. Why defund the police, open borders, increased taxes, inflation, shut down the Keystone pipeline, etc. if not to undermine the power of the states, this country, as it paves the way toward a centralized Government. This man in the WH has violated his oath office to defend and protect this country. No admin could be this incompetent creating one crisis after another if not by design. Rotten apples do not fall far from the tree!
One proud veteran

2 years ago

I do believe that Murphy lost. No way he came up with those votes last minute. Just another liar, corrupt politician, etc. He has done nothing for the people of New Jersey. The next four year he will do nothing for the tax payer of NJ…………….

2 years ago

Couldn’t happen to a finer group! Things are looking up!

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