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The Biden Administration Says Inflation is Decelerating While Americans Go Hungry Due to the Sky-Rocketing Cost of Living

Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Oct 27 — Don’t believe your eyes; the Biden administration tells us that inflation and sky-rocketing prices for consumer goods are all a mirage, not real.  In fact, White House press secretary Jen Psaki tells us that inflation rates have decelerated by 50%.  Yeah, right.

According to the government’s own statistics, when Mr. Biden became president in January 2021, the inflation rate stood at 1.4%, and as of the end of September 2021, it was at 5.39%.  That’s an increase of a whopping 285.714% — in just the first eight months of the Biden presidency.

Meanwhile, Ms. Psaki’s “false and callous” dismissal of the impact inflation is having on our citizens shows the lack of concern that this administration has for struggling citizens.  A poll published a few days ago shows that a third of them are resorting to skipping meals in order to cope. 

The poll was conducted by Zogby Analytics, which noted that “Food insecurity is becoming increasingly too familiar these days.  As the gap between the “haves” and “have nots” widens, more and more Americans are finding it harder to meet ends daily.  Economists and advocacy groups are sounding the alarm bells as food insecurity is on the rise in the U.S.  To compound matters, rising food prices are not helping the situation.  Families are missing meals because their paychecks do not go as far as they once did a few years ago.  The middle class is being hollowed out by inflation.  We asked voters if they felt the Biden Administration’s failure to control inflation had caused them or family members to miss meals because of the increased cost of food prices, and the results were shocking.”

The Zogby survey found “three in ten likely voters said they had or family members missed meals due to food price inflation.”

You don’t have to be an economist to know why these times are hard, and living isn’t easy.  It’s all about the destructively massive spending plans of the Biden administration and his socialist-centric House and Senate.   Charles Lipson, political science professor emeritus at the University of Chicago, puts it this way: “Fundamentally, inflation is a monetary problem.  It’s too much money chasing too few goods.  And the idea that you would pump trillions more into this economy at a time when it’s clearly overheating is just lunacy.”

Sen. Rand Paul, [R-KY] says it’s not going to get better anytime soon.  He told Newsmax last week that things are going to get “worse than anybody’s predicting … all baked in from this year’s borrowing so as they pass their big government socialist program, we will get more inflation.”  And he’s not the only one to predict that.

In July, polling by researchers at Morning Consult showed 38% of all voters and 38% of independent voters said they believed that as far as the economy under President Biden is concerned, things will get worse next year; as of last week, those numbers increased to 47% and 49% respectively.  Even the number of Democrats who are concerned about America’s near-term financial future grew from17% to 23%. 

“Sixty-two percent of voters blame the Biden administration’s policies for rising inflation, an increase of 3 percentage points from late July when Morning Consult and Politico last polled on the question. Slight increases in the shares of Republicans (85 percent) and independents (61 percent) who hold the administration responsible fueled the uptick.”

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2 years ago

It amazes me the number of people I thought were intelligent, just quote what they hear on the news as true, while they complain about the price of gas and food. They can’t just look around and see the devastation that has taken place since Jan. Or they say Joe inherited everything, even though he has reversed everything that Trump had done, and shut down oil, yet begs for it from OPEC.

2 years ago

Of course the Biden regime isn’t concerned about the plight of mere commoners. Marxism isn’t about the individual. It is about control of individuals “for the common good” of growing power for the few elites.

2 years ago

Gosh, the empty store shelves of food, gas prices at 3.50+, and my financial spending power lessened, is just a figment of my imagination. The Romulans and Klingons must have showed up and placed cloaking devices in the stores to hide items. Of course the Biden administration have found the best drugs from the cartels to be high on. How much of the missing food is being intercepted by the government and being handed out for free (taxpayer expense) to all the illegal immigrants that have invaded the country since the Biden administration took office. This administration is just pitiful.

Tom Baldwin
Tom Baldwin
2 years ago

Chucky doll speaks!

Jim Jolly
Jim Jolly
2 years ago

The truth be given Biden and his group don’t care!

Patty L
Patty L
2 years ago

“Let them eat cake!” All this while Jill and Joe OBiden in a fancy expensive restaurant without their masks! Can anyone say hypocrites??

David Spade
David Spade
2 years ago

It is beyond the pale to say that inflation has declined by 50%. What world does this Marxist administration live in? America runs the risk of hyper inflation with the tax and spend policies promoted by this leftist congress and O’Biden. These people don’t see the everyday working people struggle to pay for groceries, fuel and healthcare. They turn a blind eye to the real problems facing this country for their own elitist programs. The open boarders, the lying vaccine mandates, and the dismal failue at foreign policy just show that the chaos continues unabated in Washington.

2 years ago

The democrats lie to Citizens, tell self serving lies to themselves , joebama and useless democrats are dishonest and greedy!

2 years ago

Psaki is nothing less than a propagandist…..that is her job. Press Secretary is mere title.

Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

Peppermint Patty is unquestionably this years blue ribbon recipient of the adam schitt’s nonstop LIAR award. Note-faux news dummy, chrissy wallace thinks she’s the bomb.

Fox News’ Chris Wallace celebrated Jen Psaki as “one of the best press secretaries ever”–National Review

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
2 years ago

Remember – Pasaki – that food and gasoline are NEVER factored into this. NEVER.
And have all us AMAC members got that ‘down’ now ?

Justin Tyme
Justin Tyme
2 years ago

Jenn Psaki is the propaganda mouthpiece of the Biden administration. Remember that.

Dave f.
Dave f.
2 years ago

This is what I expect from the Ministry of Truth. Remember, at the time, candidate Biden said our darkest days are ahead of us. About the only thing he’s gotten right.

2 years ago

They are such liars that they believe their own lies! They seem to think that we are like sheep just following whatever they say! I can barely buy groceries or gas anymore and have to stay home so as not to drive!!! They are deceitful, lying, evil, Marxists!

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
2 years ago

I can no longer tell the difference between biden and pi**talky.

2 years ago

Let’s Go Brandon!!!

2 years ago

Yes, America IS doing jus fine if you compare it to Venezuela!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Didn’t the Weimar Republic tell its citizens the same thing?
If you don’t know what that was you needed many million mark bills in a wheelbarrow to buy bread.

2 years ago

The middle class is being hurt by inflation?
We’re being devastated by the Communist Party. And stop calling them democrats or socialists!
They aren’t.

Gail Tubbs
Gail Tubbs
2 years ago

I wonder how all of the people, Demos & RHINOs, are feeling with all of this horrible stuff that is happening that they voted for. I hope they are receiving what they wanted.

Geraldine McGann
Geraldine McGann
2 years ago

Inflation is the new taxation hitting the lower and low middle class the hardest.

2 years ago

Jill must be loosing at the track, Bernie needs a few extra dollars to get his teenage girlfriends a beach house, McConnel needs a retirement bonus, and Nancy stays pat with insider trading. Organized crime ?.You and your grandkids your great grand kids have to pay it all back.

Old coach
Old coach
2 years ago

Only the super dense can support coward China joe

2 years ago

It amazes me, how many of my intelligent friends and family members actually believe the smoke and mirrors. Are actually seeing the price increases, empty shelves and complaining about gas, yet believe Joe when he says things are better. And guess what, everyone one of them got the vax. I think it has infiltrated into their brains and made them stupid.

2 years ago

New spending plan of Biden’s that will cost nothing unless you make over $400,000 is a joke. Most people earning well above that amount are business owners. To recover from Biden’s new taxes what do they do? They raise their prices so we end up being the ones hurt. How stupid does he think we are. Got to vote them out as soon as possible.

2 years ago

Pasaki thinks we are all dumb as a rock

Paul Barnes
Paul Barnes
2 years ago

When are the republicans going to get rid of this lying, socialist piece of garbage in the White House.

2 years ago

The Biden administration doesn’t seem to know how to fix our nation’s problems. Simple solution: why not go back to the way things were running when President Trump was in office! Things were pretty much under control and running well. Look where we are now! It started with the Biden-Obama administration. can’t say Biden-Harris administration as Harris doesn’t do anything.

2 years ago

The grim reaper can’t come soon enough fir this little CS’r

2 years ago

We need to quit giving the Democrat/Socialist (soon to be the Socialistic/Communistic) party we keep giving them a pass on everything by saying they are stupid, they are dumb, they’re making to many mistakes. In fact it is a well laid out devious and sinister agenda and if you don’t believe it wait until after the 2022 elections. If we constitutionalist (this includes any members of all parties that truly believe that all citizens matter) don’t take back the House and Senate the Democrat/ Socialists will go full throttle.

Jeffrey T
Jeffrey T
2 years ago

I want to have hope and having read many of these comments, I’m very pleased to see people are beginning to understand; especially Gary.To all my fellow Patriots, now is not the time to mince words, let’s call this exactly what it is i.e. this is the leftists/socialists/progressive/ Democrats/Deepwater and shadow government hard at work to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA; the hubris of the above noted is such that they don’t even attempt to hide it, they say it out loud but they convince only the idiots. One easily recognized example of marching towards Socialism is the patients rights and affordable care act along with Medicare for all. NEWS FLASH: MEDICARE IS BANKRUPT i.e. Medicare’s UNFUNDED LIABILITIES dwarfs our national debt; don’t take my word for it, Google “Medicare unfunded liabilities”. All though this attempt to fundamentally change America has been in the works for more than 70 years but they have up their game exponentially and picking up steam via selling hate i.e. HATE TRUMP!!!The mainstream media is complicit in selling hate and far to many of our fellow American’s sit in front of their television watching “news” nodding like bobble-heads; if we fail to get our friends, families, neighbors to see what is actually happening and they on a FastTrack to forfeiting LIBERTY… this really is what’s coming if we fail to stop it. I do have faith that many more will begin to understand the gravity of this situation if We The People spread th word and use easily verifiable facts.

2 years ago

2 2 = 5 says it all.

2 years ago

If the dems cared as much for the “less privileged” as they claim they do, they’d make an effort to halt this meteoric rise in inflation. But obviously they don’t care. Many middle and lower income families driving to work and are now deciding what they will have to sacrifice in order to keep their jobs.

Last weekend, I moved to a more rural location 2 hours from the last residence. With gasoline costing almost twice what it did 2 years ago, I left items behind that didn’t fit in the moving van. I made a few trips with my small pickup truck, but it just wasn’t worth it, so the rest was donated.

A loaf of rye bread cost $2.29 2 years ago; it’s now $4.29. A little peperomia (that’s a plant) in a 1 1/2″ pot now costs $4.49, when it was less than $3.00 before Biden. Our power company has already notified customers of their multiple price increases over the next couple of years.

The real inflation rate will end up being much, much higher than the core rate often quoted, the one with food and energy omitted from the calculations. Maybe by now all Americans are seeing what this administration is all about—impoverishing a larger percentage of us while getting their socialist agenda in motion, and making more of us dependent on the federal government. That’s not what I envision as a free society with a healthy economy.

2 years ago

Cannot share with friends unless they belong to AMAC already, as they cannot access site. At least that is what I am told. This site is for AMAC members only?

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