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Breaking News: Progressives Refuse to Reauthorize Highway Trust Fund, 3,700 Workers Furloughed

Posted on Friday, October 1, 2021
by AMAC, Alex Ayers

On Thursday night, after many days of negotiations within the Democratic party, House Progressives were successful in holding the highway trust fund hostage past its expiration in order to try and force moderate Democrats to support the $3.5 trillion social spending package. Because the authorization for the highway trust fund has expired, the Department of Transportation has been forced to furlough 3,700 workers and pause nearly 300 highway projects unless the state DOT agencies have the funds available to continue the projects without federal assistance.

The National Highway System consists of 160,955 miles of strategic highways and interstates; these roads fall under federal jurisdiction for upkeep, maintenance, and expansion. While state agencies are used to determine which roads are in need of repair or expansion, funding for those projects is paid for through the highway trust fund, which is paid for by federal fuel taxes on gasoline and diesel. Without reauthorization, the highway trust fund cannot pay for federally-backed highway projects operated by the states even though the trust fund has the necessary cash to pay for the projects. The trust fund will continue to receive revenues from gas taxes while the projects are on hold.

Until the next five-year reauthorization is passed by the House of Representatives or Congress passes a stop-gap extension of the expired authorization, hundreds of highway projects will be forced to stop, and thousands of workers will continue to be furloughed.

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3 years ago

Someone hit the snooze button. We’ve seen this theatrical production many times before. In a few days or a week, everything will be back to business as usual in Washington and everyone furloughed will receive back pay.

3 years ago

Just goes to demonstrate without a shadow of a doubt how nasty the Democratic Party is.

3 years ago

This is typical for the Democrats. They will do anything to destroy our country. Call you representatives and tell them to stay strong.

Ron Bing
Ron Bing
3 years ago

Did our local congressman not see this coming?? Are there no committee hearings?? Where is our legislators??

3 years ago

Yep, Democrats are for the common man!

Jo Ann Stanford
Jo Ann Stanford
3 years ago

This is another reason why these people need to be voted out of office. This is another evil act of the democrat congress that Pelosi heads up, vote her out.

3 years ago

Typical crap pulled by the REGRESSIVES; there’s nothing progressive about those idiots

Juana Contreras-Mendoza
Juana Contreras-Mendoza
3 years ago

Can we fight in ordered for those people do not hold the work on the Highway???

Democrats are breaking the country
These action are terrible and handicapping
How about a lot of the money that have not been expended???
Democrats have not use a lot of the money they borrowed for COVID they should use that money first
Before they borrowed more money that is how people pocket the money
Because you we can not keep track
Like the money for the bordered
That money and the material is there to built the much needed wall

3 years ago

So although unnamed, progressives indicates reps like AOC and her minions. These are the same people who I’m betting has no family linage that ever spilled a drop of blood fighting for the freedoms we hold sacred. In fact, family linage that never spilled a drop of blood fighting for anything, anywhere. But “we” have given these people the power to ruin every vestige of what has made America “our” country. I would advocate a “peaceful” revolution, through 100% participation in the voting and getting those we hope will will actually follow or dictates. (And from what we’ve continually seen and heard, just because someone has an “R” behind their name doesn’t mean they’ll listen to you anymore than the current crop of morons running things….). Beyond that, perhaps it’s worthwhile to start prepping for less peaceful alternatives which may be forced upon those of us who value freedom more than we fear death…. just saying.

Mark T Shea
Mark T Shea
3 years ago

Fight nice (for us who employ you) boys

3 years ago

You know mafia madam Nancy is holding the moderates hostage! Remember yesterday in her news conference, “thIs is when it gets fun.” Bipartisanship could happen if we could get her and AOC the hell out of the way! Both are revolting and very dangerous witches!

John Sharpe
John Sharpe
3 years ago

We need to vote Liberal’s out of office. They are out to break America. Joe Biden is just a dumb old guy who has no idea about what he is doing. He is a puppet for the Bernie and the Liberals. Kamala doesn’t have a clue on what to do, she was that way in California. Nancy also needs to go because she is doing nothing for the American people who voted for her in San Francisco. She robs the old widows of their money and they think she is so great. They have know idea as to what Nancy is doing to America. In fact the people of San Francisco are so strung out on Drugs they are lost as to what the rest of Calif. needs to do.

3 years ago

Dems are a nightmare!! God help our Republicans, stay strong!

3 years ago

These career politicians continue to play games and the political football is the American people! They should all be ashamed of themselves. But who am I kidding? They only care about 2 things; what’s in it for them personally and how can I get reelected! Cheating bastards! And Republicans don’t get a pass from me either. Where are they? I know they are the so-called minority but where are their voices against this economy-killing, communist takeover? Huh? Where?

Jim Jolly
Jim Jolly
3 years ago

Biden will make an Execetive Order to take care of it whether he has the authority or not!

3 years ago

The Democrats only care about their pet projects and say to hell with everyone else. Why anyone would vote for these degenerates is beyond my understanding.

3 years ago

And the dems say they are for the people. This is more proof of their bigger agenda, total control of the government, and that’s socialism!

Bill Roseberry
Bill Roseberry
3 years ago

Any day the Federal Government isn’t spending money money is a good day. We owe 28 trillion dollars that future generations will have to pay. We are like druggies, only worried about our next fix.

Ira Jones
Ira Jones
3 years ago

Never in the history of this nation, not even in the days of FDR & LBJ, has an administration actively put the needs of its citizens last in almost every way. The Democrat Party not only ignores Americans that disagree with its policies, but they actively do whatever they think they can get away with to label them “domestic terrorists”. This administration punishes hard working, law abiding, middle class citizens, especially if they are white. While, at the same time allowing anyone they classify as “victims” free reign to act as they please with little to no accountability. Illegal immigrants, african-americans, and criminals are automatically held to a different standard by judges, politicians, teachers, prosecutors, and anyone else who identifies as “woke”, or anyone who is afraid of being called a racist on twitter. BLM destroyed whole cities last summer and our Vice President fundraised for their bail, the media called city blocks on fire “mostly peaceful”, but those who broke the law (but to a much lesser degree) on Jan 6th, had the full force of the justice dept. spend millions of dollars to track down Trump supporters for trespassing charges.

The double standard in the nation has to stop. The direction we are headed will never reach unity, and eventually will come to a head. Let’s make some corrective measures before it does.

3 years ago

I think this falls in line with everything else they’ve done. They can’t get out of their own way and are looking like absolute fools.

3 years ago

They are out to destroy America and even cheated to get into office, what can we expect? No one is fighting against the fraudulent election and Az only gave out 50 % of the true audit report, we’ve been infiltrated by evil people who only mean to do us harm. There has not been one good thing come from this administration because there is nothing good about them. Every single day there is nothing but childish and destructive actions that come from them and we are all going to suffer greatly over it.

Neil Schmidt
Neil Schmidt
3 years ago

Isn’t it wonderful? Now we can pour the money into more freebie programs….especially to fund more ILLEGALS from Mexico, Haiti and Afghanistan. Hey….it will be far easier to allow cartel-sponsored, fentanyl-smuggling illegals from Mexico with Biden’s despicable open border. How do you Demorats feel now? I didn’t vote for the traitor; YOU did!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Gonna effect the Economy & supply chain system too

3 years ago

Be advised these are not Democrats..they are Socialists !!! These traitors are not Progressives they are Radicals !… When is enough enough ?? We the people need to take to the streets in mass demonstrations and protests. That is the only thing these tyrants heed.
We need real Conservatives to lead the Charge .. …It’s now or NEVER .
The rest of America has to suffer because of the A**holes who voted for this corrupt senile.

Conservative Veteran
Conservative Veteran
3 years ago

The Dems are ushering in The Great Reset. The Great Reset is destroying all the countries with freedom to enable the New World Order. Much bigger than most people are aware.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Anarcey is the answer. Kyle L>

3 years ago

Demoncrats want nothing but control and will do anything they can to get it. They don’t worry about what it does to the people. Or, do they worry about the ethics of their actions.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

Some people need a large hammer or sickle upside the thick communist heads.

Donald Christian
Donald Christian
3 years ago

holding American worker’s jobs hostage for illegals welfare ? Typical democrats !

3 years ago

Tired of them holding our lives hostage!! This is a bunch of evil people! How can they refuse if the money is there?

Bob H
Bob H
3 years ago

Since the Democrats allowed the Highway Trust Fund to expire, why are states continuing to collect federal tax on fuels? Seems like an illegal tax since there is no law authorizing it.

3 years ago

These miscreants aren’t going away on their own. They will need much assistance.

Geraldine McGann
Geraldine McGann
3 years ago

This Congress is certainly NOT representing the citizenry!

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
3 years ago

Ditch the democrats and their spend and tax and then spend and tax more.These entities are not spending their money,they are spending taxpayer money,my money,your money and WE DO NOT LIKE IT,its pretty much a thing of buying votes.

Constant de Calonne
Constant de Calonne
3 years ago

Oh well so sad however I cannot condone bullying tactics ie threats of government shutdowns for legislators ” to get their hugely expensive bills passed IF THESE UNSCRUPULOUS DESPERATE LEGISLATORS ARE UNHAPPY THEY CAN AND SHOULD RESIGN ! DO AMERICANS A FAVOR AND LEAVE OFFICE that INCLUDES THE POTUS. NASTY NANCY AND ANYONE ELSE WHO IS

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
3 years ago

Hey all you biden voters and the other slugs in DC. You happy now?? Build back better?

Bruce D Wood
Bruce D Wood
3 years ago

We are seeing Socialism and communism at work in our country. If we the people don’t stop it in its track now it will destroy our country for sure. We cannot sustain the number of illegals coming into our country and embedded in these groups or murderers, rapist, gang members and even Terrorist who want to kill Americans and do harm to our country. Harris was made the border Czar and has done absolutely nothing to even slow down the influx even when ordered to put President Trumps Order to remain in Mexico till hearing. We are see the home of the free and the Brave disappearing before our eyes and the Democrat socialist Communist are laughing at how easy it is. God Bless our country and may he see us thru.

Dave Smith
Dave Smith
3 years ago

Sure hope those 3,700 workers remember who did this to them and why! The disease is growing!

2 years ago

Ahhh yes, demonRats. The Party of pro-America. Blackmail, extortion, and threat has as always been their modis operandi.
Just like the Mafia.
Nothing they have done for a century now has been for the benefit of America or it’s people.
Why are people who voted for them allowed to remain in a country they detest?

2 years ago

Well heck! In true progressive style…..why would they wanna pay for this? It’s truly INFRASTRUCTURE!! F’ing clowns.

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