
National Security , Newsline

Pence Sheds Light on Fall of Afghanistan: Biden Broke Deal

Posted on Friday, August 20, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive By: Joshua Charles


The world justifiably wonders how the tragedy playing out in Afghanistan came to pass. Now former Vice President Pence is speaking out about what he says went wrong. As Pence argues, Biden broke America’s peace deal with the Taliban.

Just a little over a month ago, President Biden confidently stated that “the likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country [of Afghanistan] is highly unlikely.” He continued: “There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy.

As everyone has seen, since then, the exact opposite has happened. The Taliban has overrun the country; taken its capital, Kabul; announced it will reinstate a form of Sharia law which in the past proved particularly brutal to both women and children; captured enormous amounts of US military equipment; begun persecuting the Afghan people (including going after Christians); and the former Afghan president, Ashraf Ghani, has fled the country.

Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Pence argues that it did not have to happen this way.

As he explains, many Americans were unaware of the agreement the Trump administration negotiated with the Taliban last year—the plan that was abandoned by President Biden shortly after he assumed the presidency.

In particular, the Trump deal, announced in February 2020, had one key feature that Biden jettisoned: benchmarking the withdrawal to concrete steps to be taken by the Taliban. Among those conditions agreed to were ending all attacks on the US military, ending the Taliban’s protection of terrorists, and the group negotiating with Afghan leaders on forming a new government.

This agreement was unanimously endorsed by the UN Security Council, and over the last 18 months, there has not been a single US combat casualty. Afghanistan was enjoying a level of stability that had not been witnessed since the original US invasion after September 11.

When Biden came in, he announced his own policy. He said US forces would remain in Afghanistan an additional four months, but neglected to tether that withdraw to conditions, as Trump had. In short, Biden broke the deal with the Taliban, stayed longer than promised, and with any limiting conditions on the withdrawal removed, the Taliban initiated a major offensive against the Afghan government, culminating in the collapse the world has witnessed with horror in recent days.

As the former Vice President observed, “They [the Taliban] knew there was no credible threat of force under this president. They’ve seen him kowtow to anti-Semitic terrorist groups like Hamas, restore millions of dollars in aid to the Palestinian Authority, and sit by earlier this year while thousands of rockets rained down on Israeli civilians.”

By contrast, Islamic militant groups knew the strength of President Trump’s resolve. He had denied funding to the PLO; he stood with Israel against attacks by Hamas; he bombed Syria’s Assad when he crossed the “red line” articulated by President Obama (who never enforced it himself); and he took out Qasem Soleimani, the leader of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, responsible for many American deaths in Iraq and elsewhere.

But it was not just that President Biden broke from the agreement. As is now painfully clear, he did so without any credible plan for getting Americans, and our military equipment out of Afghanistan, enormous portions of which have now fallen into the hands of the Taliban. Just recently, the Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff admitted they currently have no means of getting the thousands of Americans who remain in Afghanistan out of the country, nor many of the Afghans who helped us in our fight against the Taliban, who are now gravely threatened by the group’s return to power.

As a result of this catastrophic incompetence, Americans and the world witnessed gut-wrenching scenes of people swarming American military planes—even falling to their deaths after briefly holding on—and, ironically, helicopters evacuating personnel from the nearly $1 billion American embassy compound in Kabul.

And don’t think nations like China aren’t watching. The Chinese state-controlled media outlet Global Times openly mocked Taiwan for relying on American aid for its defense in light of the Afghanistan debacle. “The situation in Afghanistan suddenly saw a radical change after the country was abandoned by the US. And Washington just left despite the worsening situation in Kabul,” it said. “Is this some kind of omen of Taiwan’s future fate?” They ridiculed the idea that America would sacrifice blood and treasure to keep its security commitments to Taiwan, and called on Taiwanese leaders to abandon their reliance on the US.

For a number of years, the American people have broadly agreed that we must withdraw from Afghanistan, in the sense that our nation-building endeavor must end. The same was true in the 1960’s and early 1970’s about the war in Vietnam. But what do we remember? The helicopter evacuating Americans from our embassy in Saigon. Great nations do not measure success simply by whether or not the ultimate goal has been achieved, but how it has been achieved—with honor, or dishonor; justice or injustice; strength or weakness.

This was surely not the exit the American people had in mind.

As former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates observed a number of years ago, Joe Biden has been “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

I guess we’ll now be adding a fifth.

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3 years ago

Well for anyone keeping track of the dismal performance of the Biden administration since it took power in January, the debacle in Afghanistan is perfectly in-line with the mess the administration has created with virtually everything else it has laid its hands on.

Every time anyone from this administration does a press briefing, I have less and less faith that anyone in this administration has a clue on how to handle anything but getting an ice cream cone for Joe. Secretary Austin and General Milley just personify incompetence. Jake Sullivan is a glorified PR spin doctor out of his depth and seems unaware he doesn’t hide it very well. Biden is Biden except obviously less mentally aware due to his dementia.

I’m just waiting for the moment when the Taliban decides to stop pretending to be anything but the ruthless thugs that they are and starts rounding up the thousands of Americans still trapped in the country and holding them as hostages. Thus allowing Biden to surpass Jimmy Carter for the sheer number of American hostages ever taken by Islamic extremists.

This is what you get when you replace a competent leader with a dementia patient, that was never to that smart to begin with. All because some folks couldn’t get past their fixation on some tweets, rather than focusing on all the positives delivered. Choosing style, or at least the media created image they thought would get their guy Biden over the finish line, over a leader that delivered substance has ramifications. Actions of course have consequences America and a whole lot of Americans and Afghani people who helped us in Afghanistan are paying the price for a bad decision last November. Lets hope we can get the majority of those still trapped in Afghanistan home safely.

Patrick Carroll
Patrick Carroll
3 years ago

Maybe if Pence would have had the courage to stand up for election integrity this situation would never have happened. Election fraud has consequences!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Had No plans & his Security Team failed day 1 NO leadership

Paul DAscenz
Paul DAscenz
3 years ago

China Russia,North Korea, The Taliban.
All know that the Biden Administration is Soft and Whimpy Liberals.
Trump had made deals,to benefit all American’s that we’re overseas in these Hostile countries.
Biden claims he inherited Trumps problems.
That is absurd! You took the Job as President of the USA.
Do your Job,Joe Stop placing blame on the former administration.

3 years ago

Now we see the progressive “falling of the dominoes” as the American influence abroad has been rendered useless. After Afghanistan, will come Taiwan, then the rise of Chinese influence, the rise of Russian joint efforts with the Chinese, India, Pakistan, and others, the rise of additional terrorists activity here and elsewhere, the persistent decline in American assets being used to protect our nation…..and the band plays on…the dance continues, the politics as usual activity in Washington drones away……never mind the influx of illegals, and all that brings with it to our interior….now we will have multitudes of other threats who will come to this country via “refugee” programs, border crossings, and non-vetted middle eastern people showing up in all parts of this country……………and the Vice President is off to the far east….a worthless jestere, who commands no respect, and has no credibility, power to perform or capacity to act. .

3 years ago

This whole admin acts like a drunk out of their mind juvenile delinquent, who stole father’s Porsche to see how fast they can scratch up the paint job and how many dents and crunch jobs they can put in it while it still runs. Now they are careening full speed out of control down a mountain dirt road to send it over the cliff into the deepest canyon they can find. Time for the Highway Patrol to arrest the delinquents, and give them some time to think about what they’ve done in the Pen, while America fixes the damage over the next few decades.

3 years ago

With loss of massive amounts of military material, the GAO should go and collect from the personal accounts and assets of all those involved to recoup those losses. The US military should begin conducting the necessary strikes to destroy this equipage. Alas, I know that American personnel must be taken out first. Again there is no LEADERSHIP in the ranks.

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
3 years ago

Anyone who, still, believes that the election of 2020 was honest, free of fraud or electronic manipulation of votes and that the results were accurate, and the current administration represents the intentions and will of the American citizenry, must, now, believe that the American people are some of the stupidest, most immoral and most unethical morons on the face of the earth.

3 years ago

Wouldn’t give you 2 cents for Pence. As far as I’m concerned he abandoned every conservative in the country and proved he was part of the swamp.

3 years ago

People bought into the biased msm/social media BS and this is their reward, joe and his destructive administration with no leadership skills. Hope they’re all happy.

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

I am afraid this is no accident. Siding with terrorists is in large measure letting them do whatever they want to. In this case, it is part of a plan to so destabilize America that general collapse will occur and the dems will be able to “build back better.” I hope enough voters realize that this is not the group to trust with building anything.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Where are the Demonrat (DEMOCRATS) know that we have a President that has committed real High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Like always they are absent they are off on their critical race crap, off on looking to lock us down again, off looking for more gun control, off looking for more ways to cut police and turn our military in WOKE sissy’s. You lying slime-bags need to impeach Joe Biden today and Kamala Harris tomorrow. America is sinking to third world statist and the Democrats want to see it happen. God bless President Donald J. Trump

Patty L
Patty L
3 years ago

I’d like to ask those people who voted for Joe Biden, do you regret your decision? That is, if you believe this was a legitimate election. The proof that the election was stolen is everywhere! The Supreme Court needs to overturn the election results and reinstate Donald Trump as President of the United States. This is a desperate situation and needs to be done ASAP! As President Trump said recently “Do you miss me yet?”

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

Senile Joe said he had studied “all contingencies” and this debacle was no surprise. IF he studied all contingencies and still SCREWED things up so badly, how can we expect him to get ANYTHING correct? He (or his handlers) just refuse to do ANYTHING that worked for Trump–they’re like 8-year-old kids playing with dynamite!

D. Brown
D. Brown
3 years ago

I hope all the morons that voted for this POS are enjoying our newfound place in the world. I am embarrassed for our Country, and I want all these Traitors hung for treason!

Lynda Buchholz
Lynda Buchholz
3 years ago

We all need to pray, pray pray. I see nothing credible in our government no matter which party and it does not bode well.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

Never underestimate the utter incompetence of JRB, even his former boss has been quoted & there are shirts out there now with this quote, i.e. ” Leave it to Joe To f**k things up… ”
VP Pence is correct, JRB broke the peace deal Trump made with the Taliban.
Biden will NOT be around to much longer now, the Afghanistan catastrophe has made this abundantly clear to the world over, including our enemies…At this moment in time, all of America’s enemies are FREE to do as they please, simply look at China, Russia, Iran, with Afghanistan now added to the list, owned & operated by the Islamic terrorists group known as the Taliban. They have NO reason to fear America under it’s current faux leadership or lack thereof…
Remember the audits folks & our southern border, don’t allow yourselves to be distracted with False Flags…
God Bless America,
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

Who the hell cares what the TRAITOR, pence (dense) says. He’s a worthless POS that stabbed the country in the back. AMAC has a lot of nerve giving that turncoat any print whatsoever.

3 years ago

Traitorous Pence holds no value since he sided with DemonRats.
He and his comrades are bought and paid for by China.
This was their plan to demolish our Country while removing any thing Patriotic American.
Afghanistan: 0 China: 1

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

I couldn’t possibly care less what this coward has to say…about ANYTHING. If he would’ve done the right, albeit difficult, thing…it’s very likely we wouldn’t even be talking about this foreign policy and human rights mega- catastrophe. This fraud stabbed every American in the back.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

That is a sad conclusion where JRB is concerned Patriot Will…Trump leads from a position of strength, not weakness, something the current faux administration does NOT get in any way…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

J Harold Mohler
J Harold Mohler
3 years ago

Biden is totally incompetent and needs to be impeached or removed with the 25th amendment!!

3 years ago

I’m not interested in quotes (i.e. lies) from Loopy Joe. Nothing he says can be trusted as truth. Besides, what did you expect from a Godless party of socialists who have no emotion or feeling for humanity and lack consciences? Biden has been a moron for over 40 years and Kamala is evil, wicked, & satanic on steroids. Anyone who would kill babies is capable of anything.

John Cline
John Cline
3 years ago

Mike Pence has no room to talk about broken deals, he knew the Deal, the same one that is being verified today is the same deal he knew back on January 6, and if he had kept to his oath of office to question voter fraud and uphold the Constitution Joe Biden wouldn’t even be in office today.

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
3 years ago

Here is a scary scenario that may seem far-fetched right now, but in light of the President and Vice-President being almost unseen since the start of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan it may not be that unthinkable. Here it is. Sometime over the next several months the powers behind the Biden throne will force Harris to resign. Biden then will be told to fill the vacancy with Hillary Clinton which will be approved by the democrat Congress. Shortly after that Biden will explain that his health will not let him continue as President and he will resign thus making Hillary Clinton President. She will then be eligible to make another run at the presidency in 2024. Hang on people we may very well be in for a rough ride since this scenario is not beyond their reach to get what they wanted all along….a Hillary Clinton presidency.

3 years ago

Because my husband had two trips during the Viet Nam war….it looked just like the Fall of Saigon …. now it is the Fall a Kabul. When you have an illegal president who is a mentally incompetent buffoon what can you expect? No one fears this man’s split tongue….no one feared Obama’s split tongue….it is all talk. Biden needs to be removed and the real president re-instated in the White House.

3 years ago

In just 8 short months, Jackass Joe IS NOW THE WORST PRESIDENT IN AMERICAN HISTORY!!! …I’m glad that Jimmy Carter is still alive to know that he’s NO LONGER AMERICA’S WORST PRESIDENT EVER!!! … Impeach, Impeach, Impeach!!!

Bob L.
Bob L.
3 years ago

Actually, I wouldn’t have trusted the Taliban to honor the agreement anyway. I think they were primed and ready to move as soon as our strength in the country was low enough make their move successfully.

3 years ago


Sharon Harrigan
Sharon Harrigan
3 years ago

1 Timothy 2 1-3 I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men: For kings and for all that are in authority ; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.
At this point in our country, this is not easy to do,considering the policies and practices of our current leaders. But, the LORD has commanded, and we must obey. Please pray for them to turn their hearts to the truth of God’s word. Pray for revival in our country, to turn the heart of America back to the truths of the Bible upon which she was founded. Thank you all.

3 years ago

Blame the democrats and the many others who are too many to list for illegally and blatantly stealing votes from President Trump.People who actually voted for puppet Biden need to repent for helping this mentally impared buffoon who is fast ruining our precious America and all she stands for.
We are weeping in the promise land !!!

3 years ago

We don’t want China in the ME!! They’re NOT there on a humanitarian mission. They will sap the country of it’s mineral resources to enhance their military aggression around the world, and build military basis to harass OPEC countries Israel in particular. To all you numbskull Dem voters out there: You prayed for rain now deal with the mud!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

A pox on those who voted for these historical incompetents. Some silly people voted personality rather than policies which is never smart.

Joanne Holden
Joanne Holden
3 years ago

Where are impeachment proceedings from the Republican Representatives

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

TRAGEDY ? ? ? Why the hell were we there in the first place ? We need to mind our own damn business. I lost a lot of good friends in V N. Who runs that country since we ‘pulled out ?” I am disgusted with this foreign intervention crap. DISGUSTED ! ! !

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

“Incompetence Я Us!” has become the foundational definition of Bidense and his inability to do anything on a positive and rational basis. Because of this, many people in Afghanistan will very shortly die at the hands of the Taliban, and continue to die under the brutal and feudal Sharia law that is being imposed on that nation.
It is obvious that Taiwan is next in line for takeover. China will shortly seize the opportunity to reincorporate Taiwan into China proper, with the expectation that Bidense will do little more than cry “Woe is me!” while beating his breast and lamenting that China shouldn’t be doing this. China will also continue its consolidation of the South China Sea, with it eventually becoming little more than a Chinese dominated lake.

3 years ago

AH Biden is a complete moron who should be under permanent sedation as he is incapable of being leader of the USA or any other country. Just look at the mess he has foisted upon the citizens of the USA and of the countless thousands left behind in Afghanistan without proper
exit. We are now in deeper peril as the Taliban is setting out to destroy us and both China and Russia are thrilled to see America go down in flames. WAKE UP AMERICA, vote this clown out!

3 years ago

Go away Pence your cowardice gave us the illegitimate, illegal regime in the White House.

3 years ago

Pence can go to hell , if he hadn’t been bought off by the liberal swamp & not made the choice of being a traitor to America & Trump , we wouldn’t have the career criminal , communist biden as an enemy of America for a fraudulent “president” right now & all the damage he has done since January 20 !

3 years ago

Pence is a Deep-State Recucklicrat traitor. I can’t believe you would reference anything that worthless PoS says as being the slightest bit credible.

If he didn’t want things in Bannastan to end like they have, he should have taken the airweights out of his Boyfriend’s purse on January 6 and done the RIGHT THING.

3 years ago

Really AMAC?? Who cares what Judas Pence thinks? This whole debacle falls on his and whoever is puppeting Biden. Pence needs to sink into the obscurity he deserves. The world is on fire thanks to Pence. The crimes of the demoncrats could have been prevented from succeeding if Pence had done his job. But he took his 30 pieces of silver and sold out America.

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
3 years ago

Need to stop referring to Biden as President.. He is not.

3 years ago

Biden’s spine is made of Silly Putty. Throwing him out of office only brings in “No-Show” Harris, the dumbest of them all. After that is Nancy Piglosi, who is a Socialist through and through. America needs help and it won’t be coming from the Commiecrats.

3 years ago

Are you all as frustrated as me? I’m gritting my teeth because I want to strangle all of them, yes, including Pence. We can’t wait for Nov. 22. Why can’t we charge them with treason as they are breaking every law and ignoring the Constitution. Alas, Lord have mercy! I need a drink.

3 years ago

For all you supposed patriots who denigrated VP Pence and blamed him for what the Democrats have done, I am ashamed to be in the same organization. Pence was carrying out his Constitutional duty. He was not responsible for the misguided and ignorant people who voted for Biden, nor was he responsible for the alleged voting fraud that quite possibly took place. I am a firm supporter of Trump, but I was disgusted that he turned his back on Pence after all that Pence did for the country, including supporting Trump in all that was done to bring the country to the economic success that it enjoyed and spearheading the COVID operations in the early stages. I am sure I will hear a lot of backlash from you supposedly patriotic Americans, and you have a right to express your opinion, but Pence is an honorable patriotic Christian, and nothing anyone says will change that assessment and my support of him.

H L Howell
H L Howell
3 years ago

Pence is the reason we are in this situation. If he would have done his job and called for a voter fraud investigation, we might still have Trump as President. He put biden in ,he owns that. I have no use for this man.

Maureen Edmond
Maureen Edmond
3 years ago

There is just no fixing stupidity. All this does is show me how very stupid Mr. Biden is and what a fool Jill is for allowing this elder abuse – the man should not be President, for sure. The only reason he threw the plan out the window is because it was Mr. Trump’s plan, not his. If Mr. Biden had the brainpower, and the resolve to back up his plan, he’d have come up with it, but you know he’s the “scarecrow president” – If he only had a brain.

Patricia C.
Patricia C.
3 years ago

If Milley and Austin had been less focused on enforcing CRT and embracing White privilege and being “woke” maybe we wouldn’t be in such a mess. However, it’s doubtful Biden would listen to anyone since he was aiming for a photo-op for September 11th. It’s all about optics with the left, no substance.

3 years ago

I agree with this author; however, quoting the traitor, Pence, is uncalled for. He knew what he was doing when he failed to call out the obviously corrupt and fraudulent election, and allowed the fraudulent “president” to be inaugurated. Events like this were completely predictable and Pence knew it! He disgusts me!

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
3 years ago

What is consistently missed in all of the evaluations of Biden being presidential is that Biden is now, and has always been, the ultimate puppet politician. Biden is merely relaying the decisions that are being made by those hateful Progressive billionaires who have bought and paid for him to front what they want to be done. In the end, Progressives worldwide will in some way benefit from all decisions that Biden seems to be making. Have no doubt, Biden’s installation as president is a major part of a world wide coup to turn the U.S. into just another state of a One World Socialist Order that will most likely be headed by Communist China.

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