
National Security , Newsline

Biden’s Border and Welfare Policies are Destroying Lives in My Community

Posted on Monday, July 12, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive by Clayton Fuller


All politics is local, as are the unintended consequences of bad policies. Last fall, the Biden-Harris campaign promised America it would help the country “Build Back Better” but the crisis at the border created by revoking the Trump administration’s successful security measures, Biden’s wasteful $1.9 trillion COVID-19 spending bill, and the administration’s neo-Marxist outlook on criminal justice is quickly turning into a nightmare with devestating effects for local communities across the country, including my own community in Southern Appalachia.

Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with an individual—let’s call him Tom—who was a drug trafficker. This conversation happened based on an agreement made between me as the prosecutor, Tom’s legal counsel, and Tom. Up until the last few months, Tom had been out of the drug trade and doing really well, but there was just too much money to be made in that lifestyle and he went back to it. Tom had a Mexican cartel contact in a nearby town, and was making routine fifty-mile trips there to pick up methamphetamine.  He essentially operated as an Uber eats driver for methamphetamine orders and was making more money in two weeks than I make in six weeks as a prosecutor.

It was clear that with the influx of money many Americans are receiving due to Biden’s COVID-19 stimulus payments, drug demand in my home in northwest Georgia was through the roof—and yet the prices reflected that the under Biden’s disastrous border policies, the Mexican cartel supply was more than meeting increased demand. Prior to the Biden calamity, drug traffickers would charge $1,500 for an ounce of methamphetamine and about $400 for a ¼ ounce. Now, Tom reported that the cost of an ounce had decreased by over 70% to just $400 and the price of a ¼ ounce had gone down by 75% to about $100.  Tom described that with more money and lower prices meth users were able to buy more and use more—which has resulted in several heartbreaking problems for my community.

First and most pressing, this means that at the local level we are seeing more overdoses than normal. Statistics are tough to come by, but follow on conversations with law enforcement here led me to believe that my four-county circuit may see at least a 50% increase in overdoses this year.  Moreover, the increased drug usage has the system at a breaking point. As charges of possession of and possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine and opioids increase, room in county jails has decreased. Now, county jails are bursting at the seams. The caseloads are also unsustainable for the crime lab forensic toxicologists who do testing to find out what the drugs are. Wait times of a year or more for toxicology reports are now routine. Law enforcement and probation officers have little bandwidth to perform their basic duties—and I have seen many good officers leave under the strain.

This also means more money for the Mexican cartels.  Reuters estimates that the Mexican cartels make about $21 billion dollars each year on the drug trade. That is nearly the gross domestic product of Iceland. Tom’s testimony is anecdotal evidence that because of the increased demand due to additional government cash payments to individuals, coupled with the lax policies at the border and the refusal to prosecute drug possession in progressive states, Mexican cartels are well positioned to substantially increase their revenues in 2021. In less than a year, the United States has moved from law and order to chaos and catastrophe on the Rio Grande. As a result, the Mexican cartels will see more money, and my home region in Appalachia will see more dead bodies.

Kamala Harris labelled herself during her previous campaigns as a “top cop.”  She has talked about understanding the important work of local prosecutors because that is where “the vast majority of prosecutions occur.”  Normally, one would expect a politician with Harris’s prosecutorial background to understand the needs and challenges of a local, line prosecutor.  At the very least, one would expect her administration to be cognizant of policies that would make the job of a local prosecutor more difficult and hopefully avoid such terrible policies. The Vice President should be a crime-fighting colleague. Instead, Harris fashions herself a progressive prosecutor whose sole purpose is not to make communities safer, but to achieve the radical goals her party could never pass through Congress. 

Kamala Harris took over 90 days to travel to the border.  She defended not going to the border for so long by arguing “And I haven’t been to Europe.”  Well, she has not been to the neighborhoods of Southern Appalachia yet either. If she did visit, she would see my home devastated by the progressive prosecutorial policies she advocates for, the welfare policies of Democrats in Congress, and the Biden administration’s utter dereliction of duty at the border. All politics is local, and downstream of Build Back Better in my community, Kamala Harris would find American carnage renewed.

Clay Fuller served as a White House Fellow from 2018-2019 advising senior Trump administration officials on special operations oversight at the Department of Defense and advising the Office of the Vice President on countering the opioid epidemic.  He is an experienced federal, military, and Appalachian prosecutor as well as a reserve military officer with a decade of national security experience.  Follow him on Twitter @Clay4MainStreet and on Facebook at Clay Fuller: Main Street Patriot.  

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

An eye opener for sure Clayton Fuller…Follow Appalachia northward, I suspect more of the same, sadly enough…Harris is a bumbling idiot that has no clue of what a vice president’s duties are. Her trips to Guacamole & El Paso are a case in point…
I should think this would be welcome news to the likes of Bill Gates & Dr. Fauci with respect to ” population control. ” They don’t need the slow death of their poisonous so-called vaccines to do their respective dirty work with a drug addicted America on methamphetamine…
This is just ( 1 ) highly addictive drug of many that are now FREE FLOWING across our southern border along with the MS-13 fully armed gang bangers, Covid-19 positive illegal immigrants, terrorists from around the globe, human smuggling, the sex trade, etc…
We have a FAUX potus & vp in the WH that is yet to acknowledge what is actually happening down there…
God bless America,
Bill on the Hill… :~)

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Destroying lives from border northward day 1 since 1-20

3 years ago

People should understand that Hidin’ Joe Biden (or whoever is working his strings) is always sidin’ with whatever policy or procedure benefits the DemonRat Party … the welfare and Constitutional protections are not his first priority. Hidin’ Biden and his Demonrat ilk are strictly party first, Constitutional law second (or irrelevant).

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

And beijing-biden’s (actually, his overlords’) policies, in general, are destroying millions of lives in all communities.

3 years ago

I guess the democrat party has no respect for human life at all – either those lives destroyed by abortion or those lives destroyed by drugs.

jim Carlyle
jim Carlyle
3 years ago

Kamala was the “Top Cop” in title only in California.

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

The Biden/Harris cabal Don’t.Give.A.Damn about us, or anything that doesn’t directly affect their global one-world “dream”. All this can only end in one of two ways…

Matt G
Matt G
3 years ago

Well part of the ACA was lower Drug Prices and now we have it! The fact that Drug and Human Traffickers are prospering shows The Dems are not against all Capitalism! The old saying ” Crime does not pay” does not apply under this Administration!

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Harris should be fired!! The extra money needs to stop! People need to get back to work. Welfare and SNAP benefits neednt be more limited than before!!!

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

“South Of The Border – Down Mexico Way” – Let’s hum this song together… The assignment for the Border was given to Kamala by Biden… This is a Quasi Trademark Administration; with a Logo of an Ice Cream Cone; (where the cone is a microphone made from pretzels.) Meanwhile, back to Kamala… The author of the above article, is rightly disillusioned and says: “The Vice President should be a crime fighting colleague.” Disappointment is an understatement. She has decided to sit back and cater to the new ‘WOKEISM’ – ‘ZOMBIES IN A COMA’; that her Administration stands for. California will flip to the Republican Party at this rate. Looking forward to it too! – Washington’s Admirer.

3 years ago

I pray every day for God to lead us safely through this administration and those in Congress who need to go. At least ‘We the People’ have the opportunity to ‘drain the swamp’ next year! Think long and hard before you vote. I believe the true patriots in our great nation know which people need to be ‘dismissed’ from our Congress! If your Congressional representatives are up for reelection and they don’t agree with your values and morals vote them out!

3 years ago


3 years ago

People need to get back to work. Stop the needless welfare. Biden/Harris should work on getting the mentally ill people off the street. But they won’t…

3 years ago

Somebody needs to grammar and spell check this write up on Biden border policy destroying my town.

James Kelly
James Kelly
3 years ago

You are responsible for everything you do or fail to do. Drug addiction is not a disease. Stop saving them, you just have to do it again next week.

3 years ago

When the hell are we going to make our sleepy brains working? It’s time for a coup!!!!!!!! Get those communists outta there.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

I know most of us are very “senior” and do not make strong statements about issues here. But I know that a storm is brewing. The ballot box is no longer an option. The only thing left for us PATRIOTS is to take our nation back in a civil war. The communists ( D ) are in control and they will NOT let go by election. in 2020 they made sure of that. Think it over.

3 years ago

biteme is destroying the whole country from within! The chinks own him and he sold us to them!

3 years ago

vp harris has not been to the moon either i for one would gladly chip in for a one way ticket you just been mooned lady…… no pun intended. just me sayin

Al Perpente
Al Perpente
3 years ago

next thing you know biden will order the mint to start printing the Yuan (chineese money) instead of the green back. its just a question of when he and harris will furthur betray american !

3 years ago

That’s the point of their programs. To destroy your community. Commies want to destroy all that is good. It’s what they do.

3 years ago

The useless, corrupt, marxist democrats only care about power, money and control.
Legal law abiding Citizens, anyone who believes in God,Freedom and individual rights are their enemy.
Just look at their actions,record and lies its easy to see.
Government dependency, destruction of freedom, indoctrination in schools, elimination of Religion,your right to bear arms are all straight out of their marxist,communist playbooks.
These democrats are a cancer and I pray that ALL Citizens expose and reject EVERYTHING these hateful,racist anti americans are shoving down their throats.
Don’t forget, the VAST majority of these marxist policies are 100% democrat ONLY votes!!!

Where are ALL you democrats who voted for this increased drug activity,and illegal border crossing thats bringing death,crime and disease into America!!!
Ill bet you’re SO proud now???

3 years ago

I live in a small sw Michigan town. The criminal biden has dumped Guatemalens and Hondurans into this area. They congregate and block aisles in our grocery stores, standing and staring.
Our farms don’t need help. They have their workers.
Thanks to the dictator, Whit-less, there aren’t jobs.
Welfare use.
Bankrupting government to pay for foreigners is a tried and true method for establishing Communism. There is no other reason. We are being warred against, and the great majority don’t know it.

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Unintended consequences? NO! Sorry folks, it’s just not rocket science to figure this out and understand the results of what is now happening. It’s just the expected (and unfortunately now realized) results of the Demsheviks’ dysfunctional and dystopian ideologies and whack-brain polices put in practice.
All of this falls squarely on the Demsheviks and they are fully to blame. The rest of us (i.e., the rational folks who are the true Americans and patriots of our nation) readily perceived the real consequences of these misguided actions of the Demsheviks. The sad part of all this is that the results were easily predictable and could have easily been avoided had the Demsheviks not indulged themselves with their radical and rabid proclivities to “cancel” everything President Trump put in place to address each of these issues.
As I have stated on numerous occasions, the Demsheviks act fully like a King Midas in reverse. That is, everything they touch turns to “sh*t!” The only real light at the end of this dark tunnel is for the Republicans to regain the majority in both Houses of Congress in 2022, keep their majority in 2024, and also return President Trump to office. MAGA!

3 years ago

This story is very sad, and one way to stop it is if Americans quit using & buying these drugs. Hopefully, parents can work on their children to never-never-never try drugs as just once might be the worst turning point in their life.

3 years ago

El Paso was a problem around 1993 and Texas stood up & attacked the problem and made city what is is today —– which is safe.

3 years ago

I wouldn’t worry about the nukes, the last thing the socialists want is a war. If America was directly attacked, I wonder if the idiots in Washington would do anything but sit down and talk.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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