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Why the Left Has to Lie About American History

Posted on Friday, June 11, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive by Scott Centorino


As the left vainly tries to deceive Americans into accepting the toxic reign of identity politics, they are forced time and again to contort American history and falsify heroic stories from our past because a truthful telling would reveal the mendacity of their narrative and the bankruptcy of their agenda. The forgotten tales of two Americans—both named James—are the perfect reminder of why.

 Born in the 18th century, James Forten worked odd jobs along Philadelphia’s waterfront to support his mother and sister after his father died. By 1781, he was fifteen and old enough to volunteer to join the Continental Navy.  

 In his first taste of combat, he demonstrated his physical courage. But it took getting captured to demonstrate his moral courage. 

 A British warship, the Amphion, captured his ship’s crew off the coast of Virginia. The British captain quickly sensed his intelligence and made Forten a generous offer. 

 In exchange for freeing Forten from life as a prisoner of war, Forten would serve the British captain at his country estate in England.

 Forten didn’t hesitate. He turned it down. 

He told the British captain, “I have been taken prisoner for the liberties of my country and never will prove a traitor to her interest.” Instead of a comfortable life tutoring the captain’s sons, Forten re-joined his crewmates in a prison ship, waiting for freedom for himself and his country. 

 James Forten didn’t want comfort. He wanted to serve his nation.

 Two centuries later, in 1961, Jim Zwerg joined his Fisk University classmate, John Lewis, to participate in bus trips through the Deep South to fight segregation. 

 These ‘freedom riders’ challenged the real Jim Crow, not what progressive activists today label as Jim Crow with shameful nonchalance. In a time of segregated drinking foundations, targeted fire hoses, and brutal killings, the real Jim Crow meant real risk. 

Jim Zwerg accepted that risk gladly. He later said that “my faith was never so strong as during that time. I knew I was doing what I should be doing.” 

When Zwerg’s Greyhound bus pulled into Montgomery, Alabama, the bus station appeared empty. Then the ambush came. From his window on the bus, Zwerg could see young white men outside holding baseball bats and chains. 

The police had left. Their protection had abandoned the area. 

But Zwerg stood up from his seat anyway, walked down the aisle, and got off the bus. 

The crowd did what it came to do. It smashed Zwerg’s face with his suitcase, pinned his head down, and methodically knocked teeth out of his mouth. He only regained consciousness two days later. Newspapers published pictures of his bruised face and shocked the nation. 

James Forten and Jim Zwerg shared courage, a sense of purpose, and a love for the promise of America. 

But these attributes have seeded the American experience for centuries. What makes their stories so special, aside from their common name and age? 

You might have guessed that James Forten and Jim Zwerg did not have race in common. One was white. One was black. 

But it might surprise you to learn that James Forten, the Revolutionary War sailor, was black and Jim Zwerg, the civil rights activist, was white.   

For each, their race made them singular targets in their time. 

Every time James Forten sailed into a southern port, he risked seizure for chained slavery. Forten’s acceptance of that risk for the sake of the American cause as it existed then would befuddle the woke mob today, addicted as they are too crude and distorted history, as exemplified by the 1619 Project. 

Jim Zwerg, on the other hand, knew the mob in Montgomery would treat him more harshly than his fellow passengers. 

 The stories of these two brave men do not conform to the identity politics narrative that has taken over our culture. 

 Remembering these tales—and others like them—can help bring our culture closer to Martin Luther King’s ideal, in which every individual is treated as a unique person with dignity and a soul that transcends their ethnic or racial identity.  

 If the antidote for tribalism is individualism, individuals like James Forten and Jim Zwerg show us the way.


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3 years ago

Interesting stories, but I think the author could have done a much better job addressing the concept of the article. The Democrats (the left) MUST lie about history for 2 reasons. 1) Their history is a disaster and shows their true colors. 2) If people actually knew the history of the Democrat party, nobody would vote for them.

  • The Democrat party fought to keep blacks in slavery. Republicans fought to free them.
  • The KKK was created by the Democrat party as their enforcement wing (think Nazi brown shirts) to keep blacks “in their place”.
  • Planned Parenthood was created by a leftist Democrat as a means to control the black population. And you might notice that most PP locations just happen to be in heavy black population centers.
  • Black so called “Leaders” (leftists) such as Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, et al made millions keeping racism alive and teaching blacks that they are victims and that they are “owed” instead of teaching them how to make their lives better.
  • Democrats support laws, only when said laws advance their political ends.
  • Democrats will say anything it takes to advance their political power. Who can forget the Harry Reid interview where he admitted his comment that a republican politician “not paying any taxes” was a lie, but followed it with the comment (and a smile) and “they lost didn’t they”.
  • Democrats will fabricate evidence to destroy their political enemies. Just look a the Trump impeachments and the fabricated Steele Dossier (funded/created by the Democrats)
  • Democrats have weaponized government agencies against their political enemies and the American people. Under Obama, the IRS would not allow conservative 401Cs and the Justice Department ignoring admitted, blatant felonies by the likes of Hillary, Hunter (and probably the entire Biden family), and FBI officials. But in the meanwhile, digging into the lives of conservatives in search of something, anything wrong. And lest we forget the current political prisoners. People who were at the Jan 6 protest currently being held in prison for months with no charges yet filed.
  • Racism has been reborn by the current Democrats. It is an instrument to help them gain/retain power and destroy their political enemies. Before Obama’s was elected, polls showed that 83% of Americans believed that race relations in America were good and had come along ways to making America more focused on who you are and not what color your skin is. But Obama, the Democrats, and the race baiters would have non of that. Following the Marxist playbook, the Democrats have systematically divided this country along race and gender lines.

Throw in censorship, cancel culture, and critical race theory and this list could go on for pages.

Bottom line, if everyone actually understood the history of, and what the Democrat party is actually about, nobody with a brain who loved this country would ever vote for them. THAT is why the Democrats must change history.

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Stop the Presses! News Flash! Regarding Stuart Roper’s IQ, it has come to the attention of the entire world that he has spent his entire life racing to have his IQ catch up to his shoe size, only to find the gap is widening at an ever-increasing rate. Additionally, it has been reported that he hopes to advance his IQ out of single digits in the very near (but probably distant) future.

Young American Citizen
Young American Citizen
3 years ago

Why Boomers Must Lie About… Absolutely Everything

There, fixed it for you?

I do understand that you Mature Americans refuse to own up – preferring to deflect criticism –

“Look! Over there! No, not us! Those ones over there! They did it!” 

Bush, McCain, Romney – your faux Conservative Boomer Squad, now all fervently preaching the gospel of the very Far Left. How incredibly bizarre… 

But… will the Boomers finally cede even an ounce of their absolute power in 2024?

Seriously doubt it. My guess is we’ll just see the Trump v Hillary rematch? 😉 Up there, fighting it out in their wheelchairs, with the breathing tubes? 

Then, Putin hears he has the terminal illness – and… 

He’s put up with enough of the disrespect! So… 


America responds. Boomers nuke the world. The End. 

Thank you, Mature Americans! It’s been lovely serving your every possible whim and fancy.

And yes, we know –

It wasn’t you! It was that Boomer over there, two houses up on the left… no, not on the right! And definitely not you, personally. Understood.

Heck, you probably can’t even retire and offer someone younger a shot at advancement –

So please – stop sacrificing so much of yourselves already, on account of us younger folks? 😉 

You just give and give, far too much of yourselves. Thank you! 

Young American Citizens
Young American Citizens
3 years ago

Why Boomers Must Lie About… Absolutely Everything

There, fixed it for you?

I do understand that you Mature Americans refuse to own up – preferring to deflect criticism –


Bush, McCain, Romney – the Conservative Boomer Squad, now all fervently preaching the gospel of the very Far Left. How incredibly bizarre…

And our CURRENT saviour Boomer, Donald Trump?

Following his umpteenth non-bankruptcy, he spent 14 years on NBC Reality TV as America’s Ultimate Boomer Business Tycoon? Then, after that, the Far Left granted him BILLIONS in free promotion throughout 2016, on Hillary’s marching orders. Seems her pollsters told her that Trump guaranteed her rightful ascension to power.

Poor Hillary, the most hated of all the Boomers 🙁 And that’s sayin’ something! Wow…

But… will the Boomers finally cede even an ounce of their absolute power in 2024?

Seriously doubt it. My guess is we’ll just see the Trump v Hillary rematch? 😉

Followed by Bush III vs Obama II? Gotta at least keep it Quasi-Boomer, yeah?

Then, Putin gets the terminal illness – and… ENOUGH DISRESPECT FROM HILLARY! Ka-BOOMER!!!!!!

And America righteously responds – ULTRA Ka-BOOMERS!!!!!!

Boomers Nuke the World. The End.

Thank you, Mature Americans! It’s been lovely serving your every possible whim and fancy.

And yes, we KNOW –

It wasn’t YOU! It was that Boomer over there, two houses up on the left… no, NOT on the right! And definitely NOT you, not you there, personally. Understood.

Heck, YOU can’t even afford to retire and offer someone younger a shot at advancement –

Not with how much money you lost when you kept your house and everything else you own with the Obama/McCain Bailout back in 2008.

Y’know, back when most of us younger folk lost absolutely everything, including our careers.

So PLEASE – stop sacrificing so much of yourselves on account of us younger folks? 😉 It’s too much, really.

Very sorry – putting myself back in lockdown. Before COVID kills me 🙁

Oh, it can only kill YOU? And I’d just maybe catch a bad case of the flu? Then I’d build up a natural immunity?

Oh, so you’re just gonna quarantine YOURSELVES, right?

Given you’re the ones at risk? Temporarily cede possibly even an ounce of your overwhelming seemingly endless power over the rest of us?

HA HA HA HA HA!!! I know, I know… I kid myself.

LOVE YOU BOOMERS!!!! You’re the BEST!!!!

3 years ago

What does term in article mean “targeted fire hoses” ??? Also hear “Jim Crow” all the time, can anyone give me a simple definition of that term?

Gloria P. Sterling
Gloria P. Sterling
3 years ago

Of course they lie! However, they don’t even know the true history of America themselves. I always suggest reading “Hope and the Glory” and “From Sea to Shining Sea” by Peter Marshall and David Manuel. Both books are based on very careful research and journals of the early Americans: they cover from Columbus and Washington and every one involved in the founding and building of our Nation.

3 years ago

The left lies about everything because they are of a depraved mindset, everything they do is conceived in subterfuge for power and control. They have never built a viable nation from the bottom up, but steal from nations that already existed. They are mindless, immoral fools that represent Satan’s wickedness and call it “progressive” when in reality theirs is a system of oppression.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
3 years ago

Great reminders from real history of what true faith, conviction, and courage can accomplish. Thank God for James Forten and Jim Zwerg.

3 years ago

Racism is more the blacks trying to get a free ride. They abandon their kids until they are killed for being thugs and then they want reparations when they couldn’t care less about them until they see free money!!! Over 50% of black men marry white women-abandoning the black women. These black men will tell the white woman you won’t go out with me because I’m black-claiming racist lie. The white woman caves in despite her intuition that the guys a thug. Young black males HEROES are older black men who screw as many women as possible. 13% of America’s population is black yet 52% of murders in America are done by this 13%. The real problem isn’t guns it’s the black male for the most part. This is the truth about America, not that it’s the white male who is being wicked. Were here to protect and tell the truth expose it for what it is and stop it to the best of our abilities!!!

3 years ago

The left has to lie about this because the left lies about everything!!!! Oterwise they wouldn’t be the left sillies!!!!

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

Good story Scott Centorino of AMAC… Good time to remind everyone Flag Day is ( 2 ) days away on the 14th…
MAGA & God bless America & her flag…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

It seems GKam and Henry enjoy rebel rousing only to get us to respond to their stupidity. All they are doing is what Dems. do best, try to divide. Let them troll our site. Maybe they will learn something. Let GKam and Henry rant and rave but ignore them, don’t respond to their outlandish, childish comments. Just don.t respond and they will go away.

3 years ago

The democrats are working for the devil and they will be joining him in hell very soon.

Young American Citizens
Young American Citizens
3 years ago

The Baby Boomers have absolutely destroyed this country. 

Liberal or conservative, the COVID lockdowns perfectly illustrate how their generation has responded to EVERY crisis they’ve ever created.


Everyone younger? Other than those who were already ill, COVID would have just been a bad case of the flu. And the rest of us? We would have then just built up a natural immunity to the virus. 

But instead? They lock down the entire world to save themselves.

Rather than cede their power by simply quarantining themselves?

NO! Everyone must suffer. BOOMERS FIRST!!!! 

And – American History? The Boomers, the most intellectual, most advanced generation ever? They’ve pretty much rewritten every book.

We’ve lost our education system, our churches, our morality – and the government has just grown by leaps and bounds. 

As for the absolutely INSANE National Debt they’ve created? Even prior to the lockdown? 

Well… their kids can pay for it. What – expect THEM to suffer for the horrible choices they continue to make? Not a chance. 

Accept ANY responsibility whatsoever? Nah… we’ll just whine about what we’ve done. 


But hey –

Boomers will likely be one of the last generations to ever experience freedom. They’ve used it up for all it’s worth, and then some!

As for the rest of us? We’re absolutely doomed.

Pretty much absolutely no way we can recover from the Boomer’s Free-For-Us. No, NOT for All. Just for them.  

You “Mature Americans” should be absolutely ashamed of yourself. But… instead? 

HA! Good luck cleaning up our mess! 

3 years ago

The left lies about everything; if they did not tell a lie, they would have nothing to say. Awful and gullible people; destroying their own country. Scary…

3 years ago

There will never be a reason important enough for people who are paid enormous sums of money to do their very best to make America the greatest country on Earth to lie about a damned thing. Only cowards and low-lifes find it necessary to degrade themselves further by trying to change facts to further their causes, no matter how base they are. Our history is ours, but I worry that when our generation is gone, so will it be. Libturd schools refuse to teach American History, American Gov’t, and decent English anymore, and common core just about undid everything kids had been learning.
The deepest and greatest shame goes to any party who serves satan.

Johnny Reb
Johnny Reb
3 years ago

Well… y’all can fuss about whatever ya want –
But, as a soldier in the Confederacy, I’m putting my life on the line so the few rich folks who run the plantation, who own pretty much all the slaves –
I’m out here fightin’ so’s they can keep them slaves!
Same as you today!
Just imagine – if’n the North was threatenin’ to gather up all them Rolls Royce –
Well, you know you’d risk your life for his right to keep that Rolls Royce! Dang Yankees!
Anywise, after I’m dead –
Well then I’ll leave it up to them intellectuals what to rewrite history –
Y’know, wherein I’m out here riskin’ my life –
Just so them plantation owners can keep them slaves!
And the good folks up north?
They riskin’ their lives just to free the slaves! That’s how much they care!
It’s jes’ the intellectual HONEST TRUTH – that’s what it is!
An’ don’t you dare to question it, ya dang racist!
And the State of Mississippi? After the woke corporations done warned Mississippi for the last time –
Turns out – some 70% of the population just miraculously voted to replace that symbol of the evil Confederacy! They sure did! It’s the HONEST TRUTH!
What? Ain’t nobody questionin’ it! Heck no – lest everyone know they’s a hateful racist.
Just like me. I mean – kin you even IMAGINE the SHAME I must feel? Out here fightin’ the good Yankees who are jes’ out here fightin’ to FREE THE SLAVES?
Ain’t it the HONEST TRUTH?

Ceding Power
Ceding Power
3 years ago

We all buy into endless lies as our government and our national debt only continue their unlimited “growth”, forever spiraling out of control.
Faux conservatives have forever knowingly ceded the media, academia, and corporate control to the very far left. So that they and their children would continue to be invited to all of the most exclusive garden parties in DC.
Bush, Romney, McCain – all of them, it surprises us to find out – are just darlings of the very far left.
My guess is that it’s far too late for any actual true conservatives to finally wake up (become woke) to this nonsense?
And how would the damage be undone? Professors are all tenured, and have fully indoctrinated anyone they ALLOW to gain a PhD. So… how would we ever replace any of them?
And who would serve in the media? Given all of our corporations have become “woke”, who would create media outlets to lose money, to then hire conservative journalists? Put feet on the ground?
Ah well… I guess it’s best to just whine and moan about it?
We obviously can’t trust the Republican Party to actually do anything about any of it. Again, as it turns out, our so-called leaders all turn out to be closeted members of the very Far Left.
So, before you cry to your friends about how it’s – it’s JUST NOT FAIR – what has happened to our country? Possibly a tad bit of introspection? As to how all of this came about?
No tenure and term limits might be a start?
But… that’s never ever gonna happen 😉 Those who hold all of the power will never cede an ounce of that power. Why would they?
So let us all join together here today and… whine some more? 😉 It just ain’t fair!

3 years ago

I keep thinking the military will step in but I guess it’s all about timing, Time will tell

3 years ago

Trump is our National Liar. Over 30,000 lies by actual count.

Winston Bela
Winston Bela
3 years ago

As George Orwell said so accurately, “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”

3 years ago

So, by pointing out the extreme exceptions you want to forget who actually benefitted from slavery and Jim Crow, and who were its victims? The logic here is rather strange and twisted. Yes. and there were also freed blacks who owned slaves, but by and large it was always White elites who got rich at the expensive of the suffering of almost all Blacks. What’s your point?

3 years ago

when we attempt to erase from history those who adhered to the moral standards of their time, we lose the opportunity to learn from their mistakes while also celebrating any positive achievements they may have had. We learn from history. Eliminating it makes sure it will be repeated.

Barb 304
Barb 304
3 years ago

The leftists, rather than trying to fix what’s wrong, blame President Trump and go on their merry way doing as they please, which is NOTHING. Nothing good, at least!

3 years ago

All you people gunna go extinct. In the US a d Europe for centuries now, progressives have described the changes necessary for a brighter future. Conservatives only have the power to control the pace at which these changes come about.

There are no universal truths.

There is no god.

Trump is utterly amoral and played you all like the super effective self publicist and PR manipulator he is.

There’s a bright human future of ecological and social harmony. All you crackpot, white, conspiratorial Jesus guzzling hicks will be left to wither away in the desert.

3 years ago

Great article. Goes to show that the woke people have no idea what they’re saying.

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

Very good article by Mr. Centorino. The America hating leftist education system will never let annoying little things like facts get in the way of their brainwashing of young minds. They believe that opinions are more important than the truth; especially since they’re the ones mandating what opinions will be formed, and the truth is the antithesis of their opinions.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Lying by the Left goes all the way back to Lyndon Brain Dead Johnson, and it has became the center piece and main course of the way they conduct them self’s it is in their blood, as a young man in the late 60’s this is why I left the Demorats and became a proud Republican and held public office as a Republican and I will add my wife left the Democrats and my parents who had been Democrats for almost 50 years also them. The only thing you can count on is the Left will, LIE, LIE LIE ——– Its never to late too leave the DEMOCRATS .

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Cant hide facts & truth & wont work Hell I just last year heard about Tulsa Race riots of 1921
Never in Our History books since they delete like Black slave owners who outnumbered white slave owners, etc etc History by Omission

3 years ago

Our universities teach White students that they are immoral and contemptible if they don’t support the White Genocide that’s being carried out by unlimited third-world immigration and FORCED assimilation i.e diversity for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries.

Their professors never tell them, “White self-hatred is SICK!!!“

Those professors claim to be anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

Mitchell Moore
Mitchell Moore
3 years ago

The story reminds me of my 5X grandfather who was a POW after the attack on Quebec failed in 1775. He was 17 and he too was offered release if he would serve on a British ship. He refused. He was a POW again in 1781. He was the adjutant lieutenant and served until Christmas Day, 1783. He helped recruit slaves for the first all black regiment in the Army; the famous Black Regiment. Rhode Island paid the slave owners and the slaves won their freedom if they served. As a sergeant, he then helped train the black soldiers at Valley Forge. Many were at the final battle at Yorktown. Jeremiah Greenman kept a day-by-day war journal. That journal tells the true story of the founding of our country…available on Amazon.
The 1619 Project is a lie, as is the Critical Race Theory.

Michael Shields
Michael Shields
3 years ago

Those who believe in mendacious history and the beauty of “the collective” will be the first to be sacrificed by their leaders when power is attained. The leaders are no more than ambitious power seekers and will do or say anything for it. And they love their useful idiots.

3 years ago

Yes let’s use history more than 100 years old to prove a point. So exactly what is your point? Other than the fact it does not fit into modern times. As the Democrats of today are not those or yesteryear. Any one with a rudimentary education is aware of this fsct.

John fallon
John fallon
3 years ago

Everything starts with EDUCATION, DECADES AGO college professors started indoctrinating students, especially those wanting to be school teachers, and it has been spreading and growing ever since, “WE THE PEOPLE” need to demand that colleges, universities, schools teach only legitimate courses that enable our children to be susessful in thier carreers and lives, get rid of all the bogus courses that serve no real purpose other than indoctrination.

Helena Brus
Helena Brus
3 years ago

I became a U.S. citizen in 1994 so I truly enjoy reading this history. My former country is falling apart to the leftist Marxist philosophy so I pray that our nation does not fall prey and never recover from that poison that is being spread throughout.

John fallon
John fallon
3 years ago

DIVIDE AND CONQUER, the oldest and still the most effective way to defeat a STRONGER, LARGER FORCE, socialists HATE history because it reminds EVERYBODY just how evil, inept, corrupt, sadistic and cruel they actually are, prove voter fraud, remove the evil, put people in office we actually voted for, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!

Michael Tracy
Michael Tracy
3 years ago

Please publish your tax ID number so we may make donations from our IRAs

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

Socialists/Marxists/DIMMs lie because none of their positions can be backed by FACTS or HISTORY. No socialist outfit has ever been successful in he long term. Under socialism the first year, Pilgrims starved and died, Under capitalism the next year, they were successful.
USSR, Cuba, Venezuela, Red China all faltered and failed. China now is implementing a mix of communism with some (crooked) capitalism. They are NOW making progress even though their leader is a godless despot.
DIMMS don’t know history or science either.
They are USELESS!

3 years ago

What a great story. I imagine there are volumes of untold stories just like this one demonstrating citizens love for Country and his fellow man. It’s a shame these aren’t glorified instead of some of the examples we are now putting on a pedestal.

This example of how the people in this Country are turning on our country should not surprise us. Look at II Timothy chapter 3 and see how “man’s” heart is going to be like in these last days. Our nation, people of this nation need to bow the knee and ask God to forgive us. That is the only answer for our problems

3 years ago

Democrat-Communist are, as Democrat-Communist do…
They beat up the opposition in the street
They firebomb political offices
They stack & use the courts to advance
They murder, abort babies & start death panels
They are corrupt history
They co-opt the free state
They seek gun control & kill cops
They form alliance with the super rich
They are experts at ridicule, propaganda & BIG lies
They stuff ballot boxes for sport
Most of all, they are Godless
…That’s the Democrat-Communist Party

James Kellt
James Kellt
3 years ago

Why do liberals lie?

It’s what they do, they can’t help themselves.

Get rid of them all.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

To say that history doesn’t exist would think that the moment didn’t exist, etc. Talk about a controlling dictator!! We have enough lies told to us by vile politicians, we don’t need anymore!! The left needs to remember that people are NOT stupid!!

Diana Erbio
Diana Erbio
3 years ago

Thank you for that amazing lesser known history about individuals who inspire us to stand up for what is right. We must share our true history. Yes, the good and bad must be included so we can learn from it. But the good of America must not be erased by those who wish to erase America and the individual freedom America has strived to safeguard.

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Lies have historically been the central activities of totalitarian regimes in order to “position” their demented, evil, dystopian ideologies as the only “truly rational choice” for the people they are subjugating. In addition to outright lies about most everything that does not fit their thinking, the distortion of history is seen as a way to “prove” that their ideologies have a firm foundation in, and emerging from, a nation’s past and continuously evolving into the present. Any of this sound familiar?
In the perfect “lie puzzle,” all the “lie pieces” seem to fit perfectly so as to present a coherent, uniform and unchallengeable “lie picture” of their so-called “reality.” All of this is simply the necessary and practical means by which they establish and maintain their “power” over a society.
And we Americans are just the latest victims of this latest incarnation of a radical power grab. Allowed to continue unabated, their efforts will inevitably lead to some sort of totalitarian regime here in America, especially if we don’t soon neutralize the perpetrators of this attack against our nation and our true history.

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
3 years ago

The mice are roaring.

3 years ago

You guys usually do such a solid job, that it is troubling to read “…Every time James Forten sailed into a southern port, he risked seizure for chained slavery.” Isn’t this an unfair indictment of southern American ports. In 1781, did not African slavery still exist in most of the former colonies…I know Vermont had excluded it. And the account of the 1960’s murders of ‘Freedom Riders’ seems to be a little hyperbolic in regards to the numbers…more black men are killed in Chicago every weekend than the cumulative deaths during the Civil Rights movement.

Ed Bowers
Ed Bowers
3 years ago

I never knew either story. But in today’s world I’m not surprised that most folks wouldn’t know about them either. You will NEVER see either story in any media outlet nor will you find them in any history. Being a Marine veteran we learned a very important lesson in that ALL Marines are green. Not black or white or brown or red or Asian.

Jesse F Tiede
Jesse F Tiede
3 years ago

Today’s young and WOKE people have no idea what it really means to be an American! This is one of the main reasons American Patriots fight so hard to get “Immigrants” to embrace American Culture, and leave the crap hole traditions from where they come from behind! One way to help with this, I believe, is mandatory military service for ALL except the most painfully obvious handicapped. Not “Officer”, but “Enlisted” billets, too! Male, Female, Combat Roles, it makes no difference! We NEED to close our Borders again, and control just who is allowed to come here and stay! We need to drastically curtail services for Illegals, and “Born Here”s, too, and make it more comfortable to get a job and work your way out of poverty, rather than sit back, smoking God knows what, popping out babies, flitting from one willing pair of thighs to another, all in the name of “ME”! Our country made a grave mistake when it renounced “Personal Responsibility and Accountability”! God help US…

3 years ago

While I am not a religious fanatic, I am Christian, and the bid of Christ that “the truth will set you free”(context allowed)…still holds sway. Historical truth is not part of the agenda of the people in power today. Truth is their greatest enemy. This nation’s history has much to teach, both in the direction of it’s errors in judgment and promotion of morally wrong directions, and in the direction of its righteous acts and people. Both matter. The path chosen will determine the outcome. The ongoing founder’s mandate to “create a more perfect union”, cannot be allowed to be usurped in the name of political power and profit.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

The ‘Current Administration’ claimed that they would be all inclusive. They would welcome both major parties, hire both major parties, listen without judgement to different opinions; and unite the country for the common good. Instead, what we are seeing is a complete intolerance of different political ideologies. The ‘Democratic Party’ acts VERY insecure; and very ‘Communist’ in its approach. It acts as though, it must ostracize groups and people; who do not think exactly as they do. They are obviously surprised and shocked; that this method is NOT working. Their prescription for success results in resentment and division. Their ‘revision’ of history; and dumping of ‘Our Founding Fathers’ will NOT be successful either. Who are the ‘moronic advisors’ attempting to lead this ‘Great Country’ down the path of ‘Socialism’?

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