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COVID News: A New Vaccine Report, a New Way to Get More People Vaccinated and Getting Used to a Maskless Environment

Posted on Monday, May 31, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

COVID-19WASHINGTON, DC, May 31 — Scientists are studying a mix-and-match vaccine procedure that, they say, may enhance protection against COVID-19. The scientific journal, Nature, reports that studies in Spain and the U.K. indicate the likelihood that pairing first and second dose vaccines may have significant benefits.

According to microbiologist Ewen Callaway, who authored the article in Nature: “several European countries are already recommending that some or all people who were given a first dose of the vaccine developed by the University of Oxford, UK, and AstraZeneca in Cambridge, UK, get another vaccine for their second dose. Researchers hope that such mix-and-match COVID-19 vaccination regimens will trigger stronger, more robust immune responses than will two doses of a single vaccine, while simplifying immunization efforts for countries facing fluctuating supplies of the various vaccines.”

Immunologist Zhou Xing at Canada’s McMaster University reports that the Pfizer vaccine appears to boost antibody responses “remarkably” in patients who received a first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Meanwhile, here in the U.S., efforts are underway to entice individuals who have not yet been vaccinated as a means of inducing what is called, herd immunity, by increasing the vaccinated portion of the population as a means of stemming the spread of the disease.  States are going to great lengths to convert vaccine naysayers.  Maryland, Oregon, Ohio and New York, for example, are giving reluctant citizens lottery tickets in exchange for their getting their immunity shots.  The program holds promise.  Ohio says that immunization of the over 16 set increased by 28% soon after the program was announced.

A spokesman for Ohio Governor Mike DeWine points out that before the initiation of what is called the Vax-a-Million vaccine incentive fewer individuals were getting their shots.  He says that obviously the lottery connection has had a very positive impact.

On a related note, it turns out that while more states go maskless and are no longer requiring adherence to self-distancing guidelines as vaccines succeed in checking the spread of the coronavirus, some of us are scared.  Apparently a portion of our population have become “comfortable” with those protocols, so much so that they are afraid to give them up.

A recent article posted on the MedPageToday Website, authored by Dr. Taison Bell, many of us find comfort in our masks and the practice of self-distancing.  He writes that people got used to those practices and now they find it hard to let go.

“It’s true that being fully vaccinated protects others around you from the coronavirus in the unlikely event you are infected. But it is also true that masks can add additional insurance, are ingrained in our psyche, and will likely become the enduring symbol of the pandemic. Wearing one and practicing physical distancing became a source of empowerment for many of us, and we don’t have to let it go just yet if we don’t want to,” according to Bell.

He says not to worry if you feel attached to your mask.  We’ve been wearing masks for about a year and change now and so it’s okay to take your time adjusting to the new reality regarding masking.

Finally, mixed messages regarding the COVID vaccines have caused some confusion and concern.  Chief among those messages is the report that some 10,000 people who received their vaccines have fallen ill and that about 160 died.  It’s tragic, of course, but Dr. A.H. Mokdad, at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics put those numbers into perspective in the journal, Medscape Medical News.

As he put it: “Ten thousand is a very small number compared to the hundreds of millions we have vaccinated. It’s way better than any flu vaccine we have had in our lives.”  As for the fact that some individuals were infected, despite getting vaccinated, Mokdad noted that that so-called “breakthrough” infections are to be expected because no vaccine is 100% effective.  He also pointed out that breakthrough cases have been asymptomatic or mild in general.

In conclusion, Mokdad stated “We defang COVID-19, that’s how I see it. And that’s what we want.”

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Michael l Javick
Michael l Javick
3 years ago

Propaganda from the Big Pharma quack$$$$$$$$$$

G Schalk
G Schalk
3 years ago

What are they putting in those vaccines, and why is there a shortage of microchips?
Just a coincidence, right?

Linda P
Linda P
3 years ago

What a pack of BigPharma lies.
For real, science-based, correct

Linda P.
Linda P.
3 years ago

For correct go to nojabforme dot info

Linda P.
Linda P.
3 years ago

Why are my comments being cropped??

3 years ago

For those that are spreading the anti-vax propaganda, go somewhere else on social media where you can post your conspiracy theories. They are not helpful here.

3 years ago

None of the jabs are a vaccine. They are poison . Do the research and see what is in them. A flu with a 99.7% survival and we are injecting 100 million Americans? Why? Why are they forcing this so hard? Why are they pushing this on something that your immune systen can handle? You are being played.

3 years ago

Not scared of vaccines just informed on the dangers.

3 years ago

I will not take the vaccine. Simple, My body, my choice!

bill riley
bill riley
3 years ago

I just dont understand why all the fuss to take the jab if your head is not buried in the sand you should know its not safe by any stretch

3 years ago

If you know people that have had the COVID-19 vaccine shots, ask them about the paperwork they had to sign before taking the shot: NOT FDA APPROVED, only a 10-20% chance of not getting COVID-19 (about the same odds of not getting the FLU), yet there are medical personnel who have been completely brainwashed by the agenda to say the vaccine is safe and you can’t get it. I know of at least 7 people that got the series and still come down with COVID. It comes down to keeping yourself healthy and not to live in fear.

3 years ago

We know now that Dr Fauci knew early on that Hydroxychlorquine worked well in preventing COVID from getting worse and kept patients from being hospitalized. However he and a willing media suppressed the truth and Doctors were fired and silenced fir speaking the truth. I have worked in healthcare for over 35 years and will not get these vaccines until the government starts telling the truth about the RNA technology used in them. Doctors who are telling the truth about this are being silenced and labeled as frauds. I trust big pharmaceutical companies even less than the government on this. Take your zinc, vitamin D3, and stay healthy. If you do get COVID find a doctor who will proscribe hydroxychlorquine .

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