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Looking Forward to 2021

Posted on Wednesday, December 30, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Year-2021Yes, 2020 is almost behind us – and many could not be happier. Americans witnessed the fourth year of extraordinary economic growth, followed by a gut-wrenching slide. We experienced the worst pandemic in 100 years, first “lockdowns” in memory.  We saw a presidential election twisted beyond recognition by polarization, mail-in ballots, social media censorship, overt media hostility, and widespread testimonials to fraud in our electoral process.  What we saw was enough to shake our confidence. We cannot let it do so.

One way or another, we must turn the page – on challenges to personal, professional, and political faith.  The year ahead – like every other year – will be defined by two things:  Circumstances beyond our control, and resolve to meet them, as necessary head-on.

If we cannot control all, we can control some.  We can resolve to be centered, unbent, unbroken, unbowed by forces personal, professional, or political that would distract, dishearten, bend, break, and coopt.

Finding our way through darkness focuses heart and hardens will, returning a soul to basics, clarifying direction, fortifying what needs redefinition – all turning light in time.  For some, counter-intuitively, an uplift comes from letting go, recapturing a sense of humor; for others it comes from re-grounding closer to home, simple things.

Sometimes it is not thinking harder but less, learning not to worry as much, but simple doing that improves things.  One recalls Yogi Berra, the epic baseball catcher, who once quipped: “How can you think and hit at the same time?” Counter-intuitive, but good point.

In practical terms, individuals, families, and communities should see relief in 2021 – from COVID with vaccines, from economic downturn with reenergized commerce, opportunities, and activities.  On the political front, the year will be a challenge – but a time for binding wounds, finding friends, strengthening bonds that help to preserve and defend traditional America.

The year ahead will be new in other ways. As recent Supreme Court decisions suggest, we may see a resurgence of judicial conservatism – favorably affecting interpretations of the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Ninth, Tenth, and liberty-centric provisions, if not Roe v. Wade.

Other developments are in the offing. For science-minded, 2021 should launch Hubble’s replacement, the James Webb Space Telescope, allowing us to see distant planets, nebulae, back into cosmic history.  A “universal flu vaccine” is around the corner; stems cells may offer answers to neurodegenerative diseases; emerging breakthroughs in carbon sequestration promise offsets for production; new advances in physical, cyber and national security flow from artificial intelligence, nanomaterials, quantum computing.

To this add predicted advances in paralysis reversal, telemedicine, robotics, neuromodulation for addiction, virtual reality for cognitive decline, gene therapy for sickle cell, drug innovations for MS and CF, treatments for Hepatitis C, prostate cancer, migraines, plus autonomous vehicles (maybe), and dual-propulsion drive-trains supporting flying cars (double maybe).

Taken together, the future is exciting – sometimes in good ways, sometimes just fielding the unexpected.  That said, Yogi Berra returns.  Hoping on baseball 2021, the All-American reveled in the good, reminding us “Life, like baseball, is ninety percent mental, and other half physical.” With Yogi in tow, onward!

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3 years ago

What crap! … A resurgence of Conservatism? … Do you think the Left is totally stupid? … Not the “Royalty”, just the peons! … Don’t you think that if the Left Royalty “WANTS” a certain decision from the Court, they’ll just order riots and Chief Justice Jackass John Roberts will again “threaten” the other Justices to “vote” for a certain outcome? … Baloney with “trying” to look on the bright side, give in once to evil you’ll be giving in all or most of the time! … I am not determined to spend the rest of my life as a slave to Communism! … The fight is just beginning so Happy New Year everybody!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Not if Biden assumes WH & a real + if division inside Biden Admin Hoorah
Otherwise if carries what he plans during campaign +, No.
Worry over 401K & IRA
Or miracle comes

3 years ago

I am afraid that unless there is a change, and Biden said it best we are headed for a dark winter, 4 years of them.
God Bless President, Donald J. Trump !!!!!

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

This is the first New Year I have reached with trepidation instead of excitement. With the defeat of the best President we ever had and the election of Biden and Harris, the only thing I can do is rely on my Christian faith and pray constantly, for only God can deliver us from this mess.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

“Looking forward” ? Really ? Mr. Charles, you must be smoking papa-sans whatever. If Trump does not declare Martial Law and his 2018 Exec. Order, then this nation is toast. All that will stop the communists and Biden is a civil war. Be armed and be aware of your surroundings, “ladies and germs.” Anti-fuh is ‘coming to town.’ Just ask that attorney and his wife, who brandished black rifles, in St. Louis. And HE in attorney.

Merle Cunningham
Merle Cunningham
3 years ago

Great inspirational article. We all should take heed of this advice and maybe even adjust our attitude toward others. I don’t mean to say we should give up or give in to those with ideas we don’t agree with, but as citizens of this great country, we are all in this together, like it or not

Kathryn Di Piazza
Kathryn Di Piazza
3 years ago

I can be optimistic but it’s not practical to think that anything will change for the good of all. The left will never give up control and conservatives will continue to fight in a quiet way. What we need is a return to faith and God. If we don’t, then Satan will seize the opportunity to stand on every person and not let go. Pray and keep praying America!

3 years ago

It’s not your war until it comes to your backyard. Let’s make sure it doesn’t come to our backyards.

3 years ago

I don’t look forward to 2021 if biden is in the White House. If Georgia doesn’t elect both Republicans, we believe we are doomed. The Deep state that’s pulling the strings will move fast to take total control and make America a socialist state, driving us to civil war.
The bright side. Many things happening are fulfillment of the Bible which puts us closer to Jesus return. We must keep faith.

Tom Olszewski
Tom Olszewski
3 years ago

With the deep state morons entrenched this country is screwed . I give it 5 years and bankruptcy will take the us down. The three stooges would do a better job than sleepy joe. Protesting is a joke .

Charlotte A Mahin
Charlotte A Mahin
3 years ago

I remember when I was a child (I am 76) that my Dad said more than once that there would be another civil war in this country and I could not imagine it. Now I am praying we Conservatives begin that civil war to win back our rights the Constitution and Bill of Rights declare. The corruption among many of our politicians is over-whelming especially among the Communist Dems. The extent they went to to hi-jack the last election is amazing and not in a good way. It showed all of us to how far they willing go to get their way with us and totally crush any bit of freedom and wealth for the citizens of our country. They have gone way past Socialism! With the media, most of big business, the tech giants, and of course the politicians all taking money from the Communists, it will be an up hill battle but we must do it. You can rest assured that the moment Beijing Biden gets in, the investigations into their family taking millions from China will stop. None of these Communist Democrats care if their party is totally corrupt as long as they get the power and the money to crush the U.S.

Kenneth Hearrean
Kenneth Hearrean
3 years ago

I wish I shared your confidence, but sadly I don’t. We have a far left-leaning person about to occupy the WH, with an admitted Socialist as his wind-man that will more than likely within 1-2 years take over as POTUS. We still have a House controlled by Liberals & using the same fraud techniques used to plant Biden in the WH, we could very likely see a Senate also controlled by Liberals. When that happens, our Country as we know it, is over! So sorry for all the negativity, but we’ve all seen how the Deep State has escaped all their treasonous tasks to bring down our President, so I have very little confidence in our DOJ any more!

3 years ago

I had this same sick feeling for New Years 12 years ago. But I must admit 12 years ago the incoming administration did not publicly announce that they were going to do away with the Constitution, pack the Supreme Court and attack religious and personal freedoms. If this STOLEN election stands, there will never be another fair election in this country. The United States of America was the last country on earth fighting for human rights and free and fair elections. Welcome to the new world order. Third world.

3 years ago

Talk about BS!

3 years ago

Happy New year’s, here’s hoping that Conservatives stay strong,together and continue to fight to keep America first!
God bless President Trump, thank you for all you’ve done for Us, wishing you 4 more years!
YOU Sir have earned it!

Jose' P Carbajal
Jose' P Carbajal
3 years ago

God Will help us.
All of you have express my feelings. Thank You. I am All in for what ever.

3 years ago

You make many statements in this article that are supporting the Left’s agenda. You THINK that by encasing this rhetoric in “hopeful” smokescreen you are supporting President Trump and the American way of life — you surely are deluded and/or trying to “hedge your bets.” Over the months I have read your articles I have come to see you as just another policitcal, mealy-mouthed organization that is more interested in garnering members than sharing Truth.

Gary Simmons
Gary Simmons
3 years ago

Socialism has finally showed it’s face

Savid B.
Savid B.
3 years ago

If these arrogant, clueless, Marxist Dems keep up their Manifesto to the point of a Civil War, I’m afraid their pathetic lives won’t be worth a nickel, other than to hang publicly as a statement/warning to all who follow their mantra.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS NOT DEFEATED! the scotus was “defeated”, the socialist/dems were “defeated”, msm and social media were defeated, they were all DEFEATED by GREED and COWARDICE selling out AMERICA for thier own best interests,
“WE THE PEOPLE” are still the government and politicians are still “CIVIL SERVANTS”, emphasice on the word SERVANT, WE hire them and we can FIRE them, recall the representatives that are NOT honoring thier oath to DEFEND the constitution and replace them with HONEST HARDWORKING REAL AMERICANS, “WE THE PEOPLE” need to FIX our corrupt, broken system ourselves, politicians cannot be trusted, STAND UP AND BE COUNTED.

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
3 years ago

It certainly looks like we need to do some serious soul searching. Aside from a civil war to retain our values we need to prepare for a voter revolution that will oust the miscreants beginning with the GA election and move on to the biennial elections forth. We cannot depend on the Republican or Democrat Parties to return legitimacy to our government. Look hard and work hard.

Sharon Harrigan
Sharon Harrigan
3 years ago

Thank you, Mr.Charles for the encouraging article. It reminded me of my favorite Bible verse that has kept me encouraged during this whole year. Daniel 2:28 “THERE IS A GOD IN HEAVEN.” He is still in control, and will bring good out of it all, to His glory.

Michael Venaccio
Michael Venaccio
3 years ago

What I know so far:
The election was stolen or rigged inst least seven states.
The “fix” most likely included senate races like AZ, CO. MI and possibly MN.
There is too much probable evidence out there.
The courts are making political not legal decisions. This SCOTUS is weak and compromised.
More than 50% of the electorate believes there was fraud, including Republicans, Independents and Democrats.
If Republicans do not stand up for the Constitution, the party is history as they are also the problem.

So, again I ask what can be done if government has failed it’s citizens??
I firmly believe that God has this and is in control. This is a good thing because we have messed it up.

Janet Burton
Janet Burton
3 years ago

Thank you for a small glimmer of light in this darkness. We all need to pray for the best not just for us, but for the whole world. Under President Trump, there is peace being brought about. We cannot fear what is ahead, but forge on. Keep praying, keep looking for the good, even though it is hard to find at times.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

There is still so much going on, that it is a wonder that any of us are sane. But, with the new year upon us, prospects can be fruitful. Praying that the virus ends, Biden doesn’t make it to the White House, a better normal will return. Lord help us all.

3 years ago


3 years ago

The one event we should defiantly not turn the page on is the fraudulent election. The time to demand correction is now. Not tomorrow. In the democratic playbook tomorrow will never come. If this election is allowed to stand and Biden is elected the left will take over immediately and destroy the Republic. They will carry this forced lock down into infinity, disarm the citizens by force and rip up the Constitution and they will do it using our own laws against us. With a packed supreme Court the second amendment wont exist and therefore neither will the first amendment. Think the left can’t or won’t do it? It’s been their plan for years. The tried it with Kennedy in 1946 and got away with it. The Republicans were too stunned to resist. . They tried it with Gore in 2000 and got caught, we won that one. This time they are determined to carry the whole plan through to it’s bitter end. They have a standing army, BLM/Antifa, waiting anxiously in the wings willing and able and they have been practicing for a year.

3 years ago

If a fair election is beyond our control we are dealing with side issues. As Christians we still have Christ, which is most important, however, I don’t believe a fair election is beyond our control, with prayer and any action that comes out of it.

John Cutler
John Cutler
3 years ago

Give me Trump or give me death!

3 years ago

I plan to give Biden the same consideration CNN gave President Trump. “Bite-me” doesn’t know if he’s coming, going or already been. In my opinion he is the unwitting beneficiary of a stolen election. He doesn’t have the mental capacity to engineer a stolen election but he hid in his basement while his handlers, the DNC, and main stream media took care of the treasonous dirty work!

3 years ago

I understand Mr. Charles intentions to look at 2021 with positive optimism, but it isn’t realistic. The realistic vision is understanding where this country is in respects of the ungodliness allowed to progress for ‘years.’
As I’ve mentioned in other article comments, I believe our first serious warning from God was on 9/11. Some began to take notice and saw it for what it was. I personally as hopefully some others did, prayed for the Lord’s forgiveness of our nation and leaders. In a couple years or so after the ‘dust’ settled as the country ‘proudly’ came back from this dark tragedy, life as ‘usual’ resumed. We wouldn’t have recovered if not for God’s mercy in hearing and answering prayers of His faithful and believing followers.
Israel’s history in their relationship to God is our perfect example of man’s inability to learn from his sinful choices. There have been several dark times in our history, one being the Holocaust. Some ‘six million’ Jews were killed by Nazi Germany. ‘The day that would live in infamy’, December 7, 1941, the attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor…..just to name a couple….my point is, God has brought Israel and us through our worst days and as long as we are a people who make it known to God He is our Savior, He would continue to show His great Mercy and deliverance.
During a Bible study years ago the Minister had expounded on the significance of our relationship to Him by our spiritual acknowledgement and support of Israel. I believe God blessed the prosperity of America as an ally and protector of Israel.
With a Biden/Harris administration the possible immediate withdrawal of financial and moral support for Israel is looking to be a reality. Some Biden has chosen for his administration are anti-Semitic and have made their calls for defunding Israel. If our nation is to continue to exist, turning our back on Israel cannot happen. I am praying with all my being that God will show His great love and Mercy for this nation and forgive us and purge out His ungodly enemies and restore us to a former nation, “One Nation Under God, with liberty and justice for all. Amen

3 years ago

Think Jimmy Carter redux. So many screw-ups and incompetence in the next four years it will be hysterical. This will ensure a conservative Pres. will win in 2024! Even the media will not be able to hide the failures.

3 years ago

I think God is allowing these events to drive us to our knees and seek his face and will, drawing us closer to him. God be with you all.

Linda K
Linda K
3 years ago

Nice try, but I’m afraid that if the dems are allowed to steal the election, 2020 will seem like heaven compared to what the future holds.

Rick J.
Rick J.
3 years ago

2021 will be the turning point for the USA. if Biden is allowed to steal the presidency
the chance for a civil war becomes very real. If the senate seats in GA. go democratic
you can be assured that a civil war will be a sure thing !!! Happy New Year

Danny Estridge
Danny Estridge
3 years ago

Just once voice, that’s all I am. I still want to bring the RICO act against Congress. I’m just along for the ride now. Just wonder, who is the anti Christ in this ?game of thrones?. LOL, too old to do anything, just old enough to question everything. My New Years Resolution is I don’t want to learn Chinese and I question “our democracy”. Will we survive? Doubt it, but I’m to old to change my ways. If the Founding Fathers see what we’re up against and all the sell outs in Congress, well like I said, I’m old so at least I’ll join the Founding Fathers before we lose what they built. Sad, very Sad Day for a Dream. I could go on and on about Ben, George, Thomas, etc. but why bother? We were sold to the highest bidder. Sad. I wasted 20 years in the military when I could have made a lot more not protecting us, now just a poor boy living off the state (sounds like Socialism huh). And now it’s time to shut up. The kids have a lot of new issues to deal with, hopefully they won’t end up like the ?Ugers? in China.

Elena Ortega
Elena Ortega
3 years ago

I would love to share your optimism, Mr. Charles, but knowing what I do about the election fraud, I can’t. We need Trump in the White House… and a cleansing of our corrupt legislators and politicized judges. We must continue to fight… 24/7… to make life miserable for these socialists. Or perhaps we need Martial Law and a coup. They will totally ruin this country if we let them. Conservatives are so complacent… I hope we get tougher.

3 years ago

Capitulation is our future? Is that turning the page, and accepting the present conditions in the world and especially, America? I think it is important to let our “Leaders” know what I think of them. Here is my letter to Congress:

Dear Senator or Congressman :

I’m one of the 320,000,000 votes that were cast this November 3, 2020. Is that more than should have been cast? Well, I did really vote and have every time I could, but only once per election. It doesn’t matter who I voted for, what matters was the vote meant something. It was what separated America from most other countries in this world; especially, the communist countries where they really cheated on their rules and regulations every where in their countries. But now it seems America has degenerated to the equivalent of Venezuela. By the Same method used in Venezuela.

It appears we Americans have elected individuals to “offices of trust” that are no longer people worthy of our trust. You can consider yourself among these individuals, lacking in integrity. You have rubber-stamped the November 3, 2020 election as “legitimate”. We Americans are not stupid. We know there was a lot of hanky-panky with the ballots. This has turned our country on it’s ear. We will not forget or forgive you POLUTICIANS. Any of you. If you don’t like the American way of life, maybe you should move to Venezuela, Cuba or China. Traitors can never be trusted. That is where you have placed yourselves by declaring November 3, 2020 a “legitimate election”.

Everyone of you who have shrugged your shoulders and pretended November 3 was an honest election, have made yourselves traitors. All such politicians, or Judges, who are considered more educated, more honorable, and having more integrity have proved you are “frauds”. You think you are above the LAW. May God help you. YOU will have to face the PEOPLE eventually. If you think I am irate, You are getting the true picture. I hope YOU all leave, you do not deserve to be Americans!

An Irate Citizen of America

3 years ago

Not at all excited about the new year. We just lost the best president through a corrupt and phoney election and are about to inherit the worst anti-American conglomerate of politicians ever conceived.

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
3 years ago

If Biden gains the presidency, 2021 will be the worst year in American History.

3 years ago

Amen I feel exactly the same way.

3 years ago

“Americans witnessed the fourth year of extraordinary economic growth” —You could thank the Trump Administration.Now for the epic uncertainty.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

Overly optimistic article, if chinajoe and cameltoe get in the white house, everything you talk about will be stolen by china, our nation will be RULED by china, our education system will continue to deteriorate into TOTAL mind control, no education at all, just total propaganda, WELCOME TO “1984”, the only thing “ORWELL” got wrong was the time frame, he forgot to take into account “LAWYERS” PENCHANT FOR LITIGATION, The longer they drag cases out, the more MONEY THEY MAKE, AND THE EASIER IT IS TO DISTRACT PEOPLE FROM THE IMPORTANT CASES, AND FINALLY MAKE PEOPLE FORGET ABOUT THEM BY CONSTANTLY CHANGING THE NARATIVE IN THE NEWS AND SOCIAL MEDIA TO LESS IMPORTANT NEWS AND IDIOTIC FILLER. WAKE UP AMERICA!! if the “STEAL” is allowed to happen, the only future we have, IS NO FUTURE!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Conservatives have cause to doubt that the Republican Party is their HOME!  The Republican Study Committee is 150 out of 199 Republican Members of the House.  Where are the other 49?!!  From the traitors Paul Ryan and Romney, etc., many Republicans are Conservatives “IN NAME ONLY” (CINO’s)!!!  We will NEVER succeed against the DemocRat/Communists tied down with the Establishment “Republicans”!!!  The 2020 Election PROVED  some 65 to 80% of Americans are READY!!!  Minorities are READY but CANNOT accept being Republicans!!!  Merge the Trump Movement & – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become Counter-Revolutionaries!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  President Trump’s Movement and have consolidated the base!!!!  Form a new Political Party – The Freedom Party!!!!!  Soar under a NEW Banner – The American Eagle!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Wake-Up!!  There are no Republican and DemocRat Parties!  There is only the “Unity Party” “RINO’s & Socialists”!!  They run a giant SCAM with the Media to keep us “sheep” entertained and in line!!  The group and the Trump Group thought they were changing the Republican Party!!!  FORGET IT!!!  Ryan, McConnell, Romney, etc. are the tip of the “fake loyal opposition iceberg” helping the DemocRats lead all Americans into a SOCIALIST HELL-HOLE!!!!  Form a new Political Party – The Freedom Party!!!  President Trump’s Movement combined with plus Minorities who refuse to be Republicans have consolidated the base!!!!  The American Revolution 2.0!!!!!

3 years ago

“What we saw was enough to shake our confidence. We cannot let it do so.”

Oh yes we can. The election in particular. The judicial system and Rinos seem more concerned that our trust in the electoral system is shaken than in the fact that the election may well have been fraudulent. The very fact that the election “irregularities” are not being publically scutinized and at least the most credible claims of fraudulent activity being vigorously investigated, CAUSES my confidence in the system to be undermined. Not only that, but the GOAL of the left is to destroy the United States of America, a process that was started under the Odumbo administration (it has actually been going on for a long time, but when Odumbo got power is when the real work of dismanteling America started) and will be completed by the Harris administration. (I give Biden six months.) If this election stands the USA is finished; in that I have confidence.

3 years ago

The greatest revelation in 2021 will be how stupid we were to be duped by a phony election in 2020.

3 years ago

We need to get over the attitude that the 2020 election was “done to us” ( and it was) and get on with the
attitude that we must act and take charge. We cannot think of ourselves as victims but as willing to take
ACTION to get rid of corruption.

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
3 years ago

This may be the first time I’ve ever disagreed with your brilliant Mr. Charles. Sorry, sir, we cannot just ‘turn the page.’ We must FIGHT to WIN. We CAN control our government if we can prove election fraud, which, from everything I’ve seen, is true. We need to make major changes to our government, like term limits, and alter financial support of our congress, so our elected officials govern for their constituents — not their major donors. Biden, Clinton and other crooks have to be indicted and if proven guilty, jailed. We are worse than some third world countries. DO NOT GIVE UP FAITH — FIGHT — REVOLT if NECESSARY. .

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